The pathetic copes of wannabe athletes


Deleted member 23219

genetically superior aero-chad
Oct 21, 2022
You hear these pathetic copes all the time in every single sport:

Cope #1
"Don't compare yourself to these athletes, bro!
They're all on steroids, bro!
Nate Diaz said so!:soy::soy:

If i were on roids, i could do be an elite level athlete too,
but i choose to stay natty because i'm morally superior, bro!
It's totally not because i'm too much of a pussy to inject!
I would also become the undisputed HW champion after 2 ostarine cycles despite my Untermensch genetics!"

Cope #2
"Those elite level follow scientific training methods specifically designed for them and have special diet plans.
They are counting every macronutrient and train 12 hours a day using SECRET methods!
Those methods are so secret even they themselves haven't discovered them yet!

Cope #3
"It's not about winning or losing, it's about doing your best.
You don't need to compare yourself to others, despite your "accomplishments" being literally invisible if you're not in the top 5%.

Be proud of being a skinny-fat 135lb pajeet instead of being a 185lb skinny-fat pajeet!

Your accomplishments are worth more than theirs, because you struggled more than them, bro!"

All those copes are obviously only there because people are not willing to recognize genetic determinism.

Elite athletes may or may not be taking PEDs, but it doesn't fucking mattER anyway, since you will nevER be like them even on grams of gear.

Most of those elite athletes are not eating secret diets where they don't eat a gram of carbs in ten years.
They just eat the same slop you eat, and it works for them.

They also don't have any overly scientific training methods, they just train.
They follow the same broscience you follow, and it works for them.

If you're training a sport and you're not at least in the top 10% in terms of talent, you in all honesty should only do it recreationally in order to not get fat.
That's it.
You will just end up as disposable cannon fodder if you try to force your way into competitive sports.

This is especially true when it comes to contact sports.
You don't wanna end up a live punching bag or a live tackling dummy for the actual elite.

By the way:
There is nothing more cucked than watching every PPV, just so that some tattoed negroid that got lucky at birth can get rich and famous without providing anything to society.
There is a reason why both fascist and communist countries banned professional sports.
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Sports are all genetics, but I guess you can always become a better athlete if you put enough effort into it.
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but what's your point
but what's your point
idk, i'm just sick of normies worshipping those elite athletes, mentally masturbating about their training routines and their PED usage when in reality those athletes just were born with the right DNA.

Same thing happens here: faggots obsess about the ramus length and midface projection of male models and viciously debate which surgeries they need to look like david gandy.
Truth is, they will nevER look like him, even with every surgery in the world.

Sperging out about minor details is useless at best, and on top of that it puts genetically blessed people on a pedestal they don't deserve to be on.
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  • Ugh..
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idk, i'm just sick of normies worshipping those elite athletes, mentally masturbating about their training routines and their PED usage when in reality those athletes just were born with the right DNA.

Same thing happens here: faggots obsess about the ramus length and midface projection of male models and viciously debate which surgeries they need to look like david gandy.
Truth is, they will nevER look like him, even with every surgery in the world.

Sperging out about minor details is useless at best, and on top of that it puts genetically blessed people on a pedestal they don't deserve to be on.
i like how you pretend to have a new perspective when this is already orthodoxy on incel sites
The biggest cope is when people think doing sports will make you look like them

I didnt get tall because i swam often

I noticed my torso is long af,I am 6ft 2 with a small waist and powerful legs
And then started swimming seriously,not the other way around
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