The "Men Age like Fine Wine" Fallacy

You should not care about slaying after 40 anyway. Just chase status till you die
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i mean yeah the average man ages worse than a women but if you can become rich enough to afford those treatments plus wear subtle makeup you wont descend that hard
What treatments are there that women can't get?
You literally picked the best possible photos for the women, and the worst possible photos for the males. Not to mention most of the photos of the women have a lot of makeup since they're from public events.

Here, I can also do cherrypicking:
Jared Leto e6dfab1d45f0491b8550e121c26d9ce6
Jared Leto at age 50
Main qimg 92abb48ae4f09afef047f0031c6364e2 lq
Emma Watson at age 32

Men age "like fine wine" because male skin is thicker and less prone to wrinkles, + men age slower because they finish puberty way later. Male reproductive systems are also FAR more long-lived than females whose fertility quickly declines in their late 30s. These are all scientific facts that are not up to debate.

The average woman in her late 30s will always look older than the average man in his late 30s, provided the man:
  • Has decent skincare
  • Stays out of the sun and/or uses sunscreen
  • Has an healthy diet with minimal alcohol
  • Doesn't use drugs
  • Doesn't go bald
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You literally picked the best possible photos for the women, and the worst possible photos for the males. Not to mention most of the photos of the women have a lot of makeup since they're from public events.

Here, I can also do cherrypicking:
View attachment 1899305Jared Leto at age 50
View attachment 1899298 Emma Watson at age 32

Men age "like fine wine" because male skin is thicker and less prone to wrinkles, + men age slower because they finish puberty way later. Male reproductive systems are also FAR more long-lived than females whose fertility quickly declines in their late 30s. These are all scientific facts that are not up to debate.

The average woman in her late 30s will always look older than the average man in his late 30s, provided the man:
  • Has decent skincare
  • Stays out of the sun and/or uses sunscreen
  • Has an healthy diet with minimal alcohol
  • Doesn't use drugs
  • Doesn't go bald
Men often go grey early tho, but can be fixed with hair colouring
also, it is important to use mimics as less as possible

I agree with your post BUT Gandys features are so unique and set up by universal force, he tends to mog his "younger 5+ PSL counterparts" to utter dirt even with less collagen than a decayed corpse
This man is the image of God himself


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  • JFL
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Maybe in a model shoot since he's so striking. But to an 18-22 year old girl a 5 PSL fuckboy Chad mogs him hard.
He should tattoo his 8 PSL 2004 self on his left buttcheek and show it to young stacies for slaying
You literally picked the best possible photos for the women, and the worst possible photos for the males. Not to mention most of the photos of the women have a lot of makeup since they're from public events.

Here, I can also do cherrypicking:
View attachment 1899305Jared Leto at age 50
View attachment 1899298 Emma Watson at age 32
Cool, you cherrypicked pictures too. There's way more MILFs than DILFs.
Men age "like fine wine" because male skin is thicker and less prone to wrinkles
Thick skin is a failo for aesthetics. Male models have paper thin skin that shows all their bone structure.
, + men age slower because they finish puberty way later. Male reproductive systems are also FAR more long-lived than females whose fertility quickly declines in their late 30s. These are all scientific facts that are not up to debate.
That's my exact argument. They still have the same amount of time in their physical peak window. Fertility doesn't matter, it's a meme. It's about what you look like.
The average woman in her late 30s will always look older than the average man in his late 30s, provided the man:
  • Has decent skincare
  • Stays out of the sun and/or uses sunscreen
  • Has an healthy diet with minimal alcohol
  • Doesn't use drugs
  • Doesn't go bald
"Just be a shut-in loser brah!". Girls would age well if they followed that too.
  • Hmm...
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Ignore make-up and choose shitty pics for men theory
you are not 100% correct.
Beauty standards for men and women are different. You are just looking at top examples.

Women - smooth skin, long hair and thin. Very easy to achieve by almost every women. That is why average women are perceived better looking than average men.

Men - facial features. Smooth skin does not matter that much, which means age does not make you ugly. If you were ugly as a kid, you will remain ugly as you age.

For women facial features are mostly ignored by men (body and make up halo has huge impact as well), only within female circles they look at face features and compare. As they age they lose the smooth skin, get fat more easily, cut hair for a job, which makes them unattractive.
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muh makeup. Ratings for girls are with makeup. Stop trying to cope.
Yeah, no, with makeup is not how they actually look, you can't use that as proof. Your self-hatred fetish is cringe asf
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Yeah, no, with makeup is not how they actually look, you can't use that as proof. Your self-hatred fetish is cringe asf
But women wear makeup all the time irl. If a girl looks good with makeup then she looks good. How often have you asked a chick to remove the makeup before you decide whether or not to fuck her?
But women wear makeup all the time irl. If a girl looks good with makeup then she looks good. How often have you asked a chick to remove the makeup before you decide whether or not to fuck her?
It doesn't matter, this dumbass talking about aging
Cool, you cherrypicked pictures too. There's way more MILFs than DILFs.
Women have an astronomically higher SMV, we already all know that.
If there are more MILFs than DILFs, it's not due to better aging on average; it's due to most women taking A LOT more care of themselves than men, + men being willing to fuck almost any woman.

Thick skin is a failo for aesthetics. Male models have paper thin skin that shows all their bone structure.
Relatively thick skin, when compared to women's.

"Just be a shut-in loser brah!". Girls would age well if they followed that too.
As a matter of fact, they do, but they still age worse than men on average.
masc chads age like fine wine because their looks are dependent almost entirely on their bone structure
prettyboys and women age like shit because their looks are dependent more on soft features, hair, skin etc etc
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I did very bad in my early 20s but getting women left and right now at 32yo. I only date girls below 25/26yo at the moment and most of them are around 20-23yo. Only in the last 4 weeks i had more slays than in my teenage years and early 20s combined.

You can (not must) ascend with age as a man but you can’t as a woman.
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I can't believe that people on a so called "blackpill" website still push boomer catchphrases like this. Men and women physically age exactly the same. The only difference is that women physically maturate a few years earlier than men and subsequently descend earlier than men as well.

So let's say your typical high school Stacy looks developed at 14, then she will start to descend at around 24. Same thing applies to guys. Chads who develop their facial bones and features at 18 start to descend at 28. The difference is that every girl got to enjoy her physical SMV window, while non-Chads didn't. So I'm not sure why normies who've never been lusted over even roast girls for aging worse as if it's some advantage men have.

These girls are all in their 30s/40s and still look great:

View attachment 1899183View attachment 1899184View attachment 1899185View attachment 1899192View attachment 1899186

Compared to men of a similar age and original physical SMV:

View attachment 1899198View attachment 1899201View attachment 1899202

They aged exactly the same, but they still have way more SMV by virtue of being female and attractive. Girls see Gandy and Chico as physically unattractive compared to even their 5 PSL young counterparts, but due to money or status they may have more overall SMV for an LTR. There's a reason why MILF porn is so popular, because as long as women take care of themselves they can remain attractive to even young Chads. They just can't get an LTR. When was the last time you saw a girl thirsting over a DILF, especially irl? Meanwhile in every friend group, at least one person's mom is considered a MILF.

Just look at this picture here. There's way more guys who would fuck his wife than girls who would fuck him off physical SMV alone:

View attachment 1899203

The expression "men age like fine wine" comes from the fact that for a normie, their total SMV will be higher as they age. So for a mtn, when they are older with more money and status then they will have higher SMV to women than their mtn selves when they were in college. That's why it's not uncommon to see attractive college girls either dating a 6 PSL fuckboy Chad their own age or a 25 year old normie with a Tesla and their own apartment.

TLDR - Youth is just as important in men, and "aging like fine wine" is a synonym for being more desirable for betabuxx. The only difference is that with age, girls lose their LTR prospects with rich Chads and move onto the men who "aged well" due to their jobs and bank accounts.


Clear signs of aging and he looks better. curious
  • +1
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I did very bad in my early 20s but getting women left and right now at 32yo. I only date girls below 25/26yo at the moment and most of them are around 20-23yo. Only in the last 4 weeks i had more slays than in my teenage years and early 20s combined.

You can (not must) ascend with age as a man but you can’t as a woman.
- r/theredpill
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Op retarded as usual
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Slavs age the worst. They go bald and become skinny fat with baby faces. Its over for slavs unless you are female.
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  • JFL
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JFL at that Gandy picture
always good to be a little bit asian or hapa like me and aging wont be too bad lol
  • +1
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Slavs age the worst. They go bald and become skinny fat with baby faces. Its over for slavs unless you are female.
baby faces?
I can't believe that people on a so called "blackpill" website still push boomer catchphrases like this. Men and women physically age exactly the same. The only difference is that women physically maturate a few years earlier than men and subsequently descend earlier than men as well.

So let's say your typical high school Stacy looks developed at 14, then she will start to descend at around 24. Same thing applies to guys. Chads who develop their facial bones and features at 18 start to descend at 28. The difference is that every girl got to enjoy her physical SMV window, while non-Chads didn't. So I'm not sure why normies who've never been lusted over even roast girls for aging worse as if it's some advantage men have.

These girls are all in their 30s/40s and still look great:

View attachment 1899183View attachment 1899184View attachment 1899185View attachment 1899192View attachment 1899186

Compared to men of a similar age and original physical SMV:

View attachment 1899198View attachment 1899201View attachment 1899202

They aged exactly the same, but they still have way more SMV by virtue of being female and attractive. Girls see Gandy and Chico as physically unattractive compared to even their 5 PSL young counterparts, but due to money or status they may have more overall SMV for an LTR. There's a reason why MILF porn is so popular, because as long as women take care of themselves they can remain attractive to even young Chads. They just can't get an LTR. When was the last time you saw a girl thirsting over a DILF, especially irl? Meanwhile in every friend group, at least one person's mom is considered a MILF.

Just look at this picture here. There's way more guys who would fuck his wife than girls who would fuck him off physical SMV alone:

View attachment 1899203

The expression "men age like fine wine" comes from the fact that for a normie, their total SMV will be higher as they age. So for a mtn, when they are older with more money and status then they will have higher SMV to women than their mtn selves when they were in college. That's why it's not uncommon to see attractive college girls either dating a 6 PSL fuckboy Chad their own age or a 25 year old normie with a Tesla and their own apartment.

TLDR - Youth is just as important in men, and "aging like fine wine" is a synonym for being more desirable for betabuxx. The only difference is that with age, girls lose their LTR prospects with rich Chads and move onto the men who "aged well" due to their jobs and bank accounts.
I agree but there are plenty of guys who just get way better looking after 30. E.g. Tom Hardy (not just because of physique he got more handsome)

Th 984724778

Th 1229008410

And Jon Hamm (was MTN to HTN in a dating show he was on in his 20s and Chadlite in his mid 30s)

Th 2688404746

Th 1300658884
  • +1
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nah those are cherry picked guys on average age a lot better at least normies cause these models get the best treatment, creams, whatever the fuck and diet but the average foid eats like shit and just watches netflix so on average men age like fine wine yes
Men can afford to look older and that won't be taken off as from their looks smv. Women in reality peak from jb age to 22, maybe 25 if they take care of themselves. Older woman can still have some appeal , esp Hollywood foids, but the average man would still value younger bitches more.

But men like Ryan Reynolds, Idris Elba, etc can still have strong appeal to prime women 16-22 and benefit from their age, while the same cannot be said for women. Those women looked better in their prime, while the man might benefit from the normal aging process ( like some forehead lines, etc).
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  • JFL
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But men like Ryan Reynolds, Idris Elba, etc can still have strong appeal to prime women 16-22 and benefit from their age
Not without status.
while the same cannot be said for women. Those women looked better in their prime, while the man might benefit from the normal aging process ( like some forehead lines, etc).
Chads would fuck a MILF in a heartbeat.


Clear signs of aging and he looks better. curious
When they say men age like fine wine that's what they mean. You see the forehead lines, for a foid its a falio, while for men its not that big a falio and for women with daddy issues and dilf fantasy its perfect. Men also have milf fantasies. If you age with grace you can have more options then you think. But that is the key word, aging with grace. Majority of men and women age like shit.
  • +1
Reactions: Smuuu, Crusile and TrestIsBest
I did very bad in my early 20s but getting women left and right now at 32yo. I only date girls below 25/26yo at the moment and most of them are around 20-23yo. Only in the last 4 weeks i had more slays than in my teenage years and early 20s combined.

You can (not must) ascend with age as a man but you can’t as a woman.
What changed?
You can't judge men and women by the same metrics. Men loose SMV as they get older (all else being equal) but not as much because fertility and ability to produce healthy offspring is a big part of SMV.

Also more women take care of their skin as they get older.
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When they say men age like fine wine that's what they mean. You see the forehead lines, for a foid its a falio, while for men its not that big a falio and for women with daddy issues and dilf fantasy its perfect. Men also have milf fantasies. If you age with grace you can have more options then you think. But that is the key word, aging with grace. Majority of men and women age like shit.
woman aging well = no signs of aging XD!
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woman aging well = no signs of aging XD!
Their are always horny men who would take anything over nothing, and men with milf fantasies. And considering the fact that so many teen boys have milf fantasies, and men value youth more then women, I feel that men got it better at an older age ass long as they take care of themselves in the younger years.
If guys wear makeup its equal

JFL at this cope. Makeup doesn’t work on males the same as it works on females. The natural differences between male and female attractiveness don’t allow guys to benefit from makeup equal to women. Makeup can ascend women 2 to 3 whole points or more; men rarely ascend over 0.5 points from makeup.
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  • JFL
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The "White Women Are Coping on an Incel Forum" thread
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JFL at this cope. Makeup doesn’t work on males the same as it works on females. The natural differences between male and female attractiveness don’t allow guys to benefit from makeup equal to women. Makeup can ascend women 2 to 3 whole points or more; men rarely ascend over 0.5 points from makeup.
It only adds more points for women because they usually dont have good lashes and eyebrows naturally while men do.
you can get clear skin, lenghten eyebrows with a pencil for illusion of better pfl and es ratio, curling lashes gives more pct, eyeliner at end of eyes for better pfl. You can play around with your ratios this way much more than 0.5 jfl
C5952539 E55B 48D6 AE6D DD9A8D6D0A7E
3F1FB150 BBA5 4264 B800 8AACA454B14A
  • JFL
  • Woah
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i feel bad for the redpill niggas thinking this shit

they’re “hustling” to be a “high value man” in their 40s or something
so cringe and retarded
"Bro don't worry, we have our prime in our 30s bro!"
5 PSL red-purple pilled mullato aka one of my best friends. Luckily he's 5 PSL so he can actually afford to think like this jflllll. If he were a normie or a Sub 5 it would be clipped. Will construct a thread on this soon.
  • +1
Reactions: AscensionMan98
I can't believe that people on a so called "blackpill" website still push boomer catchphrases like this. Men and women physically age exactly the same. The only difference is that women physically maturate a few years earlier than men and subsequently descend earlier than men as well.

So let's say your typical high school Stacy looks developed at 14, then she will start to descend at around 24. Same thing applies to guys. Chads who develop their facial bones and features at 18 start to descend at 28. The difference is that every girl got to enjoy her physical SMV window, while non-Chads didn't. So I'm not sure why normies who've never been lusted over even roast girls for aging worse as if it's some advantage men have.

These girls are all in their 30s/40s and still look great:

View attachment 1899183View attachment 1899184View attachment 1899185View attachment 1899192View attachment 1899186

Compared to men of a similar age and original physical SMV:

View attachment 1899198View attachment 1899201View attachment 1899202

They aged exactly the same, but they still have way more SMV by virtue of being female and attractive. Girls see Gandy and Chico as physically unattractive compared to even their 5 PSL young counterparts, but due to money or status they may have more overall SMV for an LTR. There's a reason why MILF porn is so popular, because as long as women take care of themselves they can remain attractive to even young Chads. They just can't get an LTR. When was the last time you saw a girl thirsting over a DILF, especially irl? Meanwhile in every friend group, at least one person's mom is considered a MILF.

Just look at this picture here. There's way more guys who would fuck his wife than girls who would fuck him off physical SMV alone:

View attachment 1899203

The expression "men age like fine wine" comes from the fact that for a normie, their total SMV will be higher as they age. So for a mtn, when they are older with more money and status then they will have higher SMV to women than their mtn selves when they were in college. That's why it's not uncommon to see attractive college girls either dating a 6 PSL fuckboy Chad their own age or a 25 year old normie with a Tesla and their own apartment.

TLDR - Youth is just as important in men, and "aging like fine wine" is a synonym for being more desirable for betabuxx. The only difference is that with age, girls lose their LTR prospects with rich Chads and move onto the men who "aged well" due to their jobs and bank accounts.
no. studies have show women age faster than men do.
  • +1
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no. studies have show women age faster than men do.
Did you not read my thread? Where are these studies? Keep coping with the other incels who think you will ever have an advantage over the girls who used to reject you.
  • Hmm...
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lol without the facepaint the vast majority of 40 year old women are hideous.
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Women literally cake their faces in makeup just to look presentable. Still, being financially successful in your 30s is not really going to attract women. At best, you'll pull a desperate single mom and just be used for your resources.
  • +1
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Did you not read my thread? Where are these studies? Keep coping with the other incels who think you will ever have an advantage over the girls who used to reject you.
There’s more but here’s one for starters

> Regardless of age, men have a higher density of collagen within their skin than women. This is why women appear to age faster than men of the same age. It's even been said that women are visually about 15 years older than men of the same age in terms of collagen maintenance.

Keep coping feminist
  • Woah
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Ehh I mean I'm 29 and The agepill hasnt hit me at All. Dads 75 and has full head of hair.
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There’s more but here’s one for starters

> Regardless of age, men have a higher density of collagen within their skin than women. This is why women appear to age faster than men of the same age. It's even been said that women are visually about 15 years older than men of the same age in terms of collagen maintenance.

Keep coping feminist

Men balding is what throws people off but a man's skin will look younger in his 30s and 40s if they both had the same amount of sun damage etc.
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This is why women appear to age faster than men of the same age.
Did you not read my thread? I addressed this already.
It's even been said that women are visually about 15 years older than men of the same age in terms of collagen maintenance.
Keep fucking coping.

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