The Ultimate Guide to violence in self defense (No gay BS, legit)

irrumator praetor

irrumator praetor

Lifting so I can crack nigger and jew skulls
Mar 24, 2020
Before we start, I do not condone violence. (legal)

Every capable man should be able to defend himself and his loved ones. You are not a man if you can't do so.

Literally no one ever made a guide on this and this is a pretty important overlooked topic especially now. Your life is to you the most precious thing ever. Today, I will teach you how to keep it.

However, if you have a short attention span/don't care about your life, there will be a final notes section.

1)avoid any and all risks, take all precautions
2)stay fit and strong
3)recognize life taking dangerous people
4)go for their weak points right off the bat, just read the self defense section its rather short, and inflict injury first
5)stay strapped or get clapped
6)I am not responsible for anything you do[/ISPOILER]

Looksmaxing is useless if you're dead.
Nigger riots, nigger crime, beaner crime, poverty, drugged up/drunk/mentally ill degenerates, can all find themselves in your lane.

They will likely be the last thing to ever enter your lane. This is how to use necessary violence (when necessary) in order to save your life.

In a life or death scenario, MMA, Boxing, and all your muscles and height won't save you. We all have the same weak points, and no amount of muscle will change this. Its about the other person taking away your life by any means necessary, how to identify it and how to do the same more efficiently when needed. This ain't no gay martial arts bullshit. By these principles, you will be an injuring machine. Otherwise I wouldn't be making a thread about it.

You won't take away their knife or gun like in the movies and be the hero of the day. When someone has decided you won't be around tomorrow, nothing will help you better than using the oldest martial arts in human history: incapacitating, injuring.

If you think you're fine as-is, ask yourself if tomorrow some feral niggers with guns and knifes cornered you in an allyway, would you be able to survive? Even if its a single feral nigger with a gun and a knife, could you survive the encounter?

With how society traditionally teaches you to "fight" and "take away his gun and knife" no, you won't. You will end up getting stabbed and shot. However, not if you read and follow this guide.

>>👀Being prepared
✔️Being equipped
⚠️Avoiding risks
>>✋🏻When you only have the two of your hands, and how to properly use violence in self defence
>>🖋️Legal disclaimer
>>📜Final notes

Theres four ways one can be prepared:
Mentally prepared (most important)
Physically prepared
Being equipped and avoiding risks all together.

I will keep everything short and simple.

>Mental preparedness:🧠
Making difference between social aggression and asocial aggression, not hesitating to injure if needed and understanding the mindset.

¬Social aggression: aggression that can be avoided or talked out of (Such as a bar fight, mugging, schoolyard fight, ect). This is simple and avoidable. Try to avoid these.

¬Asocial aggression: aggression that cannot be talked out of. It is necessary you are able to identify it.

In this case there is no talking, only silence. The person on the other end has decided they would take your life.

They won't call you a faggot, they won't challenge you to a duel. They won't abide by any rules, such as "no knees and no elbows" and they won't fight fair. They won't talk whatsoever, because they don't need to do so in order to kill you (for whatever reason they want to kill you).

Just like you can't talk it out with a crazed serial killer, or an oncoming bullet, you cannot talk yourself out of asocial aggression, because it is already decided. You will have to just recognize it (such as a hooded man coming up behind you with his hands in his pockets, a white van tailing you for the last 5 minutes, ect)

It is already decided by the other person that they want to kill you. They are usually the person you would least expect them to be. The loner skinny guy, the old fat man, ect. Attempting to talk yourself out of this one, will only kill you.

¬Not hesitating: being able to identify asocial aggression, and being ready to injure/incapacitate the person in self defense. Hesitation is the delay between recognizing it and doing it. It can only kill you, thus you need to eliminate it. Any kind of mental fog or delay is out of the question. Do not hesitate when your life is at stake. Do not think, act.

¬Mindset: instead of your first instinct being punching him in the face and holding your guard up, it should be punching him in the throat and breaking his knee, then bashing his head into the ground until he is knocked out. Remember, its your life thats at stake here.

Inflict any kind of injury first, in order to hold on to your dear life.
By doing this, the first instinct of the killer will be to hold onto his throat, yelling in pain (instead of stabbing or shooting you), and you will be at a significant advantage. Go for the weak points, do the stuff that would be considered cheating in an MMA match.

The reason why criminals are so efficient at violence, is because they have their mind set on only one task, to injure. While you are trying to take away his knife, instead of taking away his ability to move his arm, by either breaking the arm or knocking them out cold, he just has to stab you. His task list is 1) stab, while yours is 1) take his arm 2) twist his arm 3) punch his knife out 4) blah blah blah. He is in effect state, and you are in a reactionary state. You are only reacting to what he is doing, putting you at a disadvantage. Instead, be on the effect state and make him be in the reactionary state, by punching him in the throat. He will then react to that by holding on to his throat. This is an advantage. Do. Not. React. Just act. Offense is the best defense.

That is, if you don't have a gun or knife already on you(for self defense). But those things just make it easier, principles stay the same.

Cool, now that we have basics out of the way, we can move on.

>Physical preparedness💪🏻:
lifting, cardio, strength, fitness. Do not use phones or have headphones in public. Limits your senses and makes you a target.

>Being equipped✔️:
it is a necessity you carry a firearm and as an extra, a knife. For self defense of course. Do not use a gun or a knife to solve social aggression.

>Avoiding risks⚠️:
avoid unnecessary fights, you never know when the other person, instead of abiding by the rules of a typical bar fight, might pull out a gun or a knife. They might even be on the verge of a mass shooting.

Be nice and respectful, and you are guaranteed to keep your head.

Avoid obvious risks, like walking alone to your house from a party at 3am, not installing a security system, not getting a dog (a dog is a must because it will always alert you to the intruder), not locking your windows, ect. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Also, stay away from niggers/spics. Safest places are where white people and rich gooks reside. This tip alone will increase your chances of survival by a ton.

Go for the joints. Ballsack, throat, eyes, nose, neck. Ears are easy to rip off. Knees easy to break. You can also easily break someones arm at the elbow. Liver punches and hammer fists can do the trick. Even breaking their finger can suffice for a few-second advantage. Most of these just need to be twisted to a certain angle.
To make this easier, train forearms and don't skip arm day.
Achilles foot, arteries (along the arms, legs). Studying anatomy helps this. You will be surprised to hear the Mexican mafia inside the prisons study anatomy in order to be efficient. Remember, be efficient. (I am not responsible for anything you do)


Remember, only use these when your life is at stake. Don't be a pussy and actually hurt someone in a fair 1v1 bar brawl, not that I condone that either.

You will likely face charges, and I am not responsible for anything you do, or for whatever you attempt doing that is mentioned in this text. I do not condone violence, use at your own responsibility. I am not responsible for anything that you do and everything you do or attempt to do you are doing so at your own accord.

For any and all intelligence agencies, everything that has been said and will be said in the future is satirical purposes only, I do not associate with anyone or anything on this forum, nor do I hold any responsibility. Nothing is to be taken seriously.

The book I got all of this information from and that I recommend reading: Tim Larkin, when violence is the answer

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Reactions: Banderacell, Deleted member 19281, thecel and 19 others
Grabbing the ballsack is gay imo.
  • JFL
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Dn read
just enroll in some martial art like muay thay, kickbox or mma.
  • +1
Reactions: TakaTeo
>all your height muscles mma wont save you

fuck kinda retard cope is this? lets think about Anthony smith for example, mma fighter has a guy loaded up on pcp essentially in a pshycotic god state break into his house and he is able to restrain the guy despite him being in a literally psychotic strength state due to his mma training. MMA does work, a person with MMA training is gonna do far better in a self defence situation then some ballsack grabbing, no muscle looksmaxxing retard who read a guide that briefly mentions about poking eyes, punching livers etc. What makes you think if you cant even throw proper punches and hit someone normally you can successfully eyepoke someone? sure, I get the weakpoints thing but cmon man.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Banderacell, Deleted member 15099, mulattomaxxer and 6 others
All self defense shit that teaches you how to fight is practically useless. Career predatory criminals never even let "the fight" happen, because it put him in a vulnerable position if the target have the chance of fight back. In military operations the most effective way to murder the enemy is by Ambush swift, unpredictable, and powerful. Letting your target to clench his fist or see you for a fraction of second and its over you have put yourself in a position where either you or him can be hurt badly.
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  • +1
Reactions: Eliosun, Danish_Retard and Edgar
Before we start, I do not condone violence. (legal)

Every capable man should be able to defend himself and his loved ones. You are not a man if you can't do so.

Literally no one ever made a guide on this and this is a pretty important overlooked topic especially now. Your life is to you the most precious thing ever. Today, I will teach you how to keep it.

However, if you have a short attention span/don't care about your life, there will be a final notes section.

1)avoid any and all risks, take all precautions
2)stay fit and strong
3)recognize life taking dangerous people
4)go for their weak points right off the bat, just read the self defense section its rather short, and inflict injury first
5)stay strapped or get clapped
6)I am not responsible for anything you do[/ISPOILER]

Looksmaxing is useless if you're dead.
Nigger riots, nigger crime, beaner crime, poverty, drugged up/drunk/mentally ill degenerates, can all find themselves in your lane.

They will likely be the last thing to ever enter your lane. This is how to use necessary violence (when necessary) in order to save your life.

In a life or death scenario, MMA, Boxing, and all your muscles and height won't save you. We all have the same weak points, and no amount of muscle will change this. Its about the other person taking away your life by any means necessary, how to identify it and how to do the same more efficiently when needed. This ain't no gay martial arts bullshit. By these principles, you will be an injuring machine. Otherwise I wouldn't be making a thread about it.

You won't take away their knife or gun like in the movies and be the hero of the day. When someone has decided you won't be around tomorrow, nothing will help you better than using the oldest martial arts in human history: incapacitating, injuring.

If you think you're fine as-is, ask yourself if tomorrow some feral niggers with guns and knifes cornered you in an allyway, would you be able to survive? Even if its a single feral nigger with a gun and a knife, could you survive the encounter?

With how society traditionally teaches you to "fight" and "take away his gun and knife" no, you won't. You will end up getting stabbed and shot. However, not if you read and follow this guide.

>>👀Being prepared
✔️Being equipped
⚠️Avoiding risks
>>✋🏻When you only have the two of your hands, and how to properly use violence in self defence
>>🖋️Legal disclaimer
>>📜Final notes

Theres four ways one can be prepared:
Mentally prepared (most important)
Physically prepared
Being equipped and avoiding risks all together.

I will keep everything short and simple.

>Mental preparedness:🧠
Making difference between social aggression and asocial aggression, not hesitating to injure if needed and understanding the mindset.

¬Social aggression: aggression that can be avoided or talked out of (Such as a bar fight, mugging, schoolyard fight, ect). This is simple and avoidable. Try to avoid these.

¬Asocial aggression: aggression that cannot be talked out of. It is necessary you are able to identify it.

In this case there is no talking, only silence. The person on the other end has decided they would take your life.

They won't call you a faggot, they won't challenge you to a duel. They won't abide by any rules, such as "no knees and no elbows" and they won't fight fair. They won't talk whatsoever, because they don't need to do so in order to kill you (for whatever reason they want to kill you).

Just like you can't talk it out with a crazed serial killer, or an oncoming bullet, you cannot talk yourself out of asocial aggression, because it is already decided. You will have to just recognize it (such as a hooded man coming up behind you with his hands in his pockets, a white van tailing you for the last 5 minutes, ect)

It is already decided by the other person that they want to kill you. They are usually the person you would least expect them to be. The loner skinny guy, the old fat man, ect. Attempting to talk yourself out of this one, will only kill you.

¬Not hesitating: being able to identify asocial aggression, and being ready to injure/incapacitate the person in self defense. Hesitation is the delay between recognizing it and doing it. It can only kill you, thus you need to eliminate it. Any kind of mental fog or delay is out of the question. Do not hesitate when your life is at stake. Do not think, act.

¬Mindset: instead of your first instinct being punching him in the face and holding your guard up, it should be punching him in the throat and breaking his knee, then bashing his head into the ground until he is knocked out. Remember, its your life thats at stake here.

Inflict any kind of injury first, in order to hold on to your dear life.
By doing this, the first instinct of the killer will be to hold onto his throat, yelling in pain (instead of stabbing or shooting you), and you will be at a significant advantage. Go for the weak points, do the stuff that would be considered cheating in an MMA match.

The reason why criminals are so efficient at violence, is because they have their mind set on only one task, to injure. While you are trying to take away his knife, instead of taking away his ability to move his arm, by either breaking the arm or knocking them out cold, he just has to stab you. His task list is 1) stab, while yours is 1) take his arm 2) twist his arm 3) punch his knife out 4) blah blah blah. He is in effect state, and you are in a reactionary state. You are only reacting to what he is doing, putting you at a disadvantage. Instead, be on the effect state and make him be in the reactionary state, by punching him in the throat. He will then react to that by holding on to his throat. This is an advantage. Do. Not. React. Just act. Offense is the best defense.

That is, if you don't have a gun or knife already on you(for self defense). But those things just make it easier, principles stay the same.

Cool, now that we have basics out of the way, we can move on.

>Physical preparedness💪🏻:
lifting, cardio, strength, fitness. Do not use phones or have headphones in public. Limits your senses and makes you a target.

>Being equipped✔️:
it is a necessity you carry a firearm and as an extra, a knife. For self defense of course. Do not use a gun or a knife to solve social aggression.

>Avoiding risks⚠️:
avoid unnecessary fights, you never know when the other person, instead of abiding by the rules of a typical bar fight, might pull out a gun or a knife. They might even be on the verge of a mass shooting.

Be nice and respectful, and you are guaranteed to keep your head.

Avoid obvious risks, like walking alone to your house from a party at 3am, not installing a security system, not getting a dog (a dog is a must because it will always alert you to the intruder), not locking your windows, ect. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Also, stay away from niggers/spics. Safest places are where white people and rich gooks reside. This tip alone will increase your chances of survival by a ton.

Go for the joints. Ballsack, throat, eyes, nose, neck. Ears are easy to rip off. Knees easy to break. You can also easily break someones arm at the elbow. Liver punches and hammer fists can do the trick. Even breaking their finger can suffice for a few-second advantage. Most of these just need to be twisted to a certain angle.
To make this easier, train forearms and don't skip arm day.
Achilles foot, arteries (along the arms, legs). Studying anatomy helps this. You will be surprised to hear the Mexican mafia inside the prisons study anatomy in order to be efficient. Remember, be efficient. (I am not responsible for anything you do)


Remember, only use these when your life is at stake. Don't be a pussy and actually hurt someone in a fair 1v1 bar brawl, not that I condone that either.

You will likely face charges, and I am not responsible for anything you do, or for whatever you attempt doing that is mentioned in this text. I do not condone violence, use at your own responsibility. I am not responsible for anything that you do and everything you do or attempt to do you are doing so at your own accord.

For any and all intelligence agencies, everything that has been said and will be said in the future is satirical purposes only, I do not associate with anyone or anything on this forum, nor do I hold any responsibility. Nothing is to be taken seriously.

The book I got all of this information from and that I recommend reading: Tim Larkin, when violence is the answer

mma is just bbj + muay thai which is good enough one on one assuming they don't have a weapon

legally speaking this next bit is a bad idea, but carrying a knife is a big advantage so long as you're willing to use it, don't need to know much just basic stabs and slashes tbh

But if you're serious about muh "self defense" (cause the entire concept is a meme at this point with all the fake and gay bullshido out there)
just get a h4ndg*n and start practicing at the range, take a course or something.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15099 and Danish_Retard
>all your height muscles mma wont save you

fuck kinda retard cope is this? lets think about Anthony smith for example, mma fighter has a guy loaded up on pcp essentially in a pshycotic god state break into his house and he is able to restrain the guy despite him being in a literally psychotic strength state due to his mma training. MMA does work, a person with MMA training is gonna do far better in a self defence situation then some ballsack grabbing, no muscle looksmaxxing retard who read a guide that briefly mentions about poking eyes, punching livers etc. What makes you think if you cant even throw proper punches and hit someone normally you can successfully eyepoke someone? sure, I get the weakpoints thing but cmon man.
Its an advantage but for instance in prisons it isn't about size as much as its about making a shank and stabbing first. Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. Its not about conventional fighting, rather killing
Because its not about defense its about attacking first. Thats what I say in this guide lol. Breaking bones is more efficient than any martial arts ever
All self defense shit that teaches you how to fight is practically useless. Career predatory criminals never even let "the fight" happen, because it put him in a vulnerable position if the target have the chance of fight back. In military operations the most effective way to murder the enemy is by Ambush swift, unpredictable, and powerful. Letting your target to clench his fist or see you for a fraction of second and its over you have put yourself in a position where either you or him can be hurt badly.
Because its not about defense its about attacking first. Thats what I say in this guide lol. Breaking bones is more efficient than any martial arts ever
Easier said than done. Most men experience violence through high school fights where they start punching randomly under the influence of 7 second adrenaline. Unless he grow up through a very violent place or trained by russian special forces, he will be useless in these situations.
applies only to US citizens
here in europe not only you can't carry a gun, but you go to jail if you kill/ injure someone in self defence
at least life threatening violence is non existent here
  • +1
Reactions: Banderacell, mulattomaxxer, Hector and 3 others
I would say learn basic wrestling, striking and some basic BJJ. If you know basic wrestling its hard for someone to take you down if your intention is to remain standing at all costs unless they are clearly better than you. Also a lot of the big people think they are just going to slam you right down so if you just assist them the same way they are going you can get them down pretty easily. Might not work on experienced wrestling big guy but works on your average bully types usually.
applies only to US citizens
here in europe not only you can't carry a gun, but you go to jail if you kill/ injure someone in self defence
at least life threatening violence is non existent here
Right but jail time isn't shit for keeping your life if some nigger tries to stab you
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Banderacell, Danish_Retard and Rich/Jewish_Gooner$
I would say learn basic wrestling, striking and some basic BJJ. If you know basic wrestling its hard for someone to take you down if your intention is to remain standing at all costs unless they are clearly better than you. Also a lot of the big people think they are just going to slam you right down so if you just assist them the same way they are going you can get them down pretty easily. Might not work on experienced wrestling big guy but works on your average bully types usually.
Its not about wrestling the opponent, your aim isn't to wrestle someone who is trying to kill/stab/abduct you lol. Im talking about those
Easier said than done. Most men experience violence through high school fights where they start punching randomly under the influence of 7 second adrenaline. Unless he grow up through a very violent place or trained by russian special forces, he will be useless in these situations.
Throat punches and choking is severely underestimated. Talking about life and death situations
Just carry a knife ffs
Before we start, I do not condone violence. (legal)

Every capable man should be able to defend himself and his loved ones. You are not a man if you can't do so.

Literally no one ever made a guide on this and this is a pretty important overlooked topic especially now. Your life is to you the most precious thing ever. Today, I will teach you how to keep it.

However, if you have a short attention span/don't care about your life, there will be a final notes section.

1)avoid any and all risks, take all precautions
2)stay fit and strong
3)recognize life taking dangerous people
4)go for their weak points right off the bat, just read the self defense section its rather short, and inflict injury first
5)stay strapped or get clapped
6)I am not responsible for anything you do[/ISPOILER]

Looksmaxing is useless if you're dead.
Nigger riots, nigger crime, beaner crime, poverty, drugged up/drunk/mentally ill degenerates, can all find themselves in your lane.

They will likely be the last thing to ever enter your lane. This is how to use necessary violence (when necessary) in order to save your life.

In a life or death scenario, MMA, Boxing, and all your muscles and height won't save you. We all have the same weak points, and no amount of muscle will change this. Its about the other person taking away your life by any means necessary, how to identify it and how to do the same more efficiently when needed. This ain't no gay martial arts bullshit. By these principles, you will be an injuring machine. Otherwise I wouldn't be making a thread about it.

You won't take away their knife or gun like in the movies and be the hero of the day. When someone has decided you won't be around tomorrow, nothing will help you better than using the oldest martial arts in human history: incapacitating, injuring.

If you think you're fine as-is, ask yourself if tomorrow some feral niggers with guns and knifes cornered you in an allyway, would you be able to survive? Even if its a single feral nigger with a gun and a knife, could you survive the encounter?

With how society traditionally teaches you to "fight" and "take away his gun and knife" no, you won't. You will end up getting stabbed and shot. However, not if you read and follow this guide.

>>👀Being prepared
✔️Being equipped
⚠️Avoiding risks
>>✋🏻When you only have the two of your hands, and how to properly use violence in self defence
>>🖋️Legal disclaimer
>>📜Final notes

Theres four ways one can be prepared:
Mentally prepared (most important)
Physically prepared
Being equipped and avoiding risks all together.

I will keep everything short and simple.

>Mental preparedness:🧠
Making difference between social aggression and asocial aggression, not hesitating to injure if needed and understanding the mindset.

¬Social aggression: aggression that can be avoided or talked out of (Such as a bar fight, mugging, schoolyard fight, ect). This is simple and avoidable. Try to avoid these.

¬Asocial aggression: aggression that cannot be talked out of. It is necessary you are able to identify it.

In this case there is no talking, only silence. The person on the other end has decided they would take your life.

They won't call you a faggot, they won't challenge you to a duel. They won't abide by any rules, such as "no knees and no elbows" and they won't fight fair. They won't talk whatsoever, because they don't need to do so in order to kill you (for whatever reason they want to kill you).

Just like you can't talk it out with a crazed serial killer, or an oncoming bullet, you cannot talk yourself out of asocial aggression, because it is already decided. You will have to just recognize it (such as a hooded man coming up behind you with his hands in his pockets, a white van tailing you for the last 5 minutes, ect)

It is already decided by the other person that they want to kill you. They are usually the person you would least expect them to be. The loner skinny guy, the old fat man, ect. Attempting to talk yourself out of this one, will only kill you.

¬Not hesitating: being able to identify asocial aggression, and being ready to injure/incapacitate the person in self defense. Hesitation is the delay between recognizing it and doing it. It can only kill you, thus you need to eliminate it. Any kind of mental fog or delay is out of the question. Do not hesitate when your life is at stake. Do not think, act.

¬Mindset: instead of your first instinct being punching him in the face and holding your guard up, it should be punching him in the throat and breaking his knee, then bashing his head into the ground until he is knocked out. Remember, its your life thats at stake here.

Inflict any kind of injury first, in order to hold on to your dear life.
By doing this, the first instinct of the killer will be to hold onto his throat, yelling in pain (instead of stabbing or shooting you), and you will be at a significant advantage. Go for the weak points, do the stuff that would be considered cheating in an MMA match.

The reason why criminals are so efficient at violence, is because they have their mind set on only one task, to injure. While you are trying to take away his knife, instead of taking away his ability to move his arm, by either breaking the arm or knocking them out cold, he just has to stab you. His task list is 1) stab, while yours is 1) take his arm 2) twist his arm 3) punch his knife out 4) blah blah blah. He is in effect state, and you are in a reactionary state. You are only reacting to what he is doing, putting you at a disadvantage. Instead, be on the effect state and make him be in the reactionary state, by punching him in the throat. He will then react to that by holding on to his throat. This is an advantage. Do. Not. React. Just act. Offense is the best defense.

That is, if you don't have a gun or knife already on you(for self defense). But those things just make it easier, principles stay the same.

Cool, now that we have basics out of the way, we can move on.

>Physical preparedness💪🏻:
lifting, cardio, strength, fitness. Do not use phones or have headphones in public. Limits your senses and makes you a target.

>Being equipped✔️:
it is a necessity you carry a firearm and as an extra, a knife. For self defense of course. Do not use a gun or a knife to solve social aggression.

>Avoiding risks⚠️:
avoid unnecessary fights, you never know when the other person, instead of abiding by the rules of a typical bar fight, might pull out a gun or a knife. They might even be on the verge of a mass shooting.

Be nice and respectful, and you are guaranteed to keep your head.

Avoid obvious risks, like walking alone to your house from a party at 3am, not installing a security system, not getting a dog (a dog is a must because it will always alert you to the intruder), not locking your windows, ect. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Also, stay away from niggers/spics. Safest places are where white people and rich gooks reside. This tip alone will increase your chances of survival by a ton.

Go for the joints. Ballsack, throat, eyes, nose, neck. Ears are easy to rip off. Knees easy to break. You can also easily break someones arm at the elbow. Liver punches and hammer fists can do the trick. Even breaking their finger can suffice for a few-second advantage. Most of these just need to be twisted to a certain angle.
To make this easier, train forearms and don't skip arm day.
Achilles foot, arteries (along the arms, legs). Studying anatomy helps this. You will be surprised to hear the Mexican mafia inside the prisons study anatomy in order to be efficient. Remember, be efficient. (I am not responsible for anything you do)


Remember, only use these when your life is at stake. Don't be a pussy and actually hurt someone in a fair 1v1 bar brawl, not that I condone that either.

You will likely face charges, and I am not responsible for anything you do, or for whatever you attempt doing that is mentioned in this text. I do not condone violence, use at your own responsibility. I am not responsible for anything that you do and everything you do or attempt to do you are doing so at your own accord.

For any and all intelligence agencies, everything that has been said and will be said in the future is satirical purposes only, I do not associate with anyone or anything on this forum, nor do I hold any responsibility. Nothing is to be taken seriously.

The book I got all of this information from and that I recommend reading: Tim Larkin, when violence is the answer

Screenshot 20210708 033729 YouTube
alternatively just don't live in a low class shithole
Stay away from progressiveness and you will be OK. Progressives will say "muh prejudice, muh muh" but in reality there a groups of people that increase chances of danger situations. One of them are latinos, niggers, gypsies, magrebi, albanokosvars...

Treat everybody with respect, no matter race, but don't be stupid, if there is 4 niggers with saggy clothes be alert. Can you imagine the danger differences betbeen a nigger hood and a Swiss neighborhood? In the Swiss hod you need to be alert some old dude ran over you with his Lamborghini.

Thats why leftie idiots say police is racist. They say because of prejucies, the reality is that police is dealing with idiots 24/7 and their subconcient know which races have the highest amount of idiots.

Is not PREjuice, is POSTjuice.
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>all your height muscles mma wont save you

fuck kinda retard cope is this? lets think about Anthony smith for example, mma fighter has a guy loaded up on pcp essentially in a pshycotic god state break into his house and he is able to restrain the guy despite him being in a literally psychotic strength state due to his mma training. MMA does work, a person with MMA training is gonna do far better in a self defence situation then some ballsack grabbing, no muscle looksmaxxing retard who read a guide that briefly mentions about poking eyes, punching livers etc. What makes you think if you cant even throw proper punches and hit someone normally you can successfully eyepoke someone? sure, I get the weakpoints thing but cmon man.
@TakaTeo Why Hello There Hottie, Feeling Hot And Bothered?
I Got Something For You To Lick... Just Open Your Mouth And Close Your Eyes.

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