Top 10 Things To Do And Not To Do If You Just Started University! (As a INCEL)

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I was talking about going with others in the logic that you are too afraid to go alone, which would be ideal, but most likely you don't.

Also, if you are going with 1-2 other guys in your group, ideally there should be a girl among them.

Also, if there isn't, I don't see anything wrong, given that no one knows anyone anyway, and that girl may just think you're nice, and that you've seen her sitting alone and isolated, and you'd like to integrate her into your group (chads and HTNs in your potential group won't find her interesting/attractive anyway, given that she's probably an anti social freak, so that's why I say in that context, at least you have a chance at her later)
If she's cute they will find her attractive.

Even if you tell your group, "yo I'm going to invite this chick to hang with us, I'm into her", they not hitting on her won't prevent her from finding one of the other dudes more attractive... especially if that dude talked to her within the first 5-10mins of her interacting with somebody from the group.

It's ideal IMO to get close to a girl first, and then you pave the way into the friend group.
So she sticks close to you.
I say this because I've done something similar before a few years ago, and it works

The girl sticked close to me.
I was also the dude who organised stuff tbh, so she might've thought me to be more mature

Regardless, just be first theory is underrated
It might be the most important, given the only thing that can be more important than looks is emotional connection..
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meanwhile we are reading this chad is fucking a htb
That's why we're reading this while we're still in high school, so that maybe when we get to university we can do like Chad, at least with a MTB :lul:
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bruutal no reply pill:lul::lul::lul:. Bookmarked tho bhai.
Tbh, if i knew this shit 6 years ago i guess i wouldn't be here now, and i'd be in a much better position, but..

No matter what country you're from, what you look like or what your goals are from university or the dating market out there, here are 10 things you should try to do, and 10 things you should not do in the short to medium term once you've started university..


1. Have an Instagram and Facebook account with 2-3 very generic pictures of yourself, very recent pictures, that don't necessarily stand out. The important thing is to have these accounts, because you will need them, especially when you form connections and friendships early, and people will ask you for a contact method, or you ask them how you can contact them.

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This is how I know your list is valid.
2. Quickly find a group in your class with which to form connections initially, and friendships later, and try to do this in order of genetic values (first try towards those very attractive people, and if they don't seem to care about you for idk reason, maybe you're too ugly, look for the next group that's just a little less attractive, and so on, until you find a group that accepts you anyway).

The point is that no one knows anyone in the beginning, and chances are you're going to side with someone with good genetics, which is desirable in the medium to long term for many reasons, and if you don't fit the look in them, just personalitymaxing and jestermaxxing under their skin until they care about you..

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3. Don't go to classes that aren't mandatory, because they are useless and irrelevant.

Instead, try inviting your classmates to do shit together during that time, like going to the mall, going out at a restaurant to drink some shit, going to a cool place in the city, sitting in the park on the bench or some shit, methods by which you will form closer connections.

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4. Join a club or student organization at your university. It will help you a lot with the above points + it will mature you a lot and help you in social skills + in future years you will have easier access to fresh foids who will only then come to the university + many other benefits..

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5. Find a team sport activity to do as often as possible (soccer, basketball and volleyball mogs) to help ease the stress of university + you form more connections..

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6. If you have somewhere to go swimming nearby, like the university offers pools for that, go for it. If you don't know how to swim, just go, and there should be someone there to teach you..

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7. Get the fuck out and explore the things around you, especially if you're in a new city, and especially during the warm season (take public transport if you have it, see the stations, different areas of the city, etc. malls, restaurants, downtown, various food stores, cool places, parks, etc. where to test different types of food, drinks, compare prices, and generally know shit about it because it's very valuable information later on)

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8. Learn the information taught in class that day as quickly as possible (you go to your room, do some relaxing shit or whatever, and before going to sleep 1-2 hours before, try to learn what information you got today, even if you don't memorize it perfectly, just the fact that you reread it a few times and understanding it better will help you a lot in the future)

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9. Learn to cook if you don't already (if you happen to get a foid at some point along the way, if you tell her you know how to cook and make her some good shit to eat when she comes over after a hard day at university, you'll earn a lot of points in her eyes compared to other guys)

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10. In your first few weeks at university, after you manage to sort of form a group, try to look for those foids who are cute enough for you, but who seem anti-social and don't seem to be looking for a group yet, and tell like 1-2 people from your group if they want to go with you to her, so all of you can talk to that foid, and invite her to your group as well (she will be your future target as future gf but that will happen later..)

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1. End up having a group consisting of only subhumans guys, and no foid around (brutal and kinda over for the rest of the time spent at the university..)

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2. Refusing to do shit like going out somewhere when another group of people invited you, whatever you're doing at that moment, it's really not more important than that, believe me (whatever it is, just do it, go with them, fuck too much overthinking)

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3. Start using alcohol, cigarettes or other things, just don't do it..

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4. To keep play video games, like wtf is wrong with you, you're an adult, you're over 18 lol.. (only keep doing it if you're doing it with others in the university group who still go out, and only if that group also contains foids, and if that group plays NT games, nothing too competitive, and they don't want you to play this games for more than 2-3 times a week, and the gaming session does not exceed 2-3 hours a day)

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5. To not learn anything during the semester and leave everything just before the exams..

6. Still being anti social and weird like you were in high school (nobody knows you and nobody cares about you, but the thing is, this happens to everyone. Now is the time to start from scratch and be who you want to be, exactly what you wanted to be in high school but couldn't)

7. Spend too much time on your phone and laptop scrolling pointlessly through internet shit instead of doing something productive (I know it's very tempting, but just don't do it..)

8. Start eating chaotically and with a lot of unhealthy food, because you feel you don't have enough time (you always have to make time for relatively healthy food)

9. Not knowing how to manage your money well (it's brutal if you don't know, lol, especially on this inflation when everything is expensive)

10. Don't take more care of your hygiene and the way you present yourself in front of everyone, no matter how much you've done looksmaxing or not, you still have to have a minimum of hygiene and still present yourself honorably in front of others in everyday life with day (very often neglected due to lack of time)

I hope you guys find this shit helpful! (I know a lot of things are water, but for someone who just entered university, maybe not all points are like that)..
Amazing advice
I cant wait for uni, only thing that I dont agree with is the alcohol part,
best part about being a new mf is the new blank slate identity that comes with it
best part about being a new mf is the new blank slate identity that comes with it
Exactly, and you have to make the most of the momentum until others realize who you really are..
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Exactly, and you have to make the most of the momentum until others realize who you really are..

I left 3 unis in a row at this point and have a whole bunch of different personas. I’m a massive liar and even get laid a lot thanks to it but the non NTness catches up to me eventually which is why I hop over to other unis and move states

it’s like resetting your skill tree in a game lol
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Im 23 (ab to be 24 in 2 months) and have a pretty good job and career path set already but missed out on the college exp because I dropped out during the pandemic.

should I try moving to off campus apartments across from the uni to try to experience that scene or is it not worth it? Because rn I’m struggling to build any solid social circle that’s mix gendered + good ratio + college age range + at least average levels of attractiveness.
main thing I took away is to do school work directly after class,
Tbh, if i knew this shit 6 years ago i guess i wouldn't be here now, and i'd be in a much better position, but..

No matter what country you're from, what you look like or what your goals are from university or the dating market out there, here are 10 things you should try to do, and 10 things you should not do in the short to medium term once you've started university..


1. Have an Instagram and Facebook account with 2-3 very generic pictures of yourself, very recent pictures, that don't necessarily stand out. The important thing is to have these accounts, because you will need them, especially when you form connections and friendships early, and people will ask you for a contact method, or you ask them how you can contact them.

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2. Quickly find a group in your class with which to form connections initially, and friendships later, and try to do this in order of genetic values (first try towards those very attractive people, and if they don't seem to care about you for idk reason, maybe you're too ugly, look for the next group that's just a little less attractive, and so on, until you find a group that accepts you anyway).

The point is that no one knows anyone in the beginning, and chances are you're going to side with someone with good genetics, which is desirable in the medium to long term for many reasons, and if you don't fit the look in them, just personalitymaxing and jestermaxxing under their skin until they care about you..

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3. Don't go to classes that aren't mandatory, because they are useless and irrelevant.

Instead, try inviting your classmates to do shit together during that time, like going to the mall, going out at a restaurant to drink some shit, going to a cool place in the city, sitting in the park on the bench or some shit, methods by which you will form closer connections.

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4. Join a club or student organization at your university. It will help you a lot with the above points + it will mature you a lot and help you in social skills + in future years you will have easier access to fresh foids who will only then come to the university + many other benefits..

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5. Find a team sport activity to do as often as possible (soccer, basketball and volleyball mogs) to help ease the stress of university + you form more connections..

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6. If you have somewhere to go swimming nearby, like the university offers pools for that, go for it. If you don't know how to swim, just go, and there should be someone there to teach you..

View attachment 3178286

7. Get the fuck out and explore the things around you, especially if you're in a new city, and especially during the warm season (take public transport if you have it, see the stations, different areas of the city, etc. malls, restaurants, downtown, various food stores, cool places, parks, etc. where to test different types of food, drinks, compare prices, and generally know shit about it because it's very valuable information later on)

View attachment 3178288

8. Learn the information taught in class that day as quickly as possible (you go to your room, do some relaxing shit or whatever, and before going to sleep 1-2 hours before, try to learn what information you got today, even if you don't memorize it perfectly, just the fact that you reread it a few times and understanding it better will help you a lot in the future)

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9. Learn to cook if you don't already (if you happen to get a foid at some point along the way, if you tell her you know how to cook and make her some good shit to eat when she comes over after a hard day at university, you'll earn a lot of points in her eyes compared to other guys)

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10. In your first few weeks at university, after you manage to sort of form a group, try to look for those foids who are cute enough for you, but who seem anti-social and don't seem to be looking for a group yet, and tell like 1-2 people from your group if they want to go with you to her, so all of you can talk to that foid, and invite her to your group as well (she will be your future target as future gf but that will happen later..)

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1. End up having a group consisting of only subhumans guys, and no foid around (brutal and kinda over for the rest of the time spent at the university..)

View attachment 3178303

2. Refusing to do shit like going out somewhere when another group of people invited you, whatever you're doing at that moment, it's really not more important than that, believe me (whatever it is, just do it, go with them, fuck too much overthinking)

View attachment 3178307
3. Start using alcohol, cigarettes or other things, just don't do it..

View attachment 3178310

4. To keep play video games, like wtf is wrong with you, you're an adult, you're over 18 lol.. (only keep doing it if you're doing it with others in the university group who still go out, and only if that group also contains foids, and if that group plays NT games, nothing too competitive, and they don't want you to play this games for more than 2-3 times a week, and the gaming session does not exceed 2-3 hours a day)

View attachment 3178319

5. To not learn anything during the semester and leave everything just before the exams..

6. Still being anti social and weird like you were in high school (nobody knows you and nobody cares about you, but the thing is, this happens to everyone. Now is the time to start from scratch and be who you want to be, exactly what you wanted to be in high school but couldn't)

7. Spend too much time on your phone and laptop scrolling pointlessly through internet shit instead of doing something productive (I know it's very tempting, but just don't do it..)

8. Start eating chaotically and with a lot of unhealthy food, because you feel you don't have enough time (you always have to make time for relatively healthy food)

9. Not knowing how to manage your money well (it's brutal if you don't know, lol, especially on this inflation when everything is expensive)

10. Don't take more care of your hygiene and the way you present yourself in front of everyone, no matter how much you've done looksmaxing or not, you still have to have a minimum of hygiene and still present yourself honorably in front of others in everyday life with day (very often neglected due to lack of time)

I hope you guys find this shit helpful! (I know a lot of things are water, but for someone who just entered university, maybe not all points are like that)..
What if you are LTN-MTN?
Im 23 (ab to be 24 in 2 months) and have a pretty good job and career path set already but missed out on the college exp because I dropped out during the pandemic.

should I try moving to off campus apartments across from the uni to try to experience that scene or is it not worth it? Because rn I’m struggling to build any solid social circle that’s mix gendered + good ratio + college age range + at least average levels of attractiveness.
I don’t think it’s too late to experience that scene (I’m a part-time student at almost 26 and people assume I’m like 18) and I definitely understand that struggle

However, idk what country you’re in or how it works there, but I don’t think living in a random apartment close to the uni will get you into that scene. In the UK, house shares are typically all students or all professionals. Landlords don’t like to mix them for a bunch of reasons that makes it riskier for them, also non-students will get shafted with the council tax.

I just started a part-time MSc which has allowed me to enrol at the uni and join clubs there. You need an entry point like this.
Tbh, if i knew this shit 6 years ago i guess i wouldn't be here now, and i'd be in a much better position, but..

No matter what country you're from, what you look like or what your goals are from university or the dating market out there, here are 10 things you should try to do, and 10 things you should not do in the short to medium term once you've started university..


1. Have an Instagram and Facebook account with 2-3 very generic pictures of yourself, very recent pictures, that don't necessarily stand out. The important thing is to have these accounts, because you will need them, especially when you form connections and friendships early, and people will ask you for a contact method, or you ask them how you can contact them.

View attachment 3178269

2. Quickly find a group in your class with which to form connections initially, and friendships later, and try to do this in order of genetic values (first try towards those very attractive people, and if they don't seem to care about you for idk reason, maybe you're too ugly, look for the next group that's just a little less attractive, and so on, until you find a group that accepts you anyway).

The point is that no one knows anyone in the beginning, and chances are you're going to side with someone with good genetics, which is desirable in the medium to long term for many reasons, and if you don't fit the look in them, just personalitymaxing and jestermaxxing under their skin until they care about you..

View attachment 3178277

3. Don't go to classes that aren't mandatory, because they are useless and irrelevant.

Instead, try inviting your classmates to do shit together during that time, like going to the mall, going out at a restaurant to drink some shit, going to a cool place in the city, sitting in the park on the bench or some shit, methods by which you will form closer connections.

View attachment 3178279

4. Join a club or student organization at your university. It will help you a lot with the above points + it will mature you a lot and help you in social skills + in future years you will have easier access to fresh foids who will only then come to the university + many other benefits..

View attachment 3178281

5. Find a team sport activity to do as often as possible (soccer, basketball and volleyball mogs) to help ease the stress of university + you form more connections..

View attachment 3178284

6. If you have somewhere to go swimming nearby, like the university offers pools for that, go for it. If you don't know how to swim, just go, and there should be someone there to teach you..

View attachment 3178286

7. Get the fuck out and explore the things around you, especially if you're in a new city, and especially during the warm season (take public transport if you have it, see the stations, different areas of the city, etc. malls, restaurants, downtown, various food stores, cool places, parks, etc. where to test different types of food, drinks, compare prices, and generally know shit about it because it's very valuable information later on)

View attachment 3178288

8. Learn the information taught in class that day as quickly as possible (you go to your room, do some relaxing shit or whatever, and before going to sleep 1-2 hours before, try to learn what information you got today, even if you don't memorize it perfectly, just the fact that you reread it a few times and understanding it better will help you a lot in the future)

View attachment 3178298

9. Learn to cook if you don't already (if you happen to get a foid at some point along the way, if you tell her you know how to cook and make her some good shit to eat when she comes over after a hard day at university, you'll earn a lot of points in her eyes compared to other guys)

View attachment 3178231

10. In your first few weeks at university, after you manage to sort of form a group, try to look for those foids who are cute enough for you, but who seem anti-social and don't seem to be looking for a group yet, and tell like 1-2 people from your group if they want to go with you to her, so all of you can talk to that foid, and invite her to your group as well (she will be your future target as future gf but that will happen later..)

View attachment 3178301

1. End up having a group consisting of only subhumans guys, and no foid around (brutal and kinda over for the rest of the time spent at the university..)

View attachment 3178303

2. Refusing to do shit like going out somewhere when another group of people invited you, whatever you're doing at that moment, it's really not more important than that, believe me (whatever it is, just do it, go with them, fuck too much overthinking)

View attachment 3178307
3. Start using alcohol, cigarettes or other things, just don't do it..

View attachment 3178310

4. To keep play video games, like wtf is wrong with you, you're an adult, you're over 18 lol.. (only keep doing it if you're doing it with others in the university group who still go out, and only if that group also contains foids, and if that group plays NT games, nothing too competitive, and they don't want you to play this games for more than 2-3 times a week, and the gaming session does not exceed 2-3 hours a day)

View attachment 3178319

5. To not learn anything during the semester and leave everything just before the exams..

6. Still being anti social and weird like you were in high school (nobody knows you and nobody cares about you, but the thing is, this happens to everyone. Now is the time to start from scratch and be who you want to be, exactly what you wanted to be in high school but couldn't)

7. Spend too much time on your phone and laptop scrolling pointlessly through internet shit instead of doing something productive (I know it's very tempting, but just don't do it..)

8. Start eating chaotically and with a lot of unhealthy food, because you feel you don't have enough time (you always have to make time for relatively healthy food)

9. Not knowing how to manage your money well (it's brutal if you don't know, lol, especially on this inflation when everything is expensive)

10. Don't take more care of your hygiene and the way you present yourself in front of everyone, no matter how much you've done looksmaxing or not, you still have to have a minimum of hygiene and still present yourself honorably in front of others in everyday life with day (very often neglected due to lack of time)

I hope you guys find this shit helpful! (I know a lot of things are water, but for someone who just entered university, maybe not all points are like that)..
University is cope
I don’t think it’s too late to experience that scene (I’m a part-time student at almost 26 and people assume I’m like 18) and I definitely understand that struggle

However, idk what country you’re in or how it works there, but I don’t think living in a random apartment close to the uni will get you into that scene. In the UK, house shares are typically all students or all professionals. Landlords don’t like to mix them for a bunch of reasons that makes it riskier for them, also non-students will get shafted with the council tax.

I just started a part-time MSc which has allowed me to enrol at the uni and join clubs there. You need an entry point like this.
Yeah but then question is "Is it really worth to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt just to maybe get a college exp?"

If u just wanna go to college for the social aspect and not the education than I feel like its better to just befriend college students and try to get into their circles
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Yeah but then question is "Is it really worth to go tens of thousands of dollars into debt just to maybe get a college exp?"

If u just wanna go to college for the social aspect and not the education than I feel like its better to just befriend college students and try to get into their circles
It’s probably not worth the debt if you already have a career are unlikely to gain financially.

For me, the MSc is employer funded so that’s fine.

So yeah, better to just befriend college students but unfortunately it’s pretty hard without an entry point.
just leave me alone bro
Not drinking alchohol will save you and fuck you over in college at the same time. Idfk how chad does it but chad is not sober during university but he also stays in shape. Not drinking will make you weirder again

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