The Official LooksMax.Org Poll. Who has had surgeries, used steroids etc

What have you done to lookmax? (You may vote for more than one)

  • Softmaxxed (Vitamin C Serum, Red Light Therapy, Microneedling etc)

  • Hardmaxxed (BixMax, Orthognathic surgery, Rhinoplasty etc)

  • BattymanMaxxed (Fillers, Bottocks, Implants etc)

  • Orthodontics Maxxed (Braces, Invisalign, Bonegrafting etc)

  • Orthotropics Maxxed (MSE, Sarpe, Mouth Widening devices, posture etc)

  • Gym Maxxed (Muscle separation, Definition and Size)

  • Lean Maxxed (Sub 12% BF. You can argue if that's leanmaxxing or not)

  • Leg Lengthening surgery (Tibias and Fibias lengthened)

  • Clavicle Lengthening surgery

  • Penis Enlargement surgery (Includes Fillers &/or Implants)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Nothing. I need to Looksmax
btw i know you reported me to the mods when i was winning an argument you rata snitch mathafacka

Im sure calling someone curry is winning an argument in your jealous low tier normie white boy with 0 body count at 23 world


Leanmaxxxxed (to some extent)

Gotten Braces (Orthodontics)

Mewed and Chewed (Orthotropics)

Softmaxxxed (Minox, Derma-Rolling)

Skinmaxxxed (Skincare Routine)

Stylemaxxxed (Clothes)

Surgerymaxxxed (Minor)

Lifestylemaxxxed (Diet, Sunlight, etc)

Heightmaxxxed (Stretching, Height-Boosting Protocols)
what are the height-boosting protocols?
can you mention me on its thread

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