The Reason Why Most Women Go Feminists Is Because Of The Lack Of Chad's Cock


Deleted member 1100

Feb 23, 2019
Chad is too worried about other things to get involved into politics or "women's rights"

The only men who worry about this shit are low-T phaggots

Chad is only worried about economics because he wants to make more money to travel to other places and meet more good-looking women

Therefore you have more Chads that are right-wing than left-wing. Because these feminists whores don't experience the halo effect of Chad calling her a stupid bitch whore who doesn't understand shit and she giggles and submissively agrees with him it keeps reinforcing her stupid ideas.

Meanwhile, it's super common to see right-ring women who laugh when men make misogynistic jokes and say they should be on the kitchen, in fact, most of these women even make fun of the feminists so they can be part of the Chad's club.

This shit is surreal, how looks affect everything.

inb4 some copes, it's almost impossible to be Chad/chadlite and be left-wing (unless you're a mainstream artist, musician, actor, whatever, these people will agree with anything that keeps then on media) because men have higher testosterone than women which means we're ok with competition (capitalism) + men in most of the times have a lower temporal preference than women, that is, we're more likely to save money/resources now to spend latter to build something more productive, while most women can't see a 50$ bill lost on the table that they already want to spend it in the most useless shit possible, so they go shot on money fast and then complains about billionaires not paying enough taxes.

It's what it is
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Women want more rights because they think they aren't equal. And most people in the western world are femnist including chad
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So you're basically saying that Chad is rightwing only by default because his selfcentred, uncaring life style is only fully supported by right wing ideologies.

Because the Chad in your example is not directly involved in politics at all, neither left nor right.

I am sorry, but that's all just douchy and probably not even true.
I am not a weakling for not being self centred, I am simply not a prick.

You can't build and preserve societies if you just look out for yourself. Grown people need to be concious about their surroundings.

If they are valid reasons to oppose feminism, that's fine. But dismissing it as "low T and gay, lol" is just retarded and childish.
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You can't build and preserve societies if you just look out for yourself.

Wrong, everything you do is self centered, if you could steal 1.000 from everyone without getting in trouble you would, the only reason you wouldn't choose that is:

1- You don't want to make people feel bad about losing 1k (therefore you won't do because making them feel bad will make YOU feel bad for them)
2- You're aware that they will make good use of the money better than you (So you'll indirectly benefit from this)
3- Your morals don't let you do this (you're still thinking about your self, you just value more your morals than the money you can steal)

Everything we do is thinking about ourselves. If I give 10$ to a homeless person, I'm doing it because I value more to myself giving money so a person can have something to eat than keeping those 10$

Everything you've done to someone else, you did because you valued more the feeling which you felt from the thing that you did more than the resources you spent to do it
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This just sounds like a bunch of assumptions to justify your political leanings tbh
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jordan barrett is a feminist
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jordan barrett is a feminist

inb4 some copes, it's almost impossible to be Chad/chadlite and be left-wing (unless you're a mainstream artist, musician, actor, whatever, these people will agree with anything that keeps then on media)
Wrong, everything you do is self centered, if you could steal 1.000 from everyone without getting in trouble you would, the only reason you wouldn't choose that is:

1- You don't want to make people feel bad about losing 1k (therefore you won't do because making them feel bad will make YOU feel bad for them)
2- You're aware that they will make good use of the money better than you (So you'll indirectly benefit from this)
3- Your morals don't let you do this (you're still thinking about your self, you just value more your morals than the money you can steal)

Everything we do is thinking about ourselves. If I give 10$ to a homeless person, I'm doing it because I value more to myself giving money so a person can have something to eat than keeping those 10$

Everything you've done to someone else, you did because you valued more the feeling which you felt from the thing that you did more than the resources you spent to do it
if you could steal 1.000 from everyone without getting in trouble you would, the only reason you wouldn't choose that is:
A few people could do this shit, but if everyone was like this we wouldn't even live in anything else other than caves.

those 1000 dollars only exist because humans invented a way to collaborate with each other.

It's all coming together, empathy and the desire for human companionship is inevitable. Everyone is dependent on it.

There is no escape, one way or the other people seek out other people (for non sexual reasons)

Liberals and rightwings both have interest in preserving societies and human relationships, there is no such thing as 100% egocentrism. If that were the case we would all live in caves and rob women to fuck.

The manchild that your idea of a chad is, can only exist because the rest of people care what's going on in a society. Water supply, healthy food, competitive sport, health care, etc.


There is nothing "Chaddy" about living off a society run by all other human beings, it doesn't require masculinity or strength at all, it just requires you to be lazy, and have no empathy or interest at all.
A spoiled brat, the same a little kid that lives off his parents money.

An actual Chad can also contribute to society and be an intellectual, and doesn't have to be a douche.

Ther is nothing wrong about human decency. And many chads i know irl seem to know this as well. Better than incels in fact.
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A few people could do this shit, but if everyone was like this we wouldn't even live in anything else other than caves.

those 1000 dollars only exist because humans invented a way to collaborate with each other.

It's all coming together, empathy and the desire for human companionship is inevitable. Everyone is dependent on it.

There is no escape, one way or the other people seek out other people (for non sexual reasons)

Liberals and rightwings both have interest in preserving societies and human relationships, there is no such thing as 100% egocentrism. If that were the case we would all live in caves and rob women to fuck.

The manchild that your idea of a chad is, can only exist because the rest of people care what's going on in a society. Water supply, healthy food, competitive sport, health care, etc.


There is nothing "Chaddy" about living off a society run by all other human beings, it doesn't require masculinity or strength at all, it just requires you to be lazy, and have no empathy or interest at all.
A spoiled brat, the same a little kid that lives off his parents money.

An actual Chad can also contribute to society and be an intellectual, and doesn't have to be a douche.

Ther is nothing wrong about human decency. And many chads i know irl seem to know this as well. Better than incels in fact.

You just agreed with me though on that first part, they don't do that because they would rather live on a society with water supply and all the other shit than risk stealing everyone's money and live in a barbaric world sleeping inside a cave :lul:

The rest of my post on OP was mostly bro science though, I admit
Not satisfied with my second post, I structured it wrongly and in the first part I explained something that was already clear (as you just said).

I should have empathized this more:

So you're basically saying that Chad is rightwing only by default because his selfcentred, uncaring life style is only fully supported by right wing ideologies.

Because the Chad in your example is not directly involved in politics at all, neither left nor right.

meaning that the Chad in your example is not right wing, but just a spoiled brat who lives off other people's work.

And then this:

There is nothing "Chaddy" about living off a society run by all other human beings, it doesn't require masculinity or strength at all, it just requires you to be lazy, and have no empathy or interest at all.
A spoiled brat, the same a little kid that lives off his parents money.

And the same can be applied to feminism and other stuff.
It doesn't make you a manly man to not care about others, it simply makes you someone who doesn't care. That's it.

I am posting these again because I feel like the wall of text in my second post was filled with too much non relevant stuff and distracting.

My problem with what you said is that you present it all as if it was the ideal of living- to only care about yourself.
Even if caring about others was actually a low T/high E trait (which it isn't)- then so what?

That would mean nothing else than that masculinity truly is toxic.

Human decency > everything else.

And I haven't even adressed if Chads from real life actually are like that.

Now feel free to react to it.
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Wrong, everything you do is self centered, if you could steal 1.000 from everyone without getting in trouble you would, the only reason you wouldn't choose that is:

1- You don't want to make people feel bad about losing 1k (therefore you won't do because making them feel bad will make YOU feel bad for them)
2- You're aware that they will make good use of the money better than you (So you'll indirectly benefit from this)
3- Your morals don't let you do this (you're still thinking about your self, you just value more your morals than the money you can steal)

Everything we do is thinking about ourselves. If I give 10$ to a homeless person, I'm doing it because I value more to myself giving money so a person can have something to eat than keeping those 10$

Everything you've done to someone else, you did because you valued more the feeling which you felt from the thing that you did more than the resources you spent to do it

Chad isn't some personality trait it's very specefic bone structure and depending on pheno's you have different tiers of chad
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