The way to increase Height ?



Dec 20, 2024
If your under 6ft you need to hope on wolfs law
MICROFRACTURING METHODThis technique is GUARANTEED to make you grow if done correctly, but will take around 2 hours a day and you need to be very disciplined and dedicated fort his method.There really is no know maximum amount you can grow with this technique so if you are really consistent you can grow a LOT.WHAT YOU NEED● At least 2 hours a day for maximum● A good quality resistance band● Ankle weights HOW TO DO IT● Create microfractures● Stretch microfractures● Heal microfractures● Sleep Step 1 Create the sufficient microfractures, this is done by putting pressure and resistance on the bones, when there is sufficient pressure and resistance, your bones will get small fractures which are called microfractures.Microfractures can be created in a lot of ways because all it really needs is force that is put on the bone.You can create microfractures by:● Jumping● Kicking against a punching bag● Running or Sprinting● Dancing● Skipping rope These excercises should be done for 40minutes a day and try to get as much resistance on the shinbone as possible. For example: try to jump as much on one leg or kick as hard as you can.You want to create these microfractures soyou can grow taller. If you have created these microfractures, your body will heal and fill up these microfractures and this results in a thicker bone.Step 2.The reason your bones grow thicker but not longer when these microfractures are filled up is because of gravity. That’s why you need to eliminate gravity by using counterforce such as: heavy weight or good quality resistance bands that pull on a body part such as the ankle in the vertical direction which wil lstretch the bone to get longer instead ofthicker.5 minutes after you’ve created these microfracture you want to be stretching them.My favourite way is to stretch them by using atight resistance band attached to my ankles.Step 3Keep your limb stretched like this for an entire hour, so your bones will grow in length,but make sure the resistance band or ankle weight pulls on the bone instead of the jointsand ligaments. After that hour is done you should stop for a maximum of 10 minutes restore blood flow and continue stretching again for 40 minutes. DON’T COMPRESS YOUR LEGS IN ANY WAY. That is so important because if you walk or stand your legs will compress and gravity will hinder you fromgrowing in length.Step 4You want to do all these things in the evening right before going to sleep, so you don’t have to leave your bed and compress your bones after doing these excercises and can growovernight for optimal results.For even more results you can stretch yourself while sleeping on the shinbone with resistancebands.HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU HAVEENOUGH MICROFARCTURE?Feeling of slight pain in the shin bone or on the side.Shinbone will be sensitive to touch.When you move or put pressure on theshinbone by jumping you feel a sharp pain onthe shinbone or on the side of it.LEG LENGTHENING Increasing height in legs is quite tricky especially if you’ve passed the puberty stagebut it’s not impossible because I managed todo it, there are individuals who did it as youwill read later and you too can do it if you’resteadfast.There are three ways you can successfullyincrease your leg length.1. Cycling with a raised seat2. Using ankle weights or resistance bands3. Doing plenty of jumps every day.Cycling with raised seatThis method can increase your shinbones by2 to 3 inches in 3 years. Maximized HGH iscrucial for this to happen.What you need:-Stationary bike with adjustable seat-10 minutes a day-DeterminationHOW TO DO ITThis technique is actually very simple anddoes not take that much time to do.It basically consists of you cycling on astationary bike with a raised seat so your legsare reaching fort he pedals.You start by raising the seat by 1/4th of aninch. After you have grown 1/4th of an inchyou increase the height of the seat again with1/4th of an inch.It’s very important that you don’t raise theseat too much, because when the seat is toohigh cycling is almost impossible and youwon’t growDon’t cycle too fast or with too much powertrying to have the highest speed, rather focuson the technique.Don’t cycle too fast or with too much powertrying to have the highest speed, rather focuson the technique.You want to fully stretch the leg down andreach for the pedal with the arch of your foot(inside the tringle on picture below) and toreally feel that stretch. If the technique isdone wrong you won’t grow.Do this technique for atleast 15 minuteseveryday on a stationary bike.This technique is very easy and doesn’t takethat much time.You can expect 1 inch in shinbone length infour months
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