The phrase “diversity hire” is psyop created by whites

All the best young buck. Don’t be like me and choose some meme degree or not finish the course then end up working dead end jobs. Do something that is big money guaranteed after graduation.
Majoring in biology. The degrees that get you big money right after college are probably the hard and technical ones like engineering or mathematics. Math is torturous to me, but with a biology degree I can probably get to earning a comfortable living soon enough if I play it smart. Really need to grind internships and get relevant work experience, either that or go for a masters.
thanks bro
i'm tired of seeing people seperate jews and whites
they're legit the same people jfl, on top most of the US "white people" dickride the jews
jews = whites, end of story
what a faggot opinion. whites will hate their own race but Dickride Jews and that's not saying anything to you about their power? please shut up. the last thing the jew wants is arabs and whites working together against the jew, just like ww1. but we can work together its essential for a victory against them too.
what a faggot opinion. whites will hate their own race but Dickride Jews and that's not saying anything to you about their power? please shut up. the last thing the jew wants is arabs and whites working together against the jew, just like ww1. but we can work together its essential for a victory against them too.
brother, literally all conservatives and far right faggots i see on twitter are literally dickriding israel and jews against paletsine
and you're telling me the opposite now? i would've agree'd with you IF I DIDNT SEE ALL THESES FUCKING FAGGOTS SUPPORTING JEWS
If you are black or Jewish then u benefit from this legit fuck off. Maybe for like non Jewish non black ethnics you can be correct. But tbf it’s dependent on multiple traits.

Anyways Jews benefit the most because guess who runs well I don’t have to say it.
brother, literally all conservatives and far right faggots i see on twitter are literally dickriding israel and jews against paletsine
and you're telling me the opposite now? i would've agree'd with you IF I DIDNT SEE ALL THESES FUCKING FAGGOTS SUPPORTING JEWS
No far right likes israel retard ur talking about neolibs that are just cuckservatives. Bro cmon you’ve been on the forum since 2020 you should know this.

No actual far right who’s not fucking retarded supports Israel. The people u think far right ARE NOT THEYRE NEOLIBS. They’re not even right wing lol at least true right wing
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No far right likes israel retard ur talking about neolibs that are just cuckservatives. Bro cmon you’ve been on the forum since 2020 you should know this.

No actual far right who’s not fucking retarded supports Israel. The people u think far right ARE NOT THEYRE NEOLIBS. They’re not even right wing lol at least true right wing
libs are right-wing to me lol, same goes for neolib fags
i'm not even into politcal shit like this anymore bc its all the same, it's more about capitalism and how jews and theses richs faggots are explotiing us and pitting us against each other while they make each other richer jfl exploting people
libs are right-wing to me lol, same goes for neolib fags
i'm not even into politcal shit like this anymore bc its all the same, it's more about capitalism and how jews and theses richs faggots are explotiing us and putting us against each other while they make each other richer jfl exploting people
Capitalism isn’t right wing in a true sense just by shitty modern neolib standards. But yea
If you are black or Jewish then u benefit from this legit fuck off. Maybe for like non Jewish non black ethnics you can be correct. But tbf it’s dependent on multiple traits.

Anyways Jews benefit the most because guess who runs well I don’t have to say it.
tfw an ethnic nigga like me studies everyday in high school 100x harder shit than europeans and US, then 7 years of med school, then pass an exam harder than that when i immigrate to US or europe, just to get called a diversity hire by a bed rotting white person on twittere who don't even know how to do basic pemdas
Capitalism isn’t right wing in a true sense just by shitty modern neolib standards. But yea
capitalism is right wing brother, anybody that supports capitalism is right wing lol
capitalism is literally the root of all our problems lol, literally think about it for a second, guess who benefits the most from capitalism? jews jfl bc they already control everything
  • Hmm...
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tfw an ethnic nigga like me studies everyday in high school 100x harder shit than europeans and US, then 7 years of med school, then pass an exam harder than that when i immigrate to US or europe, just to get called a diversity hire by a bed rotting white person on twitter who don't even know how to do basic pemdas
Where do you live. Also plenty of genuine diversity hires but it’s Jews who benefit from this mainly.
capitalism is right wing brother, anybody that supports capitalism is right wing lol
capitalism is literally the root of all our problems lol, literally think about it for a second, guess who benefits the most from capitalism? jews jfl bc they already control everything
Leftist cope. Capitalism is not right wing that’s the neoliberal definition. If anything socialism is more right wing than capitalism but not the kike marxist socialism that u probably believe in.
  • JFL
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Where do you live. Also plenty of genuine diversity hires but it’s Jews who benefit from this mainly.

Leftist cope. Capitalism is not right wing that’s the neoliberal definition. If anything socialism is more right wing than capitalism but not the kike marxist socialism that u probably believe in.
wtf are you on? capitalism is literally right-wing ideologies ... private ownership, free markets, and limited government intervention in the economy that's fucking right wing, socialism is the opposite

i live in algeria and third world countries exams and studies are way much harder
why do you think there's so many many many many doctors and medical and teachers in france and germany that are from Algeria? bc onnly france & germany (mostly germany) accepts our diplomas 100%, and we're super good at it
wtf are you on? capitalism is literally right-wing ideologies ... private ownership, free markets, and limited government intervention in the economy that's fucking right wing, socialism is the opposite
Normie definition and viewpoint. These are liberal concepts. Nigga limited government and a free market economy is legit liberalism lmfao.

The definition has been warped a bit because of neoliberalism. But no liberalism is legit small government, free markets, etc that’s the original definition lmfao.
i live in algeria and third world countries exams and studies are way much harder
why do you think there's so many many many many doctors and medical and teachers in france and germany that are from Algeria? bc only france & germany (mostly germany) accepts our diplomas 100%, and we're super good at it
Yea idk about that bro. A lot of Berbers definitely come in and shit up the country. But Berber women are pretty hot
Literally just a phrase white people made to gaslight blacks and ethnics into thinking that they got the job based on skin colour and not on merit.

They (whites) plant a seed to make ethnics and blacks work harder by making them prove they got hired based on merit and not skin colour and making them do all the crappy work whites don’t want to do.

Because if ethnics/blacks don’t do it they (whites) can just say you’re a “diversity hire, be grateful you’re here” and gaslight them into doing the crappy tasks or fire them.

In reality companies have preferencial favouritism towards white candidates and they are more likely to get the job and promotions.

The black and ethnic people that do get the job face an uphill battle to hold their position.

Black women are notoriously know for being “diversity hires” however you’ll see that when they are hired they rarely move up the ladder, face a lot scrutiny and are unhappy.

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.


yeah bro the "whites"

tfw an ethnic nigga like me studies everyday in high school 100x harder shit than europeans and US, then 7 years of med school, then pass an exam harder than that when i immigrate to US or europe, just to get called a diversity hire by a bed rotting white person on twittere who don't even know how to do basic pemdas

capitalism is right wing brother, anybody that supports capitalism is right wing lol
capitalism is literally the root of all our problems lol, literally think about it for a second, guess who benefits the most from capitalism? jews jfl bc they already control everything

What in your delusional mind are you studying that is 100x harder than "europeans and US"?

And they mean US-born ethnics, not you. White people outside of those places have to do the same, no?
  • Ugh..
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Don’t group blacks and other ethnics together in this situation. South Asians and East Asians can literally have a 1550+ SAT, a 3.8+ GPA, and a fuck ton of ecs. And guess what, the 3.0 gpa 1300 SAT black Shaniqua from Memphis is getting picked over them every single time. The same shit happens with jobs too ofc. Here’s how it really is in America:

Whites - Have an edge over everyone else in terms of corporate success and everything else.
Tutorial difficulty

Blacks and Mexicans - Obv face hella racism and shit + they usually grow up poor, but it gets made up for through diversity hires and affirmative action. In terms of dating, they do worse than whites but still good.
Normal difficulty

East Asians - Face a good amount of racism as well, but there’s no diversity hiring or affirmative action for them. So they can be insanely smart, but still have less success than a 90 iq Tyrone. Dating is somewhat ok, but their own women cuck them. Mirin K-pop halo tho
Hard difficulty

South Asians - Same as the category above but with even less smv and bobs and vagene failo instead of K-pop halo.
Nightmare difficulty

Being white itself isn't tutorial mode lmao. Ask any poor ugly white guy. They're just smarter, born richer, look better on AVERAGE.

Point being: It's looks, IQ, background. If you're born a rich high-iq Chad negro you're not "suffering racism"
  • Ugh..
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What in your delusional mind are you studying that is 100x harder than "europeans and US"?

And they mean US-born ethnics, not you. White people outside of those places have to do the same, no?
just jfl at this delusional cuck
third world countries (or second) literally life is about studying to get the fuck outta here
the shit niggas study in college in your shit unis are shit we study the first year of high school jfl
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diversity hire is literally a thing, jfl at you blackcels trying to deny it, how tf do you nigger unironically rationalise this?
muh systemic racism, as if your entire culture isnt just gangbanging and fucking some std ridden hoes and retarded ebonics, and you wonder why you lot are so 'down' and why you shouldnt be getting the oppurtunities that you dont deserve :lul::lul:
brother, literally all conservatives and far right faggots i see on twitter are literally dickriding israel and jews against paletsine
and you're telling me the opposite now? i would've agree'd with you IF I DIDNT SEE ALL THESES FUCKING FAGGOTS SUPPORTING JEWS
ur tl is fucked there is more antisemitism than ever before, Elon musk replied to a hardcore antisemitic tweet about anti white jewish behaviour which is why he got sent to Auschwitz for reeduaction, who on the far right Xwitter dickrides Israel? the conservative groups like daily wire and TPusa are all made up of jews
By (((whites))).
just jfl at this delusional cuck
third world countries (or second) literally life is about studying to get the fuck outta here
the shit niggas study in college in your shit unis are shit we study the first year of high school jfl

Yeah, so white people in 3rd world countries go through the same thing.

That's not racism, that's just your country being a shithole. :lul:
has there been anyone who couldn’t do their job right because they were a “diversity hire”?

i thought everyone knew the selection process was mostly random bullshit to filter thru candidates with relatively little chance of getting someone whod be better at

the average person could probably be some sort of doctor and do an ok job like a foot rash specialist

So are “diversity hires” actually because of diversity? Or are they hired to do the dirty work that whites don’t want to do but hide it under the guise of “diversity”? Whilst all the white people easily move up the ladder and face easy time in their positions.

One thing I’ve noticed about whites is that they are very cunning, deceiving and conniving. The type of people that’ll make you think they’re doing you a favor on whilst they’re secretly plotting on your downfall.

You really think any company these days cares if you're white and gives you any promotions for that? Ethnics may not get hired for solely diversity based reasons, but if there's 2 equally merited candidates, white and black dude, the black dude will surely get the gig. It just looks better on ESG and whatever else bullshit.
Your viewpoint is skewed, because the company boards are full of whites, because the whites who own the companies sit there or hire people to the C-suite positions who they already know. So yes, a white guy who golfs with the chairman of a fortune 500 company may have more upward trajectory in his career than a black guy who just works there. Doesn't mean shit for 99,99999% of whites though, we whites who were not born privileged are the actual ones who face the uphill battle, because we have to actually be more merited and significantly better than the ethnic competitors to have that career growth.
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You really think any company these days cares if you're white and gives you any promotions for that? Ethnics may not get hired for solely diversity based reasons, but if there's 2 equally merited candidates, white and black dude, the black dude will surely get the gig. It just looks better on ESG and whatever else bullshit.
Your viewpoint is skewed, because the company boards are full of whites, because the whites who own the companies sit there or hire people to the C-suite positions who they already know. So yes, a white guy who golfs with the chairman of a fortune 500 company may have more upward trajectory in his career than a black guy who just works there. Doesn't mean shit for 99,99999% of whites though, we whites who were not born privileged are the actual ones who face the uphill battle, because we have to actually be more merited and significantly better than the ethnic competitors to have that career growth.
high iq
Hmm weird, I don't see blacks being discriminated against, seems like they have quite a bit of privilege.
Weird way of spelling Jews

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