There are girls who geomax to SK to get pump and dump repeatedly

legit take over

white women love going interracial
  • JFL
Reactions: ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
legit take over

white women love going interracial

I have heard gook in Europe say it’s too much like the attention some white girls gave them in a relationship.
  • Woah
Reactions: traveler
kpop is like modern day justin bieber
even though other males wont respect it bc they see it as not masculine nor understand its appeal
there are girls that like it
I guess, I'm HAPA.
u look good brah
  • +1
Reactions: Jungcuck and ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
First one is chinless, other is a granny
more power to them
  • +1
Reactions: ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
This is such suifuel

Gooks have kdrama and kpop

Niggers have hip hop, BBC and race propaganda

Us sandcels have nothing
You have osama bin laden
Tall lean max 6”5 mogger
  • +1
Reactions: Napoleon1800
First one is chinless, other is a granny
more power to them
Thats bc I didn’t want to give more 1000 examples of zoomer girls, I selectively chose these 2 roasties just to show that it still work even they got over teenage phase
saw asian men with a lot of white and whitelite women on holiday, leaving brown and black women behind.
Xangsane at it again...

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