The ideal personality to have- nt maxxing

Just be yourself theory
For real looksmaxxing is fine but a girl somewhere a long the line will meet you and like you regardless of your imperfections
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the ideal personality is not some dark triad quite mysterious wannabe, far from it. these are the guys who become outcasts thinking their 'cool'

All of these "red pilled""dark triad" faggs want to be cool and mysterious like a lone wolf grey cardinal scheming in background, being all serious. BOOOORIINNNGGG!!!! That is just an autist introvert NERRDD who went gymcelling, lookmaxxed a bit and read "no More Mr Nice Guy" and thinks he is top SHIT, WRONG!

If anything dudes like Tyler Durden (the ginger retard looking mongrel) from RSDSocial Dynamics are right as in you have to be able to relax and HAVE FUN and DDO DUMB SHIT and don't be SO SERIOUS about looking COOL all the time.

Don't fucking try to be cool, that is what all losers who "study the blade" try end up looking like ultranerds...BE RELAXED and CHILL instead or FUN.

I was making thee same mistake and now I don't take myself so seriously anymore and allow myself to do stupid shit like 10 year old would and I get better reactions from normies than being all serious cool mysterious silent type.

ONLY THING - you can't use this funny vibe as a way to compensate inability to inflict severe violence. In that case it is a weakness as you try to please normies by looking harmless, NO! You have to be gymmaxxed, looksmaxxed, legmaxxed, moneymaxxed and do funny ass shit because this world is a comedy anyway and if someone tests you you WRECK THEIR SHIT

Tall alpha Chad's who act goofy but could wreck you in a second are social gods and women love them
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All of these "red pilled""dark triad" faggs want to be cool and mysterious like a lone wolf grey cardinal scheming in background, being all serious. BOOOORIINNNGGG!!!! That is just an autist introvert NERRDD who went gymcelling, lookmaxxed a bit and read "no More Mr Nice Guy" and thinks he is top SHIT, WRONG!

If anything dudes like Tyler Durden (the ginger retard looking mongrel) from RSDSocial Dynamics are right as in you have to be able to relax and HAVE FUN and DDO DUMB SHIT and don't be SO SERIOUS about looking COOL all the time.

Don't fucking try to be cool, that is what all losers who "study the blade" try end up looking like ultranerds...BE RELAXED and CHILL instead or FUN.

I was making thee same mistake and now I don't take myself so seriously anymore and allow myself to do stupid shit like 10 year old would and I get better reactions from normies than being all serious cool mysterious silent type.

ONLY THING - you can't use this funny vibe as a way to compensate inability to inflict severe violence. In that case it is a weakness as you try to please normies by looking harmless, NO! You have to be gymmaxxed, looksmaxxed, legmaxxed, moneymaxxed and do funny ass shit because this world is a comedy anyway and if someone tests you you WRECK THEIR SHIT

Tall alpha Chad's who act goofy but could wreck you in a second are social gods and women love them
This is all just a huge misunderstanding of the dark triad. Dark triad =/= serious schemer, that is fucking retarded, you aren't trying to be Sasuke Uchiha. Dark triad is machiavellianism + narcissism + sociopathy. What does this mean? It means that you are good at manipulating others and you see see social interactions as a game (machiavellianism) that you love and admire yourself above others (narcissistic) and that you don't really care about others or their feelings (sociopathy). None of this equates to being a serious "study the blade" tryhard, in fact being that way pretty much guarantees that you aren't dark triad as you obviously are insecure and care about what others think of you. Dark triads are probably playful people because they see life as a game
EDIT: Also if you aren't naturally dark triad you will never be dark triad, all you can do is imitate it in some occasions for some perceived benefit. For most people I agree, best to stay away from this and just NTmaxx.
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Dark triad is machiavellianism + narcissism + sociopathy. What does this mean? It means that you are good at manipulating others and you see see social interactions as a game (machiavellianism) that you love and admire yourself above others (narcissistic) and that you don't really care about others or their feelings (sociopathy).
Yeah, yeah, I get it, but dudes read this stuff and try to force it in their personality IRL and it ends up looking cringe. I can bet my ass that just because you explained dark triad to me you are actually trying to force it in your life as well, so you can also be a cunning, winning Machevellian. But real life is not Game of Thrones. People can see through this shit and it just looks cringe. You are either born with it or you are not
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The dark traid muh psycopaths get women muh nice guys can't bullshit the reason your inkwell if your nt bro
don’t talk to me to you ankle
Absolute truth. High IQ Post.

Absolute cope personality is looks basically you can have autists but autism is genetic yes their is some environmental factors but usally it's in adolescence most good looking dudes just halo effects given to them without them realizing even for me i get more respect than a 5 foot 6 black dude height halo exists a little with men
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Yeah, yeah, I get it, but dudes read this stuff and try to force it in their personality IRL and it ends up looking cringe. I can bet my ass that just because you explained dark triad to me you are actually trying to force it in your life as well, so you can also be a cunning, winning Machevellian. But real life is not Game of Thrones. People can see through this shit and it just looks cringe. You are either born with it or you are not
I'm really not trying to force it in my life precisely because I understand the dangers of it backfiring hard as fuck and turning you into a walking cringelord. I am trying to NTmaxx. I also doubt that true dark triad types are even happy or functional people tbqh its not an enviable metaphysical state, I would bet DT types are also almost always nihilists.
People who misunderstand it though and try and Uchihamaxx are almost always idiots who hear the words "dark triad", skim the reading, and think to themselves "oh wow yeah just like [insert edgelord] in my animes!" In reality the best thing you improve in your personality IMO is just to playfulnessmaxx. Its amazing the power of playfulness and keeping things light, it can save you in so many social situations. I'm still working on it myself but tbh whenever I pull off some level charisma its always through being playful and non-serious. So I agree with you overall. When in doubt, keep it light. Be relaxed and fun to be around.
I can have this NT vibe when I am in a group of guys, the moment a girl is present I go full high inhib. I make friends easily.
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I can have this NT vibe when I am in a group of guys, the moment a girl is present I go full high inhib. I make friends easily.

You are just not comfort with girls because you probably have some problems like being ugly...
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Choppa is actually 18 tho
Least autist type possible. ESFJ

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