The views on plastic surgery held by users of this forum

Let's talk about plastic surgery boyos. On this forum there are two camps when it comes to plastic surgery as means of looksmaxxing. There are those who claim that you can never ascend more than a point with surgery, whereas those who tout it as a means of achieving chaddom. There seems to be very little room for nuanced views on this forum. Plastic surgery can ascend people differently on an individual case-by-case basis
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Take this lookism user for example, through a number of surgeries, including a double jaw surgery, he ascended quite hard. But of course it is not that simple with everyone, as certain failos are unfixable. A person with a long midface will likely never ascend. The same applies to a man with narrow face/lack of zygos. I would personally say a good base for looksmaxxing has things such as a compact midface, high fwhr, and a full head of hair. Fixing certain failos on certain individuals would ascend them quite hard, as they already have other features are good, but are failoed by one or two features, such as an NCT, or a narrow mouth.

Take this man for example, he will likely never see an ascension as has non existent zygos and bad ratios that are damn near impossible to fix.

Muhhhhh long mid face


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