The PERFECT sleepmaxxing guide


Deleted member 90973

Aug 29, 2024
*Remake of the first version cus i rushed it in 30 mins and didn't cover everything i wanted*

Chapter 1 - Products to optimize sleep
Chapter 2 - Pre-sleep Routine
Chapter 3 - Morning Routine to optimize sleep
Chapter 4 - Added bonuses to optimize sleep

Top 3 must have products to optimize sleep.

-Bluelight Blocking Glasses
they can be extremely effective for your circadian rhythm which leads to a better and more rigid circadian rhythm> which leads to more melatonin production> which leads to better sleep.

-Sunrise Stimulating Lamps
I would ONLY buy this if you live somewhere with barely any natural sunlight especially in the morning. Use this to simulate sunlight in the morning then get natural sunlight later on when the sun is finally up.

-Cooling Mattress Pad
I have yet to buy one of these but I would sure get one if you live somewhere hot or if your room gets really hot in general. Don't make it too cold, keep temperature consistently around 65°F.

-2 hours before sleep:

stop eating completely. When your body is digesting food the same time your asleep, it focuses less energy on actually sleeping and recovering from your activities of the day and more energy on just processing the food your consuming. Eating before sleep keeps your metabolism working aswell, which doesnt allow your body to fully relax, and can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Example: If you sleep at 12, your last bites should be at 10. Start wearing your blue light blocking glasses at the same time to start setting your circadian rhythm, your brain associates ANY light it sees (especially artificial) as natural sunlight from the sky, so if your watching TV at say 11:30, your circadian rhythm is gonna get fucked up because your body still thinks its daylight. You can still use electronics during this 1 hour period but start diming down lights.

-1 hour before sleep:
Turn off all lights, and go to your room. Ideally make it dark, Not pitch black but dark with no lights. Make sure the room is nice and cool. Just sit in your room and wait for 40 minutes in the dark so your body can begin naturally producing melatonin to help you fall asleep. Make sure you stare at NO light during this period, even if its just for a few seconds because that will absolutely slam your bodies melatonin production and now your fucked. If you have a phone and need to use it for alarms or just to check the time, first make sure its on airplane mode with WIFI turned off to limit the signals that go into your room while you sleep because that shit lowers test production, but also put the brightness at the lowest it can be and turn on a night mode setting where it turns off bluelight if your phone has it. 20 minutes before your designated sleep time lay down in your bed and start slowly trying to fall asleep. Unless your weird you should fall asleep by the time you planned. Ex: if you sleep at 12, go to your room at 11, lay down in bed at 11:40. I AM NOT SAYING TO DO NOTHING! While sure you can do that, i highly recommend doing something not stimulating at all like light stretches, or reading a book before. Some niggas I've seen like to take this time to meditate or just think, which works as well, find what works for you and adjust.


-The Morning After Sleep:
Not only is it CRUCIAL for your circadian rhythm, but also lowers cortisol, boosts serotonin, and most importantly lets your body know what time to wake up at
. As soon as you wake up make it your NUMBER 1 priority to stare at the sun for at least 10 minutes within the first 20-30 minutes of waking up, if there's no sun just set your circadian rhythm with artificial light like the lights in your house (OR the Artificial Sunrise Simulator mentioned earlier), and come back out later when the sun has risen. DO NOT stare at any devices at least 30-45 minutes after waking up, and make it a priority to get as much natural light in the morning rather than artificial light (Open your window/curtains, don't look at screens.)


Things to do during the day:

-You cannot be expecting perfect sleep if you do nothing all day and just lay down and rot. You NEED to give your body some sort of damage or stress to recover from, here are some things you can do.

-Literally any physical excercise
Doing literally any fucking excercise can be great for your sleep especially if you push past your limits and force an adaptation on your body. Your body needs sleep to adapt so put two and two together nigga. Also intense weight lifting can be INSANE to your sleep quality (especially if you train to proper failure with dropsets and all that).

Doing intense studying like flashcards at school stresses tf out of your brain and will give it something to recover from, Chess can also be good for this, I dont know much about brain stress shit but just do something mentally tough that has something to do with skill or memory and you should be good.

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Reactions: sqwertyl, tyronechadmax, akz and 1 other person
water all u need is sleeping pills cope
  • +1
Reactions: akz
honestly, not doing all of that
*Remake of the first version cus i rushed it in 30 mins and didn't cover everything i wanted*

Chapter 1 - Products to optimize sleep
Chapter 2 - Pre-sleep Routine
Chapter 3 - Morning Routine to optimize sleep
Chapter 4 - Added bonuses to optimize sleep

Top 3 must have products to optimize sleep.

-Bluelight Blocking Glasses
they can be extremely effective for your circadian rhythm which leads to a better and more rigid circadian rhythm> which leads to more melatonin production> which leads to better sleep.

-Sunrise Stimulating Lamps
I would ONLY buy this if you live somewhere with barely any natural sunlight especially in the morning. Use this to simulate sunlight in the morning then get natural sunlight later on when the sun is finally up.

-Cooling Mattress Pad
I have yet to buy one of these but I would sure get one if you live somewhere hot or if your room gets really hot in general. Don't make it too cold, keep temperature consistently around 65°F.

-2 hours before sleep:

stop eating completely. When your body is digesting food the same time your asleep, it focuses less energy on actually sleeping and recovering from your activities of the day and more energy on just processing the food your consuming. Eating before sleep keeps your metabolism working aswell, which doesnt allow your body to fully relax, and can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Example: If you sleep at 12, your last bites should be at 10. Start wearing your blue light blocking glasses at the same time to start setting your circadian rhythm, your brain associates ANY light it sees (especially artificial) as natural sunlight from the sky, so if your watching TV at say 11:30, your circadian rhythm is gonna get fucked up because your body still thinks its daylight. You can still use electronics during this 1 hour period but start diming down lights.

-1 hour before sleep:
Turn off all lights, and go to your room. Ideally make it dark, Not pitch black but dark with no lights. Make sure the room is nice and cool. Just sit in your room and wait for 40 minutes in the dark so your body can begin naturally producing melatonin to help you fall asleep. Make sure you stare at NO light during this period, even if its just for a few seconds because that will absolutely slam your bodies melatonin production and now your fucked. If you have a phone and need to use it for alarms or just to check the time, first make sure its on airplane mode with WIFI turned off to limit the signals that go into your room while you sleep because that shit lowers test production, but also put the brightness at the lowest it can be and turn on a night mode setting where it turns off bluelight if your phone has it. 20 minutes before your designated sleep time lay down in your bed and start slowly trying to fall asleep. Unless your weird you should fall asleep by the time you planned. Ex: if you sleep at 12, go to your room at 11, lay down in bed at 11:40. I AM NOT SAYING TO DO NOTHING! While sure you can do that, i highly recommend doing something not stimulating at all like light stretches, or reading a book before. Some niggas I've seen like to take this time to meditate or just think, which works as well, find what works for you and adjust.


-The Morning After Sleep:
Not only is it CRUCIAL for your circadian rhythm, but also lowers cortisol, boosts serotonin, and most importantly lets your body know what time to wake up at
. As soon as you wake up make it your NUMBER 1 priority to stare at the sun for at least 10 minutes within the first 20-30 minutes of waking up, if there's no sun just set your circadian rhythm with artificial light like the lights in your house (OR the Artificial Sunrise Simulator mentioned earlier), and come back out later when the sun has risen. DO NOT stare at any devices at least 30-45 minutes after waking up, and make it a priority to get as much natural light in the morning rather than artificial light (Open your window/curtains, don't look at screens.)


Things to do during the day:

-You cannot be expecting perfect sleep if you do nothing all day and just lay down and rot. You NEED to give your body some sort of damage or stress to recover from, here are some things you can do.

-Literally any physical excercise
Doing literally any fucking excercise can be great for your sleep especially if you push past your limits and force an adaptation on your body. Your body needs sleep to adapt so put two and two together nigga. Also intense weight lifting can be INSANE to your sleep quality (especially if you train to proper failure with dropsets and all that).

Doing intense studying like flashcards at school stresses tf out of your brain and will give it something to recover from, Chess can also be good for this, I dont know much about brain stress shit but just do something mentally tough that has something to do with skill or memory and you should be good.

didnt read yet, but i love these sleep threads. BUMP.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 90973
sleep is worthless.i feel the same shit with 3 or 20 hours of sleep
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: whitesubhuman and Deleted member 116512
thats what i keep saying at how dogshit life is
get sun, eat good, excercise, drink water, and learn a new skill. wont change ur bones if ur over 20 but better than rotting on here
  • JFL
Reactions: wollet2
Good guide I'll probably buy blue-light blocking glasses and stop procrastinating my schoolwork until night
Good guide I'll probably buy blue-light blocking glasses and stop procrastinating my schoolwork until night

those were the ones i bought idk why tf the link is so long
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