The fact that normies actually believe the "jews were "forced" into banking meme is hilarious



Jan 2, 2019
I just facepalm so hard when normies claim the reason for historical anti-semitism is that the jews were poor victims of discrimination and thus "had" to become bankers. Just fucking LOL. Nobody is forced to become a fucking banker or loan shark lmao. Did other oppressed groups do this? Normies are such fucking tools.
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The white Chad princes don't want to pay debts so they spread myth about evil Jewish bankers.
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  • JFL
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what else was i supposed to do goy, get a real job?

start farming? building things?

be a mensch and just let me grift off you
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Let's be real they just hated the jews for their success.
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  1. "Why did the gas chambers have wooden door?" They were made of metal with reinforcement as you can clearly see here: The wooden door he talks about were the doors to the sleeping quarters, not the gas chambers.
  2. "Why has no Zyklon-b found in the gas chambers?" It was found: " Accordingly, the IFRC demonstrated that cyanides were present in all of the facilities where it is claimed that they were exposed" "Leuchter report" was the one who first started this "idea" there was no gas in the camps, he was a nazi and did it in order to save himself from justice, in reality his "findings" were nonsense: " In other words, Green states that Leuchter failed to show that Prussian Blue would have been produced in the homicidal gas chambers in the first place—meaning its absence is not in itself proof that no homicidal gassings took place." in addition: In fact, the causes of these discrepancies include the different time periods for exposure to hydrogen cyanide in the disinfection chambers and the gas chambers. The gas was used to kill people in the gas chambers for half an hour a day, while the duration of disinfection in the disinfection chambers was, in line with the standard procedure, 24 hours—that is, 48 times as long." the report debunked: also worth mentioning:
  3. "How were Germans cremating all those "dead jews"?" They weren't, survivors story tell that the Nazis forced the jew's families to burn their own family's dead bodies, and I had met a jew that was there. it was not an easy experience. here are the ways they did it with photos (TW: genocide, death, bodies, burned bodies.)
  4. "At a rate faster than HUMANLY possible" Yes, it's not a known fact but the holocaust was the fastest genocide that was ever recorded in huaman history, and MOST jews died out of hunger or at slave-like work, not from the gas chambers, most died in the last days of nazi germany, in the "death marches " sorces: ,
  5. "Why did Germans killed 6m jews? why was the number significant-" it wasn't, the real number is 5,896,577 CONFIRMED deaths. Some deaths were never confirmed (mostly jews that lived too far from the main cities were just killed at their homes beacuse of the cost that it would take to bring them to the gas chambers. whole communities become ghost towns by this practice) sorce and breakdown of the deaths: on "Death toll" tag. Worth mentioning: 1.5M out of the dead, were just children and babies, like Anna frank, they had the worst chances of surviving in the camps.
  6. "Why did the soviets build chimney at Auschwitz that doesn't even connect to gas chambers" It was connected, but in modern times went through restoration beacuse the museum was in bad shape:
  7. "Why is it illegal talking to question the holocaust in many European countries?" Beacuse of the fear of people like you, who made this "Nazi answer" trying to do it again. After the war Nazism was something acceptable in Europe, and it ment the current goverments had to deal with new insane racist idiology that might indanger the values of freedom that Europe stand by, which is why they criminalised not just quastioning the holocust, but everything in the nazi idiology, for the simple reason they wanted to kill the evil seed in it's root. And, it's ONLY in Erupean countries, beacuse the holocust took place in Europe. Quote: " Michael Whine argues that Holocaust denial can inspire violence against Jews; he states, "Jews' experience in the post-World War II era suggests that their rights are best protected in open and tolerant democracies that actively prosecute all forms of racial and religious hatred" "
Please, share it and maybe copy all of those sources and claims, holocaust denial is still a thing, and unless we educate people, we wouldn't be able to stop it.
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  • JFL
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They are tho. Giving loans with interest was banned for christians and muslims, but guess what, these religions makers couldnt realize there was no any advanced economy without loans, so somebody had to do it.

And jews capitalized on that, rest is just other people getting jeaolus of them.
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Jews were incels, they can't farm.

Putting people in debt was the only way to ascend, can't blame them.
the reason they were incels is because they refused to ever assimilate because of their retarded ass ethnic superiority doctrine, they rejected christ, and would fucking inbreed before assimilating

they also wouldnt join together with the rest of jewry and make their own state because they made so much money being parasites on other cultures
Judaism is a superior religion. They have saying like: 'eye for an eye'.

Meanwhile christianity cucks: 'if someone hits you, turn the other cheek'

like jfl, how cucked can you be. just let ppl beat you up bro. just be a submissive dog
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Now listen here goy it makes perfect sense. As we all know, when the blacks, chinese, and native americans were discrimated against here in america they all begrudgingly packed up and started managing the biggest banks in manhattan. When the blacks were enslaved their only choice was to start managing bureaucratic affairs and accounting for jp morgan and rockefeller.
  • JFL
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Only communists blame them for banking. I blame them for forsaking the opportunity to rule for all eternity over the most productive ethnic group on the planet. Each jew could become a multimillionaire if they were benevolent.
Instead they are slowly killing their golden goose because they are subhuman demons who can't let go of ancient tribalistic hatred.
Only goyim need to actually work for a living. Us chosen ones get to do stuff like Tax Collecting and be Landlords :D:D:D


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