yo is this good for restoring t to normal levels?
50mg a day clomid 1 week
50mg every other day 1 week
25mg every other day 1 week

?? thank u i shall like all your post if you answer
yo is this good for restoring t to normal levels?
50mg a day clomid 1 week
50mg every other day 1 week
25mg every other day 1 week

?? thank u i shall like all your post if you answer
No, normally you do more dosing and you preload first days, also use novaldex.
  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
Has anyone actually tried this supplement with bloodwork to confirm or are we just pretending like its legit?
Has anyone actually tried this supplement with bloodwork to confirm or are we just pretending like its legit?
Just visit any serious steroid forum and you see this nowhere, cause it's just bullshit.
Just visit any serious steroid forum and you see this nowhere, cause it's just bullshit.
If this shit increases ATD then its fucked everyone
ATD FUCKS E irreversably jfl
I have 120 caps to sell.
@badg96 wtf is this thread about
Complete bs why is this in best of the best lmao
This is my first post on this site, hi everybody.

Before i elaborate on atd , i'll say i have used clomid/nolvadex serms, ai's , testosterone and other ped's for almost 10 years, plus researched, tried, read other like kind of chemicals for hundreds of hours most likely thousands.

So that out of the way. in 2012-2013 I tried and used something like 200 capsules of tested 50mg atd. It was inhibit-e product name, now they have changed the formula some natural herbs or smth.

I used atd after androgens as a pct and used it off cycle and used it on cycle. Same time read and researched a lot about it. And i'll say that it's a very very strange compound to describe .

It feels very strange, it almost certainly blocks estrogen irreversibly. Joints dry and lose all water like lowering estrogen would do.
Same time it feels strange because it will increase aggression to insane levels. It does block androgen receptors in the brain and feels some like castrated mentally, like no signal from either androgen nor brain feels no hormones.

But same time , no questions asked it will overdrive the balls to produce testosterone because the brain will start to send strong signal down there because of the blockage of feeling of the hormones in the brain. But just wont feel it, just after quit taking it will feel the overcompensation it does. Very strange thing.

Back in the day when i felt this after this i found two literature tested this on rats, and one the rats became very aggresive on it and the second one they didn't mount the females anymore and got interested in male rats while taking it . The rats became "gay".
If i would search hard, maybe i would pull up and find those literature again, too lazy right now.

So back to the topic
1. after the cycle in pct it feels that it wrecks estrogen too much. It had a suicidal ai effect, like aromasin.
2. On cycle it lowers successfully estrogen, but same time suddenly blocked androgen feeling felt very very strange for few days. Aromasin wouldn't do this.
3. Only time it was acceptable time was, just few weeks before pct , to suffer and speed up the recovery later.

For me , it was not worth it. But it absolutely does what it does. It will boost testosterone very hard and crush estrogen same time, because it makes you mentally feel castrated is the summary. Make your choice..Didn't like it.

Hope my post helped somebody.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Britmaxxer and Deleted member 16673
didnt read but pete rubish recovered from steroids after 2,5 years

  • +1
Reactions: normie tiktoker
nice thread that I didn’t read
  • JFL
Reactions: badexilw
Let me preface this by saying please do your own research before you take anything.
scroll down for tldr and the stack

Article on with all the information mentioned in this thread including studies:

Technical Stuff
A brief summary of what the HPTA is, how it works, and why you do not want to be shutting it down:

Endogenous testosterone production(testosterone made inside your body) is governed by the HPTA(Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis). The hypothalamus releases a hormone called GnRH(or LH-releasing hormone); the hypothalamus maintains homeostatic control so you do not want to be fucking up the hypothalamus or any related part of the HPTA. The GnRH then goes to the pituitary gland to produce two other hormones LH(Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH(Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which then the two hormones go the testes, and finally, you get testosterone synthesis and sperm production. The HPTA and the GnRH, LH, and FSH produced from it regulates the amount of testosterone, androstenediol, and DHEA in your body. If your HPTA produces extra GnRH, LH, and FSH you also get all the anabolic things like testosterone, and that is exactly why you don't want to it to crash from early steroid use and/or shitty PCT.

Why do you get side effects from steroids and the key to fixing the HPTA:

Most people know the estrogen-related side effects of steroids and why you absolutely do not want them. There are actually two negative feedback loops controlling the HPTA, the estrogen negative feedback loop, and the lesser-known androgen negative feedback loop. When too much estrogen interacts with the estrogen receptors of the hypothalamus, there's a negative feedback loop where the gland thinks there must be too much testosterone too, causing loss of testosterone or even shutdown. The hypothalamus also has androgen receptors, when it senses that there is too many androgens it causes a decrease or shutdown in GnRH release. This is probably why your balls shrink on steroids and you lose sexual function.

Common PCT and its faults:

Normal PCT would be something like Clomid, an AI(Anastrolzole is the one we're going to be talking about), and HCG. Clomid is actually a very weak estrogen that blocks more powerful estrogens from merging with the hypothalamic estrogen receptors, this causes the hypothalamus to detect less estrogen and to increase GnRH release. Anastrozole is an aromatase enzyme inhibitor that decreases conversions of androgens into estrogens, which leads to a decrease in total circulatory estrogen and has some benefits of HPTA regeneration. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in males has been shown to mimic LH, so it leads to the direct stimulation of the testes resulting in a minimal increase in sperm production and a significant increase in testicular testosterone production.

Addressing the androgen negative feedback loop:

Until pretty recently hypothalamus-specific androgen inhibition wasn't possible, there are some 'new' compounds that have been introduced.
3-OHAT: 6,17-dioxo-etiocholene-3-ol or 3-OHAT is a metabolite of a popular anti-aromatase supplement 4-androstene-36,17-trione(AT). 3-OHAT has a longer half-life than AT, and it is also a non-androgenic aromatase inhibitor(very important for the androgen negative feedback loop). 3-OHAT is a fast-acting long-term destroyer of the estrogen negative feedback loop, and consequently increases testosterone
ATD:3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene or ATD is 2.8 times more powerful than AT and more powerful than 3-OHAT in a different way. In vitro studies have shown ATD to be a powerful androgen receptor blocker of the hypothalamus, but not of peripheral androgen receptors. Basically, this means it blocks the androgen negative feedback loop caused by the hypothalamus, so in turn GnRH release increases resulting in decreased estrogen production while increasing natural testosterone production. If the dosages of 3-OHAT and ATD are combined correctly there is an average increase in bioavailable testosterone of up to 400% and a direct decrease in estrogens of an average 50%, and this is proven by studies.

Real-world testing:

Eight human test subjects were used in a study on ATD and 3-OHAT, four were placebo base-line and the other four received a blend consisting of 3-OHAT and ATD.

Placebo Group:
No significant changes in total or free testosterone and estradiol(obvious)

Subject 1 (24yr old male:
Total T: 350ng/dl
Free T: 83.00pg/ml
Estradiol: 39pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 1803ng/dl
Free T: 522.90pg/ml
42 Days-
Total T: 2895ng/dl
Free T: 839.20pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699487View attachment 699488

Subject 2 (33yr old male):
Total T: 538ng/dl
Free T: 129.0pg/ml
Estradiol: 30pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 998ng/dl
Free T: 233.0pg/ml
Estradiol: 22pg/ml
42 Days-
Total T: 1416ng/dl
Free T: 421.3pg/ml
Estradiol: 22pg/ml
View attachment 699490View attachment 699491

Subject 3 (25yr old male):
Total T: 555ng/dl
Free T: 104.00pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
14 Days-
Total T: 1624ng/dl
Free T: 405.7pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
42 Days-
Total T: 1837ng/dl
Free T: 405.7pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699492View attachment 699493

Subject 4 (51yr old male):
Total T: 584ng/dl
Free T: 13.40ng/dl
Estradiol: 47pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 851ng/dl
Free T: 26.10ng/dl
Estradiol <20
42 Days-
Total T: 875ng/dl
Free T: 30.30ng/dl
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699496View attachment 699499

What does this mean for and roidcels:

So basically we need to take something with 3-OHAT and ATD to successfully prevent androgen and estrogen negative feedback loops. There used to exist products with actual 3-OHAT and ATD, but most of them have been recalled, as well as ATD being banned as a supplement. Unless if you have some contacts then getting real 3-OHAT and ATD is a no-go for most of us.

Actual important bit
The ultimate PCT:

Novedex XT, this is all you need. A previous version of this Novedex XT included real 3-OHAT and ATD, but since it's banning the formula has been updated. The new versions formula includes 3b-hydroxy-androsta-1,4,6-triene-17-one, 3b-hydroxy-androsta-4,6-diene-17-one, and androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione.
Novedex XT does not have any androgenic metabolites that could cause HPTA suppression. 3b-hydroxy-androsta-4,6-diene-17-one is the so called 'ATD imposter' due to its structure and mechanism of action and it is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor, permanently binding to the aromatase enzyme. 3,5-dien-7,17-dione is another potent aromatase inhibitor.

TLDR; Nolvadex XT is a PCT that will help restore HPTA function and does not have any suppression to it.

Thanks for reading if you read all this. TAG YOUR FRIENDS BRO

@Lev Peshkov
only people I know who to tag lmao
Can anyone simplify this
Let me preface this by saying please do your own research before you take anything.
scroll down for tldr and the stack

Article on with all the information mentioned in this thread including studies:

Technical Stuff
A brief summary of what the HPTA is, how it works, and why you do not want to be shutting it down:

Endogenous testosterone production(testosterone made inside your body) is governed by the HPTA(Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Testes-Axis). The hypothalamus releases a hormone called GnRH(or LH-releasing hormone); the hypothalamus maintains homeostatic control so you do not want to be fucking up the hypothalamus or any related part of the HPTA. The GnRH then goes to the pituitary gland to produce two other hormones LH(Luteinizing Hormone) and FSH(Follicle-Stimulating Hormone), which then the two hormones go the testes, and finally, you get testosterone synthesis and sperm production. The HPTA and the GnRH, LH, and FSH produced from it regulates the amount of testosterone, androstenediol, and DHEA in your body. If your HPTA produces extra GnRH, LH, and FSH you also get all the anabolic things like testosterone, and that is exactly why you don't want to it to crash from early steroid use and/or shitty PCT.

Why do you get side effects from steroids and the key to fixing the HPTA:

Most people know the estrogen-related side effects of steroids and why you absolutely do not want them. There are actually two negative feedback loops controlling the HPTA, the estrogen negative feedback loop, and the lesser-known androgen negative feedback loop. When too much estrogen interacts with the estrogen receptors of the hypothalamus, there's a negative feedback loop where the gland thinks there must be too much testosterone too, causing loss of testosterone or even shutdown. The hypothalamus also has androgen receptors, when it senses that there is too many androgens it causes a decrease or shutdown in GnRH release. This is probably why your balls shrink on steroids and you lose sexual function.

Common PCT and its faults:

Normal PCT would be something like Clomid, an AI(Anastrolzole is the one we're going to be talking about), and HCG. Clomid is actually a very weak estrogen that blocks more powerful estrogens from merging with the hypothalamic estrogen receptors, this causes the hypothalamus to detect less estrogen and to increase GnRH release. Anastrozole is an aromatase enzyme inhibitor that decreases conversions of androgens into estrogens, which leads to a decrease in total circulatory estrogen and has some benefits of HPTA regeneration. HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin in males has been shown to mimic LH, so it leads to the direct stimulation of the testes resulting in a minimal increase in sperm production and a significant increase in testicular testosterone production.

Addressing the androgen negative feedback loop:

Until pretty recently hypothalamus-specific androgen inhibition wasn't possible, there are some 'new' compounds that have been introduced.
3-OHAT: 6,17-dioxo-etiocholene-3-ol or 3-OHAT is a metabolite of a popular anti-aromatase supplement 4-androstene-36,17-trione(AT). 3-OHAT has a longer half-life than AT, and it is also a non-androgenic aromatase inhibitor(very important for the androgen negative feedback loop). 3-OHAT is a fast-acting long-term destroyer of the estrogen negative feedback loop, and consequently increases testosterone
ATD:3,17-dioxo-etiochol-1,4,6-triene or ATD is 2.8 times more powerful than AT and more powerful than 3-OHAT in a different way. In vitro studies have shown ATD to be a powerful androgen receptor blocker of the hypothalamus, but not of peripheral androgen receptors. Basically, this means it blocks the androgen negative feedback loop caused by the hypothalamus, so in turn GnRH release increases resulting in decreased estrogen production while increasing natural testosterone production. If the dosages of 3-OHAT and ATD are combined correctly there is an average increase in bioavailable testosterone of up to 400% and a direct decrease in estrogens of an average 50%, and this is proven by studies.

Real-world testing:

Eight human test subjects were used in a study on ATD and 3-OHAT, four were placebo base-line and the other four received a blend consisting of 3-OHAT and ATD.

Placebo Group:
No significant changes in total or free testosterone and estradiol(obvious)

Subject 1 (24yr old male:
Total T: 350ng/dl
Free T: 83.00pg/ml
Estradiol: 39pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 1803ng/dl
Free T: 522.90pg/ml
42 Days-
Total T: 2895ng/dl
Free T: 839.20pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699487View attachment 699488

Subject 2 (33yr old male):
Total T: 538ng/dl
Free T: 129.0pg/ml
Estradiol: 30pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 998ng/dl
Free T: 233.0pg/ml
Estradiol: 22pg/ml
42 Days-
Total T: 1416ng/dl
Free T: 421.3pg/ml
Estradiol: 22pg/ml
View attachment 699490View attachment 699491

Subject 3 (25yr old male):
Total T: 555ng/dl
Free T: 104.00pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
14 Days-
Total T: 1624ng/dl
Free T: 405.7pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
42 Days-
Total T: 1837ng/dl
Free T: 405.7pg/ml
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699492View attachment 699493

Subject 4 (51yr old male):
Total T: 584ng/dl
Free T: 13.40ng/dl
Estradiol: 47pg/ml
14 Days-
Total T: 851ng/dl
Free T: 26.10ng/dl
Estradiol <20
42 Days-
Total T: 875ng/dl
Free T: 30.30ng/dl
Estradiol: <20
View attachment 699496View attachment 699499

What does this mean for and roidcels:

So basically we need to take something with 3-OHAT and ATD to successfully prevent androgen and estrogen negative feedback loops. There used to exist products with actual 3-OHAT and ATD, but most of them have been recalled, as well as ATD being banned as a supplement. Unless if you have some contacts then getting real 3-OHAT and ATD is a no-go for most of us.

Actual important bit
The ultimate PCT:

Novedex XT, this is all you need. A previous version of this Novedex XT included real 3-OHAT and ATD, but since it's banning the formula has been updated. The new versions formula includes 3b-hydroxy-androsta-1,4,6-triene-17-one, 3b-hydroxy-androsta-4,6-diene-17-one, and androsta-3,5-diene-7,17-dione.
Novedex XT does not have any androgenic metabolites that could cause HPTA suppression. 3b-hydroxy-androsta-4,6-diene-17-one is the so called 'ATD imposter' due to its structure and mechanism of action and it is a steroidal aromatase inhibitor, permanently binding to the aromatase enzyme. 3,5-dien-7,17-dione is another potent aromatase inhibitor.

TLDR; Nolvadex XT is a PCT that will help restore HPTA function and does not have any suppression to it.

Thanks for reading if you read all this. TAG YOUR FRIENDS BRO

@Lev Peshkov
only people I know who to tag lmao
positive canthal tilt supplment aWow DUDE FUCK YEAH HOLY

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