The only real flat earth

There is material on moon called Regolith, moon it reflects 12% of the radiation that it receives, this is because there is no atmosphere to scatter the radiation and after four billion years of meteoritic pounding the surface dust is as fine as powder.

No wind to move it around and no water to ablate it, each grain has reflective surfaces.

So you can call it a reflecting surface and not a mirror you dumb inbred faggot
Why is ice growing buddy? All studies prove that in some places in it's been growing consistently
Why is ice growing buddy? All studies prove that in some places in it's been growing consistently
Because your mothers pussy is being fucked by my huge stinky cock and the juices coming out of her pussy from all the pounding are turning into ice
  • Love it
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
thats what i thought. you literally just conceded right there btw
why is ice growing bro? why are global warming activists associated with freemasonry?


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Because your mothers pussy is being fucked by my huge stinky cock and the juices coming out of her pussy from all the pounding are turning into ice
damn you stinky son of a bitch
How does a rock hundreds of thousands of miles away create light on earth?
It is called ‘albedo’ or diffuse reflectivity. In other words, the reflection is scattered unlike a mirror that reflects directly. The moon has an approximate albedo of 14% and the albedo of Earth is higher than the moon due to oceans (water reflects more light).
  • +1
Reactions: Samiscool234, Lmao and Deleted member 15827
didnt read any of this thread. If the earth is flat why can I observe the rings of saturn and other round planets? Why do I observe the moons going around them?

How to we predict solar and lunar eclipses and what causes them?

Why does the ISS app on my phone perfectly show where the ISS is in the sky? Like a perfect location im talking.

Why does the earth look curver from the upper atmosphere

why has there never been evidence of a dome or ice wall

You are pulled into one of the dumbest, legitimate dumbest conspiracy theories available.
didnt read any of this thread. If the earth is flat why can I observe the rings of saturn and other round planets? Why do I observe the moons going around them?

How to we predict solar and lunar eclipses and what causes them?

Why does the ISS app on my phone perfectly show where the ISS is in the sky? Like a perfect location im talking.

Why does the earth look curver from the upper atmosphere

why has there never been evidence of a dome or ice wall

You are pulled into one of the dumbest, legitimate dumbest conspiracy theories available.
You can't help a blind man. And you are a blind man. You won't even read or even look at the map.
You can't help a blind man. And you are a blind man. You won't even read or even look at the map.
ive seen them before, its stupid and unscientific with no proof but there is proof for globe earth.
OP kill yourself you retarded khanzeer I rape and impregnate ur whore mother and sister
  • JFL
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Attention! I will give you evidence of the sphericity of the Earth:

1. The Appearance of the Moon on the Different Locations on Earth

Everyone on Earth observes the same face and phase of the Moon at the same time, provided the Moon is visible from the location of the observer. This fact is contrary to what the flat Earth model requires. It rules out the possibility of a flat-Earth and that the Moon is a sphere hovering a few thousand miles above Earth’s surface.

If the Moon is as close as described in the flat Earth model, the appearance of the Moon will be different on the different locations on Earth. The Moon will appear to have a different phase, and an observer on the other side of the world will see the different side of the Moon.

In reality, the Earth is a sphere, and the Moon is far away, about 30 times Earth’s diameter. It is the reason every one of us sees the same phase and face of the Moon no matter where we are on Earth, provided the Moon is visible from our location.

2. Lunar Phase and Lunar Eclipse

The lunar phase is the shape of the Moon’s directly sunlit portion as viewed from Earth. The lunar phases change continuously, with a cycle over a period of 29½ days.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into Earth’s shadow. It is a rarer event that occurs only during a full moon and when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are very closely aligned.

Flat-Earthers claim it is impossible that the gibbous phase of the Moon is caused by Earth’s shadow, and they use it to discredit science. In reality, nobody claims Earth’s shadow causes it. They confuse the lunar phase with a lunar eclipse.

Like the Earth, the Moon is also experiencing day and night cycles. Half of the moon is sunlit, and the other is dark. The lunar phase happens because we observe the sunlit part of the Moon differently depending on its position relative to Earth. The lunar phase is constantly changing. It changes gradually over the period of about 29½ days.

On the other hand, a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow is cast on the Moon’s surface. This is a rare phenomenon and can only happen for a few hours during a full moon phase, but not every full moon will have an eclipse. Every year, there will be at least two lunar eclipses and as many as five.

3. Blood Moon: Why The Moon Turns Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse

The Moon becomes red during a total lunar eclipse because Earth’s atmosphere acts like a lens and refracts sunlight toward the Moon. It also scatters bluish components of sunlight more strongly and lets more reddish components reach the Moon.

The Moon does not become totally dark during a total lunar eclipse, and flat-Earthers use it as “evidence” the Moon is not in Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse. In reality, it occurs due to optical phenomena involving Earth’s atmosphere.

Sunlight is composed of different colors. These colors can be separated by refraction through a prism, or in rainbows, for example. When sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is affected by Rayleigh scattering. The colors near the blue end of the spectrum are scattered more strongly than colors towards the red end of the spectrum. It is why the reddish part of sunlight dominates the light that reaches the surface of the Moon. The blue components are “left behind” on Earth’s atmosphere as the glowing blue color of our sky.

The same phenomenon also causes the red-orange color when the Sun is low in the sky during sunrise and sunset.

4. Crossing the Continent of Antarctica

Crossing the continent of Antarctica is a feat that has been achieved multiple times. And it is only possible if Earth is a sphere. If Earth were flat, the expeditions would have to travel impossibly far, all the way to the other side of Earth.

Flat-Earthers claim that no such expedition has been attempted before. They are wrong. Crossing Antarctica has been done numerous times by multiple independent parties and using different methods.

In 2018, Colin O’Brady finished his trans-Antarctic crossing. Due to his well-publicized feat, Flat-Earthers invented a made-up explanation that he merely crossed the Antarctic Peninsula, south of South America. They are incorrect.

O’Brady was widely criticized because his crossing was not coast-to-coast, he skipped the ice shelves entirely, and he used graded roads. However, if the Earth were flat, he still had to travel to the other side of the world. He started at Messner Start at longitude 65°W, went to the South Pole, and finished at the Leverett Glacier at longitude 150°W. On the so-called ‘flat Earth map’, 65°W is south of Argentina, while 150°W is south of the Hawaiian Islands. It was an impossibly far traveling distance.

It is possible for O’Brady and others before him to accomplish their trans-Antarctic crossing because Earth is a sphere, and Antarctica is a continent.

5. Visibility of the Sun on a Flat Earth

If the Earth were flat, then the Sun has to be visible above the horizon all the time, from the entire Earth. This does not occur, and the simple fact should have been sufficient to rule out any possibility of a flat-Earth.

But instead, flat-Earthers invented various convoluted chain of ad-hoc hypotheses and presented them as “explanations” to prevent the flat-Earth model from being falsified. None of the “explanations” are proven nor correspond to the way our world works.

If the Earth were flat, the Sun would never set. It would be visible all the time, and there would be no night. To “fix” this inconsistency with reality, they invented the ad-hoc hypothesis that the Sun shines like a spotlight. That did not address the fact that sunsets do happen. They ‘plugged’ the inconsistency by inventing another ad-hoc hypothesis that “perspective” and “refraction” (which differ from the real-world perspective and refraction, obviously) causes the appearance of a sunset. And so on. The entire community of flat-Earth can no longer distinguish the facts from the ad-hoc hypotheses they invented to prevent their beloved theory from being falsified.

It can be useful to get back to where it started without considering any of the ad-hoc hypotheses. Without all the unproven ad-hoc hypothesis, the Sun would never set in the flat model. At the extreme case where the observer is on the ‘edge’ of the Earth, the Sun would still be 8.7° above the horizon at its farthest point, or equivalent to the position of the Sun about half an hour before sunset (on the real-world Earth).

No amount of refraction and perspective can make the Sun appear below the horizon. And no ‘lampshade’ can make the Sun completely disappear during the night.

6. Magnetic Dip

A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground.

Flat-Earthers claim that a compass is unusable only near Antarctica. In reality, the same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical.

Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole.

At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does.

Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet.

Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. On the other hand, everything is consistent under the spherical Earth model.

7. Midnight Sun in Both Polar Regions Proves Spherical Earth

Midnight Sun is a phenomenon where the Sun remains visible at midnight. This phenomenon occurs in the summer months north of Arctic Circle, and south of the Antarctic Circle.

The apparent motion of the Sun in both polar regions is different. In the north polar region, the Sun moves from left to right. On the other hand, in Antarctica, the Sun moves from right to left. There is no explanation other than that Earth is a sphere.

The flat-Earth model can explain the occurrence of the northern midnight sun. But it fails to explain that the identical phenomenon also occurs in the southern polar region, but moves to the opposite direction.​

@dreamcake1mo @Freestyleofnoone @vinn98 @elitemak @Meshuggahballsoup @BrendioEEE @to be human @Dark Horse

Look at the nicknames of those above, this is what retardism looks like

@alriodai @MaxillaMaxing @thecel @ascension! @HarrierDuBois @Exterminator @Makhachev @mogger123 @AllesScheiße @Manchild @LampPostPrime @aBetterMii @oldcelloser @Uglybrazilian @luljankybo @Moggie @cillianmurphycel @Matthias8272 @thereallegend
Last edited:
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 22627, aBetterMii and alriodai
Attention! I will give you evidence of the sphericity of the Earth:

1. The Appearance of the Moon on the Different Locations on Earth

Everyone on Earth observes the same face and phase of the Moon at the same time, provided the Moon is visible from the location of the observer. This fact is contrary to what the flat Earth model requires. It rules out the possibility of a flat-Earth and that the Moon is a sphere hovering a few thousand miles above Earth’s surface.

If the Moon is as close as described in the flat Earth model, the appearance of the Moon will be different on the different locations on Earth. The Moon will appear to have a different phase, and an observer on the other side of the world will see the different side of the Moon.

In reality, the Earth is a sphere, and the Moon is far away, about 30 times Earth’s diameter. It is the reason every one of us sees the same phase and face of the Moon no matter where we are on Earth, provided the Moon is visible from our location.

2. Lunar Phase and Lunar Eclipse

The lunar phase is the shape of the Moon’s directly sunlit portion as viewed from Earth. The lunar phases change continuously, with a cycle over a period of 29½ days.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into Earth’s shadow. It is a rarer event that occurs only during a full moon and when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are very closely aligned.

Flat-Earthers claim it is impossible that the gibbous phase of the Moon is caused by Earth’s shadow, and they use it to discredit science. In reality, nobody claims Earth’s shadow causes it. They confuse the lunar phase with a lunar eclipse.

Like the Earth, the Moon is also experiencing day and night cycles. Half of the moon is sunlit, and the other is dark. The lunar phase happens because we observe the sunlit part of the Moon differently depending on its position relative to Earth. The lunar phase is constantly changing. It changes gradually over the period of about 29½ days.

On the other hand, a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow is cast on the Moon’s surface. This is a rare phenomenon and can only happen for a few hours during a full moon phase, but not every full moon will have an eclipse. Every year, there will be at least two lunar eclipses and as many as five.

3. Blood Moon: Why The Moon Turns Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse

The Moon becomes red during a total lunar eclipse because Earth’s atmosphere acts like a lens and refracts sunlight toward the Moon. It also scatters bluish components of sunlight more strongly and lets more reddish components reach the Moon.

The Moon does not become totally dark during a total lunar eclipse, and flat-Earthers use it as “evidence” the Moon is not in Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse. In reality, it occurs due to optical phenomena involving Earth’s atmosphere.

Sunlight is composed of different colors. These colors can be separated by refraction through a prism, or in rainbows, for example. When sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is affected by Rayleigh scattering. The colors near the blue end of the spectrum are scattered more strongly than colors towards the red end of the spectrum. It is why the reddish part of sunlight dominates the light that reaches the surface of the Moon. The blue components are “left behind” on Earth’s atmosphere as the glowing blue color of our sky.

The same phenomenon also causes the red-orange color when the Sun is low in the sky during sunrise and sunset.

4. Crossing the Continent of Antarctica

Crossing the continent of Antarctica is a feat that has been achieved multiple times. And it is only possible if Earth is a sphere. If Earth were flat, the expeditions would have to travel impossibly far, all the way to the other side of Earth.

Flat-Earthers claim that no such expedition has been attempted before. They are wrong. Crossing Antarctica has been done numerous times by multiple independent parties and using different methods.

In 2018, Colin O’Brady finished his trans-Antarctic crossing. Due to his well-publicized feat, Flat-Earthers invented a made-up explanation that he merely crossed the Antarctic Peninsula, south of South America. They are incorrect.

O’Brady was widely criticized because his crossing was not coast-to-coast, he skipped the ice shelves entirely, and he used graded roads. However, if the Earth were flat, he still had to travel to the other side of the world. He started at Messner Start at longitude 65°W, went to the South Pole, and finished at the Leverett Glacier at longitude 150°W. On the so-called ‘flat Earth map’, 65°W is south of Argentina, while 150°W is south of the Hawaiian Islands. It was an impossibly far traveling distance.

It is possible for O’Brady and others before him to accomplish their trans-Antarctic crossing because Earth is a sphere, and Antarctica is a continent.

5. Visibility of the Sun on a Flat Earth

If the Earth were flat, then the Sun has to be visible above the horizon all the time, from the entire Earth. This does not occur, and the simple fact should have been sufficient to rule out any possibility of a flat-Earth.

But instead, flat-Earthers invented various convoluted chain of ad-hoc hypotheses and presented them as “explanations” to prevent the flat-Earth model from being falsified. None of the “explanations” are proven nor correspond to the way our world works.

If the Earth were flat, the Sun would never set. It would be visible all the time, and there would be no night. To “fix” this inconsistency with reality, they invented the ad-hoc hypothesis that the Sun shines like a spotlight. That did not address the fact that sunsets do happen. They ‘plugged’ the inconsistency by inventing another ad-hoc hypothesis that “perspective” and “refraction” (which differ from the real-world perspective and refraction, obviously) causes the appearance of a sunset. And so on. The entire community of flat-Earth can no longer distinguish the facts from the ad-hoc hypotheses they invented to prevent their beloved theory from being falsified.

It can be useful to get back to where it started without considering any of the ad-hoc hypotheses. Without all the unproven ad-hoc hypothesis, the Sun would never set in the flat model. At the extreme case where the observer is on the ‘edge’ of the Earth, the Sun would still be 8.7° above the horizon at its farthest point, or equivalent to the position of the Sun about half an hour before sunset (on the real-world Earth).

No amount of refraction and perspective can make the Sun appear below the horizon. And no ‘lampshade’ can make the Sun completely disappear during the night.

6. Magnetic Dip

A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground.

Flat-Earthers claim that a compass is unusable only near Antarctica. In reality, the same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical.

Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole.

At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does.

Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet.

Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. On the other hand, everything is consistent under the spherical Earth model.

7. Midnight Sun in Both Polar Regions Proves Spherical Earth

Midnight Sun is a phenomenon where the Sun remains visible at midnight. This phenomenon occurs in the summer months north of Arctic Circle, and south of the Antarctic Circle.

The apparent motion of the Sun in both polar regions is different. In the north polar region, the Sun moves from left to right. On the other hand, in Antarctica, the Sun moves from right to left. There is no explanation other than that Earth is a sphere.

The flat-Earth model can explain the occurrence of the northern midnight sun. But it fails to explain that the identical phenomenon also occurs in the southern polar region, but moves to the opposite direction.​

@dreamcake1mo @Freestyleofnoone @vinn98 @elitemak @Meshuggahballsoup @BrendioEEE @to be human @Dark Horse

Look at the nicknames of those above, this is what retardism looks like

@alriodai @MaxillaMaxing @thecel @ascension! @HarrierDuBois @Exterminator @Makhachev @mogger123 @AllesScheiße @Manchild @LampPostPrime @aBetterMii @oldcelloser @Uglybrazilian @luljankybo @Moggie @cillianmurphycel @Matthias8272 @thereallegend
You told children wishing to grow taller to go vegan on this forum. Reddit tier poster
Attention! I will give you evidence of the sphericity of the Earth:

1. The Appearance of the Moon on the Different Locations on Earth

Everyone on Earth observes the same face and phase of the Moon at the same time, provided the Moon is visible from the location of the observer. This fact is contrary to what the flat Earth model requires. It rules out the possibility of a flat-Earth and that the Moon is a sphere hovering a few thousand miles above Earth’s surface.

If the Moon is as close as described in the flat Earth model, the appearance of the Moon will be different on the different locations on Earth. The Moon will appear to have a different phase, and an observer on the other side of the world will see the different side of the Moon.

In reality, the Earth is a sphere, and the Moon is far away, about 30 times Earth’s diameter. It is the reason every one of us sees the same phase and face of the Moon no matter where we are on Earth, provided the Moon is visible from our location.

2. Lunar Phase and Lunar Eclipse

The lunar phase is the shape of the Moon’s directly sunlit portion as viewed from Earth. The lunar phases change continuously, with a cycle over a period of 29½ days.

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into Earth’s shadow. It is a rarer event that occurs only during a full moon and when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are very closely aligned.

Flat-Earthers claim it is impossible that the gibbous phase of the Moon is caused by Earth’s shadow, and they use it to discredit science. In reality, nobody claims Earth’s shadow causes it. They confuse the lunar phase with a lunar eclipse.

Like the Earth, the Moon is also experiencing day and night cycles. Half of the moon is sunlit, and the other is dark. The lunar phase happens because we observe the sunlit part of the Moon differently depending on its position relative to Earth. The lunar phase is constantly changing. It changes gradually over the period of about 29½ days.

On the other hand, a lunar eclipse happens when the Earth’s shadow is cast on the Moon’s surface. This is a rare phenomenon and can only happen for a few hours during a full moon phase, but not every full moon will have an eclipse. Every year, there will be at least two lunar eclipses and as many as five.

3. Blood Moon: Why The Moon Turns Red During a Total Lunar Eclipse

The Moon becomes red during a total lunar eclipse because Earth’s atmosphere acts like a lens and refracts sunlight toward the Moon. It also scatters bluish components of sunlight more strongly and lets more reddish components reach the Moon.

The Moon does not become totally dark during a total lunar eclipse, and flat-Earthers use it as “evidence” the Moon is not in Earth’s shadow during a lunar eclipse. In reality, it occurs due to optical phenomena involving Earth’s atmosphere.

Sunlight is composed of different colors. These colors can be separated by refraction through a prism, or in rainbows, for example. When sunlight enters Earth’s atmosphere, it is affected by Rayleigh scattering. The colors near the blue end of the spectrum are scattered more strongly than colors towards the red end of the spectrum. It is why the reddish part of sunlight dominates the light that reaches the surface of the Moon. The blue components are “left behind” on Earth’s atmosphere as the glowing blue color of our sky.

The same phenomenon also causes the red-orange color when the Sun is low in the sky during sunrise and sunset.

4. Crossing the Continent of Antarctica

Crossing the continent of Antarctica is a feat that has been achieved multiple times. And it is only possible if Earth is a sphere. If Earth were flat, the expeditions would have to travel impossibly far, all the way to the other side of Earth.

Flat-Earthers claim that no such expedition has been attempted before. They are wrong. Crossing Antarctica has been done numerous times by multiple independent parties and using different methods.

In 2018, Colin O’Brady finished his trans-Antarctic crossing. Due to his well-publicized feat, Flat-Earthers invented a made-up explanation that he merely crossed the Antarctic Peninsula, south of South America. They are incorrect.

O’Brady was widely criticized because his crossing was not coast-to-coast, he skipped the ice shelves entirely, and he used graded roads. However, if the Earth were flat, he still had to travel to the other side of the world. He started at Messner Start at longitude 65°W, went to the South Pole, and finished at the Leverett Glacier at longitude 150°W. On the so-called ‘flat Earth map’, 65°W is south of Argentina, while 150°W is south of the Hawaiian Islands. It was an impossibly far traveling distance.

It is possible for O’Brady and others before him to accomplish their trans-Antarctic crossing because Earth is a sphere, and Antarctica is a continent.

5. Visibility of the Sun on a Flat Earth

If the Earth were flat, then the Sun has to be visible above the horizon all the time, from the entire Earth. This does not occur, and the simple fact should have been sufficient to rule out any possibility of a flat-Earth.

But instead, flat-Earthers invented various convoluted chain of ad-hoc hypotheses and presented them as “explanations” to prevent the flat-Earth model from being falsified. None of the “explanations” are proven nor correspond to the way our world works.

If the Earth were flat, the Sun would never set. It would be visible all the time, and there would be no night. To “fix” this inconsistency with reality, they invented the ad-hoc hypothesis that the Sun shines like a spotlight. That did not address the fact that sunsets do happen. They ‘plugged’ the inconsistency by inventing another ad-hoc hypothesis that “perspective” and “refraction” (which differ from the real-world perspective and refraction, obviously) causes the appearance of a sunset. And so on. The entire community of flat-Earth can no longer distinguish the facts from the ad-hoc hypotheses they invented to prevent their beloved theory from being falsified.

It can be useful to get back to where it started without considering any of the ad-hoc hypotheses. Without all the unproven ad-hoc hypothesis, the Sun would never set in the flat model. At the extreme case where the observer is on the ‘edge’ of the Earth, the Sun would still be 8.7° above the horizon at its farthest point, or equivalent to the position of the Sun about half an hour before sunset (on the real-world Earth).

No amount of refraction and perspective can make the Sun appear below the horizon. And no ‘lampshade’ can make the Sun completely disappear during the night.

6. Magnetic Dip

A magnetic compass is less usable near the poles partly due to magnetic dip. One of the Earth’s poles is much closer and affects the needle more strongly than the other pole. As a result, Earth’s magnetic field pulls the needle toward the ground.

Flat-Earthers claim that a compass is unusable only near Antarctica. In reality, the same also occurs near the North Pole. Magnetic dip, as observed on various locations on Earth, can only happen if the Earth is spherical.

Flat-Earthers read stories about Admiral Byrd and how his compass did not work when he is in Antarctica. They jumped to the conclusion and assumed the compass did not work because the Earth is flat. In reality, the compass did not work because of the magnetic dip, and the same phenomenon occurs not only in Antarctica but also near the north pole.

At locations near the equator, the magnetic dip is practically zero. Earth’s magnetic field pulls compass needles perfectly horizontal. The Earth’s south pole affects the compass with the same force as the north pole does.

Some flat-Earthers hypothesized that because the Earth is spherical, then a compass needle near the Equator should point toward the ground at an angle. However, we do not witness this, and they concluded the Earth is flat. This misconception arises from their assumption that the needle is attracted to the north, but they are ignorant that the other end of the needle is also attracted to the south pole. All magnets —Earth’s included— have two poles. There’s no such thing as a monopolar magnet.

Most observations concerning Earth’s magnetism cannot be explained in the flat Earth model. On the other hand, everything is consistent under the spherical Earth model.

7. Midnight Sun in Both Polar Regions Proves Spherical Earth

Midnight Sun is a phenomenon where the Sun remains visible at midnight. This phenomenon occurs in the summer months north of Arctic Circle, and south of the Antarctic Circle.

The apparent motion of the Sun in both polar regions is different. In the north polar region, the Sun moves from left to right. On the other hand, in Antarctica, the Sun moves from right to left. There is no explanation other than that Earth is a sphere.

The flat-Earth model can explain the occurrence of the northern midnight sun. But it fails to explain that the identical phenomenon also occurs in the southern polar region, but moves to the opposite direction.​

@dreamcake1mo @Freestyleofnoone @vinn98 @elitemak @Meshuggahballsoup @BrendioEEE @to be human @Dark Horse

Look at the nicknames of those above, this is what retardism looks like

@alriodai @MaxillaMaxing @thecel @ascension! @HarrierDuBois @Exterminator @Makhachev @mogger123 @AllesScheiße @Manchild @LampPostPrime @aBetterMii @oldcelloser @Uglybrazilian @luljankybo @Moggie @cillianmurphycel @Matthias8272 @thereallegend
Legit bro, the earth is actually hollow

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