highest quality post on the forum
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
I like to add to the mixx .
Flipping goods. Some people are really good at buying stuff cheaply (mainly 2nd hand stuff), and negotiating a good sell price.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, randomguy1235, Ethnicope and 2 others
high effort
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
Holy shit, almost 60 likes. Right now this is the second most-liked post on the whole goddamn forum that what's up

Got some more helpful sources I bookmarked during the past month

STOCKS (educational sites, risk management, terminology, etc)




Also before the end of this year, I will be making a part two to this. Since this thread focused on maximizing money through employment and investing, part 2 will focus on the business and self-employment aspect, completing the rich dad poor dad quadrant
B11CEBE2 3596 4291 8611 8A6D71FDB512

In it, I will be aiming at growing a business using the fast lane approach,
tips and methods on coming up with business ideas and how to make money off it without starting an actual business,
finding other growing businesses and how to get involved in it,
and how to climb up a business, company, or workplace from employer to a position of power.

Also, I will further dive into other e-commerce methods that aren't as saturated as the ones I posted and how to spot profitable ones on your own (Amazon FBA isn't all that saturated but oh well fuckers, keep complaining till it actually does get saturated, losers) and how to do seed/startup investing with low capital and spotting unique and niche startups
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  • +1
Reactions: PrisonMike, Chadelite, Ethnicope and 1 other person
I'm still New here but this is by far the best post here Ngl, honorable mention for the heightmaxx one and the face puller one too

can you link me to the exact face puller post you're referring to?
  • +1
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  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and TheMewingBBC
(finding the real intrinsic value of stock and taking advantage to make potential profit if found to be undervalued)

Analysis by the financial statements of a company (its value). Examples of the type of financial statements include
  • Income
  • Cash Flow
  • Balance Sheet
  • Debt to equity
  • 10Q & 10K
The website below offers quantitative analysis. It comes with a cost, so if you're not ready to pay you can simply take advantages of the two weeks trial and make an account every 13 days

If you want to learn it manually, here's a thorough book that even Warren buffet himself used

Analysis by elements that contribute to the overall quality of a company (A company's quality)

If you live in a western country, here's a website you can access for free at your local library for some reason

Can't find a free pdf but if you're interested on thoroughly learning qualitative analysis get the book ”One Up on Wall Street”

Try to avoid course or paying for advice on getting the best stocks, you're better off getting advice from a monkey, LITERALLY LOOOL!!

The best way to find a huge profitable coin to hodl (hold on, dear life) is to understand blockchain, bitcoin, Ethereum’s platform and the pros and cons of Bitcoin and ethereum and other top ten coins like ripple. Buying altcoins with strong fundamentals could 10x-100x to even fucking 1000x your money. An altcoin with good fundamentals usually maintain or improve the pros of the top ten coins like bitcoin and ethereum while lacking cons of their own. Examples of good fundamentals in crypto:

-stable privacy

-faster transaction speed

-innovative and programmable platform for developing apps, smart contracts, and other crypto

-fast international money transfer speed

-great scalability

-secure, no vulnerabilities

-solid team behind project

-adoption and ubiquitous; accessibility

-unique, lack of competition

-small transaction fees
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  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 1973, Chadelite, Deleted member 685 and 3 others
I lost money in runnescape flipping most of the time when I was kid

now I am scared of this kinda shit

i got only 200euro anyway.
I will conclude this thread with some motivational HIGH T BBC songs.

  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
I can garantuee you nobody did anything of this because all of them require a good amount of time to learn before you should even BOTHER MAKING MONEY WITH THEM

This is why I'm just so glad I"ll have 4 years for my computer science class and have everything learnt once I major
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
I can garantuee you nobody did anything of this because all of them require a good amount of time to learn before you should even BOTHER MAKING MONEY WITH THEM

This is why I'm just so glad I"ll have 4 years for my computer science class and have everything learnt once I major
Their loss. Since I made this thread, I have better understood two new areas (option trading and Airbnb flipping) and made five figures from one of them (options trading.)

I will admit I do feel like this thread was a waste of my time making, if people here really needed a way to make money, they would have already find tons of means to make them or a least secure a job that will get them to their goal.

Good luck on your goal too bro
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 685
Their loss. Since I made this thread, I have better understood two new areas (option trading and Airbnb flipping) and made five figures from one of them (options trading.)

I will admit I do feel like this thread was a waste of my time making, if people here really needed a way to make money, they would have already find tons of means to make them or a least secure a job that will get them to their goal.

Good luck on your goal too bro
Thanks alot and good luck on yours too man. And yeah if you really want to get the money it can happen. I'm planning on eventually learning some of those skills now but I'm starting with some now programming languages at school so it'll be tough
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and TheMewingBBC


This is my beginner’s guide to moneymaxxing. These are some of things I’ve learned and bookmarked over the past months to use to increase my bank account digits . Feel free to post some moneymax knowledge of your own down in the replies. Whether you plan to save for the surgeries that you want or to live hedonistic lifestyle you always dream of, here’s a pretty good guide to get started

DISCLAIMER: I’m not trying to advertise by posting links and referencing sources. It’s funny that I need to address that
Also $=7,500 or less $$= 75,000 or less, and $$$=over 75,000

Layman: basically taking advantages and making profit off of rises and dips in currencies’ value against another, with the help of margin trading, you be able to leverage position worth $100k with just 1-3k

Skillset: Develop your skills on this godsent site called Its way of teaching mimick the America 12 year education program, starting you from preschool (intro) to high school (sentimental and fundamental trading, you will by then master technical trading prior to this.

Minimum capital required:500-3k
Potential profit: $-$$

Additional Note:
If you can make money on forex without learning through an automated trading software from someone you trust or copy trading of top traders. But I highly recommend trading manual and learning the skill for yourself

A)STACKING/HODL: To buy and hold cryptocurrency. One does this when he feels the value of a crypto will go. Best places to learn what coins are the best bet for hodling are bitcointalk, 4chan finance, and r/cryptocurrency as many accurate predictions about potential 10-100x coin from here were found. Capital requirements and potential profit varies.
Recommendation: Buy quantum resilient coins like IOTA and QRL, some low supply coins in the top 100, and some bitcoin wouldn’t hurt.

B)DAY TRADING: Margin trade coins on platforms like Bittrex and PrimeXBT. Here are some technical analysis patterns to help you with trading

The Blockgeek site is a huge source to learn almost everything about cryptocurrency. I recommend it for those who wish to max out their crypto knowledge, it’s six dollar a month

C) ICO, IEO, STO FLIPPING: to purchased coins in it initial offering stage where it’s usually the cheapest and to sell during the period it hit the exchange or when it more available to the masses. Coins usually increase in value when the demand increases, and exchange adoption of course contribute to higher demand this higher value. To flip is to use both the profits and initial investment from one offering as a whole initial investment in another.

A)FLIPPING: to buy and fix a property and sell it for a higher price
Minimum Capital Required: $-$$$ (one can obtain a property without spending a fortune through government auction, tax liens and inheritance)
Potential Profit: $$-$$$

earning profits by the process of selling contracts (which states your ownership to the property and your right to give it to another buyer; assignment or double closed) with a distressed seller to a cash buyer
Minimum Capital Required: $ (not more than 1k tbh)
Potential profit: $-$$

Get this free ebook that thoroughly breaks down each step in completely a wholesale deal. It teaches overturning objections, determined a property value, etc

C)RENTING AND LEASING: to finance a property from a seller below or at the market value and make cashflow from renting it out to tenants.

Skillset: All further info and guide can be found on MYREIPRO AND PROPSTREAM. Both are the top smart real estate investing software that aids users in finding properties information and contact for wholesaling, flipping and R/L deals. I also recommend joining a club to network and possibly find an already established investor that need an assist and get paid



1) Options and 2) Divendend investing


C)STARTUP INVESTING (tb 100%h if you ever wish to become a millionaire, I recommend you develop a keen eye for spotting profitable startups)
How to get started:

Minimum Capital Required: 2k-5k
Potential Profit: $-$$$

B)DROPSHIPPING: Drop shipping is a supply chain management method in which the retailer does not keep goods in stock but instead transfers the customer orders and shipmentdetails to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. With this e-commerce method, the retailer hardly loses money
Minimum Capital Required: $
Potential Profit: $-$$$

There are other e-commerce business models like white label, private label, contracted manufacturing. I have little knowledge on those concepts and put out the top two that seems to involve less effort than any other model. For those seriously into moneymaxxing I suggest to not stop here and learn other form of e-commerce that will best fit you.



Minimum Capital Required: $3k+ ATM financing
Potential Profit:

D)Search Engine Optimization (learned this two days ago from a user here so I don’t know much, but for those interested)


  • Computer information system
  • Chemical engineering
  • Medical Assistance
  • Medical Technology
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Construction Management
  • Nursing
  • Physical Therapy
  • Aeronautics and Aviation Technology
  • Pharmacology

(The more the skills, the more the pay. Certain certification is needed for some and requirements vary from state to state and country to country)
  • Apprenticeship jobs
  • Trades (wielder, electrician, plumber)
  • Truck driver
  • Forklift
  • Construction worker
  • Airplane fueler
  • Tech sale associates (Apple, T-mobile, AT&T)
  • Insurance Agent
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Claims adjuster

    . Coder (learn through apps like SoloLearn and Udemy. The studymax tips below should help you learn quicker)



It’s not very hard saving money, you just got to develop the habit of doing it. If you’re the type to spend money easily it may take time getting adjust but overtime you will find out for yourself how your apprecbenefits of saving overcomes the urges for unnecessary want

MY METHOD: 50/50; 50% of every profit or check goes to your needs and wants and the other half goes straight to your savings, no question asked. (This method ain’t for everybody

Feel free to share some other tips and ideas in this thread.

I’m personally make money of crypto day trading and copy trading on forex. I also have a part time job earning 18 an hour, so with that all together I make around 4K-7k month. Two years ago I was making just 7.25 minimum wage and making around 800 at most per month. If I can improve my income so can you.
In the game of capitalism, the man with the most money, knowledge and connection wins. If you don’t have money maximize your knowledge, skill and connection as much as you can.

I will conclude this thread with some motivational HIGH T BBC songs.


Thanks for reading
@fobos @Lightbulb @cocainecowboy

I'm legit young new money millionaire and I admire that you're doing all this research and compiling it for all the newbies trying to moneymaxx

Don't recommend the actively trading stocks, forex or crypto though, should prob be removed from the post tbh, 99.9% of people who attempt will just lose money eventually and there are tons of scams in here... especially dangerous with margin

Also dividend investing is shit from a taxation standpoint and no better than just being long the SP500
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, Deleted member 6403, PubertyMaxxer and 1 other person
I'm legit young new money millionaire and I admire that you're doing all this research and compiling it for all the newbies trying to moneymaxx

Don't recommend the actively trading stocks, forex or crypto though, should prob be removed from the post tbh, 99.9% of people who attempt will just lose money eventually and there are tons of scams in here... especially dangerous with margin

Also dividend investing is shit from a taxation standpoint and no better than just being long the SP500
What your source of income, how did you gain your million?
I mean I gain success in trading, it's the strict mentality that separates me and a few from the rest, I'm aware most people don't have that discipline
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
What do you think about learning frontend/backend shit OP? Is it worth?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: looksmaxxtocope, Deleted member 685, draco and 2 others
What do you think about learning frontend/backend shit OP? Is it worth?
Programming? Idk anything about it, read what people in the field have to say
bump since not sticky anymore
Bump also
Btw should we buy the dip yet?
i’m ngl i didn’t take this thread as seriously as i should have when i first read it

but now my exams and school have been cancelled for 6-7 months, and it seems like a good time to invest, i will probably drop some money on bitcoin, crude oil, or a currency

thanks for this thread
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, Deleted member 685 and TheMewingBBC
  • Find the asset class with the highest amount of dumb money (Cryptocurrency)
  • Study and deduce the irrational biases and heuristics of new and deluded "traders"
  • Exploit their impetuousness by positioning your trades in a manner where you will win you some of the dumb money
  • If your not doing that, then you ARE a piece of the dumb money

These lines show the increase/decrease in positions in CME Bitcoin Futures. I made the lines Blue, Red and Black.

Black line shows the sentiment of Hedge Funds (showing the increase/decrease in their position size). They're still net short but that's besides the point. Hedgefunds have the most money. Big money sentiment is always right as they literally have the tool that moves the prices of anything that trades (that tool is, "lots of money"). Black line representing blackpill.

Red line is professional traders who aren't Hedge Funds. (Red pill sometimes works, but they're naive a lot of the time too? Right?. (The fact that they're net long is irrelevant. Just look at their behavior. Decreasing their positions preparing for price to go down). It's retarded for anyone who's not a Hedge Fund to be short in BTC. Red line representing redpill.

Blue line shows the sentiment of retail traders. Decreasing their positions. The small positions they have are decreasing. Their sentiment is always wrong when push comes to shove. They have no power. Blue line representing bluepill naivety.

Institutional biases and heuristics always win, because their biases aren't mere speculation. They have the combined power to move anything that trades, whilst others just speculate while not having the power to move price.

The institutions are not increasing their positions so that the price will go down. These are positions in futures contracts btw, not in the underlying. The price of the futures contracts will rise when the people in the "black line" push the price of the underlying asset (BTC) up. Guess how they'll push the price up? With the trillions of dollars they have. They only need to use less than 0.1% of their combined firepower to fuck over the retail traders and (some of) the professional traders. Money moves markets, news doesn't move markets. You can't move the price of something that trades with "news" in and of itself. Money, and lots of it, is the only tool that can make lots of other people lose money.

Retail traders with shorts in BTC futures (extra RIP to those using leverage), will get stopped out, liquidated, fucked in the ass etc.

Not saying BTC will go up immediately. But in time it will go up to around $8.3k just enough to find that sweet sweet liquidity pool where all the retail traders' stoplosses and liquidation prices are.

These lines in a way are a type of a leading indicator. (Not a crutch by any means, but useful if interpreted correctly).

*ps: Not financial advice any risk you undertake or profits you incur are your own responsibility*
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  • +1
Reactions: Casadonis, TheMewingBBC and Deleted member 685
Any podcasts/ audiobooks worth listening while wagecucking?
Do you think the next recession will be partly result of corona? Will it happen in addition to current corona crisis?
Im pretty sure corona will make the next recession even worse. I posted that before the corona crisis, now when economically all the countries that were on lockdown took a downhill the upcoming recession will make stuff even harder on us.
  • Find the asset class with the highest amount of dumb money (Cryptocurrency)
  • Study and deduce the irrational biases and heuristics of new and deluded "traders"
  • Exploit their impetuousness by positioning your trades in a manner where you will win you some of the dumb money
  • If your not doing that, then you ARE a piece of the dumb money

These lines show the increase/decrease in positions in CME Bitcoin Futures. I made the lines Blue, Red and Black.

Black line shows the sentiment of Hedge Funds (showing the increase/decrease in their position size). They're still net short but that's besides the point. Hedgefunds have the most money. Big money sentiment is always right as they literally have the tool that moves the prices of anything that trades (that tool is, "lots of money"). Black line representing blackpill.

Red line is professional traders who aren't Hedge Funds. (Red pill sometimes works, but they're naive a lot of the time too? Right?. (The fact that they're net long is irrelevant. Just look at their behavior. Decreasing their positions preparing for price to go down). It's retarded for anyone who's not a Hedge Fund to be short in BTC. Red line representing redpill.

Blue line shows the sentiment of retail traders. Decreasing their positions. The small positions they have are decreasing. Their sentiment is always wrong when push comes to shove. They have no power. Blue line representing bluepill naivety.

Institutional biases and heuristics always win, because their biases aren't mere speculation. They have the combined power to move anything that trades, whilst others just speculate while not having the power to move price.

The institutions are not increasing their positions so that the price will go down. These are positions in futures contracts btw, not in the underlying. The price of the futures contracts will rise when the people in the "black line" push the price of the underlying asset (BTC) up. Guess how they'll push the price up? With the trillions of dollars they have. They only need to use less than 0.1% of their combined firepower to fuck over the retail traders and (some of) the professional traders. Money moves markets, news doesn't move markets. You can't move the price of something that trades with "news" in and of itself. Money, and lots of it, is the only tool that can make lots of other people lose money.

Retail traders with shorts in BTC futures (extra RIP to those using leverage), will get stopped out, liquidated, fucked in the ass etc.

Not saying BTC will go up immediately. But in time it will go up to around $8.3k just enough to find that sweet sweet liquidity pool where all the retail traders' stoplosses and liquidation prices are.

These lines in a way are a type of a leading indicator. (Not a crutch by any means, but useful if interpreted correctly).

*ps: Not financial advice any risk you undertake or profits you incur are your own responsibility*
how much have you put into bitcoin? was it a large sum?
how much have you put into bitcoin? was it a large sum?
Don't just look at bitcoin. Become obsessed with risk management and creating a good system to identify good trades or investment opportunities. Something that sticks. If you react to short term incidences in the markets then you're "Tom from Tom&Jerry" or "Kayote from the roadrunner thing"-maxxing. You'll just exert tons of effort and learn after that everything you were doing was just wrong and it'll hit your ego a lot too. Post Covid19 I see a pretty substantial bounce back + continued growth in practically everything. Reason why is: "Everything" that can be bought is essentially a hedge against the dollar, right? Like this isn't even theoretic, it's reality. The stimulus printing is going to devalue the dollar, so by default, everything that trades against the dollar will rise in price against the dollar (giving the illusion of growth in real value; whether or not the real growth in value is proportionate to the perceived growth versus the dollar).

Reviewing that, you can see that as another driver behind why I predicted Bitcoin to go up in price. Not only is it up 100%+ since I first replied to someone saying "it will go up a lot" around early March; it's also 1. Something that trades against the dollar daily, and not in insubstantial volumes. 2. It is extremely speculative and an avant-garde asset class which it pretty much pioneers. It has intrinsic value, however an impractical intrinsic value as of now, but that's what makes it all the more appealing to the masses, generating positive speculation. 3. Deflationary, decentralized, almost infinitely divisible, secure, P2P. Those are some reasons behind why I made that prediction but there's literally dozens of others which I touched on before, like the Stock-to-Flow ratio, the upcoming halving (which I think is today or tomorrow), Institutional versus Retail positions in Bitcoin futures on CME's Commitment of Traders report.

I'm very bullish on Monero. Always have been. I feel it has always been undervalued relative to the other "cryptocurrencies". Not really interested in anything else. I would look more into IOTA if I could understand the logistics behind the Directed Acrylic Graph tech and their team's implementation of that. I remember seeing huge problems with their wallets like 2 years ago so I stayed away since then. I don't really trust their team, but if there was ever a cryptocurrency with a solid team with no power dynamic, fast/hardworking devs and a good implementation and usecase for DAG then I'd consider maybe investing in whatever that tech is. But for now, the only 2 I see as investable are Bitcoin and Monero.
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ngl this thread is one of those special few that will change my life
  • Woah
Reactions: mewcoper and TheMewingBBC
I will immerse myself within all this knowledge this summer vacation.
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
Very good thread. I was thinking of making one on online poker myself but you need to be 18 and smart so that eliminates 95%+ of the forum. Might not be worth the effort.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Be_ConfidentBro, Seth Walsh and TheMewingBBC
Do a dopamine fast then read this thread and you'll see how much sense BBC makes. It's over for the expedient, dopamine fueled fiends that most of us are though.

Your dopamine system literally controls your impulses and risk management; and risk management is the #1 thing.
  • +1
Reactions: Need2Ascend, Ethnicope, Chadelite and 4 others
One thing ab "wageslaving".

Chemical engineering is technically a good job for the market. But there are plenty of other EN jobs that have more opportunities available.

Exp. A friend of mine's firm only had 3 Chemical Engineers but like 10-15 Mechanical Engineers.
Sure it's a good job, but there are less of a demand for them, in terms of availability.
  • +1
Reactions: alex569
Do a dopamine fast then read this thread and you'll see how much sense BBC makes. It's over for the expedient, dopamine fueled fiends that most of us are though.

Your dopamine system literally controls your impulses and risk management; and risk management is the #1 thing.
mirin avi

true 5Head
  • +1
Reactions: needsolution and Seth Walsh
Do a dopamine fast then read this thread and you'll see how much sense BBC makes. It's over for the expedient, dopamine fueled fiends that most of us are though.

Your dopamine system literally controls your impulses and risk management; and risk management is the #1 thing.
Bro did u see Nakamura taking IQ test? He scored 104 lmao
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6273
Bro did u see Nakamura taking IQ test? He scored 104 lmao
Do a dopamine fast then read this thread and you'll see how much sense BBC makes. It's over for the expedient, dopamine fueled fiends that most of us are though.

Your dopamine system literally controls your impulses and risk management; and risk management is the #1 thing.
hes a ipdcel (y)
Can't you just invest on McDonald or Apple?
That's not a legitimate iq test
Just pasted video i have seen recently, idc if legitimate or no. And ofc this score isnt true since someone who can compete with Carlsen must be at least 150-160.
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
Just pasted video i have seen recently, idc if legitimate or no. And ofc this score isnt true since someone who can compete with Carlsen must be at least 150-160.
there's no way someone with actual 150 IQ would make a single mistake on that online mensa test

and Magnus Carlsen's IQ isn't 190, you probably found it on google and thought Hikaru must be close to him, also those guys play chess for 20+ years daily so IQ doesn't even matter there, there's studies on this
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
there's no way someone with actual 150 IQ would make a single mistake on that online mensa test

and Magnus Carlsen's IQ isn't 190, you probably found it on google and thought Hikaru must be close to him, also those guys play chess for 20+ years daily so IQ doesn't even matter there, there's studies on this
Did i say Carlsen iq is 190? I did not.

Saying that your raw intelligence doesnt matter in chess is at least laughable.
  • +1
Reactions: TheMewingBBC
there's no way someone with actual 150 IQ would make a single mistake on that online mensa test

and Magnus Carlsen's IQ isn't 190, you probably found it on google and thought Hikaru must be close to him, also those guys play chess for 20+ years daily so IQ doesn't even matter there, there's studies on this
We don't know if he even made a mistake, time and the amount of answer given are usually factors in those tests; maybe he got everything right but not many.

Then again, those tests aren't legitimate. If it's not a WAIS or a Standard Binet administered and supervised by a psychiatrist or someone trained then it's not legitimate. Legit iq tests are designed and supervised in a mean where there wouldn't be a significant difference if it was taken twice, at best were talking a difference of three to five points. A normie can take an online test and score 90 in the first go and then 120 in the second lol
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, Chadelite and needsolution
Did i say Carlsen iq is 190? I did not.
I assumed that's why you thought nakamura would be close to 160, why else would you ?
Saying that your raw intelligence doesnt matter in chess is at least laughable.
high IQ can give u advantage, but if you play against somoene that has 5 or 10+ years of experience over you, even having 160 IQ wouldn't help you there . That's what i said and you can literally find studies on wikipedia about IQ and chess :ROFLMAO:

some grandmasters have average IQ
  • +1
Reactions: CristianT and needsolution
A normie can take an online test and score 90 in the first go and then 120 in the second lol
that's same as studying and you can even study for real IQ tests, some people sell courses on that as i know, was even posted on lookism at one point

didn't even notice this was a money making thread, I'm out tbh jfl
  • +1
Reactions: needsolution
I assumed that's why you thought nakamura would be close to 160, why else would you ?

high IQ can give u advantage, but if you play against somoene that has 5 or 10+ years of experience over you, even having 160 IQ wouldn't help you there . That's what i said and you can literally find studies on wikipedia about IQ and chess :ROFLMAO:

some grandmasters have average IQ
Carlsen must be at least over 150. Just check out his games when he was kid, no way someone with iq below genius tier would be able to compete with grandmasters as small kid like he did.
that's same as studying and you can even study for real IQ tests, some people sell courses on that as i know, was even posted on lookism at one point

didn't even notice this was a money making thread, I'm out tbh jfl
And is there any documented proof that those courses improve scores on a REAL iq test? I think not
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
I actually had the chance to buy bitcoin early. I knew about it back then.

I bought 1 bitcoin and spent most of it on online stuff.

To this day, I still look back and think of what if I just bought more?
  • JFL
Reactions: TheMewingBBC

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