The only thing that young guys must focus on during their developmental years [youngcels GTFIH]

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Jun 1, 2022
Heed the words from the 26yo oldcel who has gone through so much suffering in life. I might be a broken man now but at least I have so much wisdom and blackpill knowledge that if someone was to teleport me back to my teen years, I would have been the ultimate mogger. Trust me, don't even listen to your parents, listen to me as I have stared into the deepest depths of abyss.

You must be very careful in your developmental years because if you fuck up some of the points that I am going to lay out, you might end end with severe physical and mental consequences which will be very hard to overcome later in life or near impossible.

1. Food

Food is so important in your developmental years because your body is the most responsive then. If you eat shit diet, your bones will not properly develop, your hormones can get fucked, you can become acnecel and you might even develop some mental illneses. I am no nutrition expert but I for sure now which foods human beings eat in nature and that is meat, organs, eggs, milk, eat them all preferably raw and try to get them from quality and trusted sources.

When it comes to working out, you can go to the gym if you want but it's not the healthiest options, any physical labor ages and stresses the body, I would rather recommend you to train non bullshit martial arts. Knowing how to fight will make your more confident, it might save you from bullying and mogging from other males and it makes you more attractive to JBs.

If you are short, then you might look into HGH but I am no expert on this. Remember that being a manlet is death sentence for a man.

2. Socialization

Have friends, make memories, go to parties, receive validation from others, try to be popular, compete in sports or whatever. Avoid hanging out with outcasts and losers. When I look back at my teens, I should have gone out to parties with normies instead of playing video games with older, weed smoking losers. It's better to hang out with normies than with outcasts, just avoid talking about blackpill stuff. Try to get into social groups who do lots of activites and who have a mix of males and females. Human beings are social animals, there is no way around it, you will have physhological issues if you don't develop socially or if you, God forbid, get bullied.

If someone tries to bully you, my advice is to instantly get into a physical fight. I won't waste time talking about how you can handle those situations because none if it matters. Just get into fight, it doesn't matter if you lose, you stood up for yourself and it will repel further bullying. Now repeat after me, bullies don't care about you or what you have to say, the only thing that is going to repel them ever is the threat of physical violence. Just trust me on this 100%, but try not to get your ass beaten.

3. Looksmaxxing

At that age, you probably don't have money unless you are richfag from rich parents who are willing to spend money on your hardmaxxing, otherwise forget surgeries. Main things that you can do at that age are basic softmaxxes. Lose weight if you are fatass, if you are not then keep eating a lot of mentioned foods. Second thing that you must do is to never become a acnecel. If you have acne, this moment go to some good derma and treat it, this is something that I should have done. I won't list all of the things that you can do, go browse looksmaxing section for that, but looksmaxxing is absolute and should be done at any stage of life, even if it is easier to get laid in HS. Never use roids.

4. Education

If you are not born into wealth then you will most likely be forced to go to work. Don't listen to subhunam online scammers who want to sell you their online courses, take your education seriously and start planning for the future. It is better to be a slave in office with air conditioning, who goes on business trips than to die prematurely from physical labor. You will suffer gretaly if you work some physical job for piss money, you will literally die.

5. Female validation and sex

I have left the most important one for last. As we now, women are always showered with attention, validation, opportunities for sex so they will never face problems like these as men. Too much attention that they receive nowadays is actually corrupting them but that's another topic. For a man it is crucial that he gets female attention and sex, especially in his developmental years. The burden of performance is always on a man. Man is the one who goes through the process of selection by oppsite gender, he is the one who is determined worthy or unworthy of spreading his genes. No such burden is placed on women as almost every woman in history reproduced, while majority of men didn't.

There is no thing that can fundamentally give a man confidence than his ability to attract females. It is the ultimate proof that he is successful as a biological organism.

The ideal scenario would be to experience teen love to it's fullest. To get together with a virgin foid, to lose both of your virginites together and do all of that relationship stuff together.

If you don't have luck finding a ltr, then the second best thing would be to garner female attention easily, to have foids talk about you and to fuck some of them. Simply put, to be a slayer.

The last case scenario would be to fuck anything. If you don't have luck or genes to be a slayer, then go fuck anything, even a ugly chick, just fuck anyhting, trust me. Don't leave your high school as a virgin.

If you fail at this step, then severe mental consequences await you later in life. I am the proof of that.

Tldr for lazy cunts:
Eat meat, eggs, milk
Get laid
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mental gymnastics of a sub htn male.
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nice now do a follow up on how to take ur own life
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mental gymnastics of a sub htn male.
If a HTN rots instead of engaging in these things, he will also become autisitc and depressed later in life.
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If a HTN rots instead of engaging in these things, he will also become autisitc and depressed later in life.
copes of a sub htn male
htn= life on tutorial mode, you wouldn't even think the slightest about the gymnastics you wrote if you had htn face because everything happens naturally for him.
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copes of a sub htn male
htn= life on tutorial mode, you wouldn't even think the slightest about the gymnastics you wrote if yo u had htn face because everything happens naturally for him.
Well there are niggas uglier than me who had better high school life and at least got laid while I rotted with losers.

Even if you are sub htn, then you must at least build some base so that you can ascend later in life.
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Well there are niggas uglier than me who had better high school life and at least got laid while I rotted with losers.
cope, post pics or you overrate your face
or dm.
Heed the words from the 26yo oldcel who has gone through so much suffering in life. I might be a broken man now but at least I have so much wisdom and blackpill knowledge that if someone was to teleport me back to my teen years, I would have been the ultimate mogger. Trust me, don't even listen to your parents, listen to me as I have stared into the deepest depths of abyss.

You must be very careful in your developmental years because if you fuck up some of the points that I am going to lay out, you might end end with severe physical and mental consequences which will be very hard to overcome later in life or near impossible.

1. Food

Food is so important in your developmental years because your body is the most responsive then. If you eat shit diet, your bones will not properly develop, your hormones can get fucked, you can become acnecel and you might even develop some mental illneses. I am no nutrition expert but I for sure now which foods human beings eat in nature and that is meat, organs, eggs, milk, eat them all preferably raw and try to get them from quality and trusted sources.

When it comes to working out, you can go to the gym if you want but it's not the healthiest options, any physical labor ages and stresses the body, I would rather recommend you to train non bullshit martial arts. Knowing how to fight will make your more confident, it might save you from bullying and mogging from other males and it makes you more attractive to JBs.

If you are short, then you might look into HGH but I am no expert on this. Remember that being a manlet is death sentence for a man.

2. Socialization

Have friends, make memories, go to parties, receive validation from others, try to be popular, compete in sports or whatever. Avoid hanging out with outcasts and losers. When I look back at my teens, I should have gone out to parties with normies instead of playing video games with older, weed smoking losers. It's better to hang out with normies than with outcasts, just avoid talking about blackpill stuff. Try to get into social groups who do lots of activites and who have a mix of males and females. Human beings are social animals, there is no way around it, you will have physhological issues if you don't develop socially or if you, God forbid, get bullied.

If someone tries to bully you, my advice is to instantly get into a physical fight. I won't waste time talking about how you can handle those situations because none if it matters. Just get into fight, it doesn't matter if you lose, you stood up for yourself and it will repel further bullying. Now repeat after me, bullies don't care about you or what you have to say, the only thing that is going to repel them ever is the threat of physical violence. Just trust me on this 100%, but try not to get your ass beaten.

3. Looksmaxxing

At that age, you probably don't have money unless you are richfag from rich parents who are willing to spend money on your hardmaxxing, otherwise forget surgeries. Main things that you can do at that age are basic softmaxxes. Lose weight if you are fatass, if you are not then keep eating a lot of mentioned foods. Second thing that you must do is to never become a acnecel. If you have acne, this moment go to some good derma and treat it, this is something that I should have done. I won't list all of the things that you can do, go browse looksmaxing section for that, but looksmaxxing is absolute and should be done at any stage of life, even if it is easier to get laid in HS. Never use roids.

4. Education

If you are not born into wealth then you will most likely be forced to go to work. Don't listen to subhunam online scammers who want to sell you their online courses, take your education seriously and start planning for the future. It is better to be a slave in office with air conditioning, who goes on business trips than to die prematurely from physical labor. You will suffer gretaly if you work some physical job for piss money, you will literally die.

5. Female validation and sex

I have left the most important one for last. As we now, women are always showered with attention, validation, opportunities for sex so they will never face problems like these as men. Too much attention that they receive nowadays is actually corrupting them but that's another topic. For a man it is crucial that he gets female attention and sex, especially in his developmental years. The burden of performance is always on a man. Man is the one who goes through the process of selection by oppsite gender, he is the one who is determined worthy or unworthy of spreading his genes. No such burden is placed on women as almost every woman in history reproduced, while majority of men didn't.

There is no thing that can fundamentally give a man confidence than his ability to attract females. It is the ultimate proof that he is successful as a biological organism.

The ideal scenario would be to experience teen love to it's fullest. To get together with a virgin foid, to lose both of your virginites together and do all of that relationship stuff together.

If you don't have luck finding a ltr, then the second best thing would be to garner female attention easily, to have foids talk about you and to fuck some of them. Simply put, to be a slayer.

The last case scenario would be to fuck anything. If you don't have luck or genes to be a slayer, then go fuck anything, even a ugly chick, just fuck anyhting, trust me. Don't leave your high school as a virgin.

If you fail at this step, then severe mental consequences await you later in life. I am the proof of that.

Tldr for lazy cunts:
Eat meat, eggs, milk
Get laid
Funny nigga
Good thread op.
Im 22 oldcel its too late for me its over
Yeah your right no point in being picky
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Agreed in principle but unfortunately I don't think you can really self-improve or "alpha" your way out of a shitty high school situation. It's a closed social environment you're constrained by, by 14-15 reputations and friend groups/cliques have formed and there's nothing you can do to change them. Venues through which you can meet new people also are very limited to you and you're dependent on your parents economically and for your everyday schedule. I tried to "ascend" when I was 15 and it just made the cool kids hate me more cause they saw me as a "peasant forgetting his place" who dared to presume to be their equal.

The best thing you can do is just survive, looksmax and read up on social skills theory to prepare for college as a second chance. There you have more freedom with regard to the friends you make and reputation you develop, as well as activities you can engage in to meet other people. It's why I feel like shit for wasting my uni years but not my high school years, I don't feel there was anything I could have done for the latter, but the former is 100% on me.
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good thread op, im 14 gonna use this to complete my looksmaxxing plan


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Heed the words from the 26yo oldcel who has gone through so much suffering in life. I might be a broken man now but at least I have so much wisdom and blackpill knowledge that if someone was to teleport me back to my teen years, I would have been the ultimate mogger. Trust me, don't even listen to your parents, listen to me as I have stared into the deepest depths of abyss.

You must be very careful in your developmental years because if you fuck up some of the points that I am going to lay out, you might end end with severe physical and mental consequences which will be very hard to overcome later in life or near impossible.

1. Food

Food is so important in your developmental years because your body is the most responsive then. If you eat shit diet, your bones will not properly develop, your hormones can get fucked, you can become acnecel and you might even develop some mental illneses. I am no nutrition expert but I for sure now which foods human beings eat in nature and that is meat, organs, eggs, milk, eat them all preferably raw and try to get them from quality and trusted sources.

When it comes to working out, you can go to the gym if you want but it's not the healthiest options, any physical labor ages and stresses the body, I would rather recommend you to train non bullshit martial arts. Knowing how to fight will make your more confident, it might save you from bullying and mogging from other males and it makes you more attractive to JBs.

If you are short, then you might look into HGH but I am no expert on this. Remember that being a manlet is death sentence for a man.

2. Socialization

Have friends, make memories, go to parties, receive validation from others, try to be popular, compete in sports or whatever. Avoid hanging out with outcasts and losers. When I look back at my teens, I should have gone out to parties with normies instead of playing video games with older, weed smoking losers. It's better to hang out with normies than with outcasts, just avoid talking about blackpill stuff. Try to get into social groups who do lots of activites and who have a mix of males and females. Human beings are social animals, there is no way around it, you will have physhological issues if you don't develop socially or if you, God forbid, get bullied.

If someone tries to bully you, my advice is to instantly get into a physical fight. I won't waste time talking about how you can handle those situations because none if it matters. Just get into fight, it doesn't matter if you lose, you stood up for yourself and it will repel further bullying. Now repeat after me, bullies don't care about you or what you have to say, the only thing that is going to repel them ever is the threat of physical violence. Just trust me on this 100%, but try not to get your ass beaten.

3. Looksmaxxing

At that age, you probably don't have money unless you are richfag from rich parents who are willing to spend money on your hardmaxxing, otherwise forget surgeries. Main things that you can do at that age are basic softmaxxes. Lose weight if you are fatass, if you are not then keep eating a lot of mentioned foods. Second thing that you must do is to never become a acnecel. If you have acne, this moment go to some good derma and treat it, this is something that I should have done. I won't list all of the things that you can do, go browse looksmaxing section for that, but looksmaxxing is absolute and should be done at any stage of life, even if it is easier to get laid in HS. Never use roids.

4. Education

If you are not born into wealth then you will most likely be forced to go to work. Don't listen to subhunam online scammers who want to sell you their online courses, take your education seriously and start planning for the future. It is better to be a slave in office with air conditioning, who goes on business trips than to die prematurely from physical labor. You will suffer gretaly if you work some physical job for piss money, you will literally die.

5. Female validation and sex

I have left the most important one for last. As we now, women are always showered with attention, validation, opportunities for sex so they will never face problems like these as men. Too much attention that they receive nowadays is actually corrupting them but that's another topic. For a man it is crucial that he gets female attention and sex, especially in his developmental years. The burden of performance is always on a man. Man is the one who goes through the process of selection by oppsite gender, he is the one who is determined worthy or unworthy of spreading his genes. No such burden is placed on women as almost every woman in history reproduced, while majority of men didn't.

There is no thing that can fundamentally give a man confidence than his ability to attract females. It is the ultimate proof that he is successful as a biological organism.

The ideal scenario would be to experience teen love to it's fullest. To get together with a virgin foid, to lose both of your virginites together and do all of that relationship stuff together.

If you don't have luck finding a ltr, then the second best thing would be to garner female attention easily, to have foids talk about you and to fuck some of them. Simply put, to be a slayer.

The last case scenario would be to fuck anything. If you don't have luck or genes to be a slayer, then go fuck anything, even a ugly chick, just fuck anyhting, trust me. Don't leave your high school as a virgin.

If you fail at this step, then severe mental consequences await you later in life. I am the proof of that.

Tldr for lazy cunts:
Eat meat, eggs, milk
Get laid
nice thread OP btw do you follow Goatis maybe? I'm not really sure about safety of raw carnivore, but I went carnivore thanks to him ngl
nice thread OP btw do you follow Goatis maybe? I'm not really sure about safety of raw carnivore, but I went carnivore thanks to him ngl
Yes. I still eat mostly cooked meat because sadly it is not safe to eat it raw in 2023. but whenever I am in a restuarant, I eat medium rare stake or some raw animal dish if there is one on the menu. I eat raw eggs and I drink a lot of fruit juices. In next few weeks, I am going to find best places to buy domestic and fresh meat, eggs and milk products.
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Yes. I still eat mostly cooked meat because sadly it is not safe to eat it raw in 2023. but whenever I am in a restuarant, I eat medium rare stake or some raw animal dish if there is one on the menu. I eat raw eggs and I drink a lot of fruit juices. In next few weeks, I am going to find best places to buy domestic and fresh meat, eggs and milk products.
well tbh I'm not worried about raw meat, what seems more dangerous to me are raw eggs and raw milk, whose aren't our "natural" food so therefore they are more likely to be toxic for your body if you consume them raw, and it is irrelevant how "organic" are sources of it, nobody can actually guarantee you that those are safe to eat

on the other hand, organic domestic meat could be very beneficial but idk is it available here tbh also animals are very often fed by unnatural foods and exposed to medicine, otherwise it's ok and NATURAL for humans to eat
same goes for raw organs, I'd buy them already tomorrow if I found any producers here, it's hard to find tbh

fruit juices are possibly way healthier than fruits themselves idk I'll give it a try I just don't eat fruits and vegetables anymore and feel way better fiber is so bad for humans I wish I knew it before, I ate too much fruits and was bloated 24/7 jfl
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Wait can u link the thread where this guy was originally talking about how .org was toxic
Everyone gives this advice but young lads at risk will always feel pressured by either bluepilled parents or some other form of timid/good boy mindset or low self-confidence preventing them from taking action

But legit physical activity is a must. At least something that will give you a strong capable body that can harm another person and some form of fighting experience even if it's just playfighting with some bros. It's not good to be a frail manlet/lanklet, sole cause of my low confidence tbh
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nice thread bro im 15 and this was very useful and that education thing is very imp fr my cousins are in their late 20s and all of em focused on their studies and career during school instead of doing all the "escape the matrix" shit and now they all be earning around 200k a year in white collar jobs livin good lives
Heed the words from the 26yo oldcel who has gone through so much suffering in life. I might be a broken man now but at least I have so much wisdom and blackpill knowledge that if someone was to teleport me back to my teen years, I would have been the ultimate mogger. Trust me, don't even listen to your parents, listen to me as I have stared into the deepest depths of abyss.

You must be very careful in your developmental years because if you fuck up some of the points that I am going to lay out, you might end end with severe physical and mental consequences which will be very hard to overcome later in life or near impossible.

1. Food

Food is so important in your developmental years because your body is the most responsive then. If you eat shit diet, your bones will not properly develop, your hormones can get fucked, you can become acnecel and you might even develop some mental illneses. I am no nutrition expert but I for sure now which foods human beings eat in nature and that is meat, organs, eggs, milk, eat them all preferably raw and try to get them from quality and trusted sources.

When it comes to working out, you can go to the gym if you want but it's not the healthiest options, any physical labor ages and stresses the body, I would rather recommend you to train non bullshit martial arts. Knowing how to fight will make your more confident, it might save you from bullying and mogging from other males and it makes you more attractive to JBs.

If you are short, then you might look into HGH but I am no expert on this. Remember that being a manlet is death sentence for a man.

2. Socialization

Have friends, make memories, go to parties, receive validation from others, try to be popular, compete in sports or whatever. Avoid hanging out with outcasts and losers. When I look back at my teens, I should have gone out to parties with normies instead of playing video games with older, weed smoking losers. It's better to hang out with normies than with outcasts, just avoid talking about blackpill stuff. Try to get into social groups who do lots of activites and who have a mix of males and females. Human beings are social animals, there is no way around it, you will have physhological issues if you don't develop socially or if you, God forbid, get bullied.

If someone tries to bully you, my advice is to instantly get into a physical fight. I won't waste time talking about how you can handle those situations because none if it matters. Just get into fight, it doesn't matter if you lose, you stood up for yourself and it will repel further bullying. Now repeat after me, bullies don't care about you or what you have to say, the only thing that is going to repel them ever is the threat of physical violence. Just trust me on this 100%, but try not to get your ass beaten.

3. Looksmaxxing

At that age, you probably don't have money unless you are richfag from rich parents who are willing to spend money on your hardmaxxing, otherwise forget surgeries. Main things that you can do at that age are basic softmaxxes. Lose weight if you are fatass, if you are not then keep eating a lot of mentioned foods. Second thing that you must do is to never become a acnecel. If you have acne, this moment go to some good derma and treat it, this is something that I should have done. I won't list all of the things that you can do, go browse looksmaxing section for that, but looksmaxxing is absolute and should be done at any stage of life, even if it is easier to get laid in HS. Never use roids.

4. Education

If you are not born into wealth then you will most likely be forced to go to work. Don't listen to subhunam online scammers who want to sell you their online courses, take your education seriously and start planning for the future. It is better to be a slave in office with air conditioning, who goes on business trips than to die prematurely from physical labor. You will suffer gretaly if you work some physical job for piss money, you will literally die.

5. Female validation and sex

I have left the most important one for last. As we now, women are always showered with attention, validation, opportunities for sex so they will never face problems like these as men. Too much attention that they receive nowadays is actually corrupting them but that's another topic. For a man it is crucial that he gets female attention and sex, especially in his developmental years. The burden of performance is always on a man. Man is the one who goes through the process of selection by oppsite gender, he is the one who is determined worthy or unworthy of spreading his genes. No such burden is placed on women as almost every woman in history reproduced, while majority of men didn't.

There is no thing that can fundamentally give a man confidence than his ability to attract females. It is the ultimate proof that he is successful as a biological organism.

The ideal scenario would be to experience teen love to it's fullest. To get together with a virgin foid, to lose both of your virginites together and do all of that relationship stuff together.

If you don't have luck finding a ltr, then the second best thing would be to garner female attention easily, to have foids talk about you and to fuck some of them. Simply put, to be a slayer.

The last case scenario would be to fuck anything. If you don't have luck or genes to be a slayer, then go fuck anything, even a ugly chick, just fuck anyhting, trust me. Don't leave your high school as a virgin.

If you fail at this step, then severe mental consequences await you later in life. I am the proof of that.

Tldr for lazy cunts:
Eat meat, eggs, milk
Get laid
I agree with much of the advice here as a younger guy, however the last one “just GET LAID BRO!” Isn’t all too good. Your developing years are all about developing yourself that includes
(mind, body and soul) lady attention will come by itself no need to rush into sex.
well tbh I'm not worried about raw meat, what seems more dangerous to me are raw eggs and raw milk, whose aren't our "natural" food so therefore they are more likely to be toxic for your body if you consume them raw, and it is irrelevant how "organic" are sources of it, nobody can actually guarantee you that those are safe to eat

on the other hand, organic domestic meat could be very beneficial but idk is it available here tbh also animals are very often fed by unnatural foods and exposed to medicine, otherwise it's ok and NATURAL for humans to eat
same goes for raw organs, I'd buy them already tomorrow if I found any producers here, it's hard to find tbh

fruit juices are possibly way healthier than fruits themselves idk I'll give it a try I just don't eat fruits and vegetables anymore and feel way better fiber is so bad for humans I wish I knew it before, I ate too much fruits and was bloated 24/7 jfl
hopecel, good work spreading Hamza’s message
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Good advice brother, will follow 💪

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