The Steroid Guide + Q&A

What if the plan is to take 1 basic, short cycle just to get faster to the natural limit, and then stop riding altogether?

You can go for it, but saying "ill just take steroids once" is easier said than done. You will probably do more times.
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You can go for it, but saying "ill just take steroids once" is easier said than done. You will probably do more times.
Yeah, I know that. My "dream body" is a male model-like. So low body fat + a bit of muscle. Not anything like bodybuilders. The only reason to use steroids would be to get that body faster.
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Yeah, I know that. My "dream body" is a male model-like. So low body fat + a bit of muscle. Not anything like bodybuilders. The only reason to use steroids would be to get that body faster.

Good, if you are sure about your goals maybe you know when to stop. Happened similar to me, i dont do anymore (not like serious cycling) because i dont plan on competing. Maybe a short test-only cycle once a year or every two years.
Im 30+ years old and been on the gym for more than a decade non-stop, tried many steroids too. I researched well before using unlike most kids on the gym nowadays who do really ridiculous cycles, doses, run fake stuff and in general do stupid shit. Didnt do championship cycles but out of curiosity i learn about a lot of substances.

I will also answer your questions. Im not a doctor, i dont promote buying/selling/using steroids so i will write by my experience and as neutral as possible.

I cannot know literally about every substance and i also didnt investigate about many because lack of interest (not for my goals), so if i dont know something in particular i wont be talking out of my ass, ill be honest and simply tell you i dont know about it.


So what are steroids? Most people think steroids are shady substances from the underground bodybuilding scene. Actually steroids are just medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, created for a variety of illness, that you would find on any pharmacy. They are all derivatives of testosterone, the main male hormone. The catch is they are taken in a dose higher than the recommended. They are not really illegal, but "controlled substances".

To put it simply, imagine theres a pill that makes your headache go away, normal dose, but if you take 5 of those pills it will make you smarter for 48hours. This is exactly what steroid users do: exceeding the recommended dosages for bodybuilding purposes.


These are in general the positive effects you will experience:

Increased stamina - You can do exercise for longer periods.
Increased strength - You increase your lifts dramatically week after week.
Increased self-steem - Feel the king of the jungle.
Increased libido - Makes you almost nymphomaniac.
Increased energy - Lack of sleep hours? No problem, feel always well rested.
Pumped look all day - Muscles look full all the time, you get pumps just by doing silly things like brushing teeth.
Veiny look on low bodyfat percentage.
Hard look on low bodyfat percentage.


Every person will experience the side effects differently. You may get three of these and your friends none. Every person is different, every substance is different and even cycles with same substance can feel different. These are usually dependant on genetics. Some people dont know they have predisposition and discover it the hard way. Theres also other factors like doing or not doing proper post cycle therapy which i will explain later:

Hypertension which can lead to failure of heart or other organs.
Cardiovascular problems
Liver failure
Prostate problems
Accelerated balding and/or thinning of hair
High colesterol
Neurodegenerative and mental problems like depression, bipolar, roid rage...
Injuries related to training too heavy
Low or inexistent libido, soft erections for weeks or months
Temporally or permanent sterility
Temporally or permanent hormone problems


Theres two methods of using steroids. Doing a cycle and doing "blast and cruise".

A cycle has 3 stages: juicing-therapy-rest. You juice for a number of weeks (average 10 or 12) followed by what they call post-cycle therapy (PCT). After this you rest a few months to let body and hormone system fully recover.
Your testosterone levels are self-regulated, so when you use steroids the body will detect your testosterones levels are too high and will stop producing it to try to balance things out. When you finish using, the "engine" that made testosterone is still offline so you do PCT with certain medicines to help restart it. Low test means not being able to maintain big muscles and the engine takes a while to restart, so as you can imagine PCT is super important. Its totally normal to lose a bit of your new muscle but the faster you recover the less you will lose. This is the best way to use steroids for the casual user, if you just want some push from time to time and have no wish of competing.

Blast'n'cruise (BnC) is a bit similar to cycling. You "blast" using steroids normally, but instead of PCT and months rest, all that period will be "cruising" doing a small dose of testosterone (a bit superior to what the body usually produces) that will help you to keep the gains. This is the option for all these instagrammers who are big and in shape all year or people who compete in bodybuilding. Although the effects on endocrine system and low fertility you experience can hopefully be reversed with treatment sometimes, it is mostly taken as a lifetime vow, or way of life if you prefer to call it like that. Doing this means depending on injecting testosterone the rest of your life, wether you are a bodybuilder until you die or end fucked up because your body wont produce testosterone anymore.


Short version explanation of the most used. As you will see, because of their chemical composition they bring certain positive or negative side effects. Some can come in many forms, depending on which one it will take less or more time to be released in the bloodstream.

Testosterone - The core of juicing and the base of any cycle. Good for size, good for cutting. For the casuals who want a boost once in a while or dont plan on going too big, you really dont need much more than this.

Dianabol - Breakfast of Champions. Oral steroid that you take for strength, i like to say its like having a coffe of testosterone, just an extra spike for the day. Problem is you bloat a lot, will make you hold water, so its only good for bulking.

Turinabol - Dianabol's cousin they say. Made in eastern europe in the 60's for their athletes to compete against the West in olympics. Weaker than dianabol but you hold less water too.

Deca Durabolin - Common injectable for bulking. Shuts down your test production dramatically, which means harsh recovery. Some people end with limp dick for months.

Winstrol - Injectable or oral. Used commonly for a dry look when cutting. Devastating for hair, bad idea if you are prone to balding. Fucks up cholesterol levels fast. Makes your joints dry.

Masteron - Similar to winstrol, makes you horny as fuck.

Primobolan - Mostly used when cutting. Weak, expensive and its the most counterfeited. Why would you use it then? Well its weak on side effects and the best for keepable gains. Also gives you a good dry look (not as dramatic as others). If money wasnt a problem i would do test+primo only (not willing to compete)

Oxandrolone - Also known as anavar. Almost same history as primobolan but oral. Taken by women who compete because low feminization risk. In my case i had sick pumps while training.

Trembolone - What runs in the veins of the gods, literally. 5 times more anabolic than testosterone. If using testosterone is already a big step, trembolone is next level shit. Epic for size, monster strength, cutting. Doesnt matter. Eat crap still reach your goals (sad to say but its the truth). Fat melts. Originally made for cattle so they had more meat before slaughter. This is a hardcore drug and a MUST for competing, literally forget about competing without this. Theres mixed opinions about if its worth it to suffer the side effects (insomnia, massive sweating, lack of breath, mental rollercoaster..). High supression when cycling and even doing BnC you can feel like crap.

Growth Hormone - Deceiving name. Sounds like a big thing but actually is the contrary. Worst cost/efficiency ratio, too faked, takes long time to feel. Should be used for antiaging purposes or when you are cycling heavy and need the cherry on top.

Halotestin - Makes you ultra aggressive, good for amateur/pro fighters who dont get tested for steroids. Dont know much more about it.

Clenbuterol - Stimulant used to help lose fat. Too much dose and be shaky the rest of the day.


Theres two ways of sourcing the black market

Pharmacy grade - Most of the substances mentioned, as i said are normal medicine, made by big corporations such as Bayer, that one way or another get into the black market. Good thing is you know what you get, substance and dose will be accurate. Bad thing, they get counterfeited and since we are talking about black market, prices are very high. You have a pharmacist friend who sells or mafias from countries with low regulation import hundreds or thousands of doses from others like Iran, Pakistan to resell on internet for a profit...

Underground laboratory (UGL) - Individuals or organized crime groups get steroid powder from countries like China, "cook" it, label it and distribute the vials or pills. They usually have a catchy name that includes "Pharma" or "Pharmaceuticals" and if they are serious enough they want the brand to be trusted so they get popular on the black market. These are the most common because they are cheaper and easy to find. However, they arent made by professionals. You dont know what you get, you dont know the real dose, you dont know if its sterile. Maybe its only oil without hormone... You have to trust people's comments on forums.

Ill take questions from here.
Aren't you supposed to only take steroids if you have reached your maximum amount of muscle as natty? Or its a waste?
balding and suppression and no benefits

How the hell you do steroids and get no benefits? Literally impossible.

Aren't you supposed to only take steroids if you have reached your maximum amount of muscle as natty? Or its a waste?

Im pretty sure 99% of people start before they reach their limit, including myself. Some people cycle after 1 or 2 years of gym... i waited maybe 7.
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Short cycles are better. 4- 6 weeks. androgen recptors downregulate after 6 weeks. Better to take a break and let reptors reset than going longer. Test give lots of people side effects and hairloss. Hair safe steriods are Nandrolone (Deca, NPP) and dbol and perhaps methytren used WITHOUT test. Testosteone and other stong androgen reduce collagen synthesis hence why many bodybuilders look way older. Nandrolone increases collagen synthesis. Use Nandrolone as a base and dbol for motivation and estrogen. Use L carnitine to upregulate androgen receptors. Eat nutrient dense foods. Yams, fish, oysters, nut butters.. eat mostly MUSA and PUFAS for fats. Saterated fats in exess with add more fat vs muscle.
what do you think about 250mg test and anavar, maybe primobolan cycle ran for 12 16 weeks once or every two years?
what do you think about 250mg test and anavar, maybe primobolan cycle ran for 12 16 weeks once or every two years?

>>> to me <<< its not worth cycling for just 250mg

anavar or primo both are good options, 12 weeks is fine

var maximum 6 week
be 100% your primo source is legit, its faked a lot
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Will i have heart problems if i run 500mg a week of test enanthate? I had heart surgery as a baby and take medications (not for the heart, i can pm you about it since i don't want to explain publicly) can just test create problems? I plan to run a 12 week cycle and recover.
they gave young men 600mg of testosterone for 20 weeks straight, blood work was fine before and after
they gave young men 600mg of testosterone for 20 weeks straight, blood work was fine before and after

just because "they gave young men" testosterone doesnt mean it will go well for him

each individual will have their own different results
just because "they gave young men" testosterone doesnt mean it will go well for him

each individual will have their own different results
He should be grateful if it kills him and so should i, living as non Chad is pointless anyways
He should be grateful if it kills him and so should i, living as non Chad is pointless anyways
Mirin dark triad trying to kill me while posing It as an advice
  • +1
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What do you think about the stuff they sell on Alibaba? I have see people get good results with them.
How the hell you do steroids and get no benefits? Literally impossible.

Im pretty sure 99% of people start before they reach their limit, including myself. Some people cycle after 1 or 2 years of gym... i waited maybe 7.
I never worked out
Im 30+ years old and been on the gym for more than a decade non-stop, tried many steroids too. I researched well before using unlike most kids on the gym nowadays who do really ridiculous cycles, doses, run fake stuff and in general do stupid shit. Didnt do championship cycles but out of curiosity i learn about a lot of substances.

I will also answer your questions. Im not a doctor, i dont promote buying/selling/using steroids so i will write by my experience and as neutral as possible.

I cannot know literally about every substance and i also didnt investigate about many because lack of interest (not for my goals), so if i dont know something in particular i wont be talking out of my ass, ill be honest and simply tell you i dont know about it.


So what are steroids? Most people think steroids are shady substances from the underground bodybuilding scene. Actually steroids are just medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, created for a variety of illness, that you would find on any pharmacy. They are all derivatives of testosterone, the main male hormone. The catch is they are taken in a dose higher than the recommended. They are not really illegal, but "controlled substances".

To put it simply, imagine theres a pill that makes your headache go away, normal dose, but if you take 5 of those pills it will make you smarter for 48hours. This is exactly what steroid users do: exceeding the recommended dosages for bodybuilding purposes.


These are in general the positive effects you will experience:

Increased stamina - You can do exercise for longer periods.
Increased strength - You increase your lifts dramatically week after week.
Increased self-steem - Feel the king of the jungle.
Increased libido - Makes you almost nymphomaniac.
Increased energy - Lack of sleep hours? No problem, feel always well rested.
Pumped look all day - Muscles look full all the time, you get pumps just by doing silly things like brushing teeth.
Veiny look on low bodyfat percentage.
Hard look on low bodyfat percentage.


Every person will experience the side effects differently. You may get three of these and your friends none. Every person is different, every substance is different and even cycles with same substance can feel different. These are usually dependant on genetics. Some people dont know they have predisposition and discover it the hard way. Theres also other factors like doing or not doing proper post cycle therapy which i will explain later:

Hypertension which can lead to failure of heart or other organs.
Cardiovascular problems
Liver failure
Prostate problems
Accelerated balding and/or thinning of hair
High colesterol
Neurodegenerative and mental problems like depression, bipolar, roid rage...
Injuries related to training too heavy
Low or inexistent libido, soft erections for weeks or months
Temporally or permanent sterility
Temporally or permanent hormone problems


Theres two methods of using steroids. Doing a cycle and doing "blast and cruise".

A cycle has 3 stages: juicing-therapy-rest. You juice for a number of weeks (average 10 or 12) followed by what they call post-cycle therapy (PCT). After this you rest a few months to let body and hormone system fully recover.
Your testosterone levels are self-regulated, so when you use steroids the body will detect your testosterones levels are too high and will stop producing it to try to balance things out. When you finish using, the "engine" that made testosterone is still offline so you do PCT with certain medicines to help restart it. Low test means not being able to maintain big muscles and the engine takes a while to restart, so as you can imagine PCT is super important. Its totally normal to lose a bit of your new muscle but the faster you recover the less you will lose. This is the best way to use steroids for the casual user, if you just want some push from time to time and have no wish of competing.

Blast'n'cruise (BnC) is a bit similar to cycling. You "blast" using steroids normally, but instead of PCT and months rest, all that period will be "cruising" doing a small dose of testosterone (a bit superior to what the body usually produces) that will help you to keep the gains. This is the option for all these instagrammers who are big and in shape all year or people who compete in bodybuilding. Although the effects on endocrine system and low fertility you experience can hopefully be reversed with treatment sometimes, it is mostly taken as a lifetime vow, or way of life if you prefer to call it like that. Doing this means depending on injecting testosterone the rest of your life, wether you are a bodybuilder until you die or end fucked up because your body wont produce testosterone anymore.


Short version explanation of the most used. As you will see, because of their chemical composition they bring certain positive or negative side effects. Some can come in many forms, depending on which one it will take less or more time to be released in the bloodstream.

Testosterone - The core of juicing and the base of any cycle. Good for size, good for cutting. For the casuals who want a boost once in a while or dont plan on going too big, you really dont need much more than this.

Dianabol - Breakfast of Champions. Oral steroid that you take for strength, i like to say its like having a coffe of testosterone, just an extra spike for the day. Problem is you bloat a lot, will make you hold water, so its only good for bulking.

Turinabol - Dianabol's cousin they say. Made in eastern europe in the 60's for their athletes to compete against the West in olympics. Weaker than dianabol but you hold less water too.

Deca Durabolin - Common injectable for bulking. Shuts down your test production dramatically, which means harsh recovery. Some people end with limp dick for months.

Winstrol - Injectable or oral. Used commonly for a dry look when cutting. Devastating for hair, bad idea if you are prone to balding. Fucks up cholesterol levels fast. Makes your joints dry.

Masteron - Similar to winstrol, makes you horny as fuck.

Primobolan - Mostly used when cutting. Weak, expensive and its the most counterfeited. Why would you use it then? Well its weak on side effects and the best for keepable gains. Also gives you a good dry look (not as dramatic as others). If money wasnt a problem i would do test+primo only (not willing to compete)

Oxandrolone - Also known as anavar. Almost same history as primobolan but oral. Taken by women who compete because low feminization risk. In my case i had sick pumps while training.

Trembolone - What runs in the veins of the gods, literally. 5 times more anabolic than testosterone. If using testosterone is already a big step, trembolone is next level shit. Epic for size, monster strength, cutting. Doesnt matter. Eat crap still reach your goals (sad to say but its the truth). Fat melts. Originally made for cattle so they had more meat before slaughter. This is a hardcore drug and a MUST for competing, literally forget about competing without this. Theres mixed opinions about if its worth it to suffer the side effects (insomnia, massive sweating, lack of breath, mental rollercoaster..). High supression when cycling and even doing BnC you can feel like crap.

Growth Hormone - Deceiving name. Sounds like a big thing but actually is the contrary. Worst cost/efficiency ratio, too faked, takes long time to feel. Should be used for antiaging purposes or when you are cycling heavy and need the cherry on top.

Halotestin - Makes you ultra aggressive, good for amateur/pro fighters who dont get tested for steroids. Dont know much more about it.

Clenbuterol - Stimulant used to help lose fat. Too much dose and be shaky the rest of the day.


Theres two ways of sourcing the black market

Pharmacy grade - Most of the substances mentioned, as i said are normal medicine, made by big corporations such as Bayer, that one way or another get into the black market. Good thing is you know what you get, substance and dose will be accurate. Bad thing, they get counterfeited and since we are talking about black market, prices are very high. You have a pharmacist friend who sells or mafias from countries with low regulation import hundreds or thousands of doses from others like Iran, Pakistan to resell on internet for a profit...

Underground laboratory (UGL) - Individuals or organized crime groups get steroid powder from countries like China, "cook" it, label it and distribute the vials or pills. They usually have a catchy name that includes "Pharma" or "Pharmaceuticals" and if they are serious enough they want the brand to be trusted so they get popular on the black market. These are the most common because they are cheaper and easy to find. However, they arent made by professionals. You dont know what you get, you dont know the real dose, you dont know if its sterile. Maybe its only oil without hormone... You have to trust people's comments on forums.

Ill take questions from here.

I don't know if it's been addressed already but tren can decrease stamina and libido because it's derived from the progesterone molecule.
What do you think about the stuff they sell on Alibaba? I have see people get good results with them.

Some are supposed to be legit companies, not just individuals at their parents house like some aliexpress sellers are.
Theres people who swear by them and it could be easily the main source of people who rebrand and resell for profit.
I have no experience with them, but its tempting.

I never worked out

You know that in studies muscle mass increased even in sedentary people?

You got fake steroids.
  • +1
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Some are supposed to be legit companies, not just individuals at their parents house like some aliexpress sellers are.
Theres people who swear by them and it could be easily the main source of people who rebrand and resell for profit.
I have no experience with them, but its tempting.

You know that in studies muscle mass increased even in sedentary people?

You got fake steroids.
'muscle mass'

it's most likely water weight, yes I did get wider, but idk if that is from my HGH or the T.

overall it definitely wasn't a net W
'muscle mass'

it's most likely water weight, yes I did get wider, but idk if that is from my HGH or the T.

overall it definitely wasn't a net W

whatever you say, i guess you know more than scientists
whatever you say, i guess you know more than scientists
what a cringe response, it's undeniable that the majority of the weight is water. do you even understand steroids? like fr?
do i have to go gym everyday as a natty
do you even understand steroids? like fr?

No i dont, have cycled more than 7 times, have tried at least 6 different steroids, but no, i dont have a clue. :rolleyes:

Welcome to my ignore list.
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I already have a good body from natural training + some sarms. I always skipped roids because I was afraid of hair loss / back hair growth.
Since I'm 30 years old, I was thinking of a TRT + Turinabol cycles 1-2x a year. What do you think?
@Germania If you arent balding but still worry about hair, you could just avoid dht derivatives.

I think its too early to start trt at your age. I would do at 40yo maybe. Dont expect miracles from turinabol.
That was my natty peak physique while I was training and eating dedicated. I have good knowledge about bodybuilding but I am unable to make any further progress since years. What would you advise? I'm not interested in tons of new muscles, just small improvements in the neck, shoulders and so on.
In addition, I don't have as much time/effort to invest as I used to before some years.

  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 11370
That was my natty peak physique while I was training and eating dedicated. I have good knowledge about bodybuilding but I am unable to make any further progress since years. What would you advise? I'm not interested in tons of new muscles, just small improvements in the neck, shoulders and so on.
In addition, I don't have as much time/effort to invest as I used to before some years.


for a natty you look like a light steroid user, so great job

you will probably be happy with testosterone only cycles from time to time
for a natty you look like a light steroid user, so great job

you will probably be happy with testosterone only cycles from time to time
Thanks for the compliment!
I am just afraid. Testosterone only cycles means more DHT and I am afraid of hair loss and body hair growth :feelswhy:
Thanks for the compliment!
I am just afraid. Testosterone only cycles means more DHT and I am afraid of hair loss and body hair growth :feelswhy:

try if 250mg is enough for you, combined with finasteride
Im 30+ years old and been on the gym for more than a decade non-stop, tried many steroids too. I researched well before using unlike most kids on the gym nowadays who do really ridiculous cycles, doses, run fake stuff and in general do stupid shit. Didnt do championship cycles but out of curiosity i learn about a lot of substances.

I will also answer your questions. Im not a doctor, i dont promote buying/selling/using steroids so i will write by my experience and as neutral as possible.

I cannot know literally about every substance and i also didnt investigate about many because lack of interest (not for my goals), so if i dont know something in particular i wont be talking out of my ass, ill be honest and simply tell you i dont know about it.


So what are steroids? Most people think steroids are shady substances from the underground bodybuilding scene. Actually steroids are just medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, created for a variety of illness, that you would find on any pharmacy. They are all derivatives of testosterone, the main male hormone. The catch is they are taken in a dose higher than the recommended. They are not really illegal, but "controlled substances".

To put it simply, imagine theres a pill that makes your headache go away, normal dose, but if you take 5 of those pills it will make you smarter for 48hours. This is exactly what steroid users do: exceeding the recommended dosages for bodybuilding purposes.


These are in general the positive effects you will experience:

Increased stamina - You can do exercise for longer periods.
Increased strength - You increase your lifts dramatically week after week.
Increased self-steem - Feel the king of the jungle.
Increased libido - Makes you almost nymphomaniac.
Increased energy - Lack of sleep hours? No problem, feel always well rested.
Pumped look all day - Muscles look full all the time, you get pumps just by doing silly things like brushing teeth.
Veiny look on low bodyfat percentage.
Hard look on low bodyfat percentage.


Every person will experience the side effects differently. You may get three of these and your friends none. Every person is different, every substance is different and even cycles with same substance can feel different. These are usually dependant on genetics. Some people dont know they have predisposition and discover it the hard way. Theres also other factors like doing or not doing proper post cycle therapy which i will explain later:

Hypertension which can lead to failure of heart or other organs.
Cardiovascular problems
Liver failure
Prostate problems
Accelerated balding and/or thinning of hair
High colesterol
Neurodegenerative and mental problems like depression, bipolar, roid rage...
Injuries related to training too heavy
Low or inexistent libido, soft erections for weeks or months
Temporally or permanent sterility
Temporally or permanent hormone problems


Theres two methods of using steroids. Doing a cycle and doing "blast and cruise".

A cycle has 3 stages: juicing-therapy-rest. You juice for a number of weeks (average 10 or 12) followed by what they call post-cycle therapy (PCT). After this you rest a few months to let body and hormone system fully recover.
Your testosterone levels are self-regulated, so when you use steroids the body will detect your testosterones levels are too high and will stop producing it to try to balance things out. When you finish using, the "engine" that made testosterone is still offline so you do PCT with certain medicines to help restart it. Low test means not being able to maintain big muscles and the engine takes a while to restart, so as you can imagine PCT is super important. Its totally normal to lose a bit of your new muscle but the faster you recover the less you will lose. This is the best way to use steroids for the casual user, if you just want some push from time to time and have no wish of competing.

Blast'n'cruise (BnC) is a bit similar to cycling. You "blast" using steroids normally, but instead of PCT and months rest, all that period will be "cruising" doing a small dose of testosterone (a bit superior to what the body usually produces) that will help you to keep the gains. This is the option for all these instagrammers who are big and in shape all year or people who compete in bodybuilding. Although the effects on endocrine system and low fertility you experience can hopefully be reversed with treatment sometimes, it is mostly taken as a lifetime vow, or way of life if you prefer to call it like that. Doing this means depending on injecting testosterone the rest of your life, wether you are a bodybuilder until you die or end fucked up because your body wont produce testosterone anymore.


Short version explanation of the most used. As you will see, because of their chemical composition they bring certain positive or negative side effects. Some can come in many forms, depending on which one it will take less or more time to be released in the bloodstream.

Testosterone - The core of juicing and the base of any cycle. Good for size, good for cutting. For the casuals who want a boost once in a while or dont plan on going too big, you really dont need much more than this.

Dianabol - Breakfast of Champions. Oral steroid that you take for strength, i like to say its like having a coffe of testosterone, just an extra spike for the day. Problem is you bloat a lot, will make you hold water, so its only good for bulking.

Turinabol - Dianabol's cousin they say. Made in eastern europe in the 60's for their athletes to compete against the West in olympics. Weaker than dianabol but you hold less water too.

Deca Durabolin - Common injectable for bulking. Shuts down your test production dramatically, which means harsh recovery. Some people end with limp dick for months.

Winstrol - Injectable or oral. Used commonly for a dry look when cutting. Devastating for hair, bad idea if you are prone to balding. Fucks up cholesterol levels fast. Makes your joints dry.

Masteron - Similar to winstrol, makes you horny as fuck.

Primobolan - Mostly used when cutting. Weak, expensive and its the most counterfeited. Why would you use it then? Well its weak on side effects and the best for keepable gains. Also gives you a good dry look (not as dramatic as others). If money wasnt a problem i would do test+primo only (not willing to compete)

Oxandrolone - Also known as anavar. Almost same history as primobolan but oral. Taken by women who compete because low feminization risk. In my case i had sick pumps while training.

Trembolone - What runs in the veins of the gods, literally. 5 times more anabolic than testosterone. If using testosterone is already a big step, trembolone is next level shit. Epic for size, monster strength, cutting. Doesnt matter. Eat crap still reach your goals (sad to say but its the truth). Fat melts. Originally made for cattle so they had more meat before slaughter. This is a hardcore drug and a MUST for competing, literally forget about competing without this. Theres mixed opinions about if its worth it to suffer the side effects (insomnia, massive sweating, lack of breath, mental rollercoaster..). High supression when cycling and even doing BnC you can feel like crap.

Growth Hormone - Deceiving name. Sounds like a big thing but actually is the contrary. Worst cost/efficiency ratio, too faked, takes long time to feel. Should be used for antiaging purposes or when you are cycling heavy and need the cherry on top.

Halotestin - Makes you ultra aggressive, good for amateur/pro fighters who dont get tested for steroids. Dont know much more about it.

Clenbuterol - Stimulant used to help lose fat. Too much dose and be shaky the rest of the day.


Theres two ways of sourcing the black market

Pharmacy grade - Most of the substances mentioned, as i said are normal medicine, made by big corporations such as Bayer, that one way or another get into the black market. Good thing is you know what you get, substance and dose will be accurate. Bad thing, they get counterfeited and since we are talking about black market, prices are very high. You have a pharmacist friend who sells or mafias from countries with low regulation import hundreds or thousands of doses from others like Iran, Pakistan to resell on internet for a profit...

Underground laboratory (UGL) - Individuals or organized crime groups get steroid powder from countries like China, "cook" it, label it and distribute the vials or pills. They usually have a catchy name that includes "Pharma" or "Pharmaceuticals" and if they are serious enough they want the brand to be trusted so they get popular on the black market. These are the most common because they are cheaper and easy to find. However, they arent made by professionals. You dont know what you get, you dont know the real dose, you dont know if its sterile. Maybe its only oil without hormone... You have to trust people's comments on forums.

Ill take questions from here.
Steroids and collagen? Which don't decrease it? Deca-Durabolin and Trenbolone don't lower collagen synthesis afaik. What about other collagen friendly steroids?
Steroids and collagen? Which don't decrease it? Deca-Durabolin and Trenbolone don't lower collagen synthesis afaik. What about other collagen friendly steroids?

Good question, no idea to be honest.
ok so if i want to roid with test what do i do? i order test and what more
ok so if i want to roid with test what do i do? i order test and what more

The right answer would be:
Take the time to research what to take and why.

Lazy answer:
Testosterone vials, clomid, nolvadex, arimidex/aromasin and injections
Im 30+ years old and been on the gym for more than a decade non-stop, tried many steroids too. I researched well before using unlike most kids on the gym nowadays who do really ridiculous cycles, doses, run fake stuff and in general do stupid shit. Didnt do championship cycles but out of curiosity i learn about a lot of substances.

I will also answer your questions. Im not a doctor, i dont promote buying/selling/using steroids so i will write by my experience and as neutral as possible.

I cannot know literally about every substance and i also didnt investigate about many because lack of interest (not for my goals), so if i dont know something in particular i wont be talking out of my ass, ill be honest and simply tell you i dont know about it.


So what are steroids? Most people think steroids are shady substances from the underground bodybuilding scene. Actually steroids are just medicines like aspirin or ibuprofen, created for a variety of illness, that you would find on any pharmacy. They are all derivatives of testosterone, the main male hormone. The catch is they are taken in a dose higher than the recommended. They are not really illegal, but "controlled substances".

To put it simply, imagine theres a pill that makes your headache go away, normal dose, but if you take 5 of those pills it will make you smarter for 48hours. This is exactly what steroid users do: exceeding the recommended dosages for bodybuilding purposes.


These are in general the positive effects you will experience:

Increased stamina - You can do exercise for longer periods.
Increased strength - You increase your lifts dramatically week after week.
Increased self-steem - Feel the king of the jungle.
Increased libido - Makes you almost nymphomaniac.
Increased energy - Lack of sleep hours? No problem, feel always well rested.
Pumped look all day - Muscles look full all the time, you get pumps just by doing silly things like brushing teeth.
Veiny look on low bodyfat percentage.
Hard look on low bodyfat percentage.


Every person will experience the side effects differently. You may get three of these and your friends none. Every person is different, every substance is different and even cycles with same substance can feel different. These are usually dependant on genetics. Some people dont know they have predisposition and discover it the hard way. Theres also other factors like doing or not doing proper post cycle therapy which i will explain later:

Hypertension which can lead to failure of heart or other organs.
Cardiovascular problems
Liver failure
Prostate problems
Accelerated balding and/or thinning of hair
High colesterol
Neurodegenerative and mental problems like depression, bipolar, roid rage...
Injuries related to training too heavy
Low or inexistent libido, soft erections for weeks or months
Temporally or permanent sterility
Temporally or permanent hormone problems


Theres two methods of using steroids. Doing a cycle and doing "blast and cruise".

A cycle has 3 stages: juicing-therapy-rest. You juice for a number of weeks (average 10 or 12) followed by what they call post-cycle therapy (PCT). After this you rest a few months to let body and hormone system fully recover.
Your testosterone levels are self-regulated, so when you use steroids the body will detect your testosterones levels are too high and will stop producing it to try to balance things out. When you finish using, the "engine" that made testosterone is still offline so you do PCT with certain medicines to help restart it. Low test means not being able to maintain big muscles and the engine takes a while to restart, so as you can imagine PCT is super important. Its totally normal to lose a bit of your new muscle but the faster you recover the less you will lose. This is the best way to use steroids for the casual user, if you just want some push from time to time and have no wish of competing.

Blast'n'cruise (BnC) is a bit similar to cycling. You "blast" using steroids normally, but instead of PCT and months rest, all that period will be "cruising" doing a small dose of testosterone (a bit superior to what the body usually produces) that will help you to keep the gains. This is the option for all these instagrammers who are big and in shape all year or people who compete in bodybuilding. Although the effects on endocrine system and low fertility you experience can hopefully be reversed with treatment sometimes, it is mostly taken as a lifetime vow, or way of life if you prefer to call it like that. Doing this means depending on injecting testosterone the rest of your life, wether you are a bodybuilder until you die or end fucked up because your body wont produce testosterone anymore.


Short version explanation of the most used. As you will see, because of their chemical composition they bring certain positive or negative side effects. Some can come in many forms, depending on which one it will take less or more time to be released in the bloodstream.

Testosterone - The core of juicing and the base of any cycle. Good for size, good for cutting. For the casuals who want a boost once in a while or dont plan on going too big, you really dont need much more than this.

Dianabol - Breakfast of Champions. Oral steroid that you take for strength, i like to say its like having a coffe of testosterone, just an extra spike for the day. Problem is you bloat a lot, will make you hold water, so its only good for bulking.

Turinabol - Dianabol's cousin they say. Made in eastern europe in the 60's for their athletes to compete against the West in olympics. Weaker than dianabol but you hold less water too.

Deca Durabolin - Common injectable for bulking. Shuts down your test production dramatically, which means harsh recovery. Some people end with limp dick for months.

Winstrol - Injectable or oral. Used commonly for a dry look when cutting. Devastating for hair, bad idea if you are prone to balding. Fucks up cholesterol levels fast. Makes your joints dry.

Masteron - Similar to winstrol, makes you horny as fuck.

Primobolan - Mostly used when cutting. Weak, expensive and its the most counterfeited. Why would you use it then? Well its weak on side effects and the best for keepable gains. Also gives you a good dry look (not as dramatic as others). If money wasnt a problem i would do test+primo only (not willing to compete)

Oxandrolone - Also known as anavar. Almost same history as primobolan but oral. Taken by women who compete because low feminization risk. In my case i had sick pumps while training.

Trembolone - What runs in the veins of the gods, literally. 5 times more anabolic than testosterone. If using testosterone is already a big step, trembolone is next level shit. Epic for size, monster strength, cutting. Doesnt matter. Eat crap still reach your goals (sad to say but its the truth). Fat melts. Originally made for cattle so they had more meat before slaughter. This is a hardcore drug and a MUST for competing, literally forget about competing without this. Theres mixed opinions about if its worth it to suffer the side effects (insomnia, massive sweating, lack of breath, mental rollercoaster..). High supression when cycling and even doing BnC you can feel like crap.

Growth Hormone - Deceiving name. Sounds like a big thing but actually is the contrary. Worst cost/efficiency ratio, too faked, takes long time to feel. Should be used for antiaging purposes or when you are cycling heavy and need the cherry on top.

Halotestin - Makes you ultra aggressive, good for amateur/pro fighters who dont get tested for steroids. Dont know much more about it.

Clenbuterol - Stimulant used to help lose fat. Too much dose and be shaky the rest of the day.


Theres two ways of sourcing the black market

Pharmacy grade - Most of the substances mentioned, as i said are normal medicine, made by big corporations such as Bayer, that one way or another get into the black market. Good thing is you know what you get, substance and dose will be accurate. Bad thing, they get counterfeited and since we are talking about black market, prices are very high. You have a pharmacist friend who sells or mafias from countries with low regulation import hundreds or thousands of doses from others like Iran, Pakistan to resell on internet for a profit...

Underground laboratory (UGL) - Individuals or organized crime groups get steroid powder from countries like China, "cook" it, label it and distribute the vials or pills. They usually have a catchy name that includes "Pharma" or "Pharmaceuticals" and if they are serious enough they want the brand to be trusted so they get popular on the black market. These are the most common because they are cheaper and easy to find. However, they arent made by professionals. You dont know what you get, you dont know the real dose, you dont know if its sterile. Maybe its only oil without hormone... You have to trust people's comments on forums.

Ill take questions from here.
Thoughts on anavar for 20 yo’s to get insane physique?
Thoughts on anavar for 20 yo’s to get insane physique?
Anavar doesn't aromatize into estrogen so you're going to get low estrogen sides.

No ones first cycle should be ANYTHING other than testosterone and MAYBE an aromatase inhibitor, finding how much you can tolerate without an AI should be a big goal of your first cycle.

If you're not under 10% body fat you should not be thinking about using steroids.

If you're serious about looksmaxxing and care about overall health, hair, and recovery after using steroids, you should not be looking at using anything other than testosterone, finasteride/dutasteride, and an aromatase inhibitor.
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Thoughts on anavar for 20 yo’s to get insane physique?

Dont expect anavar to make miracles.

You want an insane physique? Do test/primo with good estrogen control and diet, or trenbolone for the ultimate results (both good and bad)

Plus what ɯᴉsǝɹɐupnɯ said
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