The power of a Big Dick

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7inch is average
I'm 15.25cm (6 inches) bonepressed. Is it over for me?
Yes that's pretty small I am not far from the measurement as well
As usual, dick posts bring out the most engagement lmaoo. 3 pages in less than an hour.
Definitely one of the darkest blackpills about dick that's why.
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They have nothing to gain by lying on PE forums, that's the thing. In fact, quite the contrary. They just have things to lose. They are "desperate" to see gains. If they lie from the start, then the entire thing is just a lie, they'll also take longer to see gains, which makes them less likely to believe in it and less motivated. Look at the thunder's study. OVer 10k participants btw

I guarantee if we did a similar study on here (18+), and people swore to be honest, knew how to measure, we'd get similar results. If you're not 7NBPEL x 5.5 EG you're not even human.

All the studies you linked literally just proved my point. Study 2 shoving 6"NBPEL x 5"EG being average. Here's also another thing. A lot of studies are done NBPEL. The average murican or whatever is 5'9 200lbs, 30% bodyfat. FSL studies are also done non-bone pressed. FSL tend to be about 0.5-1" shorter than EL btw. This all leads to 5.5-6" NBPEL being around average.

In terms of girth. Do you seriously believe it's comparable to have a doctor measure your girth (you can't even get properly hard JFL), vs you sitting at home, edging for 20 minutes straight and then measuring your max erection? Likewise with length? They literally measure your semi-hard, and if they do BPEL they don't even shove the ruler in properly. JFL at believing these results. All those guys in those studies are in reality 6.5x5 if measured in the comfort of their own home. (on average). So that is the true average size.

Study in Netherlands: Measured by professionals: Sample size: 2363. Average size: 15.6cm x 13.55cm (that's 5.3" girth btw). Source: Onderzoekscentrum i.o.v. NIBI Nederland. Utrecht 2013

Study in Denmark: Measured by professionals: Sample size: 854. Average size: 15.1cm x 13.3cm. Source: University of Copenhagen - Urological Research Center and Andrology 2015

JFL at believing the average size is 5"x4.5"
Most studies are done bone pressed while laying down because they want to account for differences in body fat.
Members: 4,785

waiting for the rest of 4785 users to come here and claim having a 7 incher

  • +1
Reactions: MiroslavBulldosex, p0tus and SpearOfOrion
have you seen what a 12 gauge round does as it impacts the human body when shot close range........ I would shoot you in the crotch and blast your flesh to pieces to watch you roll around on the ground piss out blood while i piss myself laughing
7 inches is in the 98.5 percentile. Any idiot claiming girls dont see it as big is an obvious virgin. The nonsensical opinions on dick size in this forum is very harmful tbh.

For mathematically incapable idiots: 98.5 percentile means that if a girl fucks 100 guys, its very likely that 7 incher dude she fucked is the biggest. Dick size distribution is like a bell distribution so most guys are close to average at both ends and big or small dicks are rare.
  • +1
Reactions: Lagoon1214, Deleted member 6512, I'mme and 3 others
I hate niggas that brag but I also remember that I also brag too, jfl
have you seen what a 12 gauge round does as it impacts the human body when shot close range........ I would shoot you in the crotch and blast your flesh to pieces to watch you roll around on the ground piss out blood while i piss myself laughing
why are you being such a dick, Richard? :)
7 is very average. Im so sick of this conversation
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: johncruz12345, Beetlejuice, OBE and 2 others
9 is just a bit above average. Im so sick of this conversation
girth is more important, as long as your cock is longer than 6.5 at-least.
GIRTH POWER. What MATTERS is VOLUME once your past 6' in length.

So much for spaghettis (below 6 in girth is bad).
GIRTH POWER. What MATTERS is VOLUME once your past 6' in length.

So much for spaghettis (below 6 in girth is bad).
srs question.
do you still have boners at your age?
  • JFL
Reactions: Kingkellz
srs question.
do you still have boners at your age?
Of course.
No physiological problem.
But after 30+ years of non stop fucking, 2 times a week is largely enough for me.
It's no big deal like eating but different of course.
Even if the steak is good, it's your 10 000th after all.

Erection issues are quite easy to solve :
a) your woman is ugly.
b) your habits are unhealthy
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  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: jake_okok, Richard Fitzwell, Deleted member 3043 and 1 other person
Of course.
No physiological problem.
But after 30+ years of non stop fucking, 2 times a week is largely enough for me.
It's no big deal like eating but different of course.
Even if the steak is good, it's your 10 000th after all.

Erection issues are quite easy to solve :
a) your woman is ugly.
b) your habits are unhealthy
Of course.
No physiological problem.
But after 30+ years of non stop fucking, 2 times a week is largely enough for me.
It's no big deal like eating but different of course.
Even if the steak is good, it's your 10 000th after all.

Erection issues are quite easy to solve :
a) your woman is ugly.
b) your habits are unhealthy
How old are you
??this was a few months ago and i said already not measuring proper EQ nbp

you have a small dick huh
You are the one who is claiming to be "7.5 inches unfrauded" every post.
  • JFL
Reactions: jake_okok
You are the one who is claiming to be "7.5 inches unfrauded" every post.
you are the autist desperately going through my post history to find my old faulty claims and coping by saying i change it every day
  • JFL
Reactions: johncruz12345
you are the autist desperately going through my post history to find my old faulty claims and coping by saying i change it every day
JFL if you think I would go through ur post history. but ok. if you are not larp, good for u i guess.
  • +1
Reactions: jake_okok and moggingmachine
Go slay her but let the guy know for him not to rope and for him to beat the shit out of her
JFL, that foid needs to be castrated and mutilated to her actions
  • +1
Reactions: Lagoon1214 and Deleted member 6512

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