The Ultimate Guide for Heightmaxxing (Closed Plate Oldcel Method Included)

Lots of people blasted GH peptides and lots of people took high doses of SAM-e, and many took Glucosamine Chondroitin alongside both. I don't know if anybody did all of those combined. Many who did these included AI's before. Simply blasting all of this stuff never made adults grow taller on the old school height forums where all of those ideas were tried. Injecting HGH and IGF-1 should out perform all of those peptides combined if money isn't an issue

The old height forums believed that boosting DNA methylation alone would work but it didn't. The theories moved on that you need a way to reactivate growth plates in order for these growth enhancers to do anything. The leading growth factors believed to do this were CNP and FGF2 which was mentioned in Erdel Can Alkoclar patents for height increase

One thing I do know is Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Resveratrol, and Puerarin can all be used to boost articular cartilage for spinal height but it's temporary, or at least all of them alone are temporary. I don't know of anyone trying all of those combined plus GH maxxing to see if it might lead to permament articular cartilage thickening.
Chondrotin and glucosamine are permanent after 1 month of consistent use.
Chondrotin and glucosamine are permanent after 1 month of consistent use.

I only saw studies where it was temporary, and the people who did it would often report losing it later. 1 month of consistent use might last a few months but I haven't seen anything supporting it as permanent.
Does this works for frame gains?

Main qimg a77aa0bd3a8fd8d6cadaef75df07f90e
  • +1
Reactions: WadlowMaxxing
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.

You can take it for calcium.

I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.

Will see.
Is this thread and concept abandoned or nah cuz I need a flurbiprofen source
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5634
Losing body fat.
Eliminating bloat.

Then take HGH if you are growing (evidence for maxilla growth in papers)
then after finishing your HGH course, take DHT to get a very dry look.
How much did you grow???
Where is there concrete proof of glucosamine / chondroitin working and in what dosages? I am taking but dont noticed cm gain yet
Anyone over the age of 25 had success with this?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13588
Glucosamine is cope and upregulates insulin resistance

  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Glucosamine is cope and upregulates insulin resistance

this is not good news
Glucosamine is cope and upregulates insulin resistance

Lmao cope
Any results?
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 13588 and TeenAscender
Fuck this post pubertymaxxing thread is much better
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and Deleted member 13588
Fuck this post pubertymaxxing thread is much better
Is Chondroitin good for heightmaxxing or is it bad for height and a cope like glucosamine?
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 13588
Is Chondroitin good for heightmaxxing or is it bad for height and a cope like glucosamine?
Dude you are the mostnonhibmaxxed fuck out there bruh supplements don’t do shit
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 13588
destroying e2 in serum and growth?????? stop coping dudes. Anyone has achieved any results despite of zero libido and balding due to destroying e2 and increasing DHT? stupid assholes cope with harmful methods to destroy themself.

HGH in tremendous doses can be highly hazardous, same as sarms. Deal with your height and stop killing yourself
  • +1
Reactions: Moldovancel
Dude you are the mostnonhibmaxxed fuck out there bruh supplements don’t do shit
I am not high inhib,i just like to measure the pros and cons and the side effects which I will experience when I am On a supplement,i am more like "
I am not afraid to jump on a supplement but I want to know the side effects and it's potency
destroying e2 in serum and growth?????? stop coping dudes. Anyone has achieved any results despite of zero libido and balding due to destroying e2 and increasing DHT? stupid assholes cope with harmful methods to destroy themself.

HGH in tremendous doses can be highly hazardous, same as sarms. Deal with your height and stop killing yourself
No one will get killed.
Zero libidio will only happen when you crash your e2 below the minimum levels
destroying e2 in serum and growth?????? stop coping dudes. Anyone has achieved any results despite of zero libido and balding due to destroying e2 and increasing DHT? stupid assholes cope with harmful methods to destroy themself.

HGH in tremendous doses can be highly hazardous, same as sarms. Deal with your height and stop killing yourself
Is this stack cope and harmful to your health then?
Why IGF des over IGF lr3?

I’ve been using 100mcg of lr3 2x per week
Upping to 200mcg
Why IGF des over IGF lr3?

I’ve been using 100mcg of lr3 2x per week
Upping to 200mcg
IGF-1 DES is moe potent yet localized, OP recommends using all of that lr3, des, and gh in method too if you're really determined.

Why IGF des over IGF lr3?

I’ve been using 100mcg of lr3 2x per week
Upping to 200mcg
Why only 2x per week?

what have been ur experiences with igf-1 and where did u buy it? source?
Why IGF des over IGF lr3?

I’ve been using 100mcg of lr3 2x per week
Upping to 200mcg
Any results ? I’m on hgh and will add igf lr3 and sam e soon.
But idk maybe I should add igf des too
cycle it off every 4 weeks for 2 weeks because receptors deregulate. Also lower the dosage to 20 mcg because your ammount of receptors is finite. Qnyways your igf 1 is propably fake
where to
Many members here are young and want to increase their height. And I have been asked by many about peptides.
I will attempt to write a comprehensive thread on what are my findings are so far.

This guide is completely experimental so I am not responsible for any thing that happens. I am going to attempt it myself nonetheless.
I also don't guarantee any results. DrTony wrote about the impossibility of augmenting height in men with no disorders. However, this thread is for any off chance of it happening. As increasing height with hyaline cartilage hypertrophy and

The guide will not get into technicalities and cite every study supporting our decisions, because there is not enough time. And the thread is already delayed as it is. I will try to make this thread as brief as possible.
Method 3 is for oldcels. Height augmentation would be from cartilage hypertrophy.

Method 1 (Correction to @Wincel stack):

The thread had a huge audience. However, there was some fundamental errors in wincel's method.

1. Niacin was incorrectly used for GH boost.
In this article it is show that niacin must be take at 500mg every hour for 3 hours to have any effect on GH.
That much however, isn't feasible for the average person. So it will be removed.

2. The use of melatonin.
Melatonin was used as an AI. While it does block estrogen, it is not enough to be used as an AI for growth.
Melatonin is a good addition for sleep eitherways, so feel free to use it. Aromasin or arimidex will be used instead.

3. The absence of huperzine A.
Huperzine A is a somatostatin (HGH release inhibitor) inhibitor. That means it will allow us to get more HGH release from ibutamoren/mk677 due to the removal of HGH inhibitor somatostatin.

4. The addition of other supplements as temporary GH boosters.
L-dopa comes with many risks. And it is unknown if the spike by GABA is enough. So natural GH secretagogues will be dropped here.

The stack will then look like the following:
  1. Take mk677 25mg before bed (feel free to use melatonin or not)
  2. Aromasin 25mg every day. It can be reduced to 12.5mg every other day as well in case of harsh side effect.
  3. Huperzine A, Ideally 300mcg morning and 400mcg night every day. Minimum is 200mcg every night.
Method 2(@Madness systemic peptide stack):

This is a good method. Just needs an AI with it. Aromasin, arimidex, or letrozole will suffice.

Method 3 (My method)(Includes closed plates):
Here we will attempt to make the most hardcore stack.

A. Elevation of systemic levels(baseline) of HGH and IGF-1:

  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day.
  2. CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (from madness)
B. Creating artificial peaks throughout the day:
  1. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.
  2. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.
Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.

C. IGF-1:
IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side every day for frame growth.

D. DNA methylation
Loss of DNA methylation will close your growth plates. This is what sets the limit to how you grow. So we need to increase it.

SAM-e and MSM will be used to promote DNA methylation.

SAM-e 1500mg every day.
MSM 1000mg every day.

E. Increasing growth plate proliferation

Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
Chondroitin 1200mg every day.

Methods D and E work synergistically and increase the chances of growth.

F. Flurbiprofen

Basically k2 mk4 on roids.

Dosage: Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night)
Make sure to consume good amounts of water with it.

G. Aromatase Inhibition
From my research I have noticed that.
  1. If you are going on a light HGH stack then arimidex or aromasin is best.
  2. If you are going on a stack with insane amounts of HGH then letrozole is the best.
I observed that from clinical trials and papers.
Madness and Wincels stack would need arimidex or aromasin.
My stack will need letrozole.
Any AI can be used, but for maximum results refer to the above.

Aromasin: choose from 12.5mg one day on one day off till 25mg everyday. (your choice)
Arimidex 1mg per day.
Letrozole: choose from 0.5 mg one day on one day off till 2.5mg daily. (I am taking 2.5mg daily)
Start from lowest dosages and increase till what you see fit.

H. Androgens
To promote masculine growth and dimorphism use:
DHT gel on penis or 11-KDHT drops on forearms.

I. Building blocks (optional)
Vitamin D 10kIU per day
Vitamin k2 mk4 45mg per day
Magnesium 400mg per day
Zinc 50mg per day
Calcium 2g per day
Boron 9mg per day

J. Insulin(experimental)(optional):
When insulin is combined with IGF-1, the results for muscle growth and bone mineral deposition is synergistic.
This addition however, risks hyperinsulemia if not done properly. I was stuck here in my research but decided to not allow this part to delay the making of this guide any further. If you would like to continue from this point then:

1. Check if the components above raise the systemic levels of TGFB3 enough. If it is not then you will have to look for other methods.
mk677 and GHRP-2 do raise this well.

2. Check if the components above have enough pi3k pathway agonism. If not then either settle for metformin or find a chemical that does this. IGF-1 and exercise do activate pi3k-Akt.

I would recommend you leave this part unless you are experimenting hard.

Method 4(classical):
7.5-10 IU HGH 2x a day
2.5mg letrozole daily
D and E from method 3


To sum my own stack up in one place

View attachment 35692

Requested tags:
@Bluepill @kobecel @dogtown @Wool @Coping @The Dude Abides @Facial AESTHETICS @Blitz @fobos @dodt @Madness @mido the slayer @Legitcel @CupOfCoffee @KrissKross @LightingFraud @Paretocel @Zeus @Saturn @psycophsez @xom @Ogreload @JellyBelly @OCDMaxxing @SirHiss

where to buy arimidex/aromasin or letrozole in CUCK GERMANY????
where to

where to buy arimidex/aromasin or letrozole in CUCK GERMANY????
go to Poland for it, it's pretty cheap for polcel, esp for germancel
I'll do a 3 month trial

Yo Kali, how can I find where your avatar's gif is from (I've seen similar movements like that before)? I've been looking into "energy work" for awhile now, and I know unintended things can move if one isn't in the right mood, however given his closed eyes and look of focus and the fact that there's nothing in front of him but something behind him is moving, I'm more inclined to believe he's interacting with some sort of "spirit(s)".

Am wondering how the trial went as well, been meaning to make an account on here for some time now and my occult curiosity finally gave me the excuse to take the time to register (would've DM'd you but your account is private).
does OP still visit this site? If yes I am close onto hopping on juice myself pls answer dm
Yo Kali, how can I find where your avatar's gif is from (I've seen similar movements like that before)? I've been looking into "energy work" for awhile now, and I know unintended things can move if one isn't in the right mood, however given his closed eyes and look of focus and the fact that there's nothing in front of him but something behind him is moving, I'm more inclined to believe he's interacting with some sort of "spirit(s)".

Am wondering how the trial went as well, been meaning to make an account on here for some time now and my occult curiosity finally gave me the excuse to take the time to register (would've DM'd you but your account is private).
Sorry for the late response, the person in my avatar is Nisargadatta Maharaj, Indian guru.
As for the trial, never ended up doing it lol.
  • +1
Reactions: TechnoBoss
Hi. I wanna use glucosamine+chondroitin+letrosole+GHRP2+ipamoreline, and, if I have a stable high income +IGF-1 DES+ibutamoren+SAM-e+MSM+vitamins. But i have a few questions:
1.What tests do I need to pass in order not to get acromegaly, cancer, diabetes, and in general get out of the experiment alive and unharmed?
2.Steroid anabolics (Nandrolone) according to wikipedia, bone tissue is destroyed, what if it can help those who have closed epiphyseal plates to get rid of them?
Anyone older with closed plates have success with this at all?
Does method 1 also dick max?? Does it max out the penis growth during puberty?
  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day. 80$
  2. 5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 360$
  3. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on. 100$
  4. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes. 50$
  5. IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side. (unknown as legit IGF-1 is rare to find)
  6. SAM-e 1500mg every day. 30$
  7. MSM 1000mg every day.
  8. Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
  9. Chondroitin 1200mg every day. 7. + 8. + 9. = 35$
  10. Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night) 80$
  11. 2.5mg letrozole daily Depends on the source. I got 10 year supply for 40$
  12. DHT gel on penis twice daily or 11-KDHT one drop on each forearm daily. Depends on the source. 4 month supply of 11-KDHT is 60$
  13. Add building blocks if you have extra cash to spend. Depends.

You can take it for calcium.

I have many sources. You can ask me in the pms.

Will see.
Bro, the cost of hgh would be 170$ per month and that's if your injecting 10ius every day, don't fuck artounw with the peptides and mk677, they don't got shit on the real deal
Many members here are young and want to increase their height. And I have been asked by many about peptides.
I will attempt to write a comprehensive thread on what are my findings are so far.

This guide is completely experimental so I am not responsible for any thing that happens. I am going to attempt it myself nonetheless.
I also don't guarantee any results. DrTony wrote about the impossibility of augmenting height in men with no disorders. However, this thread is for any off chance of it happening. As increasing height with hyaline cartilage hypertrophy and

The guide will not get into technicalities and cite every study supporting our decisions, because there is not enough time. And the thread is already delayed as it is. I will try to make this thread as brief as possible.
Method 3 is for oldcels. Height augmentation would be from cartilage hypertrophy.

Method 1 (Correction to @Wincel stack):

The thread had a huge audience. However, there was some fundamental errors in wincel's method.

1. Niacin was incorrectly used for GH boost.
In this article it is show that niacin must be take at 500mg every hour for 3 hours to have any effect on GH.
That much however, isn't feasible for the average person. So it will be removed.

2. The use of melatonin.
Melatonin was used as an AI. While it does block estrogen, it is not enough to be used as an AI for growth.
Melatonin is a good addition for sleep eitherways, so feel free to use it. Aromasin or arimidex will be used instead.

3. The absence of huperzine A.
Huperzine A is a somatostatin (HGH release inhibitor) inhibitor. That means it will allow us to get more HGH release from ibutamoren/mk677 due to the removal of HGH inhibitor somatostatin.

4. The addition of other supplements as temporary GH boosters.
L-dopa comes with many risks. And it is unknown if the spike by GABA is enough. So natural GH secretagogues will be dropped here.

The stack will then look like the following:
  1. Take mk677 25mg before bed (feel free to use melatonin or not)
  2. Aromasin 25mg every day. It can be reduced to 12.5mg every other day as well in case of harsh side effect.
  3. Huperzine A, Ideally 300mcg morning and 400mcg night every day. Minimum is 200mcg every night.
Method 2(@Madness systemic peptide stack):

This is a good method. Just needs an AI with it. Aromasin, arimidex, or letrozole will suffice.

Method 3 (My method)(Includes closed plates):
Here we will attempt to make the most hardcore stack.

A. Elevation of systemic levels(baseline) of HGH and IGF-1:

  1. 25mg of mk677 morning and 25mg mk677 night. Every day.
  2. CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (from madness)
B. Creating artificial peaks throughout the day:
  1. Hexarelin 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 2 weeks then GHRP-2 100mcg 3x-4x daily for 4 weeks then repeat back to hexarelin and so on.
  2. CJC no DAC 100mcg 3x-4x daily with hexarelin or GHRP2 from number 1.
Inject on an empty stomach (waking up or 3 hours after eating) and eat after 30 minutes.

C. IGF-1:
IGF-1 DES injected at the the deltoids (shoulder muscles) 40mcg each side every day for frame growth.

D. DNA methylation
Loss of DNA methylation will close your growth plates. This is what sets the limit to how you grow. So we need to increase it.

SAM-e and MSM will be used to promote DNA methylation.

SAM-e 1500mg every day.
MSM 1000mg every day.

E. Increasing growth plate proliferation

Glucosamine 1500mg every day.
Chondroitin 1200mg every day.

Methods D and E work synergistically and increase the chances of growth.

F. Flurbiprofen

Basically k2 mk4 on roids.

Dosage: Flubiprofen 200-300 mg/day divided through 6-12 hours (eg. take 150 morning and 150 night)
Make sure to consume good amounts of water with it.

G. Aromatase Inhibition
From my research I have noticed that.
  1. If you are going on a light HGH stack then arimidex or aromasin is best.
  2. If you are going on a stack with insane amounts of HGH then letrozole is the best.
I observed that from clinical trials and papers.
Madness and Wincels stack would need arimidex or aromasin.
My stack will need letrozole.
Any AI can be used, but for maximum results refer to the above.

Aromasin: choose from 12.5mg one day on one day off till 25mg everyday. (your choice)
Arimidex 1mg per day.
Letrozole: choose from 0.5 mg one day on one day off till 2.5mg daily. (I am taking 2.5mg daily)
Start from lowest dosages and increase till what you see fit.

H. Androgens
To promote masculine growth and dimorphism use:
DHT gel on penis or 11-KDHT drops on forearms.

I. Building blocks (optional)
Vitamin D 10kIU per day
Vitamin k2 mk4 45mg per day
Magnesium 400mg per day
Zinc 50mg per day
Calcium 2g per day
Boron 9mg per day

J. Insulin(experimental)(optional):
When insulin is combined with IGF-1, the results for muscle growth and bone mineral deposition is synergistic.
This addition however, risks hyperinsulemia if not done properly. I was stuck here in my research but decided to not allow this part to delay the making of this guide any further. If you would like to continue from this point then:

1. Check if the components above raise the systemic levels of TGFB3 enough. If it is not then you will have to look for other methods.
mk677 and GHRP-2 do raise this well.

2. Check if the components above have enough pi3k pathway agonism. If not then either settle for metformin or find a chemical that does this. IGF-1 and exercise do activate pi3k-Akt.

I would recommend you leave this part unless you are experimenting hard.

Method 4(classical):
7.5-10 IU HGH 2x a day
2.5mg letrozole daily
D and E from method 3


To sum my own stack up in one place

View attachment 35692

Requested tags:
@Bluepill @kobecel @dogtown @Wool @Coping @The Dude Abides @Facial AESTHETICS @Blitz @fobos @dodt @Madness @mido the slayer @Legitcel @CupOfCoffee @KrissKross @LightingFraud @Paretocel @Zeus @Saturn @psycophsez @xom @Ogreload @JellyBelly @OCDMaxxing @SirHiss

can i increase height by not taking these and simple height increasing exercises? I'm 16M 5'7. Or are these exercises cope? please note that my maternal relatives males got their height spurt at around 18 yrs of age. All of them. And till date i haven't got one! Will i get a height spurt which will make me atleast 5'10???

And I'm from India Curryland
can i increase height by not taking these and simple height increasing exercises? I'm 16M 5'7. Or are these exercises cope? please note that my maternal relatives males got their height spurt at around 18 yrs of age. All of them. And till date i haven't got one! Will i get a height spurt which will make me atleast 5'10???

And I'm from India Curryland
Bro, the most important thing is to use letrozole. Then the hgh/peptides, all other stuff comes after. You can get a 10year supply for 80$ like the guy said, DM me and I'll help you with the source.

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