The Land of Horse Warriors (Kazakstan)



Apr 19, 2022
Kazakstan is the best country in the world for future civilization and I will explain why.

Kazakstan is about the size of the US it has the second lowest population density behind malta and the largest square land per person behind russia which is way more inhospitable and populated.
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Kazakstan is home to nomadic steppe herders common of the ancient people of the Eurasian Steppe and specifically the Kazak Steppe and the Pontic Caspien Steppe.
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The first Horse-back riders.

These flat plains and hills facilitate a culture of normadic herders who raise cattle and horses for consumption and transportation and throughout history have become known for warrior cultures such as the Mongolians, Yamnaya, and the Kazak herders.

These people all had the reputation of being the strongest warriors ever, and they all came from this region. the Mongols decimated all of Eurasia and were said to have the strength of 10 men because of their meat and dairy based diet while the Chinese were eating grains, while the mongols rode horses and drank the blood of cattle and ate milk and meat…

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Mongolian cuisine predominantly consists of dairy products, meat, and animal fats. The most common rural dish is cooked mutton. In the city, steamed dumplings filled with meat—"buuz"— are popular. The extreme continental climate of Mongolia and the lowest population density in the world of just 2.2 inhabitants/km² has influenced the traditional diet. Use of vegetables and spices are limited. Due to geographic proximity and deep historic ties with China and Russia, Mongolian cuisine is also influenced by Chinese and Russian cuisine. Mongolia is one of few Asian countries where rice is not a main staple food. Instead, Mongolian people prefer to eat lamb as their staple food rather than rice. Wheat, barley, and buckwheat predominate more so than rice in modern Mongolia. Wikipedia

When Mongols were on the move, a warrior’s wife might hand him a bag of meat, onions and flour or rice. The warrior would stick the bag under his saddle and the heat from the friction of his body and the horse’s would cook the ingredients in the bag into a kind of stew. Mongol warriors would also knick a vein in their pony’s neck and drink a few gulps of the horse’s blood. If he were riding a mare, the warrior might also grab a few mouthfuls of milk from the mare’s teat during a brief stop.
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And even earlier the Yamnaya who are the origins of the Aryan people originated in this area and invaded western europe in the greatest rape and slaughtering in human history as the Yamnaya men slaughtered the EEF or Early European Farmers who originates in Anatolia and ate a grain based diet of bread and water…
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The first signs of horse domestication—pottery containing traces of mares' milk and horse teeth with telltale wear from a riding bit—come from the Botai hunter-gatherers who lived in what is now Kazakhstan from about 3700 B.C.E. to 3100 B.C.E. Yet some researchers thought the isolated Botai were unlikely to have invented horse husbandry because they kept to their hunting and gathering ways long after their neighbors had adopted farming and herding.

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modern day Kazakstan is alot more industrious, its recovering from 100 years of Soviet rule. But the people still live in the ancient way of their Ancestors.



Modern technology and poisons are everywhere we have so much less T then our grandfathers generation when he was our age.

We are like the farmers that these warriors slaughtered thousands of years ago and history has a habit of repeating itself.
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The grain farmers were short, low T and frail compared with the giant Yamnaya who were 5”10 at the time the average height for men was 5”4.

But even the grain farmers are much healthier in comparison to modern man.

Kazakstan is the only place in the world with few people, beautiful farmable land isolation from the modern way of life. And a history that engulfs the greatest warriors that ever lived in premodern times.

These warriors did not have a technological advantage they had the physical and genetic advantage, they were robust tall muscular and imposing and full of testosterone and strength that is still seen in their descendants with the vikings in the west and the mongols in the east today.




These pictures speak for themselves about the beauty of this land.


Imagine a life in Kazakstan… your dog licks you awake and you see your wife and son sleeping in bed curled up.

You have a bit of mutton with a glass of raw milk and some rice.

You decide to go for a walk with your dog without a leash of course, you live in the middle of nowhere with plains and mountains in the distance as the cool wind blows your hair in a cool gentle breeze.


Its so early even the cattle are asleep

You return home to find your wife making breakfast for your son. You greet them and tell your son to come help you, you want to build a new sheep pen because the old one is getting crowded.

You both get bottles of milk and grab your axes and head down to the forest to chop some wood.

You’ve never took your son out to chop trees before but hes getting older and needs to know these skills when he raises a family of his own.


You show him the proper technique of how to swing an axe for maximum strength and efficiency, he almost hits you the 1st time and you show him again, this time he gets it and is able to strike a tree with enough force to chip away at the sturdy trunk.

You tell him to keep at it and have a sip of milk. You then return to your own tree and sigh and start chopping away at it it falls with a crash and you see your son is halfway done with his, you roll your eyes and show him the proper way, his tree falls in 5 more hits.

Your wife is making you a new leather jacket made of sheep skin for your birthday in a few weeks but shes kept it hidden. As she knits by the stream. You never ask her for much, as your current jacket is worn and the sleeves get tighter every year it seems. She has asked you to purchase a new one but you tell her its fine you only need one.

You drag the trees to the pile you have already made for firewood and other projects like your cattle pen and the previous sheep pen.

you and your dog (Kamzik)

Go and shepherd the sheep and rotate them for grazing. there are new lambs who are babys and they lay down with their mothers, you know they will grow up soon and the sheep pen is your next project.

Kamzik knows when the sheep are done and herds them back into the pen where some of them lie down, especially because the sun is setting… you chop some firewood and head inside where you find your son drawing pictures at the table, and your wife cooking something in a pot on the oven.

It smells amazing, but you cant act surprised. Your wife is a great cook, and you love her but you cant let her know that too much.

You tell your son to put away the drawing (its Kamzik playing with sheep).

Your wife sets the table and you all sit down, the wood stove provides heat and you can feel it from the other room providing sweet warmth from the harsh night.

You take your first bite of the stew, and cant help but smile, you quickly hide it but she saw. And smiles in return…

She puts your son to bed telling him goodnight

And you and her go into your bedroom and lay down together. You kiss her goodnight as the woodstove burns from across the hall. And flickers gently, you can hear the trees being whipped outside as its a windy night.

your wife curls up a bit and you hold her. And slowly you fall asleep.


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dnr no slop food there
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plus they have the best potassium
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If i see a dnr ill kill them mug good thread boyo
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