The "Men Age like Fine Wine" Fallacy


Deleted member 7725

Jun 8, 2020
I can't believe that people on a so called "blackpill" website still push boomer catchphrases like this. Men and women physically age exactly the same. The only difference is that women physically maturate a few years earlier than men and subsequently descend earlier than men as well.

So let's say your typical high school Stacy looks developed at 14, then she will start to descend at around 24. Same thing applies to guys. Chads who develop their facial bones and features at 18 start to descend at 28. The difference is that every girl got to enjoy her physical SMV window, while non-Chads didn't. So I'm not sure why normies who've never been lusted over even roast girls for aging worse as if it's some advantage men have.

These girls are all in their 30s/40s and still look great:

2411732 1480543990 doutzen lead
2411731 adriana lima hd pictures av7h3hahb0f2
2411733 MV5BMjA5MTY0MzM2MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTU2ODI4 V1 UY1200 CR8506301200 AL
SYDNEY AUSTRALIA   JANUARY 23 Margot Robbie arrives at the Australian Premiere of I Tonya
2411741 SaraSampaio Lions

Compared to men of a similar age and original physical SMV:

Henry cavill 4
Francisco lachowski 1
David Gandy Wellwear Campaign Spring Summer 2022 001

They aged exactly the same, but they still have way more SMV by virtue of being female and attractive. Girls see Gandy and Chico as physically unattractive compared to even their 5 PSL young counterparts, but due to money or status they may have more overall SMV for an LTR. There's a reason why MILF porn is so popular, because as long as women take care of themselves they can remain attractive to even young Chads. They just can't get an LTR. When was the last time you saw a girl thirsting over a DILF, especially irl? Meanwhile in every friend group, at least one person's mom is considered a MILF.

Just look at this picture here. There's way more guys who would fuck his wife than girls who would fuck him off physical SMV alone:


The expression "men age like fine wine" comes from the fact that for a normie, their total SMV will be higher as they age. So for a mtn, when they are older with more money and status then they will have higher SMV to women than their mtn selves when they were in college. That's why it's not uncommon to see attractive college girls either dating a 6 PSL fuckboy Chad their own age or a 25 year old normie with a Tesla and their own apartment.

TLDR - Youth is just as important in men, and "aging like fine wine" is a synonym for being more desirable for betabuxx. The only difference is that with age, girls lose their LTR prospects with rich Chads and move onto the men who "aged well" due to their jobs and bank accounts.
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Both genders age like shit but men slightly better
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dnrd you are not 6'7
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women just have a bigger drop off. they go from infinite health god mode to just god mode while men go from hard mode to extreme mode. on average of course.
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Just ignore the fact they are wearing makeup
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There is some truth to it but only with guys who don't go bald and have good facial bones. Those guys will blow a females looks away at 40 if you took the caked up makeup off of her. As far as relationships though these single and divorced females in their mid 30s and above are a lot more likely to stay single now than years ago than have to settle for a more average looking guy.
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Just ignore the fact they are wearing makeup
muh makeup. Big deal, every girl wears makeup. Trying to assess ratings based on no makeup is the biggest cope of this website.
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muh makeup. Big deal, every girl wears makeup. Trying to assess ratings based on no makeup is the biggest cope of this website.
If guys wear makeup its equal
  • JFL
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i feel bad for the redpill niggas thinking this shit

they’re “hustling” to be a “high value man” in their 40s or something
so cringe and retarded
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If guys wear makeup its equal
But guys don't wear makeup. Therefore ratings are girls with makeup and guys without. It's just another cope by incels to try and one-up themselves over women.
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If guys wear makeup its equal
women would still have infinite smv and get hundreds of matches a day even if make up was outlawed
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muh makeup. Big deal, every girl wears makeup. Trying to assess ratings based on no makeup is the biggest cope of this website.

Not really when many look like a horror show without caking it on in their 30s and above. Thick makeup is a clear signal you are not getting what you expect.
nah those are cherry picked guys on average age a lot better at least normies cause these models get the best treatment, creams, whatever the fuck and diet but the average foid eats like shit and just watches netflix so on average men age like fine wine yes
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But guys don't wear makeup. Therefore ratings are girls with makeup and guys without. It's just another cope by incels to try and one-up themselves over women.
you can wear subtle makeup lmao? you used a pic of cavill where he isnt wearing any. In movies and interviews he still has something on to hide the wrinkles
Actual masculine men w good bones age like fine wine. Pretty boys like chico age like shit. Cant believe you didnt mention that
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Just wear bb cream and concealer and dump after fucking in your 40s and beyond
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tiktok's JB are mad that Chico is married
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Actual masculine men w good bones age like fine wine. Pretty boys like chico age like shit. Cant believe you didnt mention that
Aging like fine wine mean they are better with age. Not even close, even the most masc Chads are still a shell of themselves compared to their youth.
women would still have infinite smv and get hundreds of matches a day even if make up was outlawed
still if you are not using makeup to hide aging you are cucking yourself
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average foid eats like shit and just watches netflix
So do guys. Therefore they age exactly the same if you take in the relative age offset. Especially when you factor in balding it never began.
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I will say the redpill nonsense fed to guys about SMV is total nonsense and only applies to guys who are still decent looking as they age. Most guys still have crap SMV as they age while old females can still get guys points above them in looks to bang them. They get frustrated those few older guys won't LTR them though and it's why they are always complaining about men on internet sites.
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Reactions: Pikabro, Deleted member 7725 and Gandy
i feel bad for the redpill niggas thinking this shit

they’re “hustling” to be a “high value man” in their 40s or something
so cringe and retarded
Being neotenous while you age is extremely important to create true physical attraction in good looking women.

It doesn't mean looking childish, it means having boyish features just like Tom Cruise did. He is one of the few men who actually aged well into his 40s.

Cruise vanilla sky 2001

Here he is exactly 40. He is not attractive to 22-60 year old women due to status, fame or the amount of movie awards he got. He is attractive because he retained NW1 hairline, good facial collagen and some boyish features while also having a decent masculine body.

This is what most men don't get. If you are balding, fat, ugly and have millions at age 40, you are not attractive to women even if your "SMV" is high to gold diggers. You are just a walking cash dispenser these diggers are dying to exploit. Getting some worn out pussy from a predatory woman looking to take half your assets is an extremely bad deal.

So many of these men don't sign prenuptials, end up paying 100,000's or millions for fucking a woman a few dozen times. That does not make these men high value. They are very low value, their only asset is money.

(I have money, and am willing to do everything so I don't end up like those beer bellied fat guys who are only seen as an ATM machine!)
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You only think this because you're a young guy. youth is not the end all be all for men. You just cope that it is because its likely the most valuable trait you possess. it will be gone in the blink of an eye trust me.
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Being neotenous while you age is extremely important to create true physical attraction in good looking women.

It doesn't mean looking childish, it means having boyish features just like Tom Cruise did. He is one of the few men who actually aged well into his 40s.

View attachment 1899240

Here he is exactly 40. He is not attractive to 22-60 year old women due to status, fame or the amount of movie awards he got. He is attractive because he retained NW1 hairline, good facial collagen and some boyish features while also having a decent masculine body.

This is what most men don't get. If you are balding, fat, ugly and have millions at age 40, you are not attractive to women even if your "SMV" is high to gold diggers. You are just a walking cash dispenser these diggers are dying to exploit. Getting some worn out pussy from a predatory woman looking to take half your assets is an extremely bad deal.

So many of these men don't sign prenuptials, end up paying 100,000's or millions for fucking a woman a few dozen times. That does not make these men high value. They are very low value, their only asset is money.

(I have money, and am willing to do everything so I don't end up like those beer bellied fat guys who are only seen as an ATM machine!)
He's like 1/1,000,000 though. Same with Ian Somerhalder who still has a rosycheeked glow at 40. The same applies to girls though. I've seen a couple 50 year old MILFs at the gym who are on par with the girls at my college, but it's like 0.0001%.
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You only think this because you're a young guy. youth is not the end all be all for men. You just cope that it is because its likely the most valuable trait you possess. it will be gone in the blink of an eye trust me.
It will. But clinging onto it is the best way to ensure women are attracted to you, and not the sum of money they can extract from you.

Where are all the young groupies for George Soros or all those other old ugly men with countless millions and billions? There are none, because they can't create true physical attraction with money or status alone. There are no 20 year old models lining up to date divorced Bill Gates or creating TikTok fandoms after him.

Women are simping over attractive, tall, ripped guys who look young, have nice hair and have good looking faces. They create TikTok fan videos over these unknown guys and they get tens of millions of views.

In fact his employees even reported Gates for sexual harassment when he tried to ask a few of them out for coffee because he is so unattractive despite him being the richest man in the world at the time. He even hooked up with Jeffrey Epstein in hopes of getting some paid companionship from young women (but there is no proof he succeeded).

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He's like 1/1,000,000 though. Same with Ian Somerhalder who still has a rosycheeked glow at 40. The same applies to girls though. I've seen a couple 50 year old MILFs at the gym who are on par with the girls at my college, but it's like 0.0001%.
Just have Asian gf that will look younger her 30s-40s
Just ignore the fact they are wearing makeup
Plus he cherry picked the worst pics and examples. This is Cavill just a little while back

This is recent chico
47A4D10E 6A68 4E14 9749 B1389A5C50BF

Recent gandy
76BB6C08 CCD2 4D4F 9CFE FE88E9478C10

Many of the women also aren’t over early thirties here.
5F8EF31B 4411 433D B564 ED04511D1029
698EB3D1 DF88 4A4A 9DEB E88D9F229FBE
6CD3C376 0241 4792 B2A2 4E32B238B821
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"He is attractive because he retained NW1 hairline, good facial collagen and some boyish features while also having a decent masculine body."

He's attractive at 40 because he surgerymaxxed with best surgeons for 20 years and has good genetics. Wake up if you genuinely think you have that potential.
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Girls see Gandy and Chico as physically unattractive compared to even their 5 PSL young counterparts, but due to money or status they may have more overall SMV for an LTR.


I agree with your post BUT Gandys features are so unique and set up by universal force, he tends to mog his "younger 5+ PSL counterparts" to utter dirt even with less collagen than a decayed corpse
This man is the image of God himself

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Actual masculine men w good bones age like fine wine. Pretty boys like chico age like shit. Cant believe you didnt mention that
Major cope, prettyboys only age when they grow a beard or don't take care of their skin. A prettyboy with weak bones isn't a prettyboy.
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Major cope, prettyboys only age when they grow a beard or don't take care of their skin. A prettyboy with weak bones isn't a prettyboy.
Chico has good bones. Not sure where that cope comes from.
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Major cope, prettyboys only age when they grow a beard or don't take care of their skin. A prettyboy with weak bones isn't a prettyboy.

chalamet still mogs at 26 because bones

chalamet still mogs at 26 because bones

More like hair, collagen, etc. Remove those and he'd look like shit. His bones are average.
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  • JFL
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Major cope, prettyboys only age when they grow a beard or don't take care of their skin. A prettyboy with weak bones isn't a prettyboy.
You lose collagen, hair quality, get deep wrinkles…
More like hair, collagen, etc. Remove those and he'd look like shit. His bones are average.
he bonemogs everyone in his movies but yeah his bones are average

I agree with your post BUT Gandys features are so unique and set up by universal force, he tends to mog his "younger 5+ PSL counterparts" to utter dirt even with less collagen than a decayed corpse
This man is the image of God himself

Maybe in a model shoot since he's so striking. But to an 18-22 year old girl a 5 PSL fuckboy Chad mogs him hard.
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he bonemogs everyone in his movies but yeah his bones are average
His skull is the size of my fist. He has a typical femboy jaw with a tiny mid mandible and chin. If you gave him the collagen and hair of someone his own age he'd descend into irrelevancy.
His skull is the size of my fist. He has a typical femboy jaw with a tiny mid mandible and chin. If you gave him the collagen and hair of someone his own age he'd descend into irrelevancy.
Yeah but size is irrelevant for aging
Yeah but size is irrelevant for aging
True, but his bones are average. He's aging well because of collagen and the addition of hollywood treatments. He's also an actor who was casted to play younger roles so he's genetically much younger-looking than his peers.
True, but his bones are average. He's aging well because of collagen and the addition of hollywood treatments. He's also an actor who was casted to play younger roles so he's genetically much younger-looking than his peers.
i mean yeah the average man ages worse than a women but if you can become rich enough to afford those treatments plus wear subtle makeup you wont descend that hard
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