The mirror is lying to you


Deleted member 4383

Dec 17, 2019
Many people believe the mirror is a solid indication of how you look in real life (face and body). This couldn't be further from the truth. PHOTOS are the best representation of how you look in real life. Those people who say 9/10 in mirror but 2/10 in photos are actually legit 2/10s. The mirror is a deceitful thing.

You'll notice asymmetry comes out a lot more in photos than it does in a mirror, etc

what you see in the mirror is just a reflection. it's not what you really look like. you actually look far worse in real life. try look in a real mirror to see how other people actually see you and you'll see how fucking ugly you really are.

I always thought the mirror was how other people saw me. I always thought I was decent looking because that's how I look in a "fake mirror". today I tried looking in real mirror, and damn.. I started getting dizzy. I was suddenly a -72 at best. I felt sick to my stomach. I legit wanted to jump off a bridge right then and there

I dare you to try and look yourself in a real mirror. you'll commit suicide right on spot. you'll give up. your whole life has been a lie. you've been tricked and betrayed. you've been deceived. just by a mirror..
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It is over.
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It never began
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Im going to lay in the middle of street tommorow its over for real this time
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you applied the mere effect to your mirror reflection meaning that as soon as you look as your flipped self all assymmetries will be 2x as severe in your perception. the thing is, other people apply the same mere effect to your non-reflection meaning that the mirror is actually quite accurate.
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Reactions: fl0w, isis_Bleach and magnificentcel
camera's don't work like the human eye
the only think about mirrors is they can have distortion too, and you distance is doubled so you're gonna look less fish eye
"The mirror isn't the real you because you're mirrored, so you're used to your asymmetries"

No shit retard, and people IRL are used to my actual face so they are used to my asymmetries too.
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Videos are more accurate than photos
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The only true way to know is to take a video of yourself with the back camera from a few meters away
You’re uninformed and possibly low IQ (due to not doing research prior to making this post).

Cameras have different focal lengths which makes your face look radically different depending on the actual focal length used.

so yes, mirror is a better and more accurate indicator.
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its a simple mere exposure effect, just google "mere exposure mirror image" and youll get a scientific reserach papers about it which state that participants that were shown their mirrored and non mirrored photos preferred mirrored photos while their friends, relatives etc. actually preferred their non mirrored photos due to seeing them non mirrored all the time in real life. it states that individuals preferred their mirrored images so much most of them actually had fear and anxiety when looking in their non mirrored photographs while their relatives and friends said they look like shit in mirrored photographs and strongly preferred non mirrored photographs
  • Hmm...
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