Eyelash Maxing Guide or How to Instantly Ascend any Eye Area

Any results yet?
its more of a long term thing; my sphenoid turned out to be way better than i thought to begin with (still was slightly tilted, but not horrendously), Agata told me it is aimed at loosening up the sutures, and subsequently, getting the sphenoid to fall into its right place naturally. i definitely do have improved overall stability from it tho, and it will defo benefit me for my invisalign, which im starting very very soon. might actually get another few ncr sessions during it (invis due to take 3 months to fully fix my teeth and widen the arches), so im aiming for overall craniofacial improvement from that (which is guaranteed already tbh), but which ncr should definitely assist as well.
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bro did not read a molecule
what ur guide coverede:
latisse (llooksmin bye bye eye fat)
shitty oils and serums (all useless just eat healthy)
fake up gay up
what ur guide coverede:
latisse (llooksmin bye bye eye fat)
shitty oils and serums (all useless just eat healthy)
fake up gay up
god youre clueless
latisse burning eye fat is a myth, use it properly and youre fine
oils and serums work for growing lashes, “muh eat” is pretty much irrelevant
mascara and styling that i specifically pointed out on how to make it look real
wtf do u expect from an eyelash thread? a diy canthoplasty and infra implant guide? or maybe obo? like stop wasting time trying to discredit shit, youre wasting your time and my time.
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Reactions: respirationist and Lord Shadow
Castor oil shit It blocks dht nigga dont put that on ur fucking eyelashesh
jfl at u if u think it will have any non-negligible impact on dht in such minute amounts
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Key points:​

  1. Mechanism: Prostaglandin analogs like bimatoprost disrupt fat metabolism, causing fat cells to shrink
  2. Reversibility: In most cases, the fat loss is reversible after discontinuing Latisse use
    . However, full recovery isn't guaranteed for everyone, and in some rare cases, it may be permanent
  3. Prevalence: While orbital fat loss is a documented side effect, it appears to be relatively rare
  4. Risk factors: Older age and lower BMI may increase the risk of developing this side effect
  • .
  • Alternative options: For those concerned about orbital fat loss, there are prostaglandin-free lash serums available, such as The Ordinary Lash & Brow Serum and LashFood Eyelash Enhancing Serum
  • god youre clueless
    latisse burning eye fat is a myth, use it properly and youre fine
    oils and serums work for growing lashes, “muh eat” is pretty much irrelevant
    mascara and styling that i specifically pointed out on how to make it look real
    wtf do u expect from an eyelash thread? a diy canthoplasty and infra implant guide? or maybe obo? like stop wasting time trying to discredit shit, youre wasting your time and my time.
    not gonna take the risk, if i lose my eye fat its over
thoughts on ru588whateverothernumbers
nice Thread bro
Here’s what I do
Castor oil and the ordinary serum to grow lashes
Dye the lashes
And use a organic natural mascara
I use it with a tiny wand and go hair by hair upper and lower to make them look as natural as possible.
won't the dye destroy my lashes
  • Hmm...
Reactions: itzyaboyJJ

Key points:​

  1. Mechanism: Prostaglandin analogs like bimatoprost disrupt fat metabolism, causing fat cells to shrink
  2. Reversibility: In most cases, the fat loss is reversible after discontinuing Latisse use
    . However, full recovery isn't guaranteed for everyone, and in some rare cases, it may be permanent
  3. Prevalence: While orbital fat loss is a documented side effect, it appears to be relatively rare
  4. Risk factors: Older age and lower BMI may increase the risk of developing this side effect
  • .
  • Alternative options: For those concerned about orbital fat loss, there are prostaglandin-free lash serums available, such as The Ordinary Lash & Brow Serum and LashFood Eyelash Enhancing Serum

  • not gonna take the risk, if i lose my eye fat its over
u do u
  • +1
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thank you nigger
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You can put it near your eyes, I did it for like a month or two and it grew them
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i have red that if i do them myself and fuck up it can seriously damage the eye
Niga just buy a lash dye off Amazon and follow the instructions nothing bad will happen lots of people use them.
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  • +1
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Just follow the instructions and buy a dye that’s meant for lashes cause they are created to be gentle on those hairs compared to a beard dye or brow one that’s not.
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Good post. Repped. Well, is this gonna work for my T50 eyes? I feel like people with colored eyes would benefit most from this.
  • +1
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Good post. Repped. Well, is this gonna work for my T50 eyes? I feel like people with colored eyes would benefit most from this.
tysm. ofc it adds to contrast as i said but it honestly would help any eye area as i said
Some of this stuff is known, so please don't flood the comments with "muh water"; I'm making this thread due to my own additions to the set of looksmaxes you could do to ascend your lashes, and for some other reasons I will state later on as well.

Table of Contents (color coded):


Want insane lashes similar to (or even better than) absolute gigaslayers such as Saafiir, Kater, Megamind (jfl) and many more? (no glaze, too lazy to find other examples)
View attachment 3313672
View attachment 3313667
View attachment 3313816
Well this guide has you covered, so stick around and ascend.
Eyelashes matter way more than some people think; from improving contrast, to frauding PFL - eyelashes go a very long way for such a small element of our face. They are way too easy to improve not to, and if you aren't doing what I am about to tell you, then you're really missing out. The reason I have decided to make this thread is partially due to the shear amount of compliments I get, besides everything else, for my eyelashes (while they have no clue that my lashes are frauded); and because I haven't seen methods like this on the forum before. Pics are also included, so don't you worry :)



The absolute best way to grow eyelashes would be Latisse (bimatoprost), but please beware of the side effects and stop using it if you notice any. The only issue is actually getting your hands on it, as in most countries - it's prescription only. But if you DO manage to get your hands on it - excellent. Here's how to use it properly; side effects to consider and B&A's:
Best way to use Latisse is to apply it nightly for up to 16 weeks (4 months) with a sterile applicator, ensuring you remove the excess off any areas except for the lashes when you're done.
Most common side effects are irritation, eyelid redness, discoloration of the skin and burning of fat, so I'll make an emphasis on proper application of it. If you're scared for any changes to your physical eye area, stick to the other methods below. More severe, but also way more rare side effects could be eye infection (mostly due to contamination), iris pigmentation (very rare) and unwanted hair growth.

Other Working Methods:

The best publicly-available products for eyelash growth are castor & rosemary oil or a peptide serum, but oral minoxidil can be used as well. Here's how to use them properly & other stuff you may wanna know:
For the oils & the serum, apply twice a day until you see sufficient growth. I was recommended this peptide serum, more info will obviously be on the manufacturer's website.
There aren't many side effects to worry about at all with these, if you experience any - it's most likely due to your skin complexion/application method, etc.

For the oral minoxidil (it is important that you use the oral one, as topical minox can irritate your eyes), take 2.5 to 5 milligrams per day for 4-6 months, or until your results are satisfactory, but I won’t recommend going for too long, as the longer you go - the more dependent your body becomes on it. There is no need to go above that dosage etiher, as it will not add any marginal benefit.
The side effects range from more common ones, like undesired hair growth and bloating all the way to more severe ones, such as cardiac issues due to increased water retention in the heart, but they are obviously way more rare, especially for healthy people.
Befores & Afters:
Rosemary Oil:
View attachment 3312135
Castor Oil:
View attachment 3312137
Peptide Serum:
View attachment 3312142
Oral Minoxidil:
View attachment 3316499


Grooming is pretty simple; all you have to do is, depending on your PFL, trim 2-5mm of your upper lateral eyelashes for an improved perceived canthal tilt, as a lot of the eyelashes cover up your lateral canthus. Don't be worried, as they do grow back. Just, obviously, take repercussions while doing it to not cut yourself, and preferably use thin scissors.


Things you need for styling:
  • Eyelash Curler;
  • Decently water-resistant Mascara (don't be scared, you will not gaymax if you follow the steps correctly);
  • Tweezers;
  • Eyebrow hold Gel;
  • Cotton buds.

1.) Curling:
First off, curl your lashes up with the curler by holding it firmly closed on your upper eyelid, capturing most lashes, then pulling the curler up gently, while simultaneously, as gently, rotating it upwards for a few seconds;

2.) Shaping:
Take the tweezers and put some of the eyebrow gel onto them
. Then, carefully pinch some upper lashes together, so that it looks like there's less lashes, but they're way thicker. Then, simply repeat that for lower lashes as well. This will make them stand out way more, as the contrast is already getting higher just by doing that. Then, remove any excess gel with a wet cotton bud;

3.) Volumizing:
This is where mascara comes into play. Before we get into it, I would like to point some things out: 1 - I am aware that lash tinting exists. You can do that as well, but mascara has a big advantage to that: it's thick. It wraps around your lashes in a thick black coat, making them look way thicker, while also adding color to your invisible eyelashes, obviously making them visible (again, extra volume). 2 - You have to do this very carefully, so that you don't get caught wearing it. It's not that difficult to do, as long as you're aware of a few things: amount, excesses and chunks. I will also explain how to keep it very subtle, so that your eyelashes pass as natural. This is also like the highest extent of makeup I am personally willing to go to.

Before doing anything, make sure to remove any excess mascara "paste" off the applicator. Then, carefully bring the brush just under your upper lashes, and instead of using your hands to apply it - gently blink onto the brush, so that your lashes very lightly come into contact with the stuff. Afterwards, very lightly tap your lower lashes with the brush, ensuring you do not touch the skin at any stage of this, obviously. When that's done and the mascara is on your lashes, put your finger in between your lashes and lightly blink onto it, so that excess mascara and any chunks of it comes off and onto your finger, making your lashes look more natural (do not miss this step). After that, wash the mascara off your finger, and again, use a wet cotton bud to rub any excess mascara off your skin, if any got onto it.
This stuff is water but worth saying - While out, do not rub your eyes. Occasionally, check them with your phone camera in case any mascara has crumbled off and onto your undereye (never happened to me personally but better safe than sorry).

Also, obviously, the end results are realms more noticeable IRL, so you won't find out the full potential of this method unless you try it.

So that's about it buddy boyos, hope you found this useful, tell me what you think, and best of luck slaying all the gigastacies in town😈
Someone recommend me a good serum plz for lashes
Latisse can cause pigmentation change and discoloration around the eyelid area but great for growth for the lashes
Peptide, Castor & Rosemary I vouch for Minox also increases density
Rep, great thread
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Black dye + any peptide serum no roids rest is cope
Solid post, will try the curling routine, my are long and full but no curl at all I think this will help a lot
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permablasting is the best course of action for haircels.:unsure:
curling always helps though
  • +1
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holy fuck this is real?
  • +1
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Everyone is already permablasting topical min orally
Don't be confusing people out here absolutely do not drink topical minoxidil, you mean the oral minox
  • Ugh..
Reactions: mightbecooked123
Don't be confusing people out here absolutely do not drink topical minoxidil, you mean the oral minox
Many users already did it including me lol
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  • +1
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Don't be confusing people out here absolutely do not drink topical minoxidil, you mean the oral minox
I just drank it five seconds ago

You mix a few drops with half a shot of water and drink it

It's MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than pills
Drinking topical min you'll spend 10$ a year,

Everything in topical min is safe to drink, just make sure it doesn't contain to much min so you don't get hearth problems
  • +1
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I just drank it five seconds ago

You mix a few drops with half a shot of water and drink it

It's MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper than pills
Drinking topical min you'll spend 10$ a year,

Everything in topical min is safe to drink, just make sure it doesn't contain to much min so you don't get hearth problems
How much growth you get? How fast?
How much growth you get? How fast?
Haven't taken any progress pictures

But I used to shave off my pedo-stache every week, now I do it every other day

Same with armpit hair and snail trial

Make sure you use liquid and NOT FOAM

Extract some min with syringe and take a couple drops into a shotglass filled with water

You first need to measure how much liquid is in one drop from a syringe and then see how much min it has

I've used topical min topicaly for half a year with decent brow and scalp growth, so I'm on 5mg min a day(2.5 morning and night)

You should start off with half 1mg

The worst side effect is your parents thinking you're gay and autistic:lul:
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