The heightcoping has to end

rand anon

rand anon

Caucasoid supremacist Castiza futurist 😛
Feb 24, 2022
JFL at all these autistic, height obsessed greycels and newgens, I've been seeing way too much whining from these mofos

If ur complaining that ur incel solely cause ur under 6ft, AND u aren't a teramanlet (under 5'7,5'6), ur height is NOT the reason ur incel jfl, it's ur ugly ahhhh face and/or ur apsie brain. Now I ain't saying that you'd be a slayer if u had a better face at ur current height (although if u cross a certain threshold of psl u possibly could be, ex @Amnesia). but you def would not be incel lmao. And keep in mind that this is coming from a teramanlet

Tldr, drop the height coping retardation. Be realistic, u aren't getting LL, fix ur face instead
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Also these retards say dumb cope like you shouldn't gymcel if under 6 foot :lul:

Only if you're a teramanlet like you said will it look corny
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Also these retards say dumb cope like you shouldn't gymcel if under 6 foot :lul:

Only if you're a teramanlet like you said will it look corny

Before and after teramanlet accension!!!
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Most men with girlfriends in the street are atleast 5'11
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Having nw0 harline with good skin/face > being a very tall mtn or you can have both and be an absolute mogger
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Here girls won’t give you a chance if you’re under 180cm no matter what you look like.
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JFL at all these autistic, height obsessed greycels and newgens, I've been seeing way too much whining from these mofos

If ur complaining that ur incel solely cause ur under 6ft, AND u aren't a teramanlet (under 5'7,5'6), ur height is NOT the reason ur incel jfl, it's ur ugly ahhhh face and/or ur apsie brain. Now I ain't saying that you'd be a slayer if u had a better face at ur current height (although if u cross a certain threshold of psl u possibly could be, ex @Amnesia). but you def would not be incel lmao. And keep in mind that this is coming from a teramanlet

Tldr, drop the height coping retardation. Be realistic, u aren't getting LL, fix ur face instead
I agree. I’m legit 3.5 inches above the average and I’m always seen as subhuman
  • So Sad
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Nope im sub5 but my height got me many slays
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IMG 8955
IMG 8953
IMG 8952

A story in 3 pics
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This is the type of retardation I’m taking about, if you’ve ever seen his jewtube shorts you’d know that women are still throwing themselves at him despite his height. Ofc a photo of him with a taller dude is gonna make it look otherwise

regardless, my post was about short niggas who ARENT turbomanlets, so ur example’s moot
First of all his videos just focus on his face, which is above avg so height isn’t a factor

Secondly he’s in Japan and isn’t a turbo manlet there
First of all his videos just focus on his face, which is above avg so height isn’t a factor
His height is a factor cause I’m referring to the women in the videos, not just the comments nigga lol
Secondly he’s in Japan and isn’t a turbo manlet there
so then why even use him as an example lmao
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His height is a factor cause I’m referring to the women in the videos, not just the comments nigga lol

so then why even use him as an example lmao
To show you this is what manlets like us look like standing next to normal people despite having a decent face
Also these retards say dumb cope like you shouldn't gymcel if under 6 foot :lul:

Only if you're a teramanlet like you said will it look corny
honestly everyone should gym cel. better to look like alpha destiny than a skinny rat manlet
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To show you this is what manlets like us look like standing next to normal people despite having a decent face
ur whole life isn't one photo, u don't spend it standing right next to a dude taller than u. That dude isn't incel my guy, even if he was in the states instead of tokyo he wouldn't be incel
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Last edited:
  • Ugh..
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JFL at all these autistic, height obsessed greycels and newgens, I've been seeing way too much whining from these mofos

If ur complaining that ur incel solely cause ur under 6ft, AND u aren't a teramanlet (under 5'7,5'6), ur height is NOT the reason ur incel jfl, it's ur ugly ahhhh face and/or ur apsie brain. Now I ain't saying that you'd be a slayer if u had a better face at ur current height (although if u cross a certain threshold of psl u possibly could be, ex @Amnesia). but you def would not be incel lmao. And keep in mind that this is coming from a teramanlet

Tldr, drop the height coping retardation. Be realistic, u aren't getting LL, fix ur face instead
Yeah true but I still wanna be 6'8 and be a giant. I also wanna look like Salludon or Cameron Alborzian.
Had this AI app that's trained on muscle insertions and prediction how you look lean and this is like fuel


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