the truth no one likes to admit

Next level glaze on confusedbolivian who doesn’t even look good now since he looks ogre and looks like he is carrying 30lbs of pure water on his body and face. Looks shit.

I debunked you about sunscreen, when are you gonna repy mr psuedoscientific and known liar Never get up
You’re wrong about sunscreen. No, everyone is supposed to have several hours of sun exposure and our skin types have evolved to suit the UV intensity of our native environments. Northern europeans should have no trouble being in the sun in northern europe.

The problem is people avoiding the sun all year and then when they do eventually go outside in the summer their melanin levels are too low to be able to deal with the intensity of the summer sun. This isn't a problem if you go outside all year. Northern europeans also eat very shit diets compared to 100 years ago, let alone 10,000 years ago, and cellular repair is tightly linked to diet. If you want to see how quickly cellular repair goes to shit on a bad diet just watch any vegan epitome of malnourishment video.

I already made my point with skin cancer levels. The data is quite clear; skin cancer is through the roof despite the invention and widespread usage of sunscreen and fearmongering about sun exposure. Actually I'm surprised that sunscreen is advocated on a "looksmaxing" forum since it is garbage that disrupts hormones.

I have tanned for multiple years and have 0 wrinkles.
Was breastfed for 7 months my brother for 10 and a half, hes shorter than me but has a wider skull
  • +1
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Next level glaze on confusedbolivian who doesn’t even look good now since he looks ogre and looks like he is carrying 30lbs of pure water on his body.
Me beloved @ConfusedBolivian is masculine maxxing , he dont care
I have tanned for multiple years and have 0 wrinkles.
anecdotal evidence, i can say the same thing too
That 5 people i know saw their skin get damaged because of the sun
I already made my point with skin cancer levels. The data is quite clear; skin cancer is through the roof despite the invention and widespread usage of sunscreen and fearmongering about sun exposure.
people get skin cancer because no one is listening
No one is wearing their sunscreen
In conclusion, our survey found that most US residents are aware about sunscreen's role in protection from UV rays, however, most citizens continue to use it inconsistently.

What do you mean with fear mongering? I can go to tiktok and see many health influencers hating on sunscreen, there is no fear mongering about sun exposure , the opposite is happening all around In social media
Actually I'm surprised that sunscreen is advocated on a "looksmaxing" forum since it is garbage that disrupts hormones.
?? This is a stupid myth, you are the type of nigga to not wear deodorant because it will "disrupt hormones"
EVERYTHING will disrupt hormones

Please send the source or tell me the biologic mechanism on how sunscreen damage disrupt the hormones so i can debunk it

Also yes sunscreen is a good long term looksmax

Old female 40+ Years applying sunscreen only on face, not neck
The problem is people avoiding the sun all year and then when they do eventually go outside in the summer their melanin levels are too low to be able to deal with the intensity of the summer sun. This isn't a problem if you go outside all year.
You have a point
Northern europeans also eat very shit diets compared to 100 years ago, let alone 10,000 years ago, and cellular repair is tightly linked to diet. If you want to see how quickly cellular repair goes to shit on a bad diet just watch any vegan epitome of malnourishment video.
Hmhmm 100 year ago was people not starving?

No cellurare repair is not linked to diet, i sended many studies proving fact that the sun damage the skin directly
You cannot go around that fact
just watch any vegan epitome of malnourishment video.
I see many vegans with good skin
  • +1
  • JFL
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Me beloved @ConfusedBolivian is masculine maxxing , he dont care

anecdotal evidence, i can say the same thing too
That 5 people i know saw their skin get damaged because of the sun

people get skin cancer because no one is listening
No one is wearing their sunscreen
In conclusion, our survey found that most US residents are aware about sunscreen's role in protection from UV rays, however, most citizens continue to use it inconsistently.

What do you mean with fear mongering? I can go to tiktok and see many health influencers hating on sunscreen, there is no fear mongering about sun exposure , the opposite is happening all around In social media

?? This is a stupid myth, you are the type of nigga to not wear deodorant because it will "disrupt hormones"
EVERYTHING will disrupt hormones

Please send the source or tell me the biologic mechanism on how sunscreen damage disrupt the hormones so i can debunk it

Also yes sunscreen is a good long term looksmax
View attachment 3533612
Old female 40+ Years applying sunscreen only on face, not neck

You have a point

Hmhmm 100 year ago was people not starving?

No cellurare repair is not linked to diet, i sended many studies proving fact that the sun damage the skin directly
You cannot go around that fact

I see many vegans with good skin
im talking about 10,000+ years ago retard
Me beloved @ConfusedBolivian is masculine maxxing , he dont care

anecdotal evidence, i can say the same thing too
That 5 people i know saw their skin get damaged because of the sun

people get skin cancer because no one is listening
No one is wearing their sunscreen
In conclusion, our survey found that most US residents are aware about sunscreen's role in protection from UV rays, however, most citizens continue to use it inconsistently.

What do you mean with fear mongering? I can go to tiktok and see many health influencers hating on sunscreen, there is no fear mongering about sun exposure , the opposite is happening all around In social media

?? This is a stupid myth, you are the type of nigga to not wear deodorant because it will "disrupt hormones"
EVERYTHING will disrupt hormones

Please send the source or tell me the biologic mechanism on how sunscreen damage disrupt the hormones so i can debunk it

Also yes sunscreen is a good long term looksmax
View attachment 3533612
Old female 40+ Years applying sunscreen only on face, not neck

You have a point

Hmhmm 100 year ago was people not starving?

No cellurare repair is not linked to diet, i sended many studies proving fact that the sun damage the skin directly
You cannot go around that fact

I see many vegans with good skin
most vegans are women and they have more estradiol which makes their skin and collagen better

View attachment 3533327
We we all meant to be beautiful. Modern society has ruined everyones faces, leading to increase in cosmetic surgeries, dental implants, orthodontic appliances.

This applies to most without severe injuries, born facial deformities, mutations, diseases.

Technology was never meant to be made and we should have never progressed into this depressing state of society.

We were meant to eat raw, unprocessed food. Not goyslop mcdonalds factory plastic garbage.

Mouth breathing is a result of staying indoors where there is less oxygen, leading to the destruction of the craniofacial development. This applies to posture as well since sitting or lying on soft mattresses leads to facial deformity and mouthbreathing.

Staying outside, makes you sleep on your side, supporting your head with your arm on a flat surface.

Carbohydrates, grains, vegetables are bad for you. Refined carbs and grains cause Randle's Cycle & rot your teeth. Vegetables are plant toxins. We were only meant to eat one meal a day (meat) due to lack of meat. Now, there is an abundant supply of meat which is unnatural.

Underdeveloped jaws are a result of not chewing enough & also due to lack of breastfeeding because of bottles and pacifiers. This is what led to thumbsucking as your desire to suck on something became normalized through muscle memory.

This cycle of subhumanity needs to end. Most bluepillers think its pure genetics, but its not. :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:

They fail to understand & ignore the brutal reality. This is not pseudoscience bullshit. :feelswhy::feelswhy: :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:


Answer yourself this: "Did our ancestors have to wear a metal appliances in their mouths to fix teeth or extract their teeth?"

We are suffering from DE-EVOLUTION. Mewing and thumbpulling are only to stop craniofacial underdevelopment from getting worse.


This has been proven since rich people ate more carbs and processed food, they suffered from more malocclusions than poor people who were malnourished. Wealthy people had their teeth rotting which is what led to fluoride being made

Your purpose in life is to reproduce and have kids, not to wageslave and make money to live in comfortability. This wouldn't be a problem back then since all of our ancestors were all physically attractive.

TLDR: Your facial attractiveness is predetermined from when your mother breastfed you. All you can do now is prevent it from getting worse as your life progresses. Some degree of change is possible.


@thereallegend @Never Get Up @PrimalPlasty @HandsomeOrDeath

@ConfusedBolivian I know you don't suffer this because growing up, you ate raw and don't live in western society where nearly everyone is subhuman. I myself have noticed that not a single person in my school has perfect teeth or a wide jaw other than a few of my teachers.

ur on a rep farm bro❤️
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If you are gonna start insulting me, i am not gonna debat you

This is not highschool
when human anatomist has more iq than a pseudoscience PHD majoring in misinterpretation of information being spread.

View attachment 3533327
We we all meant to be beautiful. Modern society has ruined everyones faces, leading to increase in cosmetic surgeries, dental implants, orthodontic appliances.

This applies to most without severe injuries, born facial deformities, mutations, diseases.

Technology was never meant to be made and we should have never progressed into this depressing state of society.

We were meant to eat raw, unprocessed food. Not goyslop mcdonalds factory plastic garbage.

Mouth breathing is a result of staying indoors where there is less oxygen, leading to the destruction of the craniofacial development. This applies to posture as well since sitting or lying on soft mattresses leads to facial deformity and mouthbreathing.

Staying outside, makes you sleep on your side, supporting your head with your arm on a flat surface.

Carbohydrates, grains, vegetables are bad for you. Refined carbs and grains cause Randle's Cycle & rot your teeth. Vegetables are plant toxins. We were only meant to eat one meal a day (meat) due to lack of meat. Now, there is an abundant supply of meat which is unnatural.

Underdeveloped jaws are a result of not chewing enough & also due to lack of breastfeeding because of bottles and pacifiers. This is what led to thumbsucking as your desire to suck on something became normalized through muscle memory.

This cycle of subhumanity needs to end. Most bluepillers think its pure genetics, but its not. :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:

They fail to understand & ignore the brutal reality. This is not pseudoscience bullshit. :feelswhy::feelswhy: :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:


Answer yourself this: "Did our ancestors have to wear a metal appliances in their mouths to fix teeth or extract their teeth?"

We are suffering from DE-EVOLUTION. Mewing and thumbpulling are only to stop craniofacial underdevelopment from getting worse.


This has been proven since rich people ate more carbs and processed food, they suffered from more malocclusions than poor people who were malnourished. Wealthy people had their teeth rotting which is what led to fluoride being made

Your purpose in life is to reproduce and have kids, not to wageslave and make money to live in comfortability. This wouldn't be a problem back then since all of our ancestors were all physically attractive.

TLDR: Your facial attractiveness is predetermined from when your mother breastfed you. All you can do now is prevent it from getting worse as your life progresses. Some degree of change is possible.


@thereallegend @Never Get Up @PrimalPlasty @HandsomeOrDeath

@ConfusedBolivian I know you don't suffer this because growing up, you ate raw and don't live in western society where nearly everyone is subhuman. I myself have noticed that not a single person in my school has perfect teeth or a wide jaw other than a few of my teachers.

but yet average height is rising and somehow many kids end up more handsome than their parents. keep coping, keep crying about how life is bad nowadays, keep eating raw meat excepting that it will over come your week genetics.

  • JFL
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but yet average height is rising and somehow many kids end up more handsome than their parents. keep coping, keep crying about how life is bad nowadays, keep eating raw meat excepting that it will over come your week genetics.

low iq negative repcel detected. opinion rejected.

they are growing taller due to abnormal increases in lactoferrin which is detrimental to your testosterone. not your height.
  • +1
Reactions: lucas_
but yet average height is rising and somehow many kids end up more handsome than their parents. keep coping, keep crying about how life is bad nowadays, keep eating raw meat excepting that it will over come your week genetics.

Because of the western diet

Western diet = food that is high on the glymenic index + high carbs

If you got bad genetics you are gonna get acne and diabetes with it
  • +1
Reactions: lucas_ and Loruki
Because of the western diet

Western diet = High glymenic index + high carbs

If you got bad genetics you are gonna get acne and diabetes too
the only thing i agree with u on.
the only thing i agree with u on.
I ignored you , i dont see you message

I am not interested into a nigger who love insulting people and spreading psuedoscience
  • +1
Reactions: Loruki
Bruh I lived in bosnia and ate mainly meat and milk up to like 7 years, so why am I ugly if this is true?
meat and milk for only 7 years? Was it raw or cooked? Why say mainly? Are you lying about what other goyslop you ate? There are so many factors
  • +1
Reactions: Never Get Up and Loruki
Bruh I lived in bosnia and ate mainly meat and milk up to like 7 years, so why am I ugly if this is true?
How tall are you and why did you eat like shit for the majority of your life and think a half assed animal based diet would fix it?

Were you breastfed? Were your mewing coming out the womb? What was your mother’s diet during pregnancy?

Do you get sunlight naked? Breath fresh air and get grounded?
  • +1
Reactions: Never Get Up and Loruki
I take a vitamine D tablet every week so dont worry about that me vitd levels
Vitamin D supps are irradiated vegetable oils. They don’t work and are toxic
  • +1
Reactions: Never Get Up and Loruki
Vitamin D supps are irradiated vegetable oils. They don’t work and are toxic
I use powder

anyway nothing wrong with oil based suplements , if you are scared of a little bit oil 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are one of the biggest pussy in earth if you are scared of a little bit oil
Bruh I lived in bosnia and ate mainly meat and milk up to like 7 years, so why am I ugly if this is true?
Because facial development is genetics
  • +1
Reactions: puffer234234 and thereallegend
I use powder

anyway nothing wrong with oil based suplements , if you are scared of a little bit oil 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are one of the biggesy pussy in earth if you are scared of a little bit oil
Powder has to be heated in an oven to make it like that…like 400-500 degree temperatures

There’s no real nutrition left after that. Only toxins

That’s why protein isolates are toxic too and cause allergies and rashes
  • +1
Reactions: Loruki
I use powder

anyway nothing wrong with oil based suplements , if you are scared of a little bit oil 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you are one of the biggest pussy in earth if you are scared of a little bit oil
I megadosed vitamin D supps

I poisoned myself
  • +1
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Powder has to be heated in an oven to make it like that…like 400-500 degree temperatures

There’s no real nutrition left after that. Only toxins

That’s why protein isolates are toxic too and cause allergies and rashes
Me serum vitamine D levels increased , so you are wrong
I megadosed vitamin D supps

I poisoned myself
The body is pretty good at clearing out excess vitamine D, its almost impossibly to overdose on it

View attachment 3533327
We we all meant to be beautiful. Modern society has ruined everyones faces, leading to increase in cosmetic surgeries, dental implants, orthodontic appliances.

This applies to most without severe injuries, born facial deformities, mutations, diseases.

Technology was never meant to be made and we should have never progressed into this depressing state of society.

We were meant to eat raw, unprocessed food. Not goyslop mcdonalds factory plastic garbage.

Mouth breathing is a result of staying indoors where there is less oxygen, leading to the destruction of the craniofacial development. This applies to posture as well since sitting or lying on soft mattresses leads to facial deformity and mouthbreathing.

Staying outside, makes you sleep on your side, supporting your head with your arm on a flat surface.

Carbohydrates, grains, vegetables are bad for you. Refined carbs and grains cause Randle's Cycle & rot your teeth. Vegetables are plant toxins. We were only meant to eat one meal a day (meat) due to lack of meat. Now, there is an abundant supply of meat which is unnatural.

Underdeveloped jaws are a result of not chewing enough & also due to lack of breastfeeding because of bottles and pacifiers. This is what led to thumbsucking as your desire to suck on something became normalized through muscle memory.

This cycle of subhumanity needs to end. Most bluepillers think its pure genetics, but its not. :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:

They fail to understand & ignore the brutal reality. This is not pseudoscience bullshit. :feelswhy::feelswhy: :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:


Answer yourself this: "Did our ancestors have to wear a metal appliances in their mouths to fix teeth or extract their teeth?"

We are suffering from DE-EVOLUTION. Mewing and thumbpulling are only to stop craniofacial underdevelopment from getting worse.


This has been proven since rich people ate more carbs and processed food, they suffered from more malocclusions than poor people who were malnourished. Wealthy people had their teeth rotting which is what led to fluoride being made

Your purpose in life is to reproduce and have kids, not to wageslave and make money to live in comfortability. This wouldn't be a problem back then since all of our ancestors were all physically attractive.

TLDR: Your facial attractiveness is predetermined from when your mother breastfed you. All you can do now is prevent it from getting worse as your life progresses. Some degree of change is possible.


@thereallegend @Never Get Up @PrimalPlasty @HandsomeOrDeath

@ConfusedBolivian I know you don't suffer this because growing up, you ate raw and don't live in western society where nearly everyone is subhuman. I myself have noticed that not a single person in my school has perfect teeth or a wide jaw other than a few of my teachers.

we're slightly different from pre-historic humans though. we shouldn't have the same standard since we've literally evolved to societal norms. we'd probably develop slightly worse if we ate like our ancestors compared to an optimal modern diet. though an average persons diet isn't optimal either way. agree with everything else!
  • +1
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we're slightly different from pre-historic humans though. we shouldn't have the same standard since we've literally evolved to societal norms. we'd probably develop slightly worse if we ate like our ancestors compared to an optimal modern diet. though an average persons diet isn't optimal either way. agree with everything else!
those skulls were from 10k+ years ago so we are still adapted to the hunter gatherer diet. we never adapted to western diets as it is unnatural. mirin effort though
those skulls were from 10k+ years ago so we are still adapted to the hunter gatherer diet. we never adapted to western diets as it is unnatural. mirin effort though
we'd probably include slightly more crops in our diet than before due to genotypic and phenotypic changes, considering we've foraged for so long + the advent of agriculture 12k years ago.
When did i preach carbs and plant toxin diets?
You are putting words in me mouth

I am only debunking you psuedoscience
Don't worry the incel that created this thread is a low iq, brain dead, coping, ENVIOUS and DELUSIONAL homosexual from the shallow end of the gene pool 😂:lul::ROFLMAO::forcedsmile::ROFLMAO::blackpill::redpill:
  • JFL
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You lost me when u said vegetables r bad for u. Thats silly
  • +1
Reactions: HandsomeOrDeath and Loruki
Don't worry the incel that created this thread is a low iq, brain dead, coping, ENVIOUS and DELUSIONAL homosexual from the shallow end of the gene pool 😂:lul::ROFLMAO::forcedsmile::ROFLMAO::blackpill::redpill:
still havent answered my question though?

avoiding because you cant accept im right? no one in my family is recessed but me. i was not breast fed.
still havent answered my question though?

avoiding because you cant accept im right? no one in my family is recessed but me. i was not breast fed.
You are probably recessed from being a low testosterone homosexual :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO::lul::blackpill::redpill: I bet your mom chain smoked cigarettes and chugged whisky while she was pregnant with you :lul:
It's all genes, cope, most niggas with mogger bone structure i know are malnourished and eat like shit, rira had a fucking shit diet and he was still a mogger
  • +1
Reactions: Loruki
You are probably recessed from being a low testosterone homosexual :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO::lul::blackpill::redpill: I bet your mom chain smoked cigarettes and chugged whisky while she was pregnant with you :lul:
i have high t. mouth breathed for 14 years of my life. my mom never smoked and she probably just ate shit.
It's all genes, cope, most niggas with mogger bone structure are very rare and eat like shit, rira had a fucking shit diet and he was still a mogger
yes genetics are what make up your face. no doubting that. mouth breathing is a consequence.
Last edited:
  • +1
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You are probably recessed from being a low testosterone homosexual :forcedsmile::ROFLMAO::lul::blackpill::redpill: I bet your mom chain smoked cigarettes and chugged whisky while she was pregnant with you :lul:
im recessed from mouth breathing, bad posture, and thumbsucking. i always ate meat growing up and drank milk and shit, my zygos and jaw developed a lot, but im still recessed.
  • +1
Reactions: Never Get Up
im recessed from mouth breathing, bad posture, and thumbsucking. i always ate meat growing up and drank milk and shit, my zygos and jaw developed a lot, but im still recessed.
Look I found your separated at birth identical twin :forcedsmile::lul::ROFLMAO:


  • IMG_20250302_155128.jpg
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Me serum vitamine D levels increased , so you are wrong

The body is pretty good at clearing out excess vitamine D, its almost impossibly to overdose on it
Blood level of D3 mean nothing

Look up Jack Kruse

View attachment 3533327
We we all meant to be beautiful. Modern society has ruined everyones faces, leading to increase in cosmetic surgeries, dental implants, orthodontic appliances.

This applies to most without severe injuries, born facial deformities, mutations, diseases.

Technology was never meant to be made and we should have never progressed into this depressing state of society.

We were meant to eat raw, unprocessed food. Not goyslop mcdonalds factory plastic garbage.

Mouth breathing is a result of staying indoors where there is less oxygen, leading to the destruction of the craniofacial development. This applies to posture as well since sitting or lying on soft mattresses leads to facial deformity and mouthbreathing.

Staying outside, makes you sleep on your side, supporting your head with your arm on a flat surface.

Carbohydrates, grains, vegetables are bad for you. Refined carbs and grains cause Randle's Cycle & rot your teeth. Vegetables are plant toxins. We were only meant to eat one meal a day (meat) due to lack of meat. Now, there is an abundant supply of meat which is unnatural.

Underdeveloped jaws are a result of not chewing enough & also due to lack of breastfeeding because of bottles and pacifiers. This is what led to thumbsucking as your desire to suck on something became normalized through muscle memory.

This cycle of subhumanity needs to end. Most bluepillers think its pure genetics, but its not. :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:

They fail to understand & ignore the brutal reality. This is not pseudoscience bullshit. :feelswhy::feelswhy: :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:


Answer yourself this: "Did our ancestors have to wear a metal appliances in their mouths to fix teeth or extract their teeth?"

We are suffering from DE-EVOLUTION. Mewing and thumbpulling are only to stop craniofacial underdevelopment from getting worse.


This has been proven since rich people ate more carbs and processed food, they suffered from more malocclusions than poor people who were malnourished. Wealthy people had their teeth rotting which is what led to fluoride being made

Your purpose in life is to reproduce and have kids, not to wageslave and make money to live in comfortability. This wouldn't be a problem back then since all of our ancestors were all physically attractive.

TLDR: Your facial attractiveness is predetermined from when your mother breastfed you. All you can do now is prevent it from getting worse as your life progresses. Some degree of change is possible.


@thereallegend @Never Get Up @PrimalPlasty @HandsomeOrDeath

@ConfusedBolivian I know you don't suffer this because growing up, you ate raw and don't live in western society where nearly everyone is subhuman. I myself have noticed that not a single person in my school has perfect teeth or a wide jaw other than a few of my teachers.

  • +1
Reactions: Loruki

View attachment 3533327
We we all meant to be beautiful. Modern society has ruined everyones faces, leading to increase in cosmetic surgeries, dental implants, orthodontic appliances.

This applies to most without severe injuries, born facial deformities, mutations, diseases.

Technology was never meant to be made and we should have never progressed into this depressing state of society.

We were meant to eat raw, unprocessed food. Not goyslop mcdonalds factory plastic garbage.

Mouth breathing is a result of staying indoors where there is less oxygen, leading to the destruction of the craniofacial development. This applies to posture as well since sitting or lying on soft mattresses leads to facial deformity and mouthbreathing.

Staying outside, makes you sleep on your side, supporting your head with your arm on a flat surface.

Carbohydrates, grains, vegetables are bad for you. Refined carbs and grains cause Randle's Cycle & rot your teeth. Vegetables are plant toxins. We were only meant to eat one meal a day (meat) due to lack of meat. Now, there is an abundant supply of meat which is unnatural.

Underdeveloped jaws are a result of not chewing enough & also due to lack of breastfeeding because of bottles and pacifiers. This is what led to thumbsucking as your desire to suck on something became normalized through muscle memory.

This cycle of subhumanity needs to end. Most bluepillers think its pure genetics, but its not. :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:

They fail to understand & ignore the brutal reality. This is not pseudoscience bullshit. :feelswhy::feelswhy: :bluepill::redpill::blackpill:


Answer yourself this: "Did our ancestors have to wear a metal appliances in their mouths to fix teeth or extract their teeth?"

We are suffering from DE-EVOLUTION. Mewing and thumbpulling are only to stop craniofacial underdevelopment from getting worse.


This has been proven since rich people ate more carbs and processed food, they suffered from more malocclusions than poor people who were malnourished. Wealthy people had their teeth rotting which is what led to fluoride being made

Your purpose in life is to reproduce and have kids, not to wageslave and make money to live in comfortability. This wouldn't be a problem back then since all of our ancestors were all physically attractive.

TLDR: Your facial attractiveness is predetermined from when your mother breastfed you. All you can do now is prevent it from getting worse as your life progresses. Some degree of change is possible.


@thereallegend @Never Get Up @PrimalPlasty @HandsomeOrDeath

@ConfusedBolivian I know you don't suffer this because growing up, you ate raw and don't live in western society where nearly everyone is subhuman. I myself have noticed that not a single person in my school has perfect teeth or a wide jaw other than a few of my teachers.

so real, I have seen so many fat and low t cucks at school
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