The Potential of Genetic Height Augmentation



Ungatekeeping on my Profile
Sep 2, 2023
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English 3rd language so ai helped translate

Ima break down Genetic Height Augmentation (GHA) theory:

1. Identification of Target Genes:
- using genomic analysis to identify specific genes responsible for skeletal development and height regulation. Tools like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression profiling help pinpoint genetic loci associated with height variation.

2. CRISPR-Cas9 Design and Delivery:
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that utilizes a guide RNA (gRNA) to target specific DNA sequences and a Cas9 enzyme to induce precise DNA cleavage. In theoretical GHA implementation, researchers design custom gRNAs to target height-associated genes. These constructs are then delivered into target cells using various delivery methods, such as viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles.

3. Optimizing Regulatory Elements:
- Within the genome, regulatory elements like enhancers and promoters control the expression of nearby genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits aim to optimize these elements to tune the expression of genes involved in bone growth. Computational modeling predicts the effects of these modifications on the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and gene expression patterns.

4. Nucleotide Editing for Protein Optimization:
- Nucleotide editing involves making precise changes to the DNA sequence within coding regions of genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits optimize these sequences to enhance the production or activity of growth-related proteins. Quantum chemistry calculations predict how changes in nucleotide composition affect the stability and function of resulting proteins.

5. Epigenetic Modulation:
- Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, regulate gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Theoretical strategies explore modulating these marks to influence chromatin structure and gene accessibility. Computational models simulate the dynamic interactions between modified epigenetic marks and regulatory proteins.

6. Quantum Effects on Cellular Processes:
- Quantum effects refer to phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoretical investigations explore how quantum mechanics influences cellular processes, such as electron transport and molecular interactions. Quantum simulations predict how genetic alterations may impact these processes, considering phenomena like electron dynamics and quantum coherence.

7. My guesses:
This would take 20+ years to implement
Would cost 30B+ to implement
Would cost 5M+ to perform
By our current economy
Guesses could be extremely off
No one here is low inhib enough or rich enough to perform this and in 20 years i doubt anyone here is looksmaxing so just posting just to post
Unrelated: quora users are extremely high iq i read alot about this on quora, surprised how low iq this forum is compared to quora genuinely surprised me

Idk any people whod care about this but @Vista is only reason l care about height so I @ u

Also please read this i format it bad so no one read it but it has really good information:
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Dork ass nigga
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@Squirtle u mod right can u let me edit other thread I didnt know how to format and it has good info or should i just repost with good format
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Formatted using ai
English 3rd language so ai helped translate

Ima break down Genetic Height Augmentation (GHA) theory:

1. Identification of Target Genes:
- using genomic analysis to identify specific genes responsible for skeletal development and height regulation. Tools like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression profiling help pinpoint genetic loci associated with height variation.

2. CRISPR-Cas9 Design and Delivery:
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that utilizes a guide RNA (gRNA) to target specific DNA sequences and a Cas9 enzyme to induce precise DNA cleavage. In theoretical GHA implementation, researchers design custom gRNAs to target height-associated genes. These constructs are then delivered into target cells using various delivery methods, such as viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles.

3. Optimizing Regulatory Elements:
- Within the genome, regulatory elements like enhancers and promoters control the expression of nearby genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits aim to optimize these elements to tune the expression of genes involved in bone growth. Computational modeling predicts the effects of these modifications on the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and gene expression patterns.

4. Nucleotide Editing for Protein Optimization:
- Nucleotide editing involves making precise changes to the DNA sequence within coding regions of genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits optimize these sequences to enhance the production or activity of growth-related proteins. Quantum chemistry calculations predict how changes in nucleotide composition affect the stability and function of resulting proteins.

5. Epigenetic Modulation:
- Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, regulate gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Theoretical strategies explore modulating these marks to influence chromatin structure and gene accessibility. Computational models simulate the dynamic interactions between modified epigenetic marks and regulatory proteins.

6. Quantum Effects on Cellular Processes:
- Quantum effects refer to phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoretical investigations explore how quantum mechanics influences cellular processes, such as electron transport and molecular interactions. Quantum simulations predict how genetic alterations may impact these processes, considering phenomena like electron dynamics and quantum coherence.

7. My guesses:
This would take 20+ years to implement
Would cost 30B+ to implement
Would cost 5M+ to perform
By our current economy
Guesses could be extremely off
No one here is low inhib enough or rich enough to perform this and in 20 years i doubt anyone here is looksmaxing so just posting just to post
Unrelated: quora users are extremely high iq i read alot about this on quora, surprised how low iq this forum is compared to quora genuinely surprised me

Idk any people whod care about this but @Vista is only reason l care about height so I @ u

Also please read this i format it bad so no one read it but it has really good information:
If you wanted to edit someone's DNA to make them taller you would need to edit their genome in vitro as a zygote. If you try to edit someone's DNA to make them taller as an adult you will likely fail at this task since you would need to edit every cell in that person's body to contain the new DNA edits otherwise growth abnormalities will occur. In vitro genetic modification is possible with currently technology and has already happened in humans.
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The problem is tall people have 600-700 genes that interact and create tall children.

It's not just a single switch you can turn on or off with CRISPR like a hereditary disease. Changing hundreds of DNA pieces can lead to all sorts of abnormalities.

Tall people don't just have tall legs or a torso and otherwise look identical to short people. They have proportionally larger and thicker skulls, jaws, hands, feet, internal organs, bones, eyes and clavicles, all of which are hereditary.

If you don't give all those little hundreds of traits to a short guy and just stretch him from 5'1 to 6'4 they are going to look uncanny, comical and unrealistic.

People can in fact tell a tall persons face from an average or short guys face by looking at a picture for 2 seconds.
(Edit:Added link)
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Reactions: Aero, greycel, AscendingHero and 1 other person
If you wanted to edit someone's DNA to make them taller you would need to edit their genome in vitro as a zygote. If you try to edit someone's DNA to make them taller as an adult you will likely fail at this task since you would need to edit every cell in that person's body to contain the new DNA edits otherwise growth abnormalities will occur. In vitro genetic modification is possible with currently technology and has already happened in humans.
Yes, I agree, in vitro genetic modification during the zygote stage is more feasible for impacting height. However advancement in technology may make it possible to edit DNA in adults for height modification in the future, although its just theory.
read what i say in russian accent to make more sense trust me
The problem is tall people have 600-700 genes that interact and create tall children.

It's not just a single switch you can turn on or off with CRISPR like a hereditary disease. Changing hundreds of DNA pieces can lead to all sorts of abnormalities.

Tall people don't just have tall legs or a torso and otherwise look identical to short people. They have proportionally larger and thicker skulls, jaws, hands, feet, internal organs, bones, eyes and clavicles, all of which are hereditary.

If you don't give all those little hundreds of traits to a short guy and just stretch him from 5'1 to 6'4 they are going to look uncanny, comical and unrealistic.

People can in fact tell a tall persons face from an average or short guys face by looking at a picture for 2 seconds.
(Edit:Added link)
I agree with everything but while it's true that height is influenced by numerous genes and can impact various aspects of physical development, the claim of "600-700 genes" specifically dedicated to height may be oversimplified. Additionally, the relationship between height and anatomical proportions is complex and not solely determined by genetics. But I do agree with you this is more for future theory not one thats plausible rn.
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Puzzling user
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Formatted using ai
English 3rd language so ai helped translate

Ima break down Genetic Height Augmentation (GHA) theory:

1. Identification of Target Genes:
- using genomic analysis to identify specific genes responsible for skeletal development and height regulation. Tools like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression profiling help pinpoint genetic loci associated with height variation.

2. CRISPR-Cas9 Design and Delivery:
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that utilizes a guide RNA (gRNA) to target specific DNA sequences and a Cas9 enzyme to induce precise DNA cleavage. In theoretical GHA implementation, researchers design custom gRNAs to target height-associated genes. These constructs are then delivered into target cells using various delivery methods, such as viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles.

3. Optimizing Regulatory Elements:
- Within the genome, regulatory elements like enhancers and promoters control the expression of nearby genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits aim to optimize these elements to tune the expression of genes involved in bone growth. Computational modeling predicts the effects of these modifications on the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and gene expression patterns.

4. Nucleotide Editing for Protein Optimization:
- Nucleotide editing involves making precise changes to the DNA sequence within coding regions of genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits optimize these sequences to enhance the production or activity of growth-related proteins. Quantum chemistry calculations predict how changes in nucleotide composition affect the stability and function of resulting proteins.

5. Epigenetic Modulation:
- Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, regulate gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Theoretical strategies explore modulating these marks to influence chromatin structure and gene accessibility. Computational models simulate the dynamic interactions between modified epigenetic marks and regulatory proteins.

6. Quantum Effects on Cellular Processes:
- Quantum effects refer to phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoretical investigations explore how quantum mechanics influences cellular processes, such as electron transport and molecular interactions. Quantum simulations predict how genetic alterations may impact these processes, considering phenomena like electron dynamics and quantum coherence.

7. My guesses:
This would take 20+ years to implement
Would cost 30B+ to implement
Would cost 5M+ to perform
By our current economy
Guesses could be extremely off
No one here is low inhib enough or rich enough to perform this and in 20 years i doubt anyone here is looksmaxing so just posting just to post
Unrelated: quora users are extremely high iq i read alot about this on quora, surprised how low iq this forum is compared to quora genuinely surprised me

Idk any people whod care about this but @Vista is only reason l care about height so I @ u

Also please read this i format it bad so no one read it but it has really good information:
dnr summarize it to me though in 5’8
If you wanted to edit someone's DNA to make them taller you would need to edit their genome in vitro as a zygote. If you try to edit someone's DNA to make them taller as an adult you will likely fail at this task since you would need to edit every cell in that person's body to contain the new DNA edits otherwise growth abnormalities will occur. In vitro genetic modification is possible with currently technology and has already happened in humans.
Exactly. Also, base editing rather than conventions cas9/sgrna would likely be better for safety to edit SNPs
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Exactly. Also, base editing rather than conventions cas9/sgrna would likely be better for safety to edit SNPs
Disagree Cas9/sgrnas accuracy lowers off target mutations by manipulating PAM sequences and DSB repair. Even tho its efficient, base editing has risks like unintended deamination, causing larger genomic instability
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Formatted using ai
English 3rd language so ai helped translate

Ima break down Genetic Height Augmentation (GHA) theory:

1. Identification of Target Genes:
- using genomic analysis to identify specific genes responsible for skeletal development and height regulation. Tools like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression profiling help pinpoint genetic loci associated with height variation.

2. CRISPR-Cas9 Design and Delivery:
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that utilizes a guide RNA (gRNA) to target specific DNA sequences and a Cas9 enzyme to induce precise DNA cleavage. In theoretical GHA implementation, researchers design custom gRNAs to target height-associated genes. These constructs are then delivered into target cells using various delivery methods, such as viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles.

3. Optimizing Regulatory Elements:
- Within the genome, regulatory elements like enhancers and promoters control the expression of nearby genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits aim to optimize these elements to tune the expression of genes involved in bone growth. Computational modeling predicts the effects of these modifications on the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and gene expression patterns.

4. Nucleotide Editing for Protein Optimization:
- Nucleotide editing involves making precise changes to the DNA sequence within coding regions of genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits optimize these sequences to enhance the production or activity of growth-related proteins. Quantum chemistry calculations predict how changes in nucleotide composition affect the stability and function of resulting proteins.

5. Epigenetic Modulation:
- Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, regulate gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Theoretical strategies explore modulating these marks to influence chromatin structure and gene accessibility. Computational models simulate the dynamic interactions between modified epigenetic marks and regulatory proteins.

6. Quantum Effects on Cellular Processes:
- Quantum effects refer to phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoretical investigations explore how quantum mechanics influences cellular processes, such as electron transport and molecular interactions. Quantum simulations predict how genetic alterations may impact these processes, considering phenomena like electron dynamics and quantum coherence.

7. My guesses:
This would take 20+ years to implement
Would cost 30B+ to implement
Would cost 5M+ to perform
By our current economy
Guesses could be extremely off
No one here is low inhib enough or rich enough to perform this and in 20 years i doubt anyone here is looksmaxing so just posting just to post
Unrelated: quora users are extremely high iq i read alot about this on quora, surprised how low iq this forum is compared to quora genuinely surprised me

Idk any people whod care about this but @Vista is only reason l care about height so I @ u

Also please read this i format it bad so no one read it but it has really good information:
Link some good quora threads/posts that have struck you
The problem is tall people have 600-700 genes that interact and create tall children.

It's not just a single switch you can turn on or off with CRISPR like a hereditary disease. Changing hundreds of DNA pieces can lead to all sorts of abnormalities.

Tall people don't just have tall legs or a torso and otherwise look identical to short people. They have proportionally larger and thicker skulls, jaws, hands, feet, internal organs, bones, eyes and clavicles, all of which are hereditary.

If you don't give all those little hundreds of traits to a short guy and just stretch him from 5'1 to 6'4 they are going to look uncanny, comical and unrealistic.

People can in fact tell a tall persons face from an average or short guys face by looking at a picture for 2 seconds.
(Edit:Added link)
There's been a few studies that have got at heart of this... certain genes have stronger effects than others... epigenetics and environment also matters - also effects anatomical proportions...

Instead of looking to affect little genes why can't just affect the growth plates and then certain tissues and organs with size?

They did a study on this NBA player - Shawn Bradley and he's 7'6, they found that

He just had positive correlations of hundreds if not thousands of height affecting genes

@Sexually Disabled @Gandy

@Rigged @DrTony
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There's been a few studies that have got at heart of this... certain genes have stronger effects than others...
like the GH/IGF-1 axis but this is pretty common sense u cant just target 1 thing to maximize overall
epigenetics and environment also matters - also effects anatomical proportions...
Yeh methylation and histone modifications do matter alot
Instead of looking to affect little genes why can't just affect the growth plates and then certain tissues and organs with size?
I get what u mean, but it’s not that simple, plates are controlled by a network of signaling pathways like PTHrP, Ihh, GH, and IGF-1 and thats a few of thousands they have to work in perfect sync messing with them WILL cause unpredictable results ud need a balanced approach if u want all tissues and organs to grow proportionally, that means combining gene editing, growth factors, and epigenetic changes its way more complex than just targeting growth plates directly
They did a study on this NBA player - Shawn Bradley and he's 7'6, they found that

He just had positive correlations of hundreds if not thousands of height affecting genes
View attachment 3041121
Exactly, his height is a result of many height related genes working together each gene adds a small boost to his overall height they can predict this thru genome wide polygenic scores, and looking at these small-effect genes overall
@Sexually Disabled @Gandy

@Rigged @DrTony
like the GH/IGF-1 axis but this is pretty common sense u cant just target 1 thing to maximize overall

Yeh methylation and histone modifications do matter alot
Mind elaborating about them further bro? How much and in what ways do they affect height?

Like for example epigenetic readers that bind/cause certain histone modifications like the loss of SPIN4 which leads to overgrowth syndromes.. acts similar to a myostatin mutation


Gives a mega boosts to chondroyctes... expand the size of the growth plate and resting zone

Mice with its gene knocked out experienced overgrowth and a kid with it had to get surgery on his growth plates and had a projected height of 203 cm / 6'8


I get what u mean, but it’s not that simple, plates are controlled by a network of signaling pathways like PTHrP, Ihh, GH, and IGF-1 and thats a few of thousands they have to work in perfect sync messing with them WILL cause unpredictable results ud need a balanced approach if u want all tissues and organs to grow proportionally, that means combining gene editing, growth factors, and epigenetic changes its way more complex than just targeting growth plates directly
Of course.... and I do obviously plan on implementing a balanced approach any insightful takes would be well cherished as we go along on this journey

Usually if im studying something new ill see alot of quora threads on them
What other topics are you studying atm?

What are your thoughts on the proposition of using SSCs for bone elongation? A few promising studies have been released recently

like the GH/IGF-1 axis but this is pretty common sense u cant just target 1 thing to maximize overall
Looking into some crazy gigantism/acromegalic cases.... do you think it's sensible to look into this post puberty in some way with closed GPs in the hope of growth?

What are your thoughts on the loss for certain epigenetic markers -> growth?

Also check discord.... I just added you

Mind elaborating about them further bro? How much and in what ways do they affect height?
Sure, they both regulate chromatin accessibility which impacts gene transcription when epigenetically modified height genes alter chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation rates for example like u say after, SPIN4 loss disrupts histone binding which leads to changed WNT signaling and more B-catenin activity also uncontrolled chondrocyte proliferation
Like for example epigenetic readers that bind/cause certain histone modifications like the loss of SPIN4 which leads to overgrowth syndromes.. acts similar to a myostatin mutation

View attachment 3041154

Gives a mega boosts to chondroyctes... expand the size of the growth plate and resting zone

Mice with its gene knocked out experienced overgrowth and a kid with it had to get surgery on his growth plates and had a projected height of 203 cm / 6'8
View attachment 3041156View attachment 3041157
View attachment 3041158

Of course.... and I do obviously plan on implementing a balanced approach any insightful takes would be well cherished as we go along on this journey

What other topics are you studying atm?
Quantum biology

What are your thoughts on the proposition of using SSCs for bone elongation? A few promising studies have been released recently
I think it can do alot of bone elongation we know that SSCs when stimulated by BMP/SMAD and WNT/B-catenin pathways enhance endochondral ossification combine this with CRISPR to boost osteogenic genes in SSCs could significantly promote bone growth

Looking into some crazy gigantism/acromegalic cases.... do you think it's sensible to look into this post puberty in some way with closed GPs in the hope of growth?
I believe in growth past plate closure i have some posts on them on my profile posts, i know u can still influence growth thru periosteal apposition even with closed growth plates gene therapies could upregulate IGF-1/GH pathways which would stimulate osteoblast activity and periosteal bone growth there are Quantum biology and models show that manipulating these hormonal pathways can sync cellular processes to manage controlled bone growth
What are your thoughts on the loss for certain epigenetic markers -> growth?
For some like SPIN4 It can cause growth, but theres alot of risk to it as u said b4 with dispraportionate growth
Also check discord.... I just added you
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Sure, they both regulate chromatin accessibility which impacts gene transcription when epigenetically modified height genes alter chondrocyte differentiation and proliferation rates for example like u say after, SPIN4 loss disrupts histone binding which leads to changed WNT signaling and more B-catenin activity also uncontrolled chondrocyte proliferation

Quantum biology

I think it can do alot of bone elongation we know that SSCs when stimulated by BMP/SMAD and WNT/B-catenin pathways enhance endochondral ossification combine this with CRISPR to boost osteogenic genes in SSCs could significantly promote bone growth

I believe in growth past plate closure i have some posts on them on my profile posts, i know u can still influence growth thru periosteal apposition even with closed growth plates gene therapies could upregulate IGF-1/GH pathways which would stimulate osteoblast activity and periosteal bone growth there are Quantum biology and models show that manipulating these hormonal pathways can sync cellular processes to manage controlled bone growth

For some like SPIN4 It can cause growth, but theres alot of risk to it as u said b4 with dispraportionate growth

One of the smartest users I have interacted in a long while.... huge sense of fresh air for me right now.. thank you for that
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
One of the smartest users I have interacted in a long while.... huge sense of fresh air for me right now.. thank you for that
You’re a great user too im used to trying to explain to ppl the basics but its great when someone can understand u 100% I try to stay up to date with info and post alot about stuff, if u check my profile posts and scroll ull see alot of info, sadly the mod team doesnt like me so it makes it harder to post but i just deal with it
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there are Quantum biology and models show that manipulating these hormonal pathways can sync cellular processes to manage controlled bone growth
Please link & share info on those Quantum Biology models

I believe in growth past plate closure i have some posts on them on my profile posts, i know u can still influence growth thru periosteal apposition even with closed growth plates gene therapies could upregulate IGF-1/GH pathways which would stimulate osteoblast activity and periosteal bone growth
But those results don't look that promising to keep it a buck

I have checked on some of your profile posts

Thoughts on growth plate implants?

Also thoughts on somehow reversing the growth plate cycle to induce Transdifferentiation and somehow create little growth plate zones and convert bone back into chondrocytes and induce growth that way?

I believe in growth past plate closure i have some posts on them on my profile posts, i know u can still influence growth thru periosteal apposition even with closed growth plates gene therapies could upregulate IGF-1/GH pathways which would stimulate osteoblast activity and periosteal bone growth
Is there anyway to administer /upregulate the IGF-1/GH axis locally to stimulate (local) appositional growth ? - Thicker joints, ulna/radius, carpal bones and fist... , humerous.. ankle... bone mass and cortical tissue all over the body in general?

could significantly promote bone growth
What do you see/define as "significant" bone growth wise?

Could this be possible even past maturation?
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epigenetic changes its way more complex than just targeting growth plates directly
What are some of the current therapies to stimulate epigenetic editing? I mean a know a few but I might be forgetting some
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
Please link & share info on those Quantum Biology models
It more thru electron transport and quantum coherence
But those results don't look that promising to keep it a buck

I have checked on some of your profile posts
Alright for sure just making sure its the 2 main posts called forced height past puberty tortion/vibration
Thoughts on growth plate implants?

Also thoughts on somehow reversing the growth plate cycle to induce Transdifferentiation and somehow create little growth plate zones and convert bone back into chondrocytes and induce growth that way?
Implants can recreate endochondral ossification sites

Ud need to reprogram osteocytes into chondrocytes thru overexpression of SOX9 and RUNX2 this would need stuff like CRISPR and epigenetic reprogramming first
Is there anyway to administer /upregulate the IGF-1/GH axis locally to stimulate (local) appositional growth ? - Thicker joints, ulna/radius, carpal bones and fist... , humerous.. ankle... bone mass and cortical tissue all over the body in general?
It could/would be thru using viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles
What do you see/define as "significant" bone growth wise?
1-2cm or 10-20% density
Could this be possible even past maturation?
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
What are some of the current therapies to stimulate epigenetic editing? I mean a know a few but I might be forgetting some
CRISPR, TALENs, ZFNs, HDACi, DNMTi, RNA-guided editing, small molecules, Azacytidine and Decitabine, bromodomain inhibitors, methyltransferase inhibitors, demethylase inhibitors
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For what reasons? I mean theoretically with use of the something like pluripotent stem cells.... or even your own stem cells... doctors could cook up whatever type of cell needed to kickstart the growth process

The way I see it... I don't think you have to get to elaborate with it.... in terms of just sheer bone elongation... once the GPs are open... tissue hyperplasia isn't hard to do at all... we've been using various chemicals to do it for decades and the application methods are only getting better

And other idea ... could SSCs be used in a distraction osteogenesis like matter... like for example to widen and thicken the shoulder girdle/appendicular skeleton?

lipid nanoparticles
Are they better or worse than something like standard hydrogels would you say?

Alright for sure just making sure its the 2 main posts called forced height past puberty tortion/vibration
Just checked them out and I also saw posts about it on his insta/website

Not really into LSJL , vibrations and all that simply b/c I wanna spend time into more potent methods for truly significant... tremendous even... growth

Ud need to reprogram osteocytes into chondrocytes thru overexpression of SOX9 and RUNX2 this would need stuff like CRISPR and epigenetic reprogramming first
Fuarkkk... so it is indeed possible....

Implants can recreate endochondral ossification sites
Right do you know of anything available like such or docs working on it? I'm looking into non invasive effective total body growth.... at the very minimum bone elongation..
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
Formatted using ai
English 3rd language so ai helped translate

Ima break down Genetic Height Augmentation (GHA) theory:

1. Identification of Target Genes:
- using genomic analysis to identify specific genes responsible for skeletal development and height regulation. Tools like genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and gene expression profiling help pinpoint genetic loci associated with height variation.

2. CRISPR-Cas9 Design and Delivery:
- CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing tool that utilizes a guide RNA (gRNA) to target specific DNA sequences and a Cas9 enzyme to induce precise DNA cleavage. In theoretical GHA implementation, researchers design custom gRNAs to target height-associated genes. These constructs are then delivered into target cells using various delivery methods, such as viral vectors or lipid nanoparticles.

3. Optimizing Regulatory Elements:
- Within the genome, regulatory elements like enhancers and promoters control the expression of nearby genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits aim to optimize these elements to tune the expression of genes involved in bone growth. Computational modeling predicts the effects of these modifications on the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and gene expression patterns.

4. Nucleotide Editing for Protein Optimization:
- Nucleotide editing involves making precise changes to the DNA sequence within coding regions of genes. Theoretical CRISPR edits optimize these sequences to enhance the production or activity of growth-related proteins. Quantum chemistry calculations predict how changes in nucleotide composition affect the stability and function of resulting proteins.

5. Epigenetic Modulation:
- Epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation, regulate gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence. Theoretical strategies explore modulating these marks to influence chromatin structure and gene accessibility. Computational models simulate the dynamic interactions between modified epigenetic marks and regulatory proteins.

6. Quantum Effects on Cellular Processes:
- Quantum effects refer to phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic levels. Theoretical investigations explore how quantum mechanics influences cellular processes, such as electron transport and molecular interactions. Quantum simulations predict how genetic alterations may impact these processes, considering phenomena like electron dynamics and quantum coherence.

7. My guesses:
This would take 20+ years to implement
Would cost 30B+ to implement
Would cost 5M+ to perform
By our current economy
Guesses could be extremely off
No one here is low inhib enough or rich enough to perform this and in 20 years i doubt anyone here is looksmaxing so just posting just to post
Unrelated: quora users are extremely high iq i read alot about this on quora, surprised how low iq this forum is compared to quora genuinely surprised me

Idk any people whod care about this but @Vista is only reason l care about height so I @ u

Also please read this i format it bad so no one read it but it has really good information:
There's also estrogen which effects height like a slider.... complete absence of it though... whilst staving off growth plate senescence can lead to some other grave stuff

Thoughts on this screenshot?

  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
For what reasons? I mean theoretically with use of the something like pluripotent stem cells.... or even your own stem cells... doctors could cook up whatever type of cell needed to kickstart the growth process
Pluripotent stem cells can be reprogrammed to become chondrocytes
The way I see it... I don't think you have to get to elaborate with it.... in terms of just sheer bone elongation... once the GPs are open... tissue hyperplasia isn't hard to do at all... we've been using various chemicals to do it for decades and the application methods are only getting better

And other idea ... could SSCs be used in a distraction osteogenesis like matter... like for example to widen and thicken the shoulder girdle/appendicular skeleton?
100% could
Are they better or worse than something like standard hydrogels would you say?
Lipid Nano is better
Just checked them out and I also saw posts about it on his insta/website

Not really into LSJL , vibrations and all that simply b/c I wanna spend time into more potent methods for truly significant... tremendous even... growth

Fuarkkk... so it is indeed possible....

Right do you know of anything available like such or docs working on it? I'm looking into non invasive effective total body growth.... at the very minimum bone elongation..
Idk any docs still in dev at most
  • +1
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Pluripotent stem cells can be reprogrammed to become chondrocytes

100% could

Lipid Nano is better

Idk any docs still in dev at most
Man it's all about money and connections atp and being aware of "what's possible".... I hope they at least release a few more good titbits to the public and the wealthy class is willing to share a bit
  • +1
Reactions: Rigged
There's also estrogen which effects height like a slider.... complete absence of it though... whilst staving off growth plate senescence can lead to some other grave stuff

Thoughts on this screenshot?

View attachment 3041269
That screenshot seems like he was just trolling, like when ppl say jews own us and control us from the background type thing
  • JFL
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Man it's all about money and connections atp and being aware of "what's possible".... I hope they at least release a few more good titbits to the public and the wealthy class is willing to share a bit
Yeh there 100% is hidden shit, if i ever become a billionaire ill put u on tho dont worry 🙏
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Yeh there 100% is hidden shit, if i ever become a billionaire ill put u on tho dont worry 🙏
Like Yao Ming's case in particular is extremely interesting....

What I would give for 10+ inches in height & shoulder girdle width....
Like Yao Ming's case in particular is extremely interesting....

What I would give for 10+ inches in height & shoulder girdle width....
Im 5’6 😔 i gotta content creator max myself to infinite money and then become 6’4
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Im 5’6 😔 i gotta content creator max myself to infinite money and then become 6’4
Damn..... with what the future holds I'm sure you'll become a sizemogger no doubt about it... let's keep in touch

I gotta money maxx someway somehow... navigate thru the world of finance and then grow to like 6'11-7'0 barefoot with a comic book tier frame.... LOL
  • JFL
Reactions: greycel and Rigged
Sitting in fascination reading thread and subsequent replies. Gr8 stuff. Jews do run the world tho
  • +1
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Sitting in fascination reading thread and subsequent replies. Gr8 stuff. Jews do run the world tho
Any further thots or questions... curious to to hear all relevant insights
There's been a few studies that have got at heart of this... certain genes have stronger effects than others... epigenetics and environment also matters - also effects anatomical proportions...

Instead of looking to affect little genes why can't just affect the growth plates and then certain tissues and organs with size?

They did a study on this NBA player - Shawn Bradley and he's 7'6, they found that

He just had positive correlations of hundreds if not thousands of height affecting genes
View attachment 3041121

@Sexually Disabled @Gandy

@Rigged @DrTony
It's important you take into account magnitude when talking about the genetic influences of a trait. You might already know what I'm talking about here but if you don't, magnitude describes the fact that some genes play a bigger role in determining a trait than other genes. This means that although thousands of gene variants are responsible for his difference in height maybe only a 10th of these variants are responsible for the majority of his height difference.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
It's important you take into account magnitude when talking about the genetic influences of a trait. You might already know what I'm talking about here but if you don't, magnitude describes the fact that some genes play a bigger role in determining a trait than other genes. This means that although thousands of gene variants are responsible for his difference in height maybe only a 10th of these variants are responsible for the majority of his height difference.

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