To get a job after graduation you need experience, but to get experience you need a job.
Its also fucking clown tier how even if you were applying for the most death tier jobs like Fast Food or the Landfill you'll have some formal interview where they ask you why you're specifically applying to them and you have to make shit up. I haven't applied to jobs that level of shit yet but I might genuinely have to at this pace to afford surgery before I move out since my parents aren't willing to support my surgery endeavors.
I got work secured from december but want surgery before that yet still have $2-3k left to save up (i have $9k as of now in my surgery account but forehead reduction costs a fortune).
I might have to sell my second car aswell which is just fucking brutal as its the one i use for fuel economy on longer trips as gas prices here are $2.5/L.
Its also fucking clown tier how even if you were applying for the most death tier jobs like Fast Food or the Landfill you'll have some formal interview where they ask you why you're specifically applying to them and you have to make shit up. I haven't applied to jobs that level of shit yet but I might genuinely have to at this pace to afford surgery before I move out since my parents aren't willing to support my surgery endeavors.
I got work secured from december but want surgery before that yet still have $2-3k left to save up (i have $9k as of now in my surgery account but forehead reduction costs a fortune).
I might have to sell my second car aswell which is just fucking brutal as its the one i use for fuel economy on longer trips as gas prices here are $2.5/L.