The reason Jewish dominance will not end

Cucks and simps are everywhere bhai, even here. If another foid is exposed, you bet your ass these "misogynistic incels" would be the first to slide into her PMs. :ROFLMAO:
Yea jfl I remember rehab room. Made a vid on this exact topic
  • +1
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You can often still tell a "white" Jew apart from an actual white. (((They))) have certain traits and there's something repulsive about their looks.
  • JFL
Reactions: ElTruecel, wishIwasSalludon and Gengar
the reason is because Jews are white(white looking atleast). Whites feel a sort of kinship with Jews because Jews at the very least look white. If Jews were black I genuinely believe every last Jew would’ve been genocided by now.

Essentially whites feel empathy for Jews because they are white which they wouldn’t feel if they were non white

combined with the fact that they’ve essentially made it seem like any person who notices their activities automatically supports the holocaust I doubt Jewish dominance over the west will end any time soon

It’s the reason why we talk about the holocaust like it was the worst thing that ever happened because Hitler killed white people, despite the fact there have been far worse genocides, just another jbw pill for shitskins tbh

@ElTruecel @Michael Myers @noobs @cromagnon
When did you become so stupid?
the reason is because Jews are white(white looking atleast). Whites feel a sort of kinship with Jews because Jews at the very least look white. If Jews were black I genuinely believe every last Jew would’ve been genocided by now.

Essentially whites feel empathy for Jews because they are white which they wouldn’t feel if they were non white

combined with the fact that they’ve essentially made it seem like any person who notices their activities automatically supports the holocaust I doubt Jewish dominance over the west will end any time soon

It’s the reason why we talk about the holocaust like it was the worst thing that ever happened because Hitler killed white people, despite the fact there have been far worse genocides, just another jbw pill for shitskins tbh

@ElTruecel @Michael Myers @noobs @cromagnon
Jewpill is real
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
When did you become so stupid?
The only reason why whites haven’t wiped Jews off the earth is because Jews are white in appearance this is facts. Keep coping tho
Most people consider Jews white, and it’s not a theory it’s a fact. If Jews were non white europeans would’ve wiped them all out by now this is the truth
stop coping no one gives a fuck about the great replacement or genocide against white south africans. it’s only because jews have influence that israel is on the center stage now. period
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
great replacement
Anti immigration sentiment is common and only growing

genocide against white south africans.
not happening and it’s their fault for living in Africa. Like what’s so wrong with Europe jfl if “muh genocide” is so bad they can always go back to the uk.
  • +1
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Anti immigration sentiment is common and only growing

not happening and it’s their fault for living in Africa. Like what’s so wrong with Europe jfl if “muh genocide” is so bad they can always go back to the uk.
they’ve been there for hundreds of years why should they leave?

also anti immigration sentiment will only lead to more jew hatred as ppl will realize who’s letting the immigrants in.

face it jews are fucked. imagine flooding france and UK, which are nuclear powers, with low iq ethnics who hate them.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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the reason is because Jews are white(white looking atleast). Whites feel a sort of kinship with Jews because Jews at the very least look white. If Jews were black I genuinely believe every last Jew would’ve been genocided by now.

Essentially whites feel empathy for Jews because they are white which they wouldn’t feel if they were non white

combined with the fact that they’ve essentially made it seem like any person who notices their activities automatically supports the holocaust I doubt Jewish dominance over the west will end any time soon

It’s the reason why we talk about the holocaust like it was the worst thing that ever happened because Hitler killed white people, despite the fact there have been far worse genocides, just another jbw pill for shitskins tbh

@ElTruecel @Michael Myers @noobs @cromagnon
TFW black and Arab and Chinese Jews exist and are treated like shit for not being white Jews
  • +1
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TFW black and Arab and Chinese Jews exist and are treated like shit for not being white Jews
Yea lol I know, white w literally tried sterilizing Ethiopian Jews in Israeli jfl:lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
Jews aren’t white JFL. They’re legit middle eastern looking outside of their pale skin they have hooked noses, bug eyes and very downward grown like features
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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yea this ain't cap jfl the only dude who said jews were white was jewish himself, the rest said that jews aren't genetically white
Erm photoshop tbh
Most Jews can pass as 100% white and you’d never know they were Jew if they say they are Polish or MED you’d belive them and it is GG for you. The reality is those Jews are white people mostly converts form the medieval era that have 10% Jew DNA
  • JFL
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they’ve been there for hundreds of years why should they leave?
Look of all the places you can live you fucking chose Africa :lul:

It’s their fault, bro. And Arabs were in Spain for 800 years Spaniards still kicked them the fuck out

Look if it’s so bad they should just leave and be among their own kind
  • +1
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The only reason why whites haven’t wiped Jews off the earth is because Jews are white in appearance this is facts
No, it's due to brainwashing and guilt over the 'holocaust'.
not happening and it’s their fault for living in Africa. Like what’s so wrong with Europe jfl if “muh genocide” is so bad they can always go back to the uk.
White South Africans have been living in South Africa for centuries before blacks came in. White South Africans aren't only from the UK. Pick up a history book, dude.
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Yea lol I know, white w literally tried sterilizing Ethiopian Jews in Israeli jfl:lul:
Brutal BLACKEDPILL for non cumskin Jews.

The Ethiopian ones are still ok cos they are in big numbers in Ethiopia I know a few of them irl personally from Isreal they are ok.

Just funny how amoungst Jews JBW reigns supreme over the Arab and bbc Jews which ironcially are more Jewish genetically than the Cumskin
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
White South Africans have been living in South Africa before blacks came in.
Not true, Bantus arrived in South Africa first and even the cape which Bantus hadn’t arrived yet was still inhabited by black groups like the Xhosa and non black groups like the khoi

Look if it’s so bad they should get the fuck out of Africa. Stop making excuses, seriously what’s so wrong with Europe that they can’t just live their jfl

I don’t really care about the history like of all places you fucking chose Africa :lul: it’s their fault
No, it's due to brainwashing and guilt over the 'holocaust'.
I mean yes, but the only reason they feel guilt is because Jews are white. It wouldn’t work for non white sinces whites feel almost no empathy for non white
  • Hmm...
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  • Hmm...
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stop coping no one gives a fuck about the great replacement or genocide against white south africans. it’s only because jews have influence that israel is on the center stage now. period
White South Africans control 84% of jobs…

They aren’t oppressed every white and black South African I have met irl have said it’s a load of horseshit they are fine and other whites usually hate South African ones lol
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
White South Africans control 84% of jobs…

They aren’t oppressed every white and black South African I have met irl have said it’s a load of horseshit they are fine and other whites usually hate South African ones lol
The blacks in South Africa sound like complete and utter cucks. No group of people would have allowed this to continue for this long jfl:lul:

Absolutely pathetic showing tbh
  • +1
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
The blacks in South Africa sound like complete and utter cucks. No group of people would have allowed this to continue for this long jfl:lul:

Absolutely pathetic showing tbh
Ngl black South Africans are memed on by niggas by large. Us west and East Africans laugh at them like the clowns they are lmfao. East Africa had their own version with Kenya having Arabs Cumskins and Jews owning the place and Uganda having curries as their overseers but guess what…….

THEY KICKED THEM OUT :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: WITH EASE they aren’t no cucks. Many curries In britian are originally Ugandan that Sara Suliman is Ugandan by birth lol despite being fully curry racially.

Blakc South Africans are a unique blreed of cucks “BUUHHHH MUH ZULUUU” GTFO nigga all you Zulus did is have spears and be primative asf even Zimbabwe’s got rid of their Cumskins :ROFLMAO:

The most cucked niggas are black south Africans no wonder they commit the worlds highest crimes I’d be depressed knowing I was such a cuck as well
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Anti immigration sentiment is common and only growing

not happening and it’s their fault for living in Africa. Like what’s so wrong with Europe jfl if “muh genocide” is so bad they can always go back to the uk.
I’ll admit, the Jew pill will take a while to register among the normies but it will eventually. It literally only took Nazi Germany a couple years lmao simply because of the degeneracy Jews were pushing on the Weimar Republic. Parallel the Weimar to the modern West and it’s clear an awakening on the JQ will take place
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Ngl black South Africans are memed on by niggas by large. Us west and East Africans laugh at them like the clowns they are lmfao. East Africa had their own version with Kenya having Arabs Cumskins and Jews owning the place and Uganda having curries as their overseers but guess what…….

THEY KICKED THEM OUT :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: WITH EASE they aren’t no cucks. Many curries In britian are originally Ugandan that Sara Suliman is Ugandan by birth lol despite being fully curry racially.

Blakc South Africans are a unique blreed of cucks “BUUHHHH MUH ZULUUU” GTFO nigga all you Zulus did is have spears and be primative asf even Zimbabwe’s got rid of their Cumskins :ROFLMAO:

The most cucked niggas are black south Africans no wonder they commit the worlds highest crimes I’d be depressed knowing I was such a cuck as well
Based lol, it’s been like what 400 years of them getting bulldozed by whites. Will these cucks ever learn? Deservedly clowned on
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
I’ll admit, the Jew pill will take a while to register among the normies but it will eventually. It literally only took Nazi Germany a couple years lmao simply because of the degeneracy Jews were pushing on the Weimar Republic. Parallel the Weimar to the modern West and it’s clear an awakening on the JQ will take place
You’ll never defeat u…. I mean them GOY
Based lol, it’s been like what 400 years of them getting bulldozed by whites. Will these cucks ever learn? Deservedly clowned on
Nar I think Cumskins went there In the late 17 hundreds so 300 years I guess. Still cucks but they only went though the apartheid shit for 50 years tbf.

Still lol cucks. Also yeah fuck cumskin SA they deserve everything they get pink bastards need to FAAK OFF M8. But hey at least they never ended up like native Americans or Abos as outnhmbered by Cumskins in their own country lol
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
the reason is because Jews are white(white looking atleast). Whites feel a sort of kinship with Jews because Jews at the very least look white. If Jews were black I genuinely believe every last Jew would’ve been genocided by now.

Essentially whites feel empathy for Jews because they are white which they wouldn’t feel if they were non white

combined with the fact that they’ve essentially made it seem like any person who notices their activities automatically supports the holocaust I doubt Jewish dominance over the west will end any time soon

It’s the reason why we talk about the holocaust like it was the worst thing that ever happened because Hitler killed white people, despite the fact there have been far worse genocides, just another jbw pill for shitskins tbh

@ElTruecel @Michael Myers @noobs @cromagnon
BWC cannot resist jewish sluts.
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
BWC cannot resist jewish sluts.
@mog_or_be_mogged also wants to bleach Jewish sluts

You @cromagnon and @mog_or_be_mogged should work together and bleach Jewish women with BWC
  • Love it
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But hey at least they never ended up like native Americans or Abos as outnhmbered by Cumskins in their own country lol
Ye but that makes it even worse in a way because like now you can’t even make an excuse, at least Native American can say “oh we don’t have the numbers”
  • JFL
Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
@mog_or_be_mogged also wants to bleach Jewish sluts

You @cromagnon and @mog_or_be_mogged should work together and bleach Jewish women with BWC
I have already lol. Jewish chicks really fuck with me.
  • Woah
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
Ye but that makes it even worse in a way because like now you can’t even make an excuse, at least Native American can say “oh we don’t have the numbers”
That’s cos they got cucked so haard they no longer have the numbers 💀


the Cumskins pay taxes to the black elites who then keep the nigger masses in check. Low class ppl truly are subhuman they outnumber the elites by 100/1 and still get cucked
  • +1
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
1. Jews rewrite or censor all history related to their wrongdoings so whites have no reason to hate them
2. Jews pushed the holocaust so hard they lied about the numbers and made the deaths and “atrocities” to be tremendously more than what they were, and made every kid and united states and western europe learn about the holocaust every year in school
  • +1
Reactions: 8uAte
@mog_or_be_mogged also wants to bleach Jewish sluts

You @cromagnon and @mog_or_be_mogged should work together and bleach Jewish women with BWC
scene start

I have put my bleaching days behind me. BWC’s in the vault… im not in this force anymore.

@wishIwasSalludon : Damnnit Cromagnon! You were one of the best bleachers in the force…ya can’t just give it up like that.

me : I SAID IM DONE GOD DAMNIT! Not even the best Khazar. Milkers could convince me…I got a wife now, sal…
  • JFL
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
scene start

I have put my bleaching days behind me. BWC’s in the vault… im not in this force anymore.

@wishIwasSalludon : Damnnit Cromagnon! You were one of the best bleachers in the force…ya can’t just give it up like that.

me : I SAID IM DONE GOD DAMNIT! Not even the best Khazar. Milkers could convince me…I got a wife now, sal…
Fuck should I do script writing?
scene start

I have put my bleaching days behind me. BWC’s in the vault… im not in this force anymore.

@wishIwasSalludon : Damnnit Cromagnon! You were one of the best bleachers in the force…ya can’t just give it up like that.

me : I SAID IM DONE GOD DAMNIT! Not even the best Khazar. Milkers could convince me…I got a wife now, sal…
Beautiful now to get chat gpt to finish the rest
  • JFL
Reactions: cromagnon
Most Jews can pass as 100% white and you’d never know they were Jew if they say they are Polish or MED you’d belive them and it is GG for you. The reality is those Jews are white people mostly converts form the medieval era that have 10% Jew DNA
real whites dont have curly hair jew fag
  • Hmm...
Reactions: wishIwasSalludon
@mog_or_be_mogged also wants to bleach Jewish sluts

You @cromagnon and @mog_or_be_mogged should work together and bleach Jewish women with BWC
im gonna rape the jew out of them :aheago::aheago:
the reason is because Jews are white(white looking atleast). Whites feel a sort of kinship with Jews because Jews at the very least look white. If Jews were black I genuinely believe every last Jew would’ve been genocided by now.

Essentially whites feel empathy for Jews because they are white which they wouldn’t feel if they were non white

combined with the fact that they’ve essentially made it seem like any person who notices their activities automatically supports the holocaust I doubt Jewish dominance over the west will end any time soon

It’s the reason why we talk about the holocaust like it was the worst thing that ever happened because Hitler killed white people, despite the fact there have been far worse genocides, just another jbw pill for shitskins tbh

@ElTruecel @Michael Myers @noobs @cromagnon

You can often still tell a "white" Jew apart from an actual white. (((They))) have certain traits and there's something repulsive about their looks.
As a little kid, it was hard to tell the difference. As you grow up it's very easy to tell the difference between whites and jews and it's made me realize the elementary school I went to was in a neighbourhood filled with Jews and many Jewish kids went to the school. These sneaky fucks just blend in.
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Gengar, wishIwasSalludon and PrinceLuenLeoncur
real whites dont have curly hair jew fag
OV EY GOY, remember some Jews have fully str8 whir and yes many whites have curly hair I live in Northern Europe and see it all the time
  • JFL
Reactions: mog_or_be_mogged
View attachment 3022661

As a little kid, it was hard to tell the difference. As you grow up it's very easy to tell the difference between whites and jews and it's made me realize the elementary school I went to was in a neighbourhood filled with Jews and many Jewish kids went to the school. These sneaky fucks just blend in.
View attachment 3022663
Cope with the final picture

Most whites have dig shit tier growth that gets mogged by the gal gaddot
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Obidiah 1:3-4
“Because of the violence you did to Jacob, your relative,
you will be covered with shame.
You will be destroyed forever.
11 While you stood there doing nothing,
strangers carried off Jacob’s wealth.
Foreigners entered his gates and threw dice for Jerusalem.
You acted like one of them.
12 Don’t gloat over your relative’s misfortune
or be happy when the people of Judah are destroyed.
Don’t brag so much when they’re in distress.

Their time is going to be up very soon.

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