The reality



Slay or be slayed
Sep 18, 2018

These two guys are considered PSL 6.5-7 by the lookism community.
Both are going with the usual sheep mentality “muh hunter eyes, muh zygos, muh brow ridge”.

The girls involved in this are all PSL 6.5+, the majority of them being models. I have about 10-15 more screenshots but it’s pointless to upload them since the replies don’t change.

This is what I’m trying to tell you since the beginning guys. What lookism users find attractive (basically other males) is not what hot women find attractive.

The last girl found the second dude somewhat attractive because he smiles.
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This is what I’m trying to tell you since the beginning guys. What lookism users find attractive (basically other males) is not what hot women find attractive.
This. What incels think is attractive =! What women find as attractive. Obviously there are preferences to be taken into account, but truly your looks level is determined more by your interactions with women irl
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This. What incels think is attractive =! What women find as attractive. Obviously there are preferences to be taken into account, but truly your looks level is determined more by your interactions with women irl

I based this solely on their face. And asked the girls to be as blunt as possible. Not one single one of them found these guys good looking at all. Take into account that these are girls that make a living out their looks, and some of them are even in a long term relationship with dudes below their looks level.
I based this solely on their face. And asked the girls to be as blunt as possible. Not one single one of them found these guys good looking at all. Take into account that these are girls that make a living out their looks, and some of them are even in a long term relationship with dudes below their looks level.
Yeah I mean when it comes down to it face opens the door but what gets you in the long run is how charming, interesting, and outgoing you are.
Yeah I mean when it comes down to it face opens the door but what gets you in the long run is how charming, interesting, and outgoing you are.

But muh bluepill dude lmao
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They are both around 5.5 PSL, and those pictures are TERRIBLE! Try find dudes who have decent pics. Also have both of these in a social situation (like in a club with a bunch of friends) and they would be seen as more attractive. Dudes are not good at rating men via pics but women can't give an objective rating based on a single pic alone either. (The second guy is frauding hard af too)
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They are not even 6.5psl, most likely 5.5-6. Also do you have a link to the thread where they got rated?
All it proves is that women have extremely inflated standards that most of us will never be able to reach.
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last girl found the second dude somewhat attractive because he smiles


Horse s*** men lose PSL points smiling.
The second guy is perfect imo, don't know why they consider him unattractive.

What is attractive to them then?
Well i think lookism users dumb it down to what they can recognize. Both these men have good bone structure and hunter eyes but the first one looks creepy and the second one isn't especially good looking.

But since the lookism cant put their finger on what makes them unappealing they give them a higher rating either way.

Good bone structure and hunter eyes is worthless if your not good looking in the first place
They are both around 5.5 PSL, and those pictures are TERRIBLE! Try find dudes who have decent pics. Also have both of these in a social situation (like in a club with a bunch of friends) and they would be seen as more attractive. Dudes are not good at rating men via pics but women can't give an objective rating based on a single pic alone either. (The second guy is frauding hard af too)

CBA to find the threads.

Women can give an objective rating because they never met the guys in the pics, therefore there’s nothing to influence their rating.
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It's really ovER. Time to go the ER
2nd guy is deathnic, impossible for him to be above 5

Oofy doofy guys are getting the women today I agree what lookism dudes think is attractive is not truth
All it proves is that women have extremely inflated standards that most of us will never be able to reach.

All it proves is that lookism users think they know everything about beauty when in reality they don’t know jack shit.
2nd guy is deathnic, impossible for him to be above 5

Oofy doofy guys are getting the women today I agree what lookism dudes think is attractive is not truth

Bullshit. I have Arab and Indian friends and they all date good looking women. Especially in France. If it were to be in the US then yeah, sadly I’d have to agree.
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2nd guy is deathnic, impossible for him to be above 5

Legit, this experiment might just be proving women's inner racism. The first guy looks a little ethnic too.
No if you have a good smile it increases it.

Only times it doesn't is when you have a huge nose, small jaw, or retruded maxilla


In my case I also have small mouth.
Legit, this experiment might just be proving women's inner racism. The first guy looks a little ethnic too.

Your race is not the reason why women don’t find you attractive. Your lack of being attractive is why women don’t find you attractive.
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Your race is not the reason why women don’t find you attractive. Your lack of being attractive is why women don’t find you attractive.

There's legit no other reason for why they wouldn't find them attractive.
There's legit no other reason for why they wouldn't find them attractive.
Maybe women don't like the same guys as the gay incels on PSL boards. Just a thought
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There's legit no other reason for why they wouldn't find them attractive.

Because being good looking is not about symmetry, hunter eyes, jawline, or whatever PSL users pray to.
Being good looking is what your face expresses. Emotions, flaws, sex appeal, not looking socially awkward etc. These are things that women can sense.
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Women can give an objective rating because they never met the guys in the pics, therefore there’s nothing to influence their rating.
First of all, the pics are terrible! Second guy is sucking his cheeks in making his cheekbones look better but this makes him look as if he has an underbite (NO ONE with an underbite looks good), first guy is trying to make his eyes look really hooded by looking down at the cam but this results in him looking really aspie. As you said, these girls are 6.5 + PSL models, these dudes are generous 5.5 PSL, since when do when do women ever consider someone below their looksmatch good looking? Plus, models have very high standards, obviously.
There's legit no other reason for why they wouldn't find them attractive.
Its because the dudes are below the womens' looks level, dudes are 5.5 PSL, the women are 6.5+ PSL. Women don't find guys that are"below them" good looking.
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First of all, the pics are terrible! Second guy is sucking his cheeks in making his cheekbones look better but this makes him look as if he has an underbite (NO ONE with an underbite looks good), first guy is trying to make his eyes look really hooded by looking down at the cam but this results in him looking really aspie. As you said, these girls are 6.5 + PSL models, these dudes are generous 5.5 PSL, since when do when do women ever consider someone below their looksmatch good looking?

I showed different pictures as well, where they looked NT and the results were the same.

I am rated more or less the same as these guys. Between a 6 and a 7.
I showed different pictures as well, where they looked NT and the results were the same.

I am rated more or less the same as these guys. Between a 6 and a 7.
Missing the point boyo, even average girls have abnormally high standards and here you are,sending frauded pics of some slightly above average dudes to FUCKING MODELS in a place like FRANCE! Obviously they will find them ugly. Btw, those girls probably notice they are frauding which results in them being even less attractive.
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Oh of course I forgot basement dwelling Chad slays and social average guy is an incel
Personality is crucial. No idea how one can label that as a meme. Being socially dominant is just as important as your looks.
Personality is crucial. No idea how one can label that as a meme. Being socially dominant is just as important as your looks.
This is why you ogremax personality wise
I think the best way to know these things is to just do a fucking tinder experiment instead of asking women coz I don't trust them at all. I did so many tinder experiments in the past with guys that would be considered attractive by users here and they did good, to my surprise.

The Indian guy TSH is held in very high regards on lookism but I always thought that guy lacks harmony and isn't that attractive. But doing tinder experiments with his pics in Western countries always resulted in lots of matches.

Second guy doesn't look good but the first guy with good pics will do good on Tinder.
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I agree those guys are not super attractive or anything but they are way above average surely?

I hope OP is right and that subhumans can get slim decent looking gf's at the very least but I just don't see it. Maybe this will work for normies but I doubt it will work with incels.

Isn't one of the sayings "Don't believe what women say, believe what they do"?
i saw the original thread and OP picked worst looking pictures lol.

they loook creepy here
I think the best way to know these things is to just do a fucking tinder experiment instead of asking women coz I don't trust them at all. I did so many tinder experiments in the past with guys that would be considered attractive by users here and they did good, to my surprise.

The Indian guy TSH is held in very high regards on lookism but I always thought that guy lacks harmony and isn't that attractive. But doing tinder experiments with his pics in Western countries always resulted in lots of matches.

Second guy doesn't look good but the first guy with good pics will do good on Tinder.

You're honestly comparing tinder matches to female models? The tinder matches don't even come close to these girls in terms of looks.
Missing the point boyo, even average girls have abnormally high standards and here you are,sending frauded pics of some slightly above average dudes to FUCKING MODELS in a place like FRANCE! Obviously they will find them ugly. Btw, those girls probably notice they are frauding which results in them being even less attractive.

You're missing the point. The question was not "would you date them?" The question was "Do you find them sexually appealing?" The answer was no. That's it. Those are facts. If the girl is a 2/10 or a 9/10 they would still know how a good looking guy looks like.
i saw the original thread and OP picked worst looking pictures lol.

they loook creepy here

Showed other pictures as well later on. The answer was still the same.
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Bullshit. I have Arab and Indian friends and they all date good looking women. Especially in France. If it were to be in the US then yeah, sadly I’d have to agree.
Are you stupid? You yourself said that women today date guys that objectively are not really that attractive, and I agreed with you.

So yes not so good looking ethnic guys will be able to date attractive women (using 'game' and other such things) today in 2018
You're missing the point. The question was not "would you date them?" The question was "Do you find them sexually appealing?" The answer was no. That's it. Those are facts. If the girl is a 2/10 or a 9/10 they would still know how a good looking guy looks like.
Why are you bringing up dating? Lmao. I didn't. Let me give you a better example to illustrate my point. I consider myself to be a generous 3/10 PSL, I don't find 1/10 PSL landwhales attractive/appealing and I never will. Although that doesn't mean men that are their looksmatch won't find them attractive. These girls were way above these dudes in terms of looks, they were MODELS, you don't actually expect models in a place like France to settle for anything other than a solid 7+ PSL, these frauding wankers are 5.5s. These guys would be perceived as attractive or average at least, by their looksmatch, 4-5 PSL women, models will obviously find them ugly.
You're honestly comparing tinder matches to female models? The tinder matches don't even come close to these girls in terms of looks.
In the end they're just women. And what most women think matters rather than what a female with a tag, "model" in this case thinks. Also when you get lots of matches there are usually some really good looking girls. Female models don't come from a different planet.
TBH his ethnicity will have an impact on how he does. There is nothing to disagree with here.

Except real life facts that prove the contrary.

Why do I even bother, you guys find ways to cope to whatever is thrown at you.
Do whatever you want with this information and keep thinking that ratings from guys who have accomplished nothing in life really matter.
Why are you bringing up dating? Lmao. I didn't. Let me give you a better example to illustrate my point. I consider myself to be a generous 3/10 PSL, I don't find 1/10 PSL landwhales attractive/appealing and I never will. Although that doesn't mean men that are their looksmatch won't find them attractive. These girls were way above these dudes in terms of looks, they were MODELS, you don't actually expect models in a place like France to settle for anything other than a solid 7+ PSL, these frauding wankers are 5.5s. These guys would be perceived as attractive or average at least, by their looksmatch, 4-5 PSL women, models will obviously find them ugly.

Those guys are not considered the equivalent of "landwhales". They are considered really attractive by incels and other males in the PSL community. My whole point is that the PSL community is heavily flawed and has no clue on what's good looking or not.
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Except real life facts that prove the contrary.

Why do I even bother, you guys find ways to cope to whatever is thrown at you.
Do whatever you want with this information and keep thinking that ratings from guys who have accomplished nothing in life really matter.
Not sure what real life you're talking about. Really good looking ethnics will not have a problem in getting dates but if you feel the average ethnic will do as good in a White majority country as an average looking White guy then I am not sure what to say.
Not sure what real life you're talking about. Really good looking ethnics will not have a problem in getting dates but if you feel the average ethnic will do as good in a White majority country as an average looking White guy then I am not sure what to say.

Average looking ethnics, in France, do fucking well with women. As long as you're not deformed you're good to go.
Average looking ethnics, in France, do fucking well with women. As long as you're not deformed you're good to go.
Boyo, post your average ethnic friends. I want to see how "average" they really are. Pm me and @11gaijin if you don't want to post them here.
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There's nothing attractive about the second guy tbh, 0 harmony and no it's not because he's ethnic.
You guys saying he's not doing good because he's ethnic need to visit big cities and see for yourself if ethnics aren't slaying
Manlet arabs/persians/indians are getting pussy this whole forum wishes they could get
Average looking ethnics, in France, do fucking well with women. As long as you're not deformed you're good to go.
I have like 200000000 cousins in france and they all have good looking french girlfriends, IDK where people get this deathnik thing from
LOL. If you ask them who they find attractive they will send you a pic of some chad celebrity.
This is what I disagree with.
you yourself said in OP that you are surprised how girls find objectively unattractive guys attractive to date

you said you have ethnic friends that date attractive girls

by your own logic your ethnic friends likely to be objectively unattractive
This guy would get rated 5PSL or probably less in these forums yet he slays HARD in France
you'll see aspies commenting, muh gonial angle, muh nose, muh NCT
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you yourself said in OP that you are surprised how girls find objectively unattractive guys attractive to date

you said you have ethnic friends that date attractive girls

by your own logic your ethnic friends likely to be objectively unattractive

My opinion doesn't matter because I'm not the one being sexually attracted to them. What I'm trying to imply is that PSL communities have this idea about how a guy should look like. They rate guys 3 and 4 because the dude has a crooked nose or whatever. When in reality these guys are ATTRACTIVE to the opposite gender.
My opinion doesn't matter because I'm not the one being sexually attracted to them. What I'm trying to imply is that PSL communities have this idea about how a guy should look like. They rate guys 3 and 4 because the dude has a crooked nose or whatever. When in reality these guys are ATTRACTIVE to the opposite gender.
Again, basically you have agreed with me (and yourself as basically I was simply agreeing with you in the first place)

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