the problem is that one u miss teenage love you never learn the ability to fall in love

im 25 now and have never been in love after like 10th grade where I had a crush on a girl. ive had a lot of kisses etc even in 10th grade but not love and sex. I have friends who always have new girlfriends and they have crazy feeling for them after the first date etc. its different I can't feel the same unfortunately and have noticed that others feel the same that also lack crucial teen experiences related to love and relation ships
if you couldve had love or sex which one?
The existence of a correlation between income and height does not mean that most rich people are tall, it just means that, among ordinary people, taller people will have better opportunities and therefore better income.
im tall and rich
nobody tells u but ofc it makes sense. we call it formative years. they shape you. if I had a son I would tell him to give a fuck about anything than making expiernces when young and falling in love.
what experiences do you not make when you dont have friends but a gf?
what do you say about 16/17.5 for those

are those the perfect ages for those or the latest you should?

13-15 MAX right?
the earlier the better tbh

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