The Greek god Eros has the power to get you pussy


Deleted member 22370

Eros Farnese MAN Napoli 6353
255px Eros bobbin Louvre CA1798 1


Orphic Hymn 57: To Eros
I call great Eros, source of sweet delight, holy and pure, and lovely to the sight;
Darting, and winged, impetuous fierce desire, with Gods and mortals playing, wandering fire:
Cautious, and two-fold, keeper of the keys of heaven and earth, the air, and spreading seas;
Of all that Demeter’s fertile realms contains, by which the all-parent Goddess life sustains,
Or dismal Tartarus is doomed to keep, widely extended, or the sounding, deep;
For you, all Nature’s various realms obey, who rules alone, with universal sway.
Come, blessed power, regard these mystic fires, and far avert, unlawful mad desires.
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To pray to Eros, simply stand with palms up and arms raised. Then say your prayer. For example:

Hear me, Eros! Fire-Bearing, Skillful, Blessed One. Or whatever name it most pleases you to be called. I have created an altar for you and I would like to feel your loving presence in my life. May this offering of incense please you.
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  • Woah
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All Pagan traditions are built on giving offerings to deities.

The ancient Greeks had a word for the reciprocity they built with the gods through offerings.

To build a relationship with Eros, you need to give him regular offerings as the ancient Greeks did.

Traditional Offerings

  • frankincense incense
  • grains
  • honey
  • milk
  • olive oil
  • wine

    Non-Traditional Offerings

  • apples
  • champagne
  • chocolate
  • candy
Always wash your hands before giving an offering.

Hesiod says in his Work and Days (circa 700 BCE):

Do not pour libations of sparkling wine to Zeus and other immortals at dawn with unwashed hands. They do not hear your prayers, but spit them back.

How to Give Offerings​

Offerings have four basic steps:

  1. Wash your hands.
  2. Say your prayer.
  3. Pour out the libation, light your incense or place the offering into a bowl.
  4. Spend a few minutes in quiet contemplation.
  • +1
Reactions: notsocommonthumb and Deleted member 72614
would pray to that nigga only a miracle will get me pussy at this point
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 84615, howtoloooksmax? and Deleted member 22370
Doesn't work bhai, I even kidnapped a German woman here in karachi to offer her as a sacrifice, didn't work
To pray to Eros, simply stand with palms up and arms raised. Then say your prayer. For example:

Hear me, Eros! Fire-Bearing, Skillful, Blessed One. Or whatever name it most pleases you to be called. I have created an altar for you and I would like to feel your loving presence in my life. May this offering of incense please you.
No. Prayer is reserved only for the almighty, the creator of the heavens and the earth, God/Allah.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22370
Aphrodite can bring women into your life, but from my experience, she will aim to teach you a lesson rather than bring you true love. I'm not sure if other Greek Gods/Goddesses are like this too.
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Reactions: Deleted member 22370
Finna try that soon
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Reactions: Deleted member 22370
Aphrodite can bring women into your life, but from my experience, she will aim to teach you a lesson
she sure taught me a lesson

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