The urgent need to end Western civilisation (Cause of inceldom)



aka Dr Love
May 30, 2023
Yo, I'm fuckin' wasted, feelin' all down and lonely, but still managed to jot this down. It's like a proper summary of my thoughts, so if you wanna hit me up with some positive vibes, go ahead. But anything else, don't expect a response or even a nod from me.

So, we need to address the elephant in the room—the absolute disaster that Western society has become for men and the abysmal state of dating. It's time to channel our anger and frustration into a full-blown revolution. Here's why Western society is a complete nightmare for men, and why we need to fight back!

  1. The Feminist Invasion:Wake up, guys! Feminism has invaded every aspect of our lives. While some equality is necessary, it has gone too damn far. Men are demonized for being men, our masculinity is under constant attack, and traditional gender roles have been completely destroyed. It's a jungle out there, and we're left scratching our heads, wondering how the hell we're supposed to navigate this mess.
  2. Hypergamy Running Rampant:Hypergamy has become the norm in Western societies, and it's crushing the average man's dating prospects. Women are obsessed with finding the highest-status mate, often overlooking decent guys in the process. And thanks to the rise of dating apps and social media, they have an endless sea of options at their fingertips. Meanwhile, we're left drowning in a sea of rejection and loneliness.
  3. The Emasculation Agenda:They want to strip us of our manhood, my brothers. Western society wants us weak, sensitive, and submissive. They scoff at our assertiveness, ambition, and competitive nature. Toxic masculinity, they call it. Well, I call it a load of crap! We're made to feel guilty for being who we are, and it's killing our chances with women. Enough is enough!
  4. A Society Without Structure:In the good old days, there were clear-cut rules and rituals for courtship and relationships. But in this modern Western society, all we have is a chaotic mess. Mixed signals, mind games, and ambiguity reign supreme. It's impossible to understand what women want, and even when we think we've got it figured out, they change the damn rules! How are we supposed to find our way in this twisted dating game?
  5. Looks Over Everything:It's a sad truth, my brothers, but looks matter more than ever before. Western society is obsessed with physical appearance, and if you don't fit the ideal mold, good luck finding love. The pressure to have a perfect face, a shredded physique, and flawless skin is suffocating. It's like a cruel joke, leaving us average-looking guys wondering if we even stand a chance.

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Reactions: Mouthbreath and Elvisandreaa
Thanks for the looksmaxxing advice
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get blood test
You are coping thinking societal structures can circumvent biological attraction.. women were always like this, it's just that it's more open now.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 29167, Halonyx and smalldicktalcell
You are coping thinking societal structures can circumvent biological attraction.. women were always like this, it's just that it's more open now.
people don't seem to get this. Soon enough, the majority of men will be incels. It's really sad, but it's true - biology will do its thing and do natural selection
these retards always complain about the West but constantly get mogged economically, technologically and in military power. get used to the West dominating the world for centuries as currently China's economy is going to shit, India is still a third world shithole and Russia literally can't even beat Ukraine on its own :LOL: :LOL:

the best universities are in the West, the best scientists are in the West, the best cultural influencers are in the West (although that's waning a bit), and most millionaires and billionaires and PhDs in China and Russia want to move out of their shithole country and come work for their Western overlords :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

the wealthiest and smartest people all over the world are immigrating to the US, Europe, Canada and Australia, whereas retarded backwards inbred third world places such as China, Middle East, Africa, South America, India and Russia are all experiencing 'brain drain' problem and literally nobody wants to live in that sewage place
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  • +1
Reactions: Traxanas and DefinitelyNT
Yo, I'm fuckin' wasted, feelin' all down and lonely, but still managed to jot this down. It's like a proper summary of my thoughts, so if you wanna hit me up with some positive vibes, go ahead. But anything else, don't expect a response or even a nod from me.

So, we need to address the elephant in the room—the absolute disaster that Western society has become for men and the abysmal state of dating. It's time to channel our anger and frustration into a full-blown revolution. Here's why Western society is a complete nightmare for men, and why we need to fight back!

  1. The Feminist Invasion:Wake up, guys! Feminism has invaded every aspect of our lives. While some equality is necessary, it has gone too damn far. Men are demonized for being men, our masculinity is under constant attack, and traditional gender roles have been completely destroyed. It's a jungle out there, and we're left scratching our heads, wondering how the hell we're supposed to navigate this mess.
  2. Hypergamy Running Rampant:Hypergamy has become the norm in Western societies, and it's crushing the average man's dating prospects. Women are obsessed with finding the highest-status mate, often overlooking decent guys in the process. And thanks to the rise of dating apps and social media, they have an endless sea of options at their fingertips. Meanwhile, we're left drowning in a sea of rejection and loneliness.
  3. The Emasculation Agenda:They want to strip us of our manhood, my brothers. Western society wants us weak, sensitive, and submissive. They scoff at our assertiveness, ambition, and competitive nature. Toxic masculinity, they call it. Well, I call it a load of crap! We're made to feel guilty for being who we are, and it's killing our chances with women. Enough is enough!
  4. A Society Without Structure:In the good old days, there were clear-cut rules and rituals for courtship and relationships. But in this modern Western society, all we have is a chaotic mess. Mixed signals, mind games, and ambiguity reign supreme. It's impossible to understand what women want, and even when we think we've got it figured out, they change the damn rules! How are we supposed to find our way in this twisted dating game?
  5. Looks Over Everything:It's a sad truth, my brothers, but looks matter more than ever before. Western society is obsessed with physical appearance, and if you don't fit the ideal mold, good luck finding love. The pressure to have a perfect face, a shredded physique, and flawless skin is suffocating. It's like a cruel joke, leaving us average-looking guys wondering if we even stand a chance.


Useless to explain that at retard here bro.
I will join you.

Technically there are millions of incels on this planet. The issue is not that there is a small number of inkwels. The problem is that almost all of them are too bluepilled to realize their hopeless situation. If someone is in the bottom 5% in terms of looks, he's fucked. But these people, especially disabledcels tend to be the most bluepilled ones. They are on feel-good medication that makes them docile and weak. Their iq isn't high enough to realize that all their hopes and aspirations in life are completely delusional. On top of that they're not having the strongest genetics to begin with, and they're essentially useless as soldiers.
But if you find a way to blackpill and inspire them to fight and die for your ideas, then you would be able to assemble an army of millions.

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