The pink license has arrived furkkk



Apr 19, 2022
This pink license is a sign of extreme hard work, dedication, countless hours and money invested and now it’s finally paid off brahs.

It’s a massive halo in the UK, you Murican brahs wouldn’t understand the logistics of obtaining this.

Now I’ll no longer feel like an embarrassment when the bouncers ask for my ID on a night out. Instead I’ll feel an insane sense of pride.

The green license is a symbol of shame and embarrassment which made me depressed looking at it and have flashback attacks to previous failed driving tests the when bouncers asked to see it.

Before shameful provisional massive L licence:


After alpha mogger full UK driving pink manual license:

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I used a tool to read underneath the black scribbles, your name is Hussein Baqri Farooqi
This pink license is a sign of extreme hard work, dedication, countless hours and money invested and now it’s finally paid off brahs.

It’s a massive halo in the UK, you Murican brahs wouldn’t understand the logistics of obtaining this.

Now I’ll no longer feel like an embarrassment when the bouncers ask for my ID on a night out. Instead I’ll feel an insane sense of pride.

The green license is a symbol of shame and embarrassment which made me depressed looking at it and have flashback attacks to previous failed driving tests the when bouncers asked to see it.

Before shameful provisional massive L licence:


After alpha mogger full UK driving pink manual license:

you actually went out your way to get the full license? im also in UK it's hard here, you're definitely right about how UK driving exam is hard it's not like america driving license which is super easy to get. i have a car but no license, ive been driving without a license for years now and i have no plans to get the license seeing as the theory test has bullshit questions and the full exam is strict as fuck
you actually went out your way to get the full license? im also in UK it's hard here, you're definitely right about how UK driving exam is hard it's not like america driving license which is super easy to get. i have a car but no license, ive been driving without a license for years now and i have no plans to get the license seeing as the theory test has bullshit questions and the full exam is strict as fuck
Yeah I passed my practical driving test last Saturday on my 8th attempt with 6 minors (srs) passed the theory first time though. Although had to re-take it cos it expired.

I’m not even a bad driver and can parallel park like a mogger, every fking test I failed I’d come close get a few minors and 1-2 major faults which failed me.

Usually it would be something like response to road markings or wrong lane at a roundabout etc.

Either I finally got it so it no longer matters how long it took.
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Yeah I passed my practical driving test last Saturday on my 8th attempt with 6 minors (srs) passed the theory first time though. Although had to re-take it cos it expired.

I’m not even a bad driver and can parallel park like a mogger, every fking test I failed I’d come close get a few minors and 1-2 major faults which failed me.

Usually it would be something like response to road markings or wrong lane at a roundabout etc.

Either I finally got it so it no longer matters how long it took.
yeah i know what you mean the test here is absolute fucking bullshit, literally one wrong thing and you fail. i dont think im ever gonna be able to pass the practical exam. i only tried it once and my examiner was this batshit insane loud late 40s dyke lesbian woman with short hair who was strict as fuck and kept yelling. failed me for literally nothing
you actually went out your way to get the full license? im also in UK it's hard here, you're definitely right about how UK driving exam is hard it's not like america driving license which is super easy to get. i have a car but no license, ive been driving without a license for years now and i have no plans to get the license seeing as the theory test has bullshit questions and the full exam is strict as fuck
The UK theory and driving test are piss, and if you think the questions are bullshit and the exam is strict as fuck, you should probably not be allowed to drive
The UK theory and driving test are piss, and if you think the questions are bullshit and the exam is strict as fuck, you should probably not be allowed to drive
i am guessing you got lucky and received a good examiner. my examiner was horrible and my friend had an equally bad one. refer to what i said below here
my examiner was this batshit insane loud late 40s dyke lesbian woman with short hair who was strict as fuck and kept yelling. failed me for literally nothing
The UK theory and driving test are piss, and if you think the questions are bullshit and the exam is strict as fuck, you should probably not be allowed to drive
Theory test is fairly easy to pass aslong as you revise and constantly do mock tests and just have to be aware of trick questions.

The practical a lot of it comes down to luck on the day, sometimes you get a very easy test route with barely any traffic other times you’re constantly at difficult roundabouts/junctions with tons of other cars etc.

Yeah skill is important but you can easily fail due to other road users or insane nerves.

I was fine during my driving lessons but used to shit myself during the test.

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