The strongest predictors of "never been kissed" include being introverted and being Asian-American

Deleted member 1973

Deleted member 1973
Jun 8, 2019

In bivariate models but not the multivariate model, young adults who had never kissed were more neurotic, had mothers who were less facilitating of independence, and had lower self-esteem.
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Interesting but not surprising tbh. They should all get phenibut
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neuroticism is a death sentence, period
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high in neuroticism (aka, nervous, don't dare tpo speak to people, etc..)


GAME OVER unless you look like a full Chad or maybe Chadlite.

I got a bit off both. Although mostly the introvert part, and neuroticism probably still in somewhat average range.
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high in neuroticism (aka, nervous, don't dare tpo speak to people, etc..)


GAME OVER unless you look like a full Chad or maybe Chadlite.

I got a bit off both. Although mostly the introvert part, and neuroticism probably still in somewhat average range.
yeah, that's legit, even though I think I'm decent looking (not Chad level though), my first succes with women came when I was 19/20, because my neuroticism got better because of constant socializing and so on

but it's really hard to change and takes time
For just men or women too?

The percentage differences arent that drastic tbh, I was expecting worse. Also honors college has the lowest rate of not kissed which makes me think high intelligence is also a very strong predictor

yeah, that's legit, even though I think I'm decent looking (not Chad level though), my first succes with women came when I was 19/20, because my neuroticism got better because of constant socializing and so on

but it's really hard to change and takes time
I 100% agree.
I need to write a guide on this. If only for myself.

It's true.

neuroticism, is only managed in 2 mayor ways in general in psychology (outside of popping pills)
1. cognitive therapy;
2. exposure therapy.

Now when not mentally ill obviusly. But still higher then average in neuroticism. One just needs to make time, to work on it.
And above 2 things helps.

1. cognitive therapy. Due to being high neuroticism, one probably started makeing believes/veiws in line with that uncomfort as way to cope (false reasons, why don't socialise). For example: people are boring/stupid; it's a waste of time te be chilling with people; I am happier when single/alone; talking with new people is awkward etc... These views need to be challanged, and replaced with more accurate views. For example: some people are interstng and some broing; it's normal and relaxing to want to be chilling with people; I might be even happier when with a firend/girlfriend/ then when alone when it's a good match; talking with new people can be fun sometimes and can be awkward sometime. etc..

2. exposure therapy. Need to push oneself into soical situations, that cause neuroticism/nervousness/uncomfort spike. This is not easy, but needs to be done. For most it works. The more time you spend in that uncomfortable social situation, the more it becomes familiar, and the nervousness goes down slowly over time. Because what's familiar cuases less stress/nervousness.
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. Also honors college has the lowest rate of not kissed which makes me think high intelligence is also a very strong predictor

View attachment 412809
I read that also before in a study. Higher IQ, meant less sexual partners, at least past 110 orso the drop was pretty much. A retard dude almost had as much lays as the really high IQ ones.
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I read that also before in a study. Higher IQ, meant less sexual partners, at least past 110 orso the drop was pretty much. A retard dude almost had as much lays as the really high IQ ones.

Fuck. Honestly I should pretend to be stupid, and that would increase my social status. The thing with being smart is you basically know the answer to everything and rarely mess anything up which makes you less dependent on other people. Compared to some retard slumping around and always making dumbass comments just to get a response out of people, its pretty clear why being stupid means you have a better social life.

So my theory is that NTmaxxing is nearly impossible because its very difficult to actually change your personality. But retardmaxxing should work because its easy to play dumb which could attract more people.
Fuck. Honestly I should pretend to be stupid, and that would increase my social status. The thing with being smart is you basically know the answer to everything and rarely mess anything up which makes you less dependent on other people. Compared to some retard slumping around and always making dumbass comments just to get a response out of people, its pretty clear why being stupid means you have a better social life.

So my theory is that NTmaxxing is nearly impossible because its very difficult to actually change your personality. But retardmaxxing should work because its easy to play dumb which could attract more people.
IQ. and sexual partner study graph

I think. The cause is; Higher IQ = Higher in nervousness, Social Anxiety to Greater Empathy
All 3 things, that don't help for slaying. i can't find study, but that's what I read before.

So I don't think high IQ is the problem. But the correlation of high IQ WITH more Social Anxiety and Greater Empathy.
To slay, you need (besides good enough looks), extraversion, be social/meet new people and randoms, and you need not be a moral empathy fag.

LOL, I fit that bill perfectly of: higher IQ, introversion, a bit higher in nervousness then average, and I'm a total empathy moral fag also. FUCK.

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IQ. and sexual partner study graph

I think. The cause is; Higher IQ = Higher in nervousness, Social Anxiety to Greater Empathy
All 3 things, that don't help for slaying. i can't find study, but that's what I read before.

So I don't think high IQ is the problem. But the correlation of high IQ WITH more Social Anxiety and Greater Empathy.
To slay, you need (besides good enough looks), extraversion, be social/meet new people and randoms, and you need not be a moral empathy fag.

LOL, I fit that bill perfectly of: higher IQ, introversion, a bit higher in nervousness then average, and I'm a total empathy moral fag also. FUCK.

Same. I still think acting stupid would help though for any kind of social interaction mainly because people like correcting other people and also teasing them when they're wrong. If you make a "microerror" in a conversation about anything, for example if youre talking with someone and say "fox is a species of dog" which is intentionally wrong then they will try to correct it, and its much easier to have a conversation disagreeing with someone than agreeing with someone.

Basically its just much easier to be NT and act confident when youre arguing with someone over something meaningless and it helps keep a conversation going. Thats why when socially anxious people talk it can seem boring its because theyre always trying to be correct and not have any disagreements which is really boring.

Anyways I'm still the same as you high IQ, introverted, empathetic, and I havent gone outside in a month so idk if my theory will work. Im just going to test it out when school reopens just because I'm tired of being high inhib.

Edit: And also why i think High IQ are more introverted is that one of the main purposes of social interaction is to exchange unknown information with someone. High IQ people usually know almost everything so they feel like sharing ideas is pointless. Thats why stupidmaxxing could also work; even if you know a topic (like in math class) you could pretend to be stupid and ask them about it just to get them to spend time teaching you about it. Naturally being dumb makes you want to talk to people more to get more knowledge so if you act dumb it will be easier to have social interaction in that aspect too
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Same. I still think acting stupid would help though for any kind of social interaction mainly because people like correcting other people and also teasing them when they're wrong. If you make a "microerror" in a conversation about anything, for example if youre talking with someone and say "fox is a species of dog" which is intentionally wrong then they will try to correct it, and its much easier to have a conversation disagreeing with someone than agreeing with someone.

Basically its just much easier to be NT and act confident when youre arguing with someone over something meaningless and it helps keep a conversation going. Thats why when socially anxious people talk it can seem boring its because theyre always trying to be correct and not have any disagreements which is really boring.

Anyways I'm still the same as you high IQ, introverted, empathetic, and I havent gone outside in a month so idk if my theory will work. Im just going to test it out when school reopens just because I'm tired of being high inhib.
I agree, what you say. Making dumb statemnts, or actually generlised statements is good for social maxxing.
Obviously, i'm by nature way to high iq in general to make general statements. And if I say something to peoples, it's often almost an essay rant, with percentages, what is average and the outlier parts of it. because in reality, to world is to complicated for general statements. But it sucks, convo wise.

Dumb statements are best.
In my pua days, I used to do them the most. even more so about people, they spark the biggest discussions:
* You look like you work in arts.
* You like child cartoons, looking at your bag.
and dumb shit like that,
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I agree, what you say. Making dumb statemnts, or actually generlised statements is good for social maxxing.
Obviously, i'm by nature way to high iq in general to make general statements. And if I say something to peoples, it's often almost an essay rant, with percentages, what is average and the outlier parts of it. because in reality, to world is to complicated for general statements. But it sucks, convo wise.

Dumb statements are best.
In my pua days, I used to do them the most. even more so about people, they spark the biggest discussions:
* You look like you work in arts.
* You like child cartoons, looking at your bag.
and dumb shit like that,

Yep, but I wouldn't say generalized statements are specificly a low IQ thing like being wrong since high IQ people do it too but low IQ people definitely do it more. I think generalizations are a double-edged sword too because even though they can spark discussions, youre basically attacking the person by making a generalization about them (especially if its about race/wealth). Its pretty risky to that since people might hate you if youre being mean but definitely effective especially if youre good looking. Im probably analyzing this too much but with this logic its pretty easy to see why most high IQ people are introverted and low IQ are extroverted
I agree, what you say. Making dumb statemnts, or actually generlised statements is good for social maxxing.
Obviously, i'm by nature way to high iq in general to make general statements. And if I say something to peoples, it's often almost an essay rant, with percentages, what is average and the outlier parts of it. because in reality, to world is to complicated for general statements. But it sucks, convo wise.

Dumb statements are best.
In my pua days, I used to do them the most. even more so about people, they spark the biggest discussions:
* You look like you work in arts.
* You like child cartoons, looking at your bag.
and dumb shit like that,

General statements makes a ton of sense. There is no need to start drawing up graphs to conclude that women are on average less interested in engineering courses than men, just to take an example.

I do not see how high empathy would stop anyone from slaying. Having high empathy doesn't mean a person has to be weak/soft/cautious.
I think that misunderstand what a generalization is is a low IQ move. Often when I make a generalized statement, some SJW idiot just has to jump in with an analogy about someone not fitting the generalization, as if generalizations literally mean that every single one of group x has to conform to the generalization.
Topic title is wrong. The study doesn't talk about those characteristics being predictors of, but being correlated with being kissless.
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Interesting but not surprising tbh. They should all get phenibut
I already ordered it and I'm wating for delivery now

can you tell me what dosage is safe?
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It's the other way around. Being ugly causes people to be stuck in a negative feedback loop and they become introverted and develop self esteem issues due to being ugly.
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These studies are all cope except 1:

Looks ( Face, Frame, Height, Pheno, | Dimorphism, Youthfulness, Symmetry, Ratios) are the only ( 100%) predictor of romantic interest
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IQ. and sexual partner study graph

I think. The cause is; Higher IQ = Higher in nervousness, Social Anxiety to Greater Empathy
All 3 things, that don't help for slaying. i can't find study, but that's what I read before.

So I don't think high IQ is the problem. But the correlation of high IQ WITH more Social Anxiety and Greater Empathy.
To slay, you need (besides good enough looks), extraversion, be social/meet new people and randoms, and you need not be a moral empathy fag.

LOL, I fit that bill perfectly of: higher IQ, introversion, a bit higher in nervousness then average, and I'm a total empathy moral fag also. FUCK.

but im dumb AND am khhv. :cry:
I'm stupid and ugly
[IMG alt="LordNorwood"][/IMG]
This Too Shall Pass

Dec 19, 2019
Propranolol + face your fears repeatedly while on it. The more fear exposure while under the drug, the better.
This has been shown clinically to drastically reduce the subject's baseline (by that I mean off the drug) fear response over time. Which imo means there's a high chance the amygdala is shrinking, because it's being denied the opportunity to "learn" to be more afraid of stimuli. Essentially, it atrophies.
Ignore the bluepilled posters in the thread. If you try to face your fears and you fail, you become more afraid, not less.

[IMG alt="LordNorwood"][/IMG]
This Too Shall Pass

Dec 20, 2019
wristcel said:
Yes. I've made thousands of night game approaches (basically all of my lays have came from that)
But I still have nights where I pussy out of the hard sets!
And I simply can't bring myself too approach in the day. Too high inhibition.
Propranolol doesn't get rid of the anxiety you feel before something happens - in other words it doesn't lower inhibition. What it does do is make a panic attack impossible (an exaggerated fear response) when you actually do something you're typically afraid of. This has been shown to decrease the fear response itself over time.


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In bivariate models but not the multivariate model, young adults who had never kissed were more neurotic, had mothers who were less facilitating of independence, and had lower self-esteem.

I check off both boxes.
And guess what.
I am indeed a kissless virgin. :feelsrope:
  • So Sad
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Sounds legit. Irl I even know 5'6 low tier normies who are extroverted and have kissed a girl at least once. It's always INTP, half autistic, neurotic guys like me who haven't.
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what bout a 6'0" kikecel who has been either rated ugly or normal looking without sexually dimorphic traits other than ok height?
“Kissing a partner occurs relatively early during adolescence. Thus, young adults who have never kissed are off-time from their peers”

give me the rope
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  • JFL
Reactions: middayshowers, Chadeep and PuaHater
These studies are all cope except 1:

Looks ( Face, Frame, Height, Pheno, | Dimorphism, Youthfulness, Symmetry, Ratios) are the only ( 100%) predictor of romantic interest
how can you attract someone when u don't leave your basement?
  • JFL
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For just men or women too?

The percentage differences arent that drastic tbh, I was expecting worse. Also honors college has the lowest rate of not kissed which makes me think high intelligence is also a very strong predictor

View attachment 412809
Yup. IQ is what causes the neuroticism in the first place.
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All true, 21 KHHV
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It's crazy how few people actually are KHV at my age, everything had to go wrong in my life for me to end up like this

shit is so depressing
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It's the other way around. Being ugly causes people to be stuck in a negative feedback loop and they become introverted and develop self esteem issues due to being ugly.
This tbh.

We need these black pill studies:

Neuroticism and Facial Attractiveness

Depression and phys act

And then you can talk start talking about muh NT
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In bivariate models but not the multivariate model, young adults who had never kissed were more neurotic, had mothers who were less facilitating of independence, and had lower self-esteem.
over for ricecels jfllll

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