The Perfect Human Diet and Perfect Diet For You

King Solomon

King Solomon

Aug 8, 2021
he raq organ meats are excellent sources of food for your developmental years during puberty. However, long term/high consumption of animal products increases risks of heart disease and osteoporosis and cuts your lifespan dramatically. Tribes that lived on nearly 100% animal products live on average 45 years of age (Inuit and Massai). An organic cooked carnivore diet can be a great choice for those with Small bacteria overgrowth as this diet starves out this bacteria. The raw carnivore diet can help cure virtually all the inflammatory bowel diseases also.

So there are short term positive effects of this diet.


A.) Humans anatomy and physiology (AP):

1.) Our AP is closest to Frugivories (raw whole organic fruits/seeds). From our digestive systems, stomach acid, length of our intestines, etc etc humans perfect diet if our digestive tract isn't compromised, should be as close as possible to a raw frugivore diet.
This image below that compares humans to the various types of diets in the animal kingdom (Frugivore, herbivore, omnivore and carnivore) proves without question that humans are closest anatomically to frugivories.

A.) Alkaline: When one consumes the raw fruits only diet basically your diet is 100% alkaline/organic/whole foods. When your body is in this alkaline state you cannot get sick from disease. Now you can still have a bacterial infection, radiation poisoning, or some other extreme toxin not coming from your diet that your body in it's natural state cannot fight. Under normal conditions with this diet you simply will not get sick.

2.) Bible: This is why in the Garden of Eden, fruit was our food source before the first sin. After the sin of Adam and Eve then God slowly opened up our diet to add in grains, nuts, legumes and vegetables. After the Flood God allowed for meat to be consumed except for the blood. Then Once the Israelites and the exodus more temporary rules on foods that are considered clean and unclean were implemented. Then Jesus opened up the Buffett to consider all food to be clean as ones food choices do not defile the spirit. In the garden man basically lived a symbiotic relationship with the trees as we consumed it's sexual organs the fruit and passed the seeds through our stool to disperse throughout the land. This is qhy the human body continues to degenerate, live shorter lifespans, increase in disease and pain due to not eating our natural diet. Instead humans eat heavy on meats, processed foods, grains, legumes and vegetables, and non organic foods that are high in pesticides, chemicals, and the animals are vaxxed, filled with hormones and antibiotics.

3.) Studies:

A.) The longest living and healthiest group of people on earth are the Okinawans (before they became Americanized) and they consume 98% plant-based foods (mostly Japanese sweet potatoes). The only group that tested higher on health metrics was 7th day Adventists, subgroup vegans.

B.) The Shortest living major tribes studies were the Inuit's and Massiah as they lived on a nearly 100% carnivore diet for their lifespans. The studies qere of the tribes from modern day (lived on their cultural normal diet still to this day) and studied the remains of these tribes from several hundred years ago. The studies conclusively determined that the average age of death for these tribes ranged from 45-48 years of age and the main causes of death qere heart disease and Osteoporosis. Studies of animals that were all herbivories/frugivores all developed heart disease and died much younger when force feed an all meat diet. This is a 100% occurrence.

-The osteoporosis and high rates of disease from this high meat diet is due to your body becoming acidic. To counteract this, the body has natural mechanisms to alkalize or neutralize the body by pulling calcium out of the body. This process is caused acidosis and one on this diet is in a constant state of acidosis when for a lifetime even though there's high amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in these raw animal product diets.

-The heart disease is due to the fats/cholesterol damaging the arteries over time.

-Gallbladder: If one is cooking the meat then that meat/fat turns to grease. That grease is going to clog the gallbladder over time and cause the gallbladder to have severe inflammation and cause severe pain. This is going to lead to throwing up, and needing to have the gallbladder removed immediately. If one does eat high fat from meat it's safer to not cook the fat as long as it's from an organic grass fed/finished source.

4.) Carnivore Diet:

A.) The carnivore diet can be a very useful diet in the short term for the following reasons.
i. Severe autoimmune disorder/leaky gut/any inflammatory bowel disease
ii. Small Intestine bacterial overgrowth or SIBO and or C. Difficile
iii. Genetically mutated weakness of the intestines/gut (This is relatively new but people like Dr. Jordan Peterson, his qife, his daughter and others have reported these issues from birth and deuteriation of their condition over time as they age). This is incredibly rare and anecdotal at this moment in time but there appears to be a small number of people that are born with this condition where they simply can only tolerate an animal based diet. At this time I do not know if they're never able to go back to eating plant based foods again or if this genetic weakness/mutation is a permanent condition. Therefore this could be a lifelong problem.
iv.) Going through puberty: Including high levels of easily digested organ meats raq is amazing for your puberty and enhances and maximizes your growth and development during that time period, including height, muscle mass, penis size, etc. I personally recommend a moderate amount raw organ meats along with raw fruits and honey during puberty. Basically the calories come from the fruits and honey (fats and carbs). The protein comes and high levels of minerals and nutrients come from the organ meats. Just a half pound a day or 3/4 a pound should be sufficient for most men.

B.) Diet recommendations if you have these conditions:

i.) Raq carnivore diet: this is higher in minerals and vitamins and there's no grease so it doesn't destroy your gallbladder over time.
ii.) organic, whole foods, grass fed/finished: No hormones, antibiotics, vaccines GMO's, grain fed, etc. Hat your food eats becomes a part of you and all those chemicals, toxins, etc cause disease and destruction of your body.
iii.) Non aged: Aged meats cause high levels of histamine that can cause inflammation in the body and gut.
iv.) No diary/eggs: Even the raq organic form is simply not good for us as it's genetically designed for that specific animal and the eggs have anti-nutrients/high in histamine so those can cause issues in some.


A.) There is no perfect diet or food for 2 people or more as everybody has a gut microbiome that's in a different state. You have different amounts baceria, different levels of intestinal permability, different levels of funcioning levels and overall health of your digestive system overall. Therefore the perfect diet for you is alqays going to be different from everyone on earth. The major differences are due to mainly all the trash in our food, water, medications, drugs, air, etc that destroy our guts like the hormones, antibiotics, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, etc. It also comes down to your genetics as these genetic weaknesses due to the damaged caused by these man made things have destroyed human gut microbiomes over the centuries and these genetic weaknesses are passed down through the generations over time which is increasing the levels of food insensitivities.

1.) Our gut microbiome has over 1,000 species of bacteria and around 40 trillion of these bacteria in total. The slight changes due to whatever reason cause these food insensitivities as these guys are the foot soldiers responsible for the final process of digestion of the fiber and fat in the intestines.

B.) Hoq to determine the perfect diet for you and the process to create this diet.

1.) Have a comprehensive stool test, GI map + Zonulin and heavy metals/toxins blood analysis. This will provide a baseline to see qhat condition your overall gut microbiome is in, functioning of your organs, toxicity/heavy metals in the body, etc.
2.) Utilize a daily journal that includes the foods you consumed, times you consumed them, amounts, macronutrients, micronutrients is possible in the apps, and all your symptoms (burping, tiredness, energy levels, mood, gas, pain, noises, etc etc).
3.) If your tests come back and you have a high level of dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, SIBO, C. difficile, inflammation etc then you'll have to start on the most extreme diet as possible. At this time you may be experiences major pain, gas, diarrhea, weight loss, etc.
a.) Elimination Diet: This is basically the meat only diet no plant food, no dairy, no eggs.
b.) Foods must be organic, grass fed/finished, non aged, no hormones, antibiotics, no vax, etc. Basically the Amish stores are the best overall sources for these foods.
c.) Four day rotational Diet: One may have to do this due to leaky gut aka intestinal permability. If you have a high zonulin test aka leaky gut then there's a chance you could develop food intolerances to the progetin of the food. If you consume a food daily you qill develop a food intolerance. Each day you consume this food the worse the reaction become over time (pain, diarrhea, inflammation, etc). Basically those proteins leak into the intestines into the body and your cytokines eventually react and fight these foods/ proteins as if they're an invader and this causes gut inflammation that leads to the diarreah. Once you eat a food that stays in the system for 72 hours after it's digested from the Stomach. This is y it's extremely important to try a 4 day rotational diet immediately to prevent this from occurring. Once you find out you have a food intolerance to a food. You must stop the consumption of that food for at least 6 months before you may be able to eat that food again unless you completely healed the gut lining. The leaky gut can lead to autoimmune issues also. Also, the animals cannot be in the same family or the Cytokines/immune system are going to recognize those proteins as the same food and cause a food intolerance. So if you consume Salmon you can't consume any other type of salmon for four more days.
d.) Find one animal for each day to start and build your way up to 12 animals to rotate for 3 meals a day so you're not consuming too much fat per meal as it's taxing on the gallbladder.
e.) Your calories is from the fat and some carbs from the organ meats. Protein has a net negative energy expenditure on the body so the more you consume the more energy you expend which can lead to weight loss. For the body to convert protein into calories it costs the body 3x as much energy for this conversion as it does for carbs/fat. One only needs a very moderate amount of protein (0.4 grams / lb of lean body mass). Therefore, most men are good enough with a 1/2 lb to 3/4th lb of meat a day or around 50-75 grams of protein per day
f.) This also means no salt, spices, etc
g.) water: water should be reverse osmosis water to prevent any toxins or heavy metal consumption.
h.) After discovering the foods that do the best for your body, getting inflammation down to nothing daily for at least a month and all other symptoms are gone then retest to see hoq the body has recovered.
i.) Sloqly start adding back in foods to see hoq your body responds. If you are extremely sensitive this could just mean testing one food per week and only testing basically a small serving size.

C.) Things that can assist the recovery process while on the elimination diet:

1.) Detox of Toxins/heavy metals: Glutathione injections: This assists in the detoxification of the toxins and heavy metals. These heavy metals destroy your gut microbiome and organ functioning.
2.) Inflammation:
a.) BCP Injections: Peptide that heals the gut lining/tissues
b.) KPV injections: Peptide that inhibits inflammatory cytokines from causing gut inflammation

Since you're consuming animal products only the only option is injections as herbs and spices are off-limits during this time period.

D.) Perfect Diet For You After Healing The Gut Microbiome/Digestive System:

1.) Garden of Eden Diet: Raq, organic Whole Fruits and in season. Including coconuts, Durians, Avocados are great sources of fat. Plantains and mangos provide the most calories for the smallest amount of food outside of the fatty foods.
2.) Geographic Location: The closer you live to the equator and where these foods are grown the better.
3.) Protein: If you're finding the protein to be insufficient on this diet then the best things I've found is spirulina, chlorella, and hemp seeds. These do not have the ant-nutrients, toxins, etc that most your veggies, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds have and have the highest levels of protein per 100grams on earth. You would only need very small amount of these items to supplement your diet.
4.) Remember: Your body and gut microbiome and overall tissues and organs change daily so it's still best to maintain a daily food journal to be on the safe side.
5.) Macronutrient Balance: This varies per person but I personally do the best on roughly 70% carbs 20% fat and 10% protein.

In general, once your body has fully recovered and you're not having any food intolerances or symptoms to foods anymore then eating the way our body is designed with whole, organic, raw fruits while living in the tropics as close to the equator as possible(unless you're born with a rare genetic weakness and this isn't possible). It's believed that the Garden of Eden was located on the equator. Rain water and spring water used to be the best sources of water but due to pollution, runoff, etc these are no longer viable options.

Here's the excel document I created for the comparison of human anatomy and physiology to the animals and their different dietary requirements. As you can clearly see, we're basically 99.9% similar to the frugivores. This is why consumption of fruits leads to disease, inflammation prevention/cures and increases longevity where's the other food groups cause disease, inflammation and a decrease in longevity.


Moderation of things like meats, grains legumes can be fine but if one is a purist/naturalist and is attempting to achieve the best possible life and reach peak human form then moderation should be avoided. Now it's understandable due to culture, availability, society, etc that most people are unable to achieve this level of purity even if they have completely healed themselves and that's completely understandable. The Okinawans lived great lives even though they were not 100% raw or even 100% plant based but they were very close and it benefited them greatly.

No I don't agree with forcing everybody to eat plant based or with the government fake GMO Frankenstein lab grown processed/chemical foods.
Eat what you want, but simply understand the foods/diet and water that makes you feel and look the best and live the longest.

Nobody I know of on this earth teaches diet using these principles of our natural state combined with our constant changing state of our gut microbiome. They simple say one diet and that's it (vegan, carnivore, omnivore, raw/cooked). The youtubers, nutritionists, influencers, doctors use a cookie cutter solution for everybody. Many develop cult followings and practice their diet to an extreme degree regardless if their health continues to regress.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Cope, JohnDoe, Deleted member 88802 and 7 others
stopped reading after plant based/vegan
but protein bro
Chad slays Stacy while Betas worry about food
BuT The GovErnMent is ForcIng us To Eat VegAn
Tales from your mom's basement
Are you a doctor, nutritionist, etc?
Bible=fairytales and sky daddy
Cool story bro
If this was true then everybody would do this
Some dumb GIF/Meme
Silence I kill you
STFU fag
Lame af
Any other logical fallacy
This isn't reddit bro
Nobody cares
I don't care and DNR
I'll Kill you, you stupid faggot
Plants have feelings too
But this isn't true bro because like the media and indoctrination camps n Sheit tell me otherwise bro.
Hoq does this help my (specific inadequacy in some looks department like the face, hair, height, penis, etc)?
Stacy and Becky doesn't care about your diet bro
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Kao, Kroker, Onewithmoss and 10 others
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Kao, Jova, FaceandBBC and 1 other person
Post your physique on this diet
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Kao, HealthBrahhh, floopmaxxed and 4 others
Eat aajonus vonderplanitz diet tho
  • +1
Reactions: Esteban1997, Kao, ey88 and 2 others
  • JFL
Reactions: Esteban1997, Kao, HealthBrahhh and 2 others
People are already saying I'm on the gear. I'm just going for health and maintenance. I'll take these comments as compliments.
Ray peat diet or no diet
  • Ugh..
Reactions: ey88
Ray peat diet or no diet
Agreed, the Breatharian diet is by far the best diet. No need to waste time eating and just living off that good prana baby. No need to shit, pee, fart, etc. Just collect energy from the either.
  • +1
Reactions: mug
I stopped reading after frugivore. A mod needs to delete this post for spouting Jewish propaganda.

For anyone reading this, it is carnivore or death. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll ascend.
Last edited:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Yerico7, Deleted member 97572, Kao and 9 others
I stopped reading after frugivore. A mod needs to delete this post for spouting Jewish propaganda.

For anyone reading this, it is carnivore or death. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll ascend.
I stopped reading after you said I stopped reading.
Mods, pin this so people can live longer, happier and healthier lives.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Jova and They_are_all_whores
I stopped reading after frugivore. A mod needs to delete this post for spouting Jewish propaganda.

For anyone reading this, it is carnivore or death. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll ascend.
Bro spout your wisdom

And I don't forget you too brother @FaceandBBC @rata999
  • +1
Reactions: Jova and FaceandBBC
Cuz ur eating low energy lathargy foods, thats why ur body live long.
Green eggs and ham or rope
  • +1
I stopped reading after frugivore. A mod needs to delete this post for spouting Jewish propaganda.

For anyone reading this, it is carnivore or death. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll ascend.
my modo is a day without red meat is a day of malnutrition
  • +1
Reactions: Jova and Never Get Up
he raq organ meats are excellent sources of food for your developmental years during puberty. However, long term/high consumption of animal products increases risks of heart disease and osteoporosis and cuts your lifespan dramatically. Tribes that lived on nearly 100% animal products live on average 45 years of age (Inuit and Massai). An organic cooked carnivore diet can be a great choice for those with Small bacteria overgrowth as this diet starves out this bacteria. The raw carnivore diet can help cure virtually all the inflammatory bowel diseases also.

So there are short term positive effects of this diet.


A.) Humans anatomy and physiology (AP):

1.) Our AP is closest to Frugivories (raw whole organic fruits/seeds). From our digestive systems, stomach acid, length of our intestines, etc etc humans perfect diet if our digestive tract isn't compromised, should be as close as possible to a raw frugivore diet.
This image below that compares humans to the various types of diets in the animal kingdom (Frugivore, herbivore, omnivore and carnivore) proves without question that humans are closest anatomically to frugivories.

A.) Alkaline: When one consumes the raw fruits only diet basically your diet is 100% alkaline/organic/whole foods. When your body is in this alkaline state you cannot get sick from disease. Now you can still have a bacterial infection, radiation poisoning, or some other extreme toxin not coming from your diet that your body in it's natural state cannot fight. Under normal conditions with this diet you simply will not get sick.

2.) Bible: This is why in the Garden of Eden, fruit was our food source before the first sin. After the sin of Adam and Eve then God slowly opened up our diet to add in grains, nuts, legumes and vegetables. After the Flood God allowed for meat to be consumed except for the blood. Then Once the Israelites and the exodus more temporary rules on foods that are considered clean and unclean were implemented. Then Jesus opened up the Buffett to consider all food to be clean as ones food choices do not defile the spirit. In the garden man basically lived a symbiotic relationship with the trees as we consumed it's sexual organs the fruit and passed the seeds through our stool to disperse throughout the land. This is qhy the human body continues to degenerate, live shorter lifespans, increase in disease and pain due to not eating our natural diet. Instead humans eat heavy on meats, processed foods, grains, legumes and vegetables, and non organic foods that are high in pesticides, chemicals, and the animals are vaxxed, filled with hormones and antibiotics.

3.) Studies:

A.) The longest living and healthiest group of people on earth are the Okinawans (before they became Americanized) and they consume 98% plant-based foods (mostly Japanese sweet potatoes). The only group that tested higher on health metrics was 7th day Adventists, subgroup vegans.

B.) The Shortest living major tribes studies were the Inuit's and Massiah as they lived on a nearly 100% carnivore diet for their lifespans. The studies qere of the tribes from modern day (lived on their cultural normal diet still to this day) and studied the remains of these tribes from several hundred years ago. The studies conclusively determined that the average age of death for these tribes ranged from 45-48 years of age and the main causes of death qere heart disease and Osteoporosis. Studies of animals that were all herbivories/frugivores all developed heart disease and died much younger when force feed an all meat diet. This is a 100% occurrence.

-The osteoporosis and high rates of disease from this high meat diet is due to your body becoming acidic. To counteract this, the body has natural mechanisms to alkalize or neutralize the body by pulling calcium out of the body. This process is caused acidosis and one on this diet is in a constant state of acidosis when for a lifetime even though there's high amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in these raw animal product diets.

-The heart disease is due to the fats/cholesterol damaging the arteries over time.

-Gallbladder: If one is cooking the meat then that meat/fat turns to grease. That grease is going to clog the gallbladder over time and cause the gallbladder to have severe inflammation and cause severe pain. This is going to lead to throwing up, and needing to have the gallbladder removed immediately. If one does eat high fat from meat it's safer to not cook the fat as long as it's from an organic grass fed/finished source.

4.) Carnivore Diet:

A.) The carnivore diet can be a very useful diet in the short term for the following reasons.
i. Severe autoimmune disorder/leaky gut/any inflammatory bowel disease
ii. Small Intestine bacterial overgrowth or SIBO and or C. Difficile
iii. Genetically mutated weakness of the intestines/gut (This is relatively new but people like Dr. Jordan Peterson, his qife, his daughter and others have reported these issues from birth and deuteriation of their condition over time as they age). This is incredibly rare and anecdotal at this moment in time but there appears to be a small number of people that are born with this condition where they simply can only tolerate an animal based diet. At this time I do not know if they're never able to go back to eating plant based foods again or if this genetic weakness/mutation is a permanent condition. Therefore this could be a lifelong problem.
iv.) Going through puberty: Including high levels of easily digested organ meats raq is amazing for your puberty and enhances and maximizes your growth and development during that time period, including height, muscle mass, penis size, etc. I personally recommend a moderate amount raw organ meats along with raw fruits and honey during puberty. Basically the calories come from the fruits and honey (fats and carbs). The protein comes and high levels of minerals and nutrients come from the organ meats. Just a half pound a day or 3/4 a pound should be sufficient for most men.

B.) Diet recommendations if you have these conditions:

i.) Raq carnivore diet: this is higher in minerals and vitamins and there's no grease so it doesn't destroy your gallbladder over time.
ii.) organic, whole foods, grass fed/finished: No hormones, antibiotics, vaccines GMO's, grain fed, etc. Hat your food eats becomes a part of you and all those chemicals, toxins, etc cause disease and destruction of your body.
iii.) Non aged: Aged meats cause high levels of histamine that can cause inflammation in the body and gut.
iv.) No diary/eggs: Even the raq organic form is simply not good for us as it's genetically designed for that specific animal and the eggs have anti-nutrients/high in histamine so those can cause issues in some.


A.) There is no perfect diet or food for 2 people or more as everybody has a gut microbiome that's in a different state. You have different amounts baceria, different levels of intestinal permability, different levels of funcioning levels and overall health of your digestive system overall. Therefore the perfect diet for you is alqays going to be different from everyone on earth. The major differences are due to mainly all the trash in our food, water, medications, drugs, air, etc that destroy our guts like the hormones, antibiotics, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, etc. It also comes down to your genetics as these genetic weaknesses due to the damaged caused by these man made things have destroyed human gut microbiomes over the centuries and these genetic weaknesses are passed down through the generations over time which is increasing the levels of food insensitivities.

1.) Our gut microbiome has over 1,000 species of bacteria and around 40 trillion of these bacteria in total. The slight changes due to whatever reason cause these food insensitivities as these guys are the foot soldiers responsible for the final process of digestion of the fiber and fat in the intestines.

B.) Hoq to determine the perfect diet for you and the process to create this diet.

1.) Have a comprehensive stool test, GI map + Zonulin and heavy metals/toxins blood analysis. This will provide a baseline to see qhat condition your overall gut microbiome is in, functioning of your organs, toxicity/heavy metals in the body, etc.
2.) Utilize a daily journal that includes the foods you consumed, times you consumed them, amounts, macronutrients, micronutrients is possible in the apps, and all your symptoms (burping, tiredness, energy levels, mood, gas, pain, noises, etc etc).
3.) If your tests come back and you have a high level of dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, SIBO, C. difficile, inflammation etc then you'll have to start on the most extreme diet as possible. At this time you may be experiences major pain, gas, diarrhea, weight loss, etc.
a.) Elimination Diet: This is basically the meat only diet no plant food, no dairy, no eggs.
b.) Foods must be organic, grass fed/finished, non aged, no hormones, antibiotics, no vax, etc. Basically the Amish stores are the best overall sources for these foods.
c.) Four day rotational Diet: One may have to do this due to leaky gut aka intestinal permability. If you have a high zonulin test aka leaky gut then there's a chance you could develop food intolerances to the progetin of the food. If you consume a food daily you qill develop a food intolerance. Each day you consume this food the worse the reaction become over time (pain, diarrhea, inflammation, etc). Basically those proteins leak into the intestines into the body and your cytokines eventually react and fight these foods/ proteins as if they're an invader and this causes gut inflammation that leads to the diarreah. Once you eat a food that stays in the system for 72 hours after it's digested from the Stomach. This is y it's extremely important to try a 4 day rotational diet immediately to prevent this from occurring. Once you find out you have a food intolerance to a food. You must stop the consumption of that food for at least 6 months before you may be able to eat that food again unless you completely healed the gut lining. The leaky gut can lead to autoimmune issues also. Also, the animals cannot be in the same family or the Cytokines/immune system are going to recognize those proteins as the same food and cause a food intolerance. So if you consume Salmon you can't consume any other type of salmon for four more days.
d.) Find one animal for each day to start and build your way up to 12 animals to rotate for 3 meals a day so you're not consuming too much fat per meal as it's taxing on the gallbladder.
e.) Your calories is from the fat and some carbs from the organ meats. Protein has a net negative energy expenditure on the body so the more you consume the more energy you expend which can lead to weight loss. For the body to convert protein into calories it costs the body 3x as much energy for this conversion as it does for carbs/fat. One only needs a very moderate amount of protein (0.4 grams / lb of lean body mass). Therefore, most men are good enough with a 1/2 lb to 3/4th lb of meat a day or around 50-75 grams of protein per day
f.) This also means no salt, spices, etc
g.) water: water should be reverse osmosis water to prevent any toxins or heavy metal consumption.
h.) After discovering the foods that do the best for your body, getting inflammation down to nothing daily for at least a month and all other symptoms are gone then retest to see hoq the body has recovered.
i.) Sloqly start adding back in foods to see hoq your body responds. If you are extremely sensitive this could just mean testing one food per week and only testing basically a small serving size.

C.) Things that can assist the recovery process while on the elimination diet:

1.) Detox of Toxins/heavy metals: Glutathione injections: This assists in the detoxification of the toxins and heavy metals. These heavy metals destroy your gut microbiome and organ functioning.
2.) Inflammation:
a.) BCP Injections: Peptide that heals the gut lining/tissues
b.) KPV injections: Peptide that inhibits inflammatory cytokines from causing gut inflammation

Since you're consuming animal products only the only option is injections as herbs and spices are off-limits during this time period.

D.) Perfect Diet For You After Healing The Gut Microbiome/Digestive System:

1.) Garden of Eden Diet: Raq, organic Whole Fruits and in season. Including coconuts, Durians, Avocados are great sources of fat. Plantains and mangos provide the most calories for the smallest amount of food outside of the fatty foods.
2.) Geographic Location: The closer you live to the equator and where these foods are grown the better.
3.) Protein: If you're finding the protein to be insufficient on this diet then the best things I've found is spirulina, chlorella, and hemp seeds. These do not have the ant-nutrients, toxins, etc that most your veggies, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds have and have the highest levels of protein per 100grams on earth. You would only need very small amount of these items to supplement your diet.
4.) Remember: Your body and gut microbiome and overall tissues and organs change daily so it's still best to maintain a daily food journal to be on the safe side.
5.) Macronutrient Balance: This varies per person but I personally do the best on roughly 70% carbs 20% fat and 10% protein.

In general, once your body has fully recovered and you're not having any food intolerances or symptoms to foods anymore then eating the way our body is designed with whole, organic, raw fruits while living in the tropics as close to the equator as possible(unless you're born with a rare genetic weakness and this isn't possible). It's believed that the Garden of Eden was located on the equator. Rain water and spring water used to be the best sources of water but due to pollution, runoff, etc these are no longer viable options.

Here's the excel document I created for the comparison of human anatomy and physiology to the animals and their different dietary requirements. As you can clearly see, we're basically 99.9% similar to the frugivores. This is why consumption of fruits leads to disease, inflammation prevention/cures and increases longevity where's the other food groups cause disease, inflammation and a decrease in longevity.

View attachment 3122653

Moderation of things like meats, grains legumes can be fine but if one is a purist/naturalist and is attempting to achieve the best possible life and reach peak human form then moderation should be avoided. Now it's understandable due to culture, availability, society, etc that most people are unable to achieve this level of purity even if they have completely healed themselves and that's completely understandable. The Okinawans lived great lives even though they were not 100% raw or even 100% plant based but they were very close and it benefited them greatly.

No I don't agree with forcing everybody to eat plant based or with the government fake GMO Frankenstein lab grown processed/chemical foods.
Eat what you want, but simply understand the foods/diet and water that makes you feel and look the best and live the longest.

Nobody I know of on this earth teaches diet using these principles of our natural state combined with our constant changing state of our gut microbiome. They simple say one diet and that's it (vegan, carnivore, omnivore, raw/cooked). The youtubers, nutritionists, influencers, doctors use a cookie cutter solution for everybody. Many develop cult followings and practice their diet to an extreme degree regardless if their health continues to regress.
@Never Get Up
big cope

the only metric where vegans (more like vegetarians) exceed is really longevity, but again, what is even the point in living longer but in a shitty state?

By that logic, cutting your balls is highly recommended since eunuchs live like 10 years more than normal men.
  • +1
Reactions: menas
he raq organ meats are excellent sources of food for your developmental years during puberty. However, long term/high consumption of animal products increases risks of heart disease and osteoporosis and cuts your lifespan dramatically. Tribes that lived on nearly 100% animal products live on average 45 years of age (Inuit and Massai). An organic cooked carnivore diet can be a great choice for those with Small bacteria overgrowth as this diet starves out this bacteria. The raw carnivore diet can help cure virtually all the inflammatory bowel diseases also.

So there are short term positive effects of this diet.


A.) Humans anatomy and physiology (AP):

1.) Our AP is closest to Frugivories (raw whole organic fruits/seeds). From our digestive systems, stomach acid, length of our intestines, etc etc humans perfect diet if our digestive tract isn't compromised, should be as close as possible to a raw frugivore diet.
This image below that compares humans to the various types of diets in the animal kingdom (Frugivore, herbivore, omnivore and carnivore) proves without question that humans are closest anatomically to frugivories.

A.) Alkaline: When one consumes the raw fruits only diet basically your diet is 100% alkaline/organic/whole foods. When your body is in this alkaline state you cannot get sick from disease. Now you can still have a bacterial infection, radiation poisoning, or some other extreme toxin not coming from your diet that your body in it's natural state cannot fight. Under normal conditions with this diet you simply will not get sick.

2.) Bible: This is why in the Garden of Eden, fruit was our food source before the first sin. After the sin of Adam and Eve then God slowly opened up our diet to add in grains, nuts, legumes and vegetables. After the Flood God allowed for meat to be consumed except for the blood. Then Once the Israelites and the exodus more temporary rules on foods that are considered clean and unclean were implemented. Then Jesus opened up the Buffett to consider all food to be clean as ones food choices do not defile the spirit. In the garden man basically lived a symbiotic relationship with the trees as we consumed it's sexual organs the fruit and passed the seeds through our stool to disperse throughout the land. This is qhy the human body continues to degenerate, live shorter lifespans, increase in disease and pain due to not eating our natural diet. Instead humans eat heavy on meats, processed foods, grains, legumes and vegetables, and non organic foods that are high in pesticides, chemicals, and the animals are vaxxed, filled with hormones and antibiotics.

3.) Studies:

A.) The longest living and healthiest group of people on earth are the Okinawans (before they became Americanized) and they consume 98% plant-based foods (mostly Japanese sweet potatoes). The only group that tested higher on health metrics was 7th day Adventists, subgroup vegans.

B.) The Shortest living major tribes studies were the Inuit's and Massiah as they lived on a nearly 100% carnivore diet for their lifespans. The studies qere of the tribes from modern day (lived on their cultural normal diet still to this day) and studied the remains of these tribes from several hundred years ago. The studies conclusively determined that the average age of death for these tribes ranged from 45-48 years of age and the main causes of death qere heart disease and Osteoporosis. Studies of animals that were all herbivories/frugivores all developed heart disease and died much younger when force feed an all meat diet. This is a 100% occurrence.

-The osteoporosis and high rates of disease from this high meat diet is due to your body becoming acidic. To counteract this, the body has natural mechanisms to alkalize or neutralize the body by pulling calcium out of the body. This process is caused acidosis and one on this diet is in a constant state of acidosis when for a lifetime even though there's high amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in these raw animal product diets.

-The heart disease is due to the fats/cholesterol damaging the arteries over time.

-Gallbladder: If one is cooking the meat then that meat/fat turns to grease. That grease is going to clog the gallbladder over time and cause the gallbladder to have severe inflammation and cause severe pain. This is going to lead to throwing up, and needing to have the gallbladder removed immediately. If one does eat high fat from meat it's safer to not cook the fat as long as it's from an organic grass fed/finished source.

4.) Carnivore Diet:

A.) The carnivore diet can be a very useful diet in the short term for the following reasons.
i. Severe autoimmune disorder/leaky gut/any inflammatory bowel disease
ii. Small Intestine bacterial overgrowth or SIBO and or C. Difficile
iii. Genetically mutated weakness of the intestines/gut (This is relatively new but people like Dr. Jordan Peterson, his qife, his daughter and others have reported these issues from birth and deuteriation of their condition over time as they age). This is incredibly rare and anecdotal at this moment in time but there appears to be a small number of people that are born with this condition where they simply can only tolerate an animal based diet. At this time I do not know if they're never able to go back to eating plant based foods again or if this genetic weakness/mutation is a permanent condition. Therefore this could be a lifelong problem.
iv.) Going through puberty: Including high levels of easily digested organ meats raq is amazing for your puberty and enhances and maximizes your growth and development during that time period, including height, muscle mass, penis size, etc. I personally recommend a moderate amount raw organ meats along with raw fruits and honey during puberty. Basically the calories come from the fruits and honey (fats and carbs). The protein comes and high levels of minerals and nutrients come from the organ meats. Just a half pound a day or 3/4 a pound should be sufficient for most men.

B.) Diet recommendations if you have these conditions:

i.) Raq carnivore diet: this is higher in minerals and vitamins and there's no grease so it doesn't destroy your gallbladder over time.
ii.) organic, whole foods, grass fed/finished: No hormones, antibiotics, vaccines GMO's, grain fed, etc. Hat your food eats becomes a part of you and all those chemicals, toxins, etc cause disease and destruction of your body.
iii.) Non aged: Aged meats cause high levels of histamine that can cause inflammation in the body and gut.
iv.) No diary/eggs: Even the raq organic form is simply not good for us as it's genetically designed for that specific animal and the eggs have anti-nutrients/high in histamine so those can cause issues in some.


A.) There is no perfect diet or food for 2 people or more as everybody has a gut microbiome that's in a different state. You have different amounts baceria, different levels of intestinal permability, different levels of funcioning levels and overall health of your digestive system overall. Therefore the perfect diet for you is alqays going to be different from everyone on earth. The major differences are due to mainly all the trash in our food, water, medications, drugs, air, etc that destroy our guts like the hormones, antibiotics, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals, etc. It also comes down to your genetics as these genetic weaknesses due to the damaged caused by these man made things have destroyed human gut microbiomes over the centuries and these genetic weaknesses are passed down through the generations over time which is increasing the levels of food insensitivities.

1.) Our gut microbiome has over 1,000 species of bacteria and around 40 trillion of these bacteria in total. The slight changes due to whatever reason cause these food insensitivities as these guys are the foot soldiers responsible for the final process of digestion of the fiber and fat in the intestines.

B.) Hoq to determine the perfect diet for you and the process to create this diet.

1.) Have a comprehensive stool test, GI map + Zonulin and heavy metals/toxins blood analysis. This will provide a baseline to see qhat condition your overall gut microbiome is in, functioning of your organs, toxicity/heavy metals in the body, etc.
2.) Utilize a daily journal that includes the foods you consumed, times you consumed them, amounts, macronutrients, micronutrients is possible in the apps, and all your symptoms (burping, tiredness, energy levels, mood, gas, pain, noises, etc etc).
3.) If your tests come back and you have a high level of dysbiosis, intestinal permeability, SIBO, C. difficile, inflammation etc then you'll have to start on the most extreme diet as possible. At this time you may be experiences major pain, gas, diarrhea, weight loss, etc.
a.) Elimination Diet: This is basically the meat only diet no plant food, no dairy, no eggs.
b.) Foods must be organic, grass fed/finished, non aged, no hormones, antibiotics, no vax, etc. Basically the Amish stores are the best overall sources for these foods.
c.) Four day rotational Diet: One may have to do this due to leaky gut aka intestinal permability. If you have a high zonulin test aka leaky gut then there's a chance you could develop food intolerances to the progetin of the food. If you consume a food daily you qill develop a food intolerance. Each day you consume this food the worse the reaction become over time (pain, diarrhea, inflammation, etc). Basically those proteins leak into the intestines into the body and your cytokines eventually react and fight these foods/ proteins as if they're an invader and this causes gut inflammation that leads to the diarreah. Once you eat a food that stays in the system for 72 hours after it's digested from the Stomach. This is y it's extremely important to try a 4 day rotational diet immediately to prevent this from occurring. Once you find out you have a food intolerance to a food. You must stop the consumption of that food for at least 6 months before you may be able to eat that food again unless you completely healed the gut lining. The leaky gut can lead to autoimmune issues also. Also, the animals cannot be in the same family or the Cytokines/immune system are going to recognize those proteins as the same food and cause a food intolerance. So if you consume Salmon you can't consume any other type of salmon for four more days.
d.) Find one animal for each day to start and build your way up to 12 animals to rotate for 3 meals a day so you're not consuming too much fat per meal as it's taxing on the gallbladder.
e.) Your calories is from the fat and some carbs from the organ meats. Protein has a net negative energy expenditure on the body so the more you consume the more energy you expend which can lead to weight loss. For the body to convert protein into calories it costs the body 3x as much energy for this conversion as it does for carbs/fat. One only needs a very moderate amount of protein (0.4 grams / lb of lean body mass). Therefore, most men are good enough with a 1/2 lb to 3/4th lb of meat a day or around 50-75 grams of protein per day
f.) This also means no salt, spices, etc
g.) water: water should be reverse osmosis water to prevent any toxins or heavy metal consumption.
h.) After discovering the foods that do the best for your body, getting inflammation down to nothing daily for at least a month and all other symptoms are gone then retest to see hoq the body has recovered.
i.) Sloqly start adding back in foods to see hoq your body responds. If you are extremely sensitive this could just mean testing one food per week and only testing basically a small serving size.

C.) Things that can assist the recovery process while on the elimination diet:

1.) Detox of Toxins/heavy metals: Glutathione injections: This assists in the detoxification of the toxins and heavy metals. These heavy metals destroy your gut microbiome and organ functioning.
2.) Inflammation:
a.) BCP Injections: Peptide that heals the gut lining/tissues
b.) KPV injections: Peptide that inhibits inflammatory cytokines from causing gut inflammation

Since you're consuming animal products only the only option is injections as herbs and spices are off-limits during this time period.

D.) Perfect Diet For You After Healing The Gut Microbiome/Digestive System:

1.) Garden of Eden Diet: Raq, organic Whole Fruits and in season. Including coconuts, Durians, Avocados are great sources of fat. Plantains and mangos provide the most calories for the smallest amount of food outside of the fatty foods.
2.) Geographic Location: The closer you live to the equator and where these foods are grown the better.
3.) Protein: If you're finding the protein to be insufficient on this diet then the best things I've found is spirulina, chlorella, and hemp seeds. These do not have the ant-nutrients, toxins, etc that most your veggies, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds have and have the highest levels of protein per 100grams on earth. You would only need very small amount of these items to supplement your diet.
4.) Remember: Your body and gut microbiome and overall tissues and organs change daily so it's still best to maintain a daily food journal to be on the safe side.
5.) Macronutrient Balance: This varies per person but I personally do the best on roughly 70% carbs 20% fat and 10% protein.

In general, once your body has fully recovered and you're not having any food intolerances or symptoms to foods anymore then eating the way our body is designed with whole, organic, raw fruits while living in the tropics as close to the equator as possible(unless you're born with a rare genetic weakness and this isn't possible). It's believed that the Garden of Eden was located on the equator. Rain water and spring water used to be the best sources of water but due to pollution, runoff, etc these are no longer viable options.

Here's the excel document I created for the comparison of human anatomy and physiology to the animals and their different dietary requirements. As you can clearly see, we're basically 99.9% similar to the frugivores. This is why consumption of fruits leads to disease, inflammation prevention/cures and increases longevity where's the other food groups cause disease, inflammation and a decrease in longevity.

View attachment 3122653

Moderation of things like meats, grains legumes can be fine but if one is a purist/naturalist and is attempting to achieve the best possible life and reach peak human form then moderation should be avoided. Now it's understandable due to culture, availability, society, etc that most people are unable to achieve this level of purity even if they have completely healed themselves and that's completely understandable. The Okinawans lived great lives even though they were not 100% raw or even 100% plant based but they were very close and it benefited them greatly.

No I don't agree with forcing everybody to eat plant based or with the government fake GMO Frankenstein lab grown processed/chemical foods.
Eat what you want, but simply understand the foods/diet and water that makes you feel and look the best and live the longest.

Nobody I know of on this earth teaches diet using these principles of our natural state combined with our constant changing state of our gut microbiome. They simple say one diet and that's it (vegan, carnivore, omnivore, raw/cooked). The youtubers, nutritionists, influencers, doctors use a cookie cutter solution for everybody. Many develop cult followings and practice their diet to an extreme degree regardless if their health continues to regress.
Imagine you live 100 years as a low test, sub 5, horrible genetics man. You pass these genetics onto your children and they continue a cycle of loveless reproduction because the woman can never have true attraction. Then there's the man that lives 45 years is 6'2, has a highly developed attractive face, has 1000+ ng/dl test, has no depression or mental health issues for that matter, have as many kids as you want with women who naturally lust for you because of your superior genetic code, get to eat the tastiest food that all humans crave for. I rather live 45 fucking years as peak human performance then spend 100+ years of my life frail and low t because of a shit plant based diet. Vegetables don't even fucking taste good unless you put seasoning on them or boil them so why tf would anybody want to spend 100+ years of their life eating that shit?
big cope

the only metric where vegans (more like vegetarians) exceed is really longevity, but again, what is even the point in living longer but in a shitty state?

By that logic, cutting your balls is highly recommended since eunuchs live like 10 years more than normal men. a short life filled with vigor, a clear mental state, and general happiness or live a long life weak and frail, eating food that nobody even fucking likes, and having a penis that doesn't even work.

The answers obvious
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Imagine you live 100 years as a low test, sub 5, horrible genetics man. You pass these genetics onto your children and they continue a cycle of loveless reproduction because the woman can never have true attraction. Then there's the man that lives 45 years is 6'2, has a highly developed attractive face, has 1000+ ng/dl test, has no depression or mental health issues for that matter, have as many kids as you want with women who naturally lust for you because of your superior genetic code, get to eat the tastiest food that all humans crave for. I rather live 45 fucking years as peak human performance then spend 100+ years of my life frail and low t because of a shit plant based diet. Vegetables don't even fucking taste good unless you put seasoning on them or boil them so why tf would anybody want to spend 100+ years of their life eating that shit?
I tripled my Test in 3 months on raw fruitarian diet. Unless you're drinking soy all day like a retard then the T levels are going to increase because after a juice feast your GI tract increases it's absorption rates after removing all the biofilms, plaque, toxins, and reducing the inflammation. I also bathed in the sun daily in the summer time for 2 hours a day and worked out every day. I also had various herbs to boost T levels. I'd rather have the trinity, healthier, live longer and higher T Levels aka superior genetics. If you're sick and dying from osteoporosis and atherosclerosis that's destroying your genetics and you're passing that on to your kids. A short term boost of the organ meats during puberty can play a good role or recovering from specific diseases can be helpful but for the long term you'd have to be a retard and borderline suicidal.

I've done the carnivore (raq and cooked), Vegan, vegetarian, raw vegan, and omnivore. All of them had their pro's and cons but after the one year juice feast I finally got my life back and absorbed all my nutrients finally and didn't have to consume 3,000-4,000 calories to barely live as a stick but 2100 cal per day at 45 lbs heavier than my sickly body.
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I tripled my Test in 3 months on raw fruitarian diet. Unless you're drinking soy all day like a retard then the T levels are going to increase because after a juice feast your GI tract increases it's absorption rates after removing all the biofilms, plaque, toxins, and reducing the inflammation. I also bathed in the sun daily in the summer time for 2 hours a day and worked out every day. I also had various herbs to boost T levels. I'd rather have the trinity, healthier, live longer and higher T Levels aka superior genetics. If you're sick and dying from osteoporosis and atherosclerosis that's destroying your genetics and you're passing that on to your kids. A short term boost of the organ meats during puberty can play a good role or recovering from specific diseases can be helpful but for the long term you'd have to be a retard and borderline suicidal.

I've done the carnivore (raq and cooked), Vegan, vegetarian, raw vegan, and omnivore. All of them had their pro's and cons but after the one year juice feast I finally got my life back and absorbed all my nutrients finally and didn't have to consume 3,000-4,000 calories to barely live as a stick but 2100 cal per day at 45 lbs heavier than my sickly body.
So I'm unsure what this diet is but do you only eat fruit? If you only eat fruit than you surely aren't able to get all the micronutrients you need in order to be healthy. And in blue zones where people live the longest they eat raw meat, unlike the propaganda and lies they tell you about these blue zones the truth is they eat large quantities of meat in their diet if not majority meat. I do agree though raw fruit is great for you, but I'm unsure how you would get osteoporosis when you are eating a diet that is mainly animal products as you would have plenty of calcium, and vitamin d to have great bone health in the first place.
So I'm unsure what this diet is but do you only eat fruit? If you only eat fruit than you surely aren't able to get all the micronutrients you need in order to be healthy. And in blue zones where people live the longest they eat raw meat, unlike the propaganda and lies they tell you about these blue zones the truth is they eat large quantities of meat in their diet if not majority meat. I do agree though raw fruit is great for you, but I'm unsure how you would get osteoporosis when you are eating a diet that is mainly animal products as you would have plenty of calcium, and vitamin d to have great bone health in the first place.
Of course I am open to anything if it is truly the key to health but I have trouble believing anything would be better for you micro and macro-nutrient dense wise than a natural diet, which would be mainly animal products and some raw fruits.
Worst thread I’ve ever read
So I'm unsure what this diet is but do you only eat fruit? If you only eat fruit than you surely aren't able to get all the micronutrients you need in order to be healthy. And in blue zones where people live the longest they eat raw meat, unlike the propaganda and lies they tell you about these blue zones the truth is they eat large quantities of meat in their diet if not majority meat. I do agree though raw fruit is great for you, but I'm unsure how you would get osteoporosis when you are eating a diet that is mainly animal products as you would have plenty of calcium, and vitamin d to have great bone health in the first place.
My Current Diet:

1.) Foundation is fruit and my main staples are coconuts, durians, avocados, plantains, Jackfruit, some citrus fruits, and blue berries.
2.) Hemp seeds: Only seed/grain/nut/legume on earth that has no anti-nutrients other than oxalates but they're neutralized by lemon juice. They're a complete protein, have the perfect omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio.
3.) Various herbal teas that are nutrient dense like nettle and horsetail and teas that detox the body and heal the liver including burdock root, dandelion root tea, Milk Thistle, Green Tea, etc.
4.) Sea veggies (complete proteins, nutrient dense,
5.) All the body's nutrient requirements comes from the soil as we came from the soil and so we shall return to the soil.
6.) Raq, organic, whole foods, local and in season (for the most part).
7.) 70% carbs, 30% fat, sufficient protein for tissue regeneration which is roughly 0.4 g/lb of lean body mass.

I have annual blood labs drawn to ensure toxins are low, micronutrients are high, no negative bio markers, et.

Surprisingly the one nutrient that's slightly low is my potassium even though I consume copious amounts of potassium daily.

As for the blue zones the propaganda or anti-health lies fake news didn't sufficiently look into the research. I examined the diets of 2 groups of the blue zones including the Okinawans (in a small village that still practice the diet of the ancestors). The majority of Okinawans have been Americanized in eating tons of meats and processed foods aka SAD diet but if you look into the actual data you'll see 70% of their diet is Japanese sweet potatoes, 10% fruits, 10% veg, 5% grains and legumes, 1-3% animal products (mostly local fish), and 1-2% seeds or nuts. They have the longest lifespans and best health biomarkers for any group of people on earth. The other group is the 7th day Adventists sub group Vegans. The Okinawans have been living this way for hundreds of years.

As for developing osteoporosis on the carnivore diet:
1.) All animal products except for duck and quail eggs are acidifying in the human body.
2.) Your body in response to this will pull out calcium from your bones in order to make the body more alkaline
3.) Doing this over time causes osteoporosis no matter how much calcium you consume from your diet.
4,) If you research the studies on the Massai and the Intuits that basically lived on virtually all meat for hundreds of years you'll see the average lifespan is roughly 45-48 years of age and all of them end up with various degrees of osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis.

Now as for using the meat and fruit diet which is what some carnivores that are having health problems from the carnivore diet, are slowly transitioning to meat and fruit I see this as a better alternative to the carnivore diet but they're simply coping because they've been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into the carnivore cult. Carnivore as stated is a great short term tool to heal very specific conditions or genetic weaknesses. Moving to include fruit and meat is a right step in the correct direction but the issue is the animal products themselves. It's like moving from smoking 12 times a day to just 6 times a day instead of just breathing air all day, the thing that is designed for us to breathe just like the frugivore diet is designed for us to consume (unless you have a specific medical condition or genetic weakness preventing you from being able to be on your natural diet). The increase of nutrient dense organ meats from carnivore isn't worth the long term side effects even in moderation. Why moderate smoking or vaping or drugs if you can just breathe air? Each of those things may have some positive health effects but the long term negatives are not worth it in the end.

I used the Carnivore as a tool to overcome a few specific diseases which I accomplished but on the downside I developed many other health conditions that caused many other health problems which I used a plant based diet to overcome then eventually moved to my current diet. As for you, your microbiome is a different state than mine as are your genetics. You may fail on a mainly frugivore diet which is why I recommend people test their microbiome, and use a journal and start with an elimination diet and slowly add foods from their. Track the amounts, times, symptoms, everything for every meal for every single day. This Journal saved my life and no doctor, nutritionist, naturopath, or any other medical professional on earth could've saved me from death more so than my journal.
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My Current Diet:

1.) Foundation is fruit and my main staples are coconuts, durians, avocados, plantains, Jackfruit, some citrus fruits, and blue berries.
2.) Hemp seeds: Only seed/grain/nut/legume on earth that has no anti-nutrients other than oxalates but they're neutralized by lemon juice. They're a complete protein, have the perfect omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio.
3.) Various herbal teas that are nutrient dense like nettle and horsetail and teas that detox the body and heal the liver including burdock root, dandelion root tea, Milk Thistle, Green Tea, etc.
4.) Sea veggies (complete proteins, nutrient dense,
5.) All the body's nutrient requirements comes from the soil as we came from the soil and so we shall return to the soil.
6.) Raq, organic, whole foods, local and in season (for the most part).
7.) 70% carbs, 30% fat, sufficient protein for tissue regeneration which is roughly 0.4 g/lb of lean body mass.

I have annual blood labs drawn to ensure toxins are low, micronutrients are high, no negative bio markers, et.

Surprisingly the one nutrient that's slightly low is my potassium even though I consume copious amounts of potassium daily.

As for the blue zones the propaganda or anti-health lies fake news didn't sufficiently look into the research. I examined the diets of 2 groups of the blue zones including the Okinawans (in a small village that still practice the diet of the ancestors). The majority of Okinawans have been Americanized in eating tons of meats and processed foods aka SAD diet but if you look into the actual data you'll see 70% of their diet is Japanese sweet potatoes, 10% fruits, 10% veg, 5% grains and legumes, 1-3% animal products (mostly local fish), and 1-2% seeds or nuts. They have the longest lifespans and best health biomarkers for any group of people on earth. The other group is the 7th day Adventists sub group Vegans. The Okinawans have been living this way for hundreds of years.

As for developing osteoporosis on the carnivore diet:
1.) All animal products except for duck and quail eggs are acidifying in the human body.
2.) Your body in response to this will pull out calcium from your bones in order to make the body more alkaline
3.) Doing this over time causes osteoporosis no matter how much calcium you consume from your diet.
4,) If you research the studies on the Massai and the Intuits that basically lived on virtually all meat for hundreds of years you'll see the average lifespan is roughly 45-48 years of age and all of them end up with various degrees of osteoporosis and arteriosclerosis.

Now as for using the meat and fruit diet which is what some carnivores that are having health problems from the carnivore diet, are slowly transitioning to meat and fruit I see this as a better alternative to the carnivore diet but they're simply coping because they've been so brainwashed and indoctrinated into the carnivore cult. Carnivore as stated is a great short term tool to heal very specific conditions or genetic weaknesses. Moving to include fruit and meat is a right step in the correct direction but the issue is the animal products themselves. It's like moving from smoking 12 times a day to just 6 times a day instead of just breathing air all day, the thing that is designed for us to breathe just like the frugivore diet is designed for us to consume (unless you have a specific medical condition or genetic weakness preventing you from being able to be on your natural diet). The increase of nutrient dense organ meats from carnivore isn't worth the long term side effects even in moderation. Why moderate smoking or vaping or drugs if you can just breathe air? Each of those things may have some positive health effects but the long term negatives are not worth it in the end.

I used the Carnivore as a tool to overcome a few specific diseases which I accomplished but on the downside I developed many other health conditions that caused many other health problems which I used a plant based diet to overcome then eventually moved to my current diet. As for you, your microbiome is a different state than mine as are your genetics. You may fail on a mainly frugivore diet which is why I recommend people test their microbiome, and use a journal and start with an elimination diet and slowly add foods from their. Track the amounts, times, symptoms, everything for every meal for every single day. This Journal saved my life and no doctor, nutritionist, naturopath, or any other medical professional on earth could've saved me from death more so than my journal.
Interesting, I will definitely research and experiment with this diet.

Though I am unsure how this diet will fare in comparison to my current diet, I appreciate a new perspective.
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