The Great Reset is going to make your life far worse than inceldom

The true cause lies much deeper.

When the yields of the Scientific-Technical Revolution really started to kick in, the global elite got scared that they gonna lose the strongest source of their wealth and power - poverty. The middle class grew stronger and wealthier year by year and in their own day would challenge the old elite. Therefore they decided to phase out the real sector of economy in favor of printing money, producing digital surrogates and pumping financial bubbles (short term benefits at the expense of the working class).

Do you remember Detroit? The vanguard of US industrial advancement. Now it's a ghost town.

The Asian financial crisis 1997, the Dot-Com Crash 2000, the Great Recession 2008 and upcoming COVID Giga Recession 2020-… come the same way.

All things are literally falling apart now under the rule of those greedy morons. The only way to control the situation is mass surveillance / government terror / global digital concentration camp.

George Orwell would be proud tbh.

View attachment 827165

Probably I should address this topic in detail later.
The history of Central Banks by the Jews goes back way way further than that, and what we see today is very similar to the Central Banking scheme

If you have an hour

we are so fucked unironically not just blackpill but the whole world is fucked
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satan has taken control of the world
you can't believe in this and not believe in God, the Bible has predicted a global government and its coming true
soon the mark of the beast
and after that Jesus raptures the Earth
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satan has taken control of the world
you can't believe in this and not believe in God, the Bible has predicted a global government and its coming true
soon the mark of the beast
and after that Jesus raptures the Earth
I dont believe in God

But I cant help but notice the Bible is written from the perspective that God and Jesus are the good guys and Satan is the bad guy

Where as the Jew's Babylonian Talmud is written from the perspective Satan is the hero and God and Jesus are evil liars and manipulators

The Jews are the demons written about in the Bible, and in the Talmud the Christians are the beasts of God ( their Devil )

It is simply a never ending battle between Whites and Jews for the dominant role of Global Control
  • Hmm...
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[Jhn 8:44 ASV] (44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

Jews are the spawn of Satan, Jesus also lashes out at the " money lenders " in their Synagogue, the only time Jesus behaves violently is agaisnt Jews

Also Jews killed Christ
  • +1
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[Jhn 8:44 ASV] (44) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father it is your will to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and standeth not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father thereof.

Jews are the spawn of Satan, Jesus also lashes out at the " money lenders " in their Synagogue, the only time Jesus behaves violently is agaisnt Jews

Also Jews killed Christ
Because he lived in Israel :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Because he lived in Israel :lul: :lul: :lul: :lul:
Jews were not the only people living in Israel

Jews have " tried " to hijack the Name Israel

Here you go:

jewish owned website jfl at believing them
all google search results are manipulated,the fact that this site was probably one of the first results is not a coincidence
Nothing ever happens, take off your tinfoil hat already Alex Jones Lmfao
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 6400
Nothing ever happens, take off your tinfoil hat already Alex Jones Lmfao
Nice argument,i guess that's all your braindead goyim brain can produce
  • Love it
  • +1
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Nothing ever happens, take off your tinfoil hat already Alex Jones Lmfao
True bruh

Feminism, Communism, Multi-Culturism

They just fall out of the sky and require no planning, no objectives, no money to enforce or sponsor, just totally natural and happens across the Globe almost simultaneously
  • +1
  • JFL
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1970: Typical Western family. A husband is an engineer, lives with a housewife and three kids, two own cars, own house. Dreams about a 15 hrs workweek and space tourism in 10 years.

2020: Typical Western family. A wagecuck office clerk performing senseless job, a brainless slut wife, an incel son. Lives in a rented block apartment. A rented car. Has Twitter, Facebook, news media and Kardashian. Supports BLM. Votes Joe and the Hoe. Dreams about a 40 hrs workweek and paying off his mortgage in 40 years.

2030: Typical Western "family". A vegetable-state humanoid. Receives the direct cognitive and behavioral patterns via social media. Eats grass (cuz meat is the source of global warming, %name%virus, toxic masculinity and international terrorism), takes a shower once a week (cuz muh climate change), lives in a rented shared ghetto cubicle (cuz we have no planet B), rents a smartphone to browse social media. Wears a muzzle and crawls before every muh oppressed subhuman. Works 48-56 hours and receives 30% of 2020 wage. No dreams, no goals, no determination.

FYI. The current wealth inequality reached the level of 1913 (just before WWI and numerous violent revolts).
What achieved the greatness of 1950-60s America? Liberal legislation, under Republican leadership following the stagflation of the 1970s America has gone to shit and has gradually lost every little thing that once made it great.
What achieved the greatness of 1950-60s America? Liberal legislation, under Republican leadership following the stagflation of the 1970s America has gone to shit and has gradually lost every little thing that once made it great.

90% White Population, Christian Mindset nationally

Blacks and White seperated by law

Jews not yet finished implwmenting their subversion tactics

The 60's was the degeneracy era and immigration policy changed, all downhill ever since
  • +1
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90% White Population, Christian Mindset nationally

Blacks and White seperated by law

Jews not yet finished implwmenting their subversion tactics

The 60's was the degeneracy era and immigration policy changed, all downhill ever since
Mega cope, the 60s are held as one of the best decades of America.
Nothing ever happens, take off your tinfoil hat already Alex Jones Lmfao
You respond with "tinfoil hat" and "Alex Jones" when someone talks about "conspiracy theories"? Are you from Reddit or something?

Nothing ever happens is the lowest iq thing I've ever heard with how much the world and society has changed and the amount of problem>reaction>solution things that have happened.
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The Establishment is ruled by elite, secret societies. Their operations must be seen and explained in terms of the Hegelian dialectic process. Their operations cannot be explained in terms of any other philosophy; therefore they cannot be described as "right" or "left" Marxist or Capitalist. However, one group is secular, and another is religious. The religious force is the Roman Catholic church.

In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of political 'right' and political 'left', or thesis and antithesis in Hegelian terms, is essential to the forward movement of history and historical change itself. Conflict between thesis and antithesis brings about a synthesis or new historical situation.
  • +1
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Dn care. Life revolves what you make of it. There will always be some sort of threat. Fight or cry
True bruh

Feminism, Communism, Multi-Culturism

They just fall out of the sky and require no planning, no objectives, no money to enforce or sponsor, just totally natural and happens across the Globe almost simultaneously
I want to ask a legitimate question here. What exactly is bad about multi-culturalism? Doesn’t the idea just mean that multiple cultures are able to exist peacefully together? Wouldn’t that be the goal? And if I am wrong about that.. What is the goal? To systematically prevent all “outside“ cultures from connecting or mingling, and to instead maintain a pure separation and segregation of cultures? Living in a civilization that is as advanced enough to have things such as internet, isn’t it sort of unavoidable that all cultures globally would mix together to a point where the human race/identity/culture becomes more unified over time? Or at least wouldn’t that be the goal? I guess my real question is, what would an ideal situation look like globally? Because all I’m reading here is that you guys think everything is bad and headed on a disastrous trajectory. Just wanna understand your mindset more
I want to ask a legitimate question here. What exactly is bad about multi-culturalism? Doesn’t the idea just mean that multiple cultures are able to exist peacefully together? Wouldn’t that be the goal? And if I am wrong about that.. What is the goal? To systematically prevent all “outside“ cultures from connecting or mingling, and to instead maintain a pure separation and segregation of cultures? Living in a civilization that is as advanced enough to have things such as internet, isn’t it sort of unavoidable that all cultures globally would mix together to a point where the human race/identity/culture becomes more unified over time? Or at least wouldn’t that be the goal? I guess my real question is, what would an ideal situation look like globally? Because all I’m reading here is that you guys think everything is bad and headed on a disastrous trajectory. Just wanna understand your mindset more
Multi-Culturism is Anti-White

White people simply innovate and create the most technology and progress humanity forward, the more non-whites in white nations the slower the progress goes

All Non-Whites do in White nations, is suck off welfare, commit crimes, cry racism every 5 seconds, outbreed whites, vote Democrat, and try to change our lanugage/religion to suit themselves

The most important thing is Race Mixing, this could easily lead to massive White Genocide by producing inferior mutt people who have never accomplished anything, Eliot Rodger was a mutt and he hated himself because of it

Simply put, mixing other races into White Nations offers no strong benefits that couldnt happen otherwise while also bringing far far too many negatives to be considered a good thing

Also here is another problem, there are nations that are strongly homogenous like China, Japan, and Israel and they are starting to outpace White nations in certain areas because they all stay united and focused on one goal, no bullshit race mixing
  • +1
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Multi-Culturism is Anti-White

White people simply innovate and create the most technology and progress humanity forward, the more non-whites in white nations the slower the progress goes

All Non-Whites do in White nations, is suck off welfare, commit crimes, cry racism every 5 seconds, outbreed whites, vote Democrat, and try to change our lanugage/religion to suit themselves

The most important thing is Race Mixing, this could easily lead to massive White Genocide by producing inferior mutt people who have never accomplished anything, Eliot Rodger was a mutt and he hated himself because of it

Simply put, mixing other races into White Nations offers no strong benefits that couldnt happen otherwise while also bringing far far too many negatives to be considered a good thing

Also here is another problem, there are nations that are strongly homogenous like China, Japan, and Israel and they are starting to outpace White nations in certain areas because they all stay united and focused on one goal, no bullshit race mixing
Taiwan is capitalist chinks separate from communist China and they’ve done pretty good advancing computer chips and shit
Its a Global plan to make the entire Planet behave like Communist China, for all the details watch the whole video low attention span cel

Remember this is talked about by some of the richest people on Earth plus major politicians in almost all countries

- No more carbon emission, everybody travels by bicycle or walks

- Mass surveillance of all people at work and in public, for " signs of Covid "

- No more businesses ran for profit, the goverment will handle all businesses and create " inclusive " and " equality of outcome " for all workers

- No more cash supply, the goverment will supply all resources for everyone, a global welfare for everyone

If you don't know already, everything the goverment touches they fuck up btw but now they will have total control of everything
sounds good bro, cant wait
The great reset where every woman will try to kill me

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