The Only Eyelash Guide You'll Need


Deleted member 16636

Dec 18, 2021
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).


This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.


Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.



Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.



@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.
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Pessi fan trying teach me about eyelashes. Dnr
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@Alexanderr take this crap out of BOTB:

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Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

why angry react nigga :feelswah:
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ and Deleted member 16636
BOTB worthy great thread (y)
  • +1
Reactions: greeny05, itzyaboyJJ, Jonas2k7 and 2 others
  • +1
Reactions: Kaari and Deleted member 16636
can i use topical minox and just put some in a cup of water?
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
eyelash thread number 5 this week, looksmax never lets me down
  • +1
  • JFL
  • WTF
Reactions: EthiopianMaxxer, Blud_99, Linus1888 and 12 others
thought on just applying a topical minox liquid solution directly to your lashes
  • +1
Reactions: billymidnight, mightbecooked123, Kaari and 1 other person
eyelash thread number 5 this week, looksmax never lets me down
None of these niggers explain shit/provide evidence and one user leeched off my ideas but he rushed so it was a pointless thread
  • +1
Reactions: NZb6Air, itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and 1 other person
can i use topical minox and just put some in a cup of water?
No point when an oral form already exists (one google search for your country gives tons of sources)

thought on just applying a topical minox liquid solution directly to your lashes
Again no point when the oral form exists. You are just risking unnecessary irritation/damage to your eyes
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: billymidnight, itzyaboyJJ and Kaari
No point when an oral form already exists (one google search for your country gives tons of sources)

Again no point when the oral form exists. You are just risking unnecessary irritation/damage to your eyes
cant find a source thats cheap,found one but its like 90 tablets for €50

gonna try to find cheaper
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: lucifer6969, itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and 1 other person
cant find a source thats cheap,found one but its like 90 tablets for €50

gonna try to find cheaper
Considering you are going to have to cut the pill into 1/2 or 1/4, then it isn't a bad price.
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and sportsmogger
Considering you are going to have to cut the pill into 1/2 or 1/4, then it isn't a bad price.
its like 2.5mg for 1 tablet

how much should that be cut into?
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
its like 2.5mg for 1 tablet

how much should that be cut into?
Depends on what you start with. I said in the post to start with 0.625mg, so you would cut into 4 pieces.
  • +1
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Reactions: billymidnight, itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and 1 other person
cant find a source thats cheap,found one but its like 90 tablets for €50

gonna try to find cheaper
Just drink topical minox and dose it with an insulin syringe. Insanely cheap
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: HarrierDuBois, itzyaboyJJ and sportsmogger
High IQ thread. This is what should be about.

Do you have any more good sources of information on GHK-Cu, not only for hair growth but for skin care, etc.? Have you used it yourself and what was your experience? Differences in topical vs subcutaneous administration?
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ and Deleted member 16636
Just drink topical minox and dose it with an insulin syringe. Insanely cheap
Why jfl react u cunt @sportsmogger

U think the tiny amount of propylene glycol and ethanol will kill you or what?
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ and Kaari
Why jfl react u cunt @sportsmogger

U think the tiny amount of propylene glycol and ethanol will kill you or what?
ill just use oral
  • +1
Reactions: Lord Shadow, itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and 1 other person
High IQ thread. This is what should be about.

Do you have any more good sources of information on GHK-Cu, not only for hair growth but for skin care, etc.?
Have you used it yourself and what was your experience? Differences in topical vs subcutaneous administration?
I am currently using it subq injection. It has been a good experience, noticed a massive improvement in collagen and hair including eyelashes. Most of the topical formulations out there are too weak compared to injecting, you would have to make your own version which I couldn't be bothered to try.
  • +1
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Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and mogre
Shit thread you didn’t even explain what tool to apply with
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
Shit thread you didn’t even explain what tool to apply with
Apply what? If you read it properly you’d realise that most of this doesn’t need a “tool” to apply with other than the makeup.
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and J99
Apply what? If you read it properly you’d realise that most of this doesn’t need a “tool” to apply with other than the makeup.
Eye lashes are sensitive you want us to use our fingers?
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
Eye lashes are sensitive you want us to use our fingers?
You still didn’t answer my question, what are you referring to?
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and J99
You still didn’t answer my question, what are you referring to?
im referring to the method of applying whatever bullshit on our eye lashes. Applying via fingers is sub-optimal and will lead to eyelash loss
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
other than that, good thread
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Kaari and Deleted member 16636
im referring to the method of applying whatever bullshit on our eye lashes. Applying via fingers is sub-optimal and will lead to eyelash loss
I didn’t say you should apply anything with your fingers. Everything that can be applied directly to the lashes, that I mentioned, came with how to apply it.

The oral minoxidil, ghk-cu and the castor oil are not supposed to be directly applied to the lashes. They go into your system, as in consumed as a tablet for example.

When you buy something from the frauding and makeup section, it would already come with the tools to apply it. Like mascara would come with a wand etc.
  • +1
Reactions: billymidnight, itzyaboyJJ, Jonas2k7 and 2 others
  • +1
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Reactions: billymidnight, itzyaboyJJ, Greypiller and 1 other person
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Jonas2k7 and Deleted member 16636
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

Tf bro why are people scared of using lattise people already on here have used it for long time and nver got any side effects myself I am using it since 5 months the only side effects i got is more lashes than oral minox + topical combined 2. nigga u didn't warn about the insane topical minox bloat
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Lord Shadow, itzyaboyJJ and Deleted member 16636
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

Mogger thread BOTB worthy
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Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

fuck you @lucifer6969
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, Deleted member 16636 and lucifer6969
Tf bro why are people scared of using lattise people already on here have used it for long time and nver got any side effects myself I am using it since 5 months the only side effects i got is more lashes than oral minox + topical combined 2.
Jfl if you think your shitty anecdotal disproves anything I have said, I am going based off what the papers say.
nigga u didn't warn about the insane topical minox bloat
? Not once did I say to consume/use topical minoxidil, read the thread instead of trying to shit on it
  • +1
  • Hmm...
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ, JohnBaza and lucifer6969
  • +1
Reactions: appeal, TechnoBoss, Clavicular and 1 other person
Yeah tbh prostaglandin is scary after reading about it , could you link me that study though, I couldn't (nvm i found it). Anyway instead of latisse it's probably better to use something like the ordinarys eyelash serum or vegamour gro eyelash serum kit (better but more expensive).
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ and Deleted member 16636
God Bless. Been searching for a good U.S source. Thanks Bhai
  • +1
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nicholas cage GIF

Is this worth it? What about just applying minox for the scalp as will it also directly apply into other hair regions?
Okay i'll tl;dr this.
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There is a fine line between looksmaxxer and metrosexual my friends, read the title of this thread and decide which side of that line you want to be on
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16636
Not only do eyelashes have protective functions, but they are also extremely important for eye area aesthetics. Long, dark, and thick eyelashes have been a focal point of society’s perception of beauty for thousands of years.

Long and curled eyelashes can reduce perceived UEE and increase perceived PFL via growth of the outer corner of your eyelashes. Overall they are a massive halo and a simple way to enhance appeal.

It is important to understand how eyelashes grow, as we can identify which products will be most effective according to how they affect the growth cycle. A few things I will be referencing throughout this thread are:

Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway - plays a critical role in regulating hair growth, including in the eyelashes, by promoting the activation and proliferation of hair follicle stem cells. It also stimulates hair follicles to enter and stay in the anagen phase (explained below)

Dermal papilla cells - Specialized cells located at the bottom of hair follicles with a role in hair formation and growth

PGE2 - A prostaglandin receptor that promotes hair growth by increasing the proportion of hair follicles during the anagen phase.

Growth cycle of eyelashes: -

The eyelash growth cycle is categorised into three stages - anagen, catagen and telogen.

The most important stage we need to care about is the anagen stage, as this is where growth of the lashes occurs and what we aim to extend. The catagen stage signals the end of growth and the telogen stage is where the hair follicles remain the same with no growth (also known as resting phase).


We know that during the anagen phase, the eyelash hair follicle is attached to the blood supply and obtains nutrients which are vital for growth. It makes sense that we would want to use something that induces a mechanism to increase growth by providing more nutrients through blood stream and to extend the anagen phase.
Oral minoxidil was originally used as a treatment for hypertension in the 1970s until it was eventually more noticed for its effects on hair growth. One of the most common reported side effects was hypertrichosis, which is defined as an abnormal amount of hair growth all over the body.

Minoxidil has many powerful mechanisms to induce growth:

One of the mechanisms of minoxidil is being a vasodilator where it opens the blood vessels and allows more delivery of oxygen and other growth factors to the hair follicles. Minoxidil activates the b-catenin pathway, which is vital for hair follicle development/enhancement. Minoxidil also activates an enzyme which is responsible for producing prostaglandins and therefore also increase PGE2. In turn this prolongs the duration of the anagen phase and shortens the telogen phase whilst also proliferating the follicular cells. (literally everything we want).

View attachment 3331481

This applies to hair everywhere, so with basic common sense you would recognise that this will also affect the eyelashes.

Dosage -

It is vital that you start at a very low dose and titrate (slowly increase) to see how your body reacts to it. Many papers suggest you take 1.25mg - 5mg a day, but exceeding 2.5mg is not necessary for our goal of increasing eyelash growth and can risk the more adverse side effects.

I highly suggest you start at 0.625mg a day, then as your body can tolerate the dose along with checking your blood pressure, start to slowly increase the dose so you can find a suitable sweet spot.

Safety and side effects -

I assume most of you reading this will be healthy males with no heart issues due to the fact you are young. If you aren’t and have heart issues, I suggest you do not use oral minoxidil and use the other methods in the thread. If you are low inhib and still want to use OM, then go ahead just be extremely careful and monitor changes to your body.

Generally very low dose oral minoxidil is safe. In a study of 1404, only ~23 people stopped using it due to adverse side effects. In most studies the most commonly reported side effect is hypertrichosis, which isn’t much of a problem other than the inconvenience of having to shave more, or if you want more body hair then it's a benefit for you. Nobody will complain if they see growth in their eyebrows, scalp, temples etc so this side effect isn’t a barrier for you to not use oral minoxidil.


Some the other side effects reported in the same study:

- Tachycardia (increased heart rate)

- Headache

- Periorbital edema

- Light-headedness

Other papers to support the safety of LDOM:


Sources for oral minoxidil -

In this day and age you can buy almost every drug on the internet, so I don’t want to see people still consuming topical minoxidil. You cannot dose accurately with topical, nor is it an appropriate vehicle for consumption. You are essentially just dumping minoxidil into your bloodstream (instead of a slow release), along with other ingredients like ethanol that will rape your organs in the long term.

There are online pharmacies/companies that will make you do a questionnaire or something basic and let you buy it from them directly. For ukcels:

If you cannot find something like this, then I suggest you buy from ADC:

If none of these ship to your country, then reply down below and I will try and help you find one.
So let's say you are an unhealthy male and you cannot use oral minoxidil for whatever reason, then copper peptides (specifically GHK-cu) may be a more appropriate option.

What is it?

The first part GHK is a tripeptide isolated from human plasma which has a strong binding affinity to copper atoms. GHK alone is beneficial for its own reasons, but when binded with copper there is a myriad benefits:
View attachment 3331565

How does it work for eyelash growth?

Similar to minoxidil, GHK-cu has many mechanisms of growth which can all be applied to eyelash growth:

GHK-cu can promote the production of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), which is necessary for the formation of new blood vessels around hair follicles and provides nutrients for growth.

Another similarity to OM is that GHK-cu prevents conversion of hair follicles from the anagen to the catagen phase through the activation of the wnt/b pathway.

The final way GHK- cu grows lashes is by proliferating dermal papilla cells found on eyelashes (multiplying them) and inhibiting their apoptosis (cell death), which will therefore make them thicker and grow at a faster rate.



Dosages and how to use -

To reap the full benefits of GHK-cu, a subcutaneous injection of 10mg a day (split up throughout the day) is efficient. Unlike other peptides, it is important to acknowledge that GHK-cu should not be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water and phosphate buffered solution (PBS) should be used instead for better stability.
Here is a good thread that explains it well:

Safety and side effects -
GHK-cu is referenced to be safe throughout many papers and I struggled to find any alarming side effects. The only side effect worth noting about is that there may be injection site reactions, such as redness or bruising of the skin.



Before and Afters -

Unfortunately there is a lack of b/a’s for eyelash growth when using GHK-cu. This is because the general consensus online was that bacteriostatic water was a suitable diluent to reconstitute with. In the thread linked above, it was found that the copper (what provides most of the benefits) was not stable in bac water and PBS is more appropriate. It seems like nobody knows this because they use bac water for every other peptide, so the logic is to also use it for GHK-cu (which is entirely wrong) and all they are getting is the collagen boost. However, I did find a few anecdotal reports:

Sources -

Ideally you need a source that will allow you to dose 10mg a day without raping your bank account. This will typically be Chinese suppliers who will sell for dirt cheap. I cannot give you my personal source, but here are a few: cu&galleryShow=0
Bimatoprost (latisse) is frequently recommended here, but people underestimate how detrimental it can be to looks. After all we are on here to improve our looks, so why use something that could potentially ruin your eye area?

How it works -

The MOA behind latisse is similar to both of the other products I have mentioned.

Sounds great on paper and does everything we want, but at what cost?

The side effects I am about to discuss are all relevant to any user who applies latisse across the lash line. I have seen a few people say that if you apply it carefully you won't see the sides, but this is very incorrect.

Look at how close the lash line is to the upper eyelid, you cannot guarantee that you are not getting any of the latisse on your eyelid. You also cannot guarantee that some of the product will not go into your eye. Combine this with the fact that most people using latisse will be applying it for months on end and it is inevitable you'll see some of the side effects.

View attachment 3330577

Prostaglandin associated periorbitopathy (PAP) -
Simply PAP is changes that occur in the tissue around the eyes from continuous use of products containing prostaglandins. The signs of PAP are:


The most notable/common effect from latisse is the deepening of the upper eyelid sulcus which causes a disgusting sunken and hollow appearance of the eyes. Adipogenesis is essential for storing fat in the body and it has been proven that bimatoprost inhibits the process where the formation of new fat cells occurs.


View attachment 3330586

Example -


You can also see the darkening and hyperpigmentation around the eyes, which is another common side effect.


I find it absurd when people try to underestimate the side effects of latisse or even refer to them as a myth! You could potentially see the growth and risk raping your eye area, just for it to get bad enough that you stop using it and it would have all been for nothing because your eyelashes would go back to their normal length.

If a product that is referenced as having “irreversible” and “disfiguring” side effects doesn’t scare you enough to not use it, then here are some more nightmare fuel examples of what latisse can do to your eye area:


(Crackhead tier eyes now)

Darkening of iris -

Another side effect of latisse is the potential to cause iris hyperpigmentation. So if you have precious a10s to t20s and want to keep them, then you should be aware of this. Again this also applies to topical use and not just for direct eye drops:


An eye colour changing clinic reported that most of their patients came to them due to the induced heterochromia caused by the cosmetic use of latisse:




Examples -



Now if you go ahead and choose to ignore all of this, then I highly suggest you only use latisse in the short term. I am not disputing that latisse is great for growth of the lashes, but the side effect profile is just too damning to ignore.

You do not need a prescription to get your hands on latisse like other people have said, you just buy the generic version which is literally the same and dirt cheap compared to branded latisse.

Then you just buy these little brushes and apply one drop to the tip and then onto your lash line:

I could not find anything to support topically applying oils, especially castor oil, being able to grow eyelashes. All the things I have mentioned so far have been backed up for years with hundreds of papers, yet with castor oil, rosemary oil etc you have to do a deep dive just to get a single study that barely supports its effectiveness.


It is commonly mentioned on here because people will claim they see results, when in fact they haven’t seen much and then more people will start using it just based on word of mouth. I went through at least 25 threads regarding castor oil and not a single one mentioned the mechanism of how it could grow eyelashes (because no one knows).

Each thread had some retarded anecdotal and when you see the “results” there is not a single change nor is there an accurate picture to prove the change. For example:

On the other hand, oral castor oil may prove to be effective for eyelash growth.. Typically it is used as a laxative or to induce labour in pregnant women, but based on its mechanism we can use this for our eyelashes. Castor oil contains something called ricinoleic acid which influences the prostaglandin ep3 and ep4 receptors. These two receptors are responsible for the activation of prostaglandin e2, which we know is an important mechanism for the growth and regulation of hair (also mentioned as one of the mechanisms of growth in minoxidil, but castor oil is not as effective as minoxidil).



How to use and dosage -

Ideally you want to use food grade castor oil and not the other types, such as Jamaican black castor oil. This ensures you are getting 100% castor oil that is safe for consumption. You can get this pretty much anywhere, so I am not going to link sources.

As mentioned previously, oral castor oil is a laxative. You want to work your way up from 1ml and see how your digestive system reacts to it. Derek from MPMD saw results from 1ml and doesn’t recommend going past 2ml.


It is variable depending on the person and how well you can tolerate it, people on here have tried up to 10ml and had no issues.

So now you have grown your eyelashes out to a mogger tier length, but there are still ways you can improve them to look better on a daily basis. It is not gay to do any of the below methods mentioned, especially the makeup. We are doing this to increase our appeal to the opposite gender, so no faggot comments please.

Lash lift -

A lash lift is a simple procedure that curls and lifts your lashes from base to tip so your eyelashes appear longer. It removes the need to have to use a curler everyday or even apply mascara. You can get it done professionally at a salon, but there is no point when for a marginally cheaper price you can do it yourself at home with a kit. The results will last for around two months.
The procedure is very simple and worth it for the results you will get. A tutorial for the same kit linked above:

Results -


Tinting/dyeing -

A lot of salons offer the option to tint your eyelashes after you have had a lash lift. This is because it is a great way to add contrast and darken the eyelashes without having to apply mascara everyday. Again, this is something you can DIY at home for a very low cost.

You can buy an eyelash tinting kit online, or use a beard dye product and apply to your lashes with a mascara wand. A good tip to be mindful of is to apply Vaseline around the skin of your eyes to avoid the dye staining unwanted areas of the skin. This should overall last around a month or two.

Curler -

If you do not opt for the lash lift option, then a simple way to replicate results is with a curler. Eyelashes which are curled appear more prominent, being able to better display their length especially when viewed from the front. All you need is a curler which are available everywhere.


Do this first before you apply anything else to your eye area, like mascara, as it can cause the lashes to stick to the curler and result in them being pulled out. Also be careful to not clamp too hard or if it hurts whilst doing so, then you are doing something wrong. A simple tutorial:

Makeup -

Mascara adds a pigmented layer to each eyelash, making them appear thicker and more defined. You can use a clear mascara or a normal one, just make sure to be careful when applying so it doesn’t look overly obvious to the point where you would get called out.

Doesn’t exactly help that hes a faggot, but it shows the simplicity of how to apply it. I personally apply myself and it takes less than 20 seconds before I leave the house.

Another way to enhance your lashes with makeup is applying black waterline pencil. This adds perceived lash thickness and eye definition by creating a darker look while filling in the gaps between lashes.

View attachment 3331487


@appealmaxed @Clavicular @NZb6Air @halloweed

Kwack MH, Kang BM, Kim MK, Kim JC, Sung YK. Minoxidil activates β-catenin pathway in human dermal papilla cells: a possible explanation for its anagen prolongation effect. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Jun;62(3):154-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2011.01.013. Epub 2011 Feb 9. PMID: 21524889.

Villani, A., Fabbrocini, G., Ocampo‐Candiani, J., Ruggiero, A., & Ocampo‐Garza, S. S. (2021). Review of oral minoxidil as treatment of hair disorders: in search of the perfect dose. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 35(7), 1485–1492. doi:10.1111/jdv.17216

Pickart L, Margolina A. Regenerative and Protective Actions of the GHK-Cu Peptide in the Light of the New Gene Data. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jul 7;19(7):1987. doi: 10.3390/ijms19071987. PMID: 29986520; PMCID: PMC6073405.

Liu T, Liu Y, Zhao X, Zhang L, Wang W, Bai D, Liao Y, Wang Z, Wang M, Zhang J. Thermodynamically stable ionic liquid microemulsions pioneer pathways for topical delivery and peptide application. Bioact Mater. 2023 Nov 1;32:502-513. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2023.10.002. PMID: 38026438; PMCID: PMC10643103.

Yano K, Brown LF, Detmar M. Control of hair growth and follicle size by VEGF-mediated angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2001 Feb;107(4):409-17. doi: 10.1172/JCI11317. PMID: 11181640; PMCID: PMC199257.

Shrirao N, Khurana M, Mukherjee B. Prostaglandin-associated periorbitopathy. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2016 Jun;64(6):459. doi: 10.4103/0301-4738.187676. PMID: 27488155; PMCID: PMC4991179.

Inazumi T, Shirata N, Morimoto K, Takano H, Segi-Nishida E, Sugimoto Y. Prostaglandin E₂-EP4 signaling suppresses adipocyte differentiation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts via an autocrine mechanism. J Lipid Res. 2011 Aug;52(8):1500-8. doi: 10.1194/jlr.M013615. Epub 2011 Jun 6. PMID: 21646392; PMCID: PMC3137015.

Good shit
  • +1
Reactions: ss07 and Deleted member 16636
This is a really good thread but I do disagree on the matter of taking topical minox orally.
You said that it doesn’t work so well because it is not slow release, but that doesn’t matter, minox has a long half-life.
You also mentioned that you cannot dose it correctly, but the consistency of dosage in the solution will be about as reliable as the consistency of dosage in the powder that makes the pills. If you measure it with a small dosage oral syringe you can dose fairly accurately.

In my experience I’ve seen much better results drinking 10mg/per day topical than with 5mg/day in pills. It may not be as safe, and for that reason I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it, but for some people it will be much more effective than pill.
Needless to say, the tiny amount of ethanol or propene glycol in 0.1ml of minox solution will have no material effect on your health. NT chads and doomers are drinking significantly more alcohol than that.

Having read your thread, I’m very interested in the potential of copper peptide injections - I’ll have to look into that.
  • +1
Reactions: Haydez, billymidnight and Deleted member 16636
None of these niggers explain shit/provide evidence and one user leeched off my ideas but he rushed so it was a pointless thread
sure just yap about random growth mechanisms, diet and hormones - that will sure help people understand how to apply latisse and mascara(y)
  • JFL
Reactions: Haydez and Deleted member 16636
sure just yap about random growth mechanisms, diet and hormones - that will sure help people understand how to apply latisse and mascara(y)
This just translates to “I barely read or understood your thread”

You lack the intelligence to have a simple conversation, hence why you couldn’t form a proper reply to me in the other thread and started chimping out about “Muh I get more bitches than you”.
  • JFL
Reactions: xnj
This just translates to “I barely read or understood your thread”

You lack the intelligence to have a simple conversation, hence why you couldn’t form a proper reply to me in the other thread and started chimping out about “Muh I get more bitches than you”.
  • JFL
Reactions: Haydez
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16636
ur shit thread will be removed and replaced from botb soon enough
as if i give a shit lol, my thread mogs theirs without me even trying for botb, they just decided to hop on my dick for some reason so now theres a gazillion lashes threads in the past like 5 days. atp just give it to them out of pity so they dont rip their assholes trying so hard:p
  • JFL
Reactions: Haydez and Deleted member 16636
as if i give a shit lol, my thread mogs theirs without me even trying for botb, they just decided to hop on my dick for some reason so now theres a gazillion lashes threads in the past like 5 days. atp just give it to them out of pity so they dont rip their assholes trying so hard:p
Jfl at your ego, no one gives a shit about you. They just viewed your thread as dog shit and knew they’d be able to replace it in botb, hence why there has been multiple threads.

Also lol if you think this is some sort of competition and I spent hours on it to try and beat you.

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