There Could Be Tiers To The Blackpill

Because dating environments differ in blackpill severities. Due to population density and population count.
There could be "tiers" to the blackpill.

Basically, in some dating environments, you'll need to literally be perfect, in other environments, you have to be HTN at least.
Also, consider that the fact that dating environments men and women have been in the past also can influence their mating decisions.
this applies to geomaxxing
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Geomaxing is for losers. The locals know this. Plus, it's still like blackpill level 3 or 4 unless haloed.
Yeah, it’s a temporary band aid solution. Under this theory everywhere will end up the same hence JBW. Even geomaxxers JBWing in Asia is already starting to come up dry, time to Africamaxx
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
Geomaxing is for losers. The locals know this. Plus, it's still like blackpill level 3 or 4 unless haloed.
I Even Made a thread about Geomaxxing :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Interesting shit
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There are some exceptional circumstances where it can happen. Right now it's 100% impossible for the West, too many variables have been skewed and can't be turned back. We need a full reset with a new vision that's more sustainable and healthy
Not impossible, but very hard, this is why I joined the SSPX in the first place (whose task it is to rebuild this exact society). Of course the blackpill will always exist but in a controlled environment where women (and men) are shunned for sleeping around, it's a lot less stronger and women do consider long-term options. Looks still matter but not to the insane extreme as in sexually liberal environments.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, FutureSlayer and Matheus
Truthpilled, there’s no way this severe blackpill level is sustainable long term and it will eventually end badly on a hard reset. Good thread boyo.
100% bhai, living in downtown toronto, this is a perfect summation.

Well done OP
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
Truthpilled, there’s no way this severe blackpill level is sustainable long term and it will eventually end badly on a hard reset. Good thread boyo.
it makes you wonder what’s gonna happen when vr and ai get good enough to the point where anyone below htn just immediately gives up and just decides to consume highly stimulating/interactive porn. access to this cutting edge level of cope is going to tank the global population faster than another world war

oh wait thats already happening in Japan with all the wacky porn they make every year

i feel like in the past people below htn would still have had a chance and everyone was bluepilled, now that’s all gone with the Internet - turns out humanity’s worst enemy has always been ourselves.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Sub0, basket and 3 others
Not impossible, but very hard, this is why I joined the SSPX in the first place (whose task it is to rebuild this exact society). Of course the blackpill will always exist but in a controlled environment where women (and men) are shunned for sleeping around, it's a lot less stronger and women do consider long-term options. Looks still matter but not to the insane extreme as in sexually liberal environments.
I'm sorry bro but I'll be honest I think christianity is finished. I got baptized as a trad catholic 3 years ago but stopped going to mass after a year and a half. Being christian rn is like clinging on decrepit past relics. This won't save Europe, because what we need is a new vision built on the foundations of the past ; it's too late to turn back the clock.

I agree though, it's prob one of the healthiest social circles to find a girl and get a family if that's what you want.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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it's too late to turn back the clock
It's not about turning back the clock, it's about surviving the collapse of society. Western society will become more and more degenerate and collapse due to aging as a result, I can't do much about it except making sure that I'm not hit by the rubble when it crashes. Mainstream Christianity was subverted because of boomer protestants and ((( Vatican II ))) reforms. And I'm glad that it happened because it separates the weak from the strong.

Most people didn't have any faith even back then, they were just as hypocritical normies as they are now, it was all just tradition and customs, the small group of autists who actually believed was hidden, now it's visible. I do it because it's right, not because it's mainstream or particularly enjoyable. I can see societal collapse coming and try to survive it. As long as I can get a decent Catholic wife out of it that wants to have lots of children, I don't give a shit. Having children is the ultimate "fuck you" to society calling you a weirdo loser and it's the best chance I've got.

I've met more based autist frens in the SSPX than anywhere else in school or uni. The people in school were so weak, simpy, high E and childish. So at least I have that, no matter what. And for some reason there are more women than men here in the SSPX in Europe, which is an advantage compared to Tinder. I can't understand normie NPCs and I don't care about them. I'd probably lose my sanity if I'd only know normies.

I wouldn't say Christianity is finished because the more society degenerates, the more people wake up. It will be a very very small minority first but hard times -> strong men, the weak cucks and degenerate women get selected out of the gene pool, simple as.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Kasanova, Sub0 and 2 others
It's not about turning back the clock, it's about surviving the collapse of society. Western society will become more and more degenerate and collapse due to aging as a result, I can't do much about it except making sure that I'm not hit by the rubble when it crashes. Mainstream Christianity was subverted because of boomer protestants and ((( Vatican II ))) reforms. And I'm glad that it happened because it separates the weak from the strong.

Most people didn't have any faith even back then, they were just as hypocritical normies as they are now, it was all just tradition and customs, the small group of autists who actually believed was hidden, now it's visible. I do it because it's right, not because it's mainstream or particularly enjoyable. I can see societal collapse coming and try to survive it. As long as I can get a decent Catholic wife out of it that wants to have lots of children, I don't give a shit. Having children is the ultimate "fuck you" to society calling you a weirdo loser and it's the best chance I've got.

I've met more based autist frens in the SSPX than anywhere else in school or uni. The people in school were so weak, simpy, high E and childish. So at least I have that, no matter what. And for some reason there are more women than men here in the SSPX in Europe, which is an advantage compared to Tinder. I can't understand normie NPCs and I don't care about them. I'd probably lose my sanity if I'd only know normies.

I wouldn't say Christianity is finished because the more society degenerates, the more people wake up. It will be a very very small minority first but hard times -> strong men, the weak cucks and degenerate women get selected out of the gene pool, simple as.
Yeah trust me I fully understand and it's 1000% better than being a normie or rotting on your own without a community. I still have direct contacts with people from trad fraternities, and even more that are indirect contacts through my main communities, which are more "political". They're usually good people.

What I'm concerned about is the sustainability of christianity for rebuilding after partial (which is more probable than total) societal collapse. It could play a side role, but thinking we'll see a christian revival is just wishful thinking. Besides I'm not sure that christianity's doctrine is that good to begin with.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
In high school rn, where do I land in that chart
The chart is very clear.
Rate yourself and see if you're above the minimum looks level.
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  • JFL
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What I'm concerned about is the sustainability of christianity for rebuilding after partial (which is more probable than total) societal collapse.
Christianity would flourish in a state of societal collapse. Most people only are religious , or feel such an impulse when times are bad for them. It usually has to do with some material comforts being taken away or a drastic switch in their immediate environment.

For example, Post-WWII America had the most practicing Christians in it's history. Church attendance peaked in the 1960's, and has been on a rapid decline since then. I feel this is because of the threat of nuclear war being a very real possibility during that time. Death, or the possibility of death makes people more religious.

The Great Decline: 60 years of religion in one graph
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  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, basket and Aesthetics_III
Christianity would flourish in a state of societal collapse. Most people only are religious , or feel such an impulse when times are bad for them. It usually has to do with some material comforts being taken away or a drastic switch in their immediate environment.

For example, Post-WWII America had the most practicing Christians in it's history. Church attendance peaked in the 1960's, and has been on a rapid decline since then. I feel this is because of the threat of nuclear war being a very real possibility during that time. Death, or the possibility of death makes people more religious.

The Great Decline: 60 years of religion in one graph
I think Buddhism would literally blow up in popularity in a time like that.
Buddhism is all about dealing with the mind and suffering.
If the entire world is mentally ill, Buddhism will be a superb anecdote, especially if there's a figure that massively popularizes it (Like Andrew Tate did with male self-improvement)
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Christianity would flourish in a state of societal collapse. Most people only are religious , or feel such an impulse when times are bad for them. It usually has to do with some material comforts being taken away or a drastic switch in their immediate environment.

For example, Post-WWII America had the most practicing Christians in it's history. Church attendance peaked in the 1960's, and has been on a rapid decline since then. I feel this is because of the threat of nuclear war being a very real possibility during that time. Death, or the possibility of death makes people more religious.

The Great Decline: 60 years of religion in one graph
I agree but religious ≠ christian. In the US maybe you'd have a revival. In Europe certainly not. People would likely flock to other spiritualities. Christianity has been too discredited, its ideas too thoroughly criticized, its hierarchy (if catholic) too deeply subverted.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I think Buddhism would literally blow up in popularity in a time like that.
Buddhism is all about dealing with the mind and suffering.
If the entire world is mentally ill, Buddhism will be a superb anecdote, especially if there's a figure that massively popularizes it (Like Andrew Tate did with male self-improvement)
Nah Buddhism is too gay a religion/teaching to properly flourish, it has some interesting concepts but it gets mogged by Christianity in the fruits it bears. @Outlier has it right.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and Outlier
Nah Buddhism is too gay a religion/teaching to properly flourish, it has some interesting concepts but it gets mogged by Christianity in the fruits it bears. @Outlier has it right.
Well, part of Buddhist teachings is that this world is just ran by ignorant people clinging onto trivial things like tribe, identity, status, sex, etc. But when it comes to dealing with mental illness, people would use it's teachings to fix themselves for sure.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
All people who are in real life social circles understand that the blackpill is ridiculously overstated. It's just that most people here are way more neurotic and aspie than the average person and have no first hand experience interacting with cool and genuine people (because they do not fall into this category themselves)

As someone who was lucky enough to be socialized enough to make relations in the real world I can tell you one thing, I had way way wayyyyy more success with women and making friends as a normie when I had all of my shit together both internally/externally and was truly happy. Fast forward a little bit and despite "ascending" looks and body wise in the subsequent years I had a new addition of depression and anxiety that resulted in abdicating my responsibility to keep my own life together, the approaching stopped entirely (from both sexes) and the women I did interact with all seemed less interested.

Men in general NEED to understand something, most women are the polar opposite of autistic, they are subconsciously attuned to pick up on how you're feeling based off of the way your words come out, your body language, they way you hold eye contact, the rate of your breathing etc..

I remember over the course of a summer I was APPROACHED in public 20+ times as a 5'10 normie, waiting for the bus, chilling on my own at the park etc.... Because at this time in my life, even without realizing it, I had top tier confidence and as a result I was naturally always ready to leave a good impression in any interaction I had. (Your nervous energy is responsible for clunky and awkward interactions, Period.)

People wan't to be friends and in relationships with people who give off the impression that they don't need you and that their life will be just fine with or without you in it. We are ALL intuitively attracted to this trait, because what is there that's harder to do than just being content with what you have in this crazy world?
Thus when someone does demonstrate this ability, we wan't them nearby on the contingency that maybe we'll be able to have a bit of these qualities rub off onto us, making our own lives better.

In my experience, this all comes naturally when you have your own life in its proper order but alas, most of yall are in too deep so talking about the nuances of social interaction on this forum is much like trying to explain color to a blind person.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, basket and enchanted_elixir
All people who are in real life social circles understand that the blackpill is ridiculously overstated. It's just that most people here are way more neurotic and aspie than the average person and have no first hand experience interacting with cool and genuine people (because they do not fall into this category themselves)

As someone who was lucky enough to be socialized enough to make relations in the real world I can tell you one thing, I had way way wayyyyy more success with women and making friends as a normie when I had all of my shit together both internally/externally and was truly happy. Fast forward a little bit and despite "ascending" looks and body wise in the subsequent years I had a new addition of depression and anxiety that resulted in abdicating my responsibility to keep my own life together, the approaching stopped entirely (from both sexes) and the women I did interact with all seemed less interested.

Men in general NEED to understand something, most women are the polar opposite of autistic, they are subconsciously attuned to pick up on how you're feeling based off of the way your words come out, your body language, they way you hold eye contact, the rate of your breathing etc..

I remember over the course of a summer I was APPROACHED in public 20+ times as a 5'10 normie, waiting for the bus, chilling on my own at the park etc.... Because at this time in my life, even without realizing it, I had top tier confidence and as a result I was naturally always ready to leave a good impression in any interaction I had. (Your nervous energy is responsible for clunky and awkward interactions, Period.)

People wan't to be friends and in relationships with people who give off the impression that they don't need you and that their life will be just fine with or without you in it. We are ALL intuitively attracted to this trait, because what is there that's harder to do than just being content with what you have in this crazy world?
Thus when someone does demonstrate this ability, we wan't them nearby on the contingency that maybe we'll be able to have a bit of these qualities rub off onto us, making our own lives better.

In my experience, this all comes naturally when you have your own life in its proper order but alas, most of yall are in too deep so talking about the nuances of social interaction on this forum is much like trying to explain color to a blind person.
I believe you to a degree, 5'10 normie can work in low inequality environments but try Tinder, Instagram, TikTok, or a club in Miami.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
All people who are in real life social circles understand that the blackpill is ridiculously overstated. It's just that most people here are way more neurotic and aspie than the average person and have no first hand experience interacting with cool and genuine people (because they do not fall into this category themselves)

As someone who was lucky enough to be socialized enough to make relations in the real world I can tell you one thing, I had way way wayyyyy more success with women and making friends as a normie when I had all of my shit together both internally/externally and was truly happy. Fast forward a little bit and despite "ascending" looks and body wise in the subsequent years I had a new addition of depression and anxiety that resulted in abdicating my responsibility to keep my own life together, the approaching stopped entirely (from both sexes) and the women I did interact with all seemed less interested.

Men in general NEED to understand something, most women are the polar opposite of autistic, they are subconsciously attuned to pick up on how you're feeling based off of the way your words come out, your body language, they way you hold eye contact, the rate of your breathing etc..

I remember over the course of a summer I was APPROACHED in public 20+ times as a 5'10 normie, waiting for the bus, chilling on my own at the park etc.... Because at this time in my life, even without realizing it, I had top tier confidence and as a result I was naturally always ready to leave a good impression in any interaction I had. (Your nervous energy is responsible for clunky and awkward interactions, Period.)

People wan't to be friends and in relationships with people who give off the impression that they don't need you and that their life will be just fine with or without you in it. We are ALL intuitively attracted to this trait, because what is there that's harder to do than just being content with what you have in this crazy world?
Thus when someone does demonstrate this ability, we wan't them nearby on the contingency that maybe we'll be able to have a bit of these qualities rub off onto us, making our own lives better.

In my experience, this all comes naturally when you have your own life in its proper order but alas, most of yall are in too deep so talking about the nuances of social interaction on this forum is much like trying to explain color to a blind person.
I predict that you're in high school or a college freshman
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and Lookologist003
I believe you to a degree, 5'10 normie can work in low inequality environments but try Tinder, Instagram, TikTok, or a club in Miami.
The Point is that the blackpill in it's initial doctrine of looks = everything never made sense in capturing the nuance of how things actually are; that's why people here continually move the goal post to include things like "being NT" as having tremendous importance despite the fact that it's antithetical to the core of the original philosophy.

So now after a few years of NEET bound forums circlejerking in their Low-IQ echochambers having their way with the idea, we are at the point where blackpill threads like yours are being made, becoming more and more lenient on the initial definition to the degree where now motherfuckers here start including redpill and sometimes even bluepill talking points! All while ironically failing to realize that you can't coherently do that while still parroting the deterministic defeatism that the initial arbiters of the "blackpill" insisted upon as being objectively true.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
The Point is that the blackpill in it's initial doctrine of looks = everything never made sense in capturing the nuance of how things actually are; that's why people here continually move the goal post to include things like "being NT" as having tremendous importance despite the fact that it's antithetical to the core of the original philosophy.

So now after a few years of NEET bound forums circlejerking in their Low-IQ echochambers having their way with the idea, we are at the point where blackpill threads like yours are being made, becoming more and more lenient on the initial definition to the degree where now motherfuckers here start including redpill and sometimes even bluepill talking points! All while ironically failing to realize that you can't coherently do that while still parroting the deterministic defeatism that the initial arbiters of the "blackpill" insisted upon as being objectively true.
I believe that looks are primary, not everything.
I also acknowledge female perception evolves and is shaped by environments as well.
Most blackpill precepts still stand though.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
You lot of you would be better off learning how to be more cunning in society as that's how most social normies operate.

Also realising how they are taken by appearances. Not just appearance of your look but appearance of your general demeanour, as they use this to both gage how good life is going for you and whether you are a social success.

Learning that beauty standards are higher in major cities like London, LA, Miami, Paris, Madrid, Rome, Toronto, Sydney etc. No shit. It's a city. The rate race is stronger.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Lookologist003 and enchanted_elixir
yes, but your looks threshold is way too extreme.
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
Certain societal factors also play into the overall experience and market, for example, western countries or those that are becoming more autisticly liberalized use dating and sex/romance to enforce conformity and preferred types of assimilation, inceldom is often used as a punishment of sorts in highly manipulated dating scenes or circles, this is also extremely important.
is this u?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and Lookologist003
maybe this is why the elites wnat depopulation
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
It's not about turning back the clock, it's about surviving the collapse of society. Western society will become more and more degenerate and collapse due to aging as a result, I can't do much about it except making sure that I'm not hit by the rubble when it crashes. Mainstream Christianity was subverted because of boomer protestants and ((( Vatican II ))) reforms. And I'm glad that it happened because it separates the weak from the strong.

Most people didn't have any faith even back then, they were just as hypocritical normies as they are now, it was all just tradition and customs, the small group of autists who actually believed was hidden, now it's visible. I do it because it's right, not because it's mainstream or particularly enjoyable. I can see societal collapse coming and try to survive it. As long as I can get a decent Catholic wife out of it that wants to have lots of children, I don't give a shit. Having children is the ultimate "fuck you" to society calling you a weirdo loser and it's the best chance I've got.

I've met more based autist frens in the SSPX than anywhere else in school or uni. The people in school were so weak, simpy, high E and childish. So at least I have that, no matter what. And for some reason there are more women than men here in the SSPX in Europe, which is an advantage compared to Tinder. I can't understand normie NPCs and I don't care about them. I'd probably lose my sanity if I'd only know normies.

I wouldn't say Christianity is finished because the more society degenerates, the more people wake up. It will be a very very small minority first but hard times -> strong men, the weak cucks and degenerate women get selected out of the gene pool, simple as.
Where can I join that?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Where can I join that?
You can go to or or and look up your nearest trad mass, go on Sunday 10 am and then ask if any youth events are coming up, you'll get into private WhatsApp groups, etc. I prefer SSPX chapels because FSSP guys are kind of weird at first and very clique-ish. Also, the SSPX has more women. In Germany it's easier, just join the KJB: Not that many people know about it, but the group is relatively large and it's 50/50 women/men, sometimes more women than men.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and FutureSlayer
You can go to or or and look up your nearest trad mass, go on Sunday 10 am and then ask if any youth events are coming up, you'll get into private WhatsApp groups, etc. I prefer SSPX chapels because FSSP guys are kind of weird at first and very clique-ish. Also, the SSPX has more women. In Germany it's easier, just join the KJB: Not that many people know about it, but the group is relatively large and it's 50/50 women/men, sometimes more women than men.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint

This experiment?
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Not going to write a large essay on the interesting rat experiments since this can easily be explained by this video.


Areas with high population density (many people in an area) and high interaction (something as simple as seeing someone, even online or on a newspaper counts as an interaction, independent of if they know them or not) creates inequality. The more dense and the more interactions, the worse the inequality.

This is because, if there's a group of 5 people, things are more equal in every domain compared to if there were 500, or 5 million or 5 billion. The more people, the more outliers there are. These outliers create inequality (economic, dating, etc.)

The population density allows people to see the gap of their situation to their outliers. This outlier affects the normie.

High population creates outliers.
High population density allows people to be aware of the outliers.

These environments created what John B. Calhoun called "behavioral sinks". Basically, a behavioral sink is a collapse in productive social behavior, where increased negative emotions, disrupted social structures, and abnormal behaviors prevail.

The rats formed social and dating hierarchies, Chads got the women and the non-Chads usually either...
  • Developed non-straight sexualities
  • Became timid, weak, apathetic, withdrawn asexual hikikomoris/neets (adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents' homes, isolated from society)
  • Or desperate, erratic and unsuccessful (pickup autists and redpill roaches)
Chads became aggressive, and since the non-Chads were all withdrawn from society and responsibility, the women had to fend for themselves and protect Chad's children (with humans, it's either the cucked normie's child or she's childless, since Chad doesn't want to reproduce with her, only sex). The female rats became aggressive, neglectful of their children, and non-motherly.

Infant mortality rose due to neglect, male and female rats gave up on dating due to discontent and negative emotions, birth rates dropped, and the new and smaller children grew up to be asexual since they never really learned sexual behaviors due to their parents giving up on mating. The rat society aged to death due to population collapse and low birth rates.

Of course, this isn't perfectly applicable to humans, remember that. For humans, economic, and other kinds of inequalities also play a major role in behavioral sinks, but if if the trajectory of society keeps going where it's going, we could very well get a comparable result as human beings to what the rats got. Birth rates are plummeting and our societies are mentally ill, just like the rats.

Anyways, Why am I showing you all of this?

Because dating environments differ in blackpill severities. Due to population density and population count.
There could be "tiers" to the blackpill.

Basically, in some dating environments, you'll need to literally be perfect, in other environments, you have to be HTN at least.
Also, consider that the fact that dating environments men and women have been in the past also can influence their mating decisions.

So here's the chart I created explaining this theory

View attachment 2550624

You probably should download that image, so you can have it for yourself.

This thread doesn't imply that blackpill only exists in broken societies. Blackpill will always exist, and has always existed.
It is just that new dating environments have been created that are characterized by terrifying sexual-romantic inequality (the Internet)

  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
It has not got to the Point in any env where chico is the minimum to have no problems dating. For all atmospheres the lowest is an average guy who gyms
Facially it's a guy like Rambo or something.
Most guys just get by rambo
  • Hmm...
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Lookologist003, Debetro and 1 other person
I believe you to a degree, 5'10 normie can work in low inequality environments but try Tinder, Instagram, TikTok, or a club in Miami.
Lol clubs as a normie

Isn't even a dating app it's chads and women flexing

Tinder even normies get girls lol they just don't get 100 million likes as a chad.

People overexaggerate the black pill. The actual chad only girls are extremely rare. Even plenty of instagram model girls aren't chad only. People are just crabs in a bucket mentality. Just because it's bad for you doesn't mean everyone else is experiencing it
  • +1
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint, Outlier, Debetro and 1 other person
If dating apps dissapeared....
I would kill to be 20 back when there weren't mobile phones (1990-2007)
Now everyone is isolated and just rely on dating apps.

I used to get girls in High School, but since coming to uni Im dry.... Maybe that is where my looks are
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
that’s why we should be spreading the bp so we accelerate the collapse that is bound to happen
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
Not going to write a large essay on the interesting rat experiments since this can easily be explained by this video.


Areas with high population density (many people in an area) and high interaction (something as simple as seeing someone, even online or on a newspaper counts as an interaction, independent of if they know them or not) creates inequality. The more dense and the more interactions, the worse the inequality.

This is because, if there's a group of 5 people, things are more equal in every domain compared to if there were 500, or 5 million or 5 billion. The more people, the more outliers there are. These outliers create inequality (economic, dating, etc.)

The population density allows people to see the gap of their situation to their outliers. This outlier affects the normie.

High population creates outliers.
High population density allows people to be aware of the outliers.

These environments created what John B. Calhoun called "behavioral sinks". Basically, a behavioral sink is a collapse in productive social behavior, where increased negative emotions, disrupted social structures, and abnormal behaviors prevail.

The rats formed social and dating hierarchies, Chads got the women and the non-Chads usually either...
  • Developed non-straight sexualities
  • Became timid, weak, apathetic, withdrawn asexual hikikomoris/neets (adolescents and young adults who become recluses in their parents' homes, isolated from society)
  • Or desperate, erratic and unsuccessful (pickup autists and redpill roaches)
Chads became aggressive, and since the non-Chads were all withdrawn from society and responsibility, the women had to fend for themselves and protect Chad's children (with humans, it's either the cucked normie's child or she's childless, since Chad doesn't want to reproduce with her, only sex). The female rats became aggressive, neglectful of their children, and non-motherly.

Infant mortality rose due to neglect, male and female rats gave up on dating due to discontent and negative emotions, birth rates dropped, and the new and smaller children grew up to be asexual since they never really learned sexual behaviors due to their parents giving up on mating. The rat society aged to death due to population collapse and low birth rates.

Of course, this isn't perfectly applicable to humans, remember that. For humans, economic, and other kinds of inequalities also play a major role in behavioral sinks, but if if the trajectory of society keeps going where it's going, we could very well get a comparable result as human beings to what the rats got. Birth rates are plummeting and our societies are mentally ill, just like the rats.

Anyways, Why am I showing you all of this?

Because dating environments differ in blackpill severities. Due to population density and population count.
There could be "tiers" to the blackpill.

Basically, in some dating environments, you'll need to literally be perfect, in other environments, you have to be HTN at least.
Also, consider that the fact that dating environments men and women have been in the past also can influence their mating decisions.

So here's the chart I created explaining this theory

View attachment 2550624

You probably should download that image, so you can have it for yourself.

This thread doesn't imply that blackpill only exists in broken societies. Blackpill will always exist, and has always existed.
It is just that new dating environments have been created that are characterized by terrifying sexual-romantic inequality (the Internet)

Nice thread
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and enchanted_elixir
repeating what I posted in another somewhat relevant thread

High IQ thread, you've explained something I've felt for while.

I'd even go far enough to argue that it's not just dating, and that capitalism is a key contributor to this phenomenon since in a perfect world, higher population density shouldn't be a problem since more people = more opportunities/consumption, but we all know thats not true since trickle down theory is the biggest fucking kek of the 21st century.
It is not Capitalism but Interventionism, specifically the existence of Central Banks and Economic Bubbles, that cause this.

In a true capitalist society, the only way for a society to grow is a reduction in time preference by their inhabitants. The decrease in consumption will in turn generate less profit in first order (consumer goods) industries making investors flee to higher order industries since the impact has not been felt yet due to the time delay in more capital-intensive industries.

Due to the decrease in sales, first order industries start to replace the relatively more expensive workforce with the now cheaper Capital goods since the production of them has increased due to the injection of investment, this workforce is now transferred to the more capital intensive industries wihch need them to produce the capital goods. The Ricardo effect is extremely important since it shows that the demand for workforce is stable, making so that costs do not increase.

Overall, due to the increase in savings, the natural interest rates sit lower than before, making that nominally people are earning about the same or even less than before, except that because of the decrease in prices due to the lengthier, more capital-intensive production structures, their real wages have gone up since the output of consumer goods has increased. In other words, to grow we must endure a small period of drought.


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This is explained in more detail in Huerta de Soto`s "Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles" (refer to chapter 5 for what I am specifically explaining).

Central Banks with their Expansionary policies have conditioned people into thinking that in order to grow consumption must increase which makes no economic sense at all. Keynesians are to blame for this faulty assumption, but the misunderstanding of capital structure dates back to John Clark and continued with Knight.

When you lower the Interest Rates artificially through Expansion of the Monetary Supply you get a temporary boom followed by an inevitable Bust. Because the consumption levels are unsustainable due to the lack of real savings (this is shown through the increase in prices due to an increased demand of workforce both in capital and consumer industries at the same time, which in turn makes prices rise and forces central banks to stop the expansionary policy, increasing the interest rates) revealing the malinvestments that took place during the boom. Uusally the boom bust cycles end up increasing the cost of living and benefiting big corporations since they can withstand the blow or get rescued by the government since they are deemed "too big to fall". Banks also tend to merge and centralize more and more after each bust.

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Now remember, the enemy may take many names and shapes, but do not be mistaken, the downfall of society has Central Banks as the main culprit.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
I think Buddhism would literally blow up in popularity in a time like that.
Buddhism is all about dealing with the mind and suffering.
I disagree for the fact that the West is still largely christian in it's values. Even if Christianity isn't popular today the values that have been wrought from nearly two-thousand years of Christianity are still very much instilled in the westerners mind.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
It is not Capitalism but Interventionism, specifically the existence of Central Banks and Economic Bubbles, that cause this.

In a true capitalist society, the only way for a society to grow is a reduction in time preference by their inhabitants. The decrease in consumption will in turn generate less profit in first order (consumer goods) industries making investors flee to higher order industries since the impact has not been felt yet due to the time delay in more capital-intensive industries.

Due to the decrease in sales, first order industries start to replace the relatively more expensive workforce with the now cheaper Capital goods since the production of them has increased due to the injection of investment, this workforce is now transferred to the more capital intensive industries wihch need them to produce the capital goods. The Ricardo effect is extremely important since it shows that the demand for workforce is stable, making so that costs do not increase.

Overall, due to the increase in savings, the natural interest rates sit lower than before, making that nominally people are earning about the same or even less than before, except that because of the decrease in prices due to the lengthier, more capital-intensive production structures, their real wages have gone up since the output of consumer goods has increased. In other words, to grow we must endure a small period of drought.

View attachment 2553058

View attachment 2553055

This is explained in more detail in Huerta de Soto`s "Money, Bank Credit and Economic Cycles" (refer to chapter 5 for what I am specifically explaining).

Central Banks with their Expansionary policies have conditioned people into thinking that in order to grow consumption must increase which makes no economic sense at all. Keynesians are to blame for this faulty assumption, but the misunderstanding of capital structure dates back to John Clark and continued with Knight.

When you lower the Interest Rates artificially through Expansion of the Monetary Supply you get a temporary boom followed by an inevitable Bust. Because the consumption levels are unsustainable due to the lack of real savings (this is shown through the increase in prices due to an increased demand of workforce both in capital and consumer industries at the same time, which in turn makes prices rise and forces central banks to stop the expansionary policy, increasing the interest rates) revealing the malinvestments that took place during the boom. Uusally the boom bust cycles end up increasing the cost of living and benefiting big corporations since they can withstand the blow or get rescued by the government since they are deemed "too big to fall". Banks also tend to merge and centralize more and more after each bust.

View attachment 2553079

Now remember, the enemy may take many names and shapes, but do not be mistaken, the downfall of society has Central Banks as the main culprit.
will read later but holy fuck I didnt expect this knowledge to be dropped in .org
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint

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