There is a special convo group dedicated to antiwhite hatred started by some ethnics

im 99% they would too. and im 100% sure they wouldn't be shitskin
they arent, but curries are. aside from albino. race is a big factor
they arent, but curries are. aside from albino. race is a big factor
so to you. an Indian with a similiar skin tone to someone who would be non shitskin is shitskin? doesn't make sense at all. shitskin = certain skin tone range not region you are from
  • JFL
Reactions: FatJattMofo
so to you. an Indian with a similiar skin tone to someone who would be non shitskin is shitskin? doesn't make sense at all. shitskin = certain skin tone range not region you are from
no dude shitskin is for curries only lol. blacks arent shitskin, meds arent shitskin, etc unless they look indian/curry like 6'4 looksmaxer
FUcking hell mate I knew I shouldnt have trusted him
no dude shitskin is for curries only lol. blacks arent shitskin, meds arent shitskin, etc unless they look indian/curry like 6'4 looksmaxer
thats not the definition anyone fucking uses dude. so an albino Indian = shitskin? then shitskin has NO WORTH as a word. clearly no one uses it like that
  • JFL
Reactions: Aesthetic
FUcking hell mate I knew I shouldnt have trusted him

thats not the definition anyone fucking uses dude. so an albino Indian = shitskin? then shitskin has NO WORTH as a word. clearly no one uses it like that

  • +1
  • JFL
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Jfl at hating any "race"

[ISPOILER]cept curries, thats perfectly fine[/ISPOILER]
vriend expose mijn larp niet LOL we hadden hier wat moois van kunnen maken
I can decipher your "German with a stroke tries to speak English" language
  • JFL
Reactions: turkproducer, Deleted member 685 and FatJattMofo
imagine if we were all in our own countries and globalism hadnt pozzed everyones culture up

all the ethnics would be happily married to their ethnic looksmatches and all the white would be happily married to virgin churchgoing stacies and veronicas

i honestly feel bad for the less attractive on average phenotype ethnics being constantly exposed to sexualized images of gigachad and gigastacies in westernized media
The west should have thought of that before bombing and pillaging their countries lmao
  • +1
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The west should have thought of that before bombing and pillaging their countries lmao
ok well stop and let china take over the colonies you think theyll be nicer to the brown people?

if you had to pick a race of people to rule over you it would be whites every time anything else is cope
  • JFL
Reactions: FatJattMofo
ok well stop and let china take over the colonies you think theyll be nicer to the brown people?

if you had to pick a race of people to rule over you it would be whites every time anything else is cope
Lmaoooo, if you guys didnt destabilize african countries so you could make billions out of it, there would never have been any problem. They have the richest countries on earth, they wouldnt have any problems dealing with that. Dont forget that africa had great civilization and isnt just a bunch of dumb idiots. They practiced surgery while people in the west still did Saignées lmao. Plus china would gain more money by trading with free African countries than by having to colonize it and fight a continuous rebellion just to get to natural resources. Saying that the continuous colonization is a good thing, is not only a gay cope, but also propaganda lmao
  • +1
Reactions: turkproducer
Lmaoooo, if you guys didnt destabilize african countries so you could make billions out of it, there would never have been any problem. They have the richest countries on earth, they wouldnt have any problems dealing with that. Dont forget that africa had great civilization and isnt just a bunch of dumb idiots. They practiced surgery while people in the west still did Saignées lmao. Plus china would gain more money by trading with free African countries than by having to colonize it and fight a continuous rebellion just to get to natural resources. Saying that the continuous colonization is a good thing, is not only a gay cope, but also propaganda lmao
sub saharan IQ is 70 bro they didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings before europeans arrived
sub saharan IQ is 70 bro they didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings before europeans arrived
Well yeah those are the poorest, most war torn, under fed countries on earth. Any IQ higher than that would be shocking. They weren'always like that lmao they had advanced civilizations long before us. Idk maybe u one of those that think that they are genetically dumber lmao
sub saharan IQ is 70 bro they didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings before europeans arrived
1) they had the wheel
2) why the hell would a majorly nomad population build two stories building ?!?!?! Its not because they cant (I mean u ever heard of Egypt? ) its because they dont need to. They had medecine far before us, and made steel before us too
sub saharan IQ is 70 bro they didnt even have the wheel or two story buildings before europeans arrived
Well yeah those are the poorest, most war torn, under fed countries on earth. Any IQ higher than that would be shocking. They weren'always like that lmao they had advanced civilizations long before us. Idk maybe u one of those that think that they are genetically dumber lmao

1) they had the wheel
2) why the hell would a majorly nomad population build two stories building ?!?!?! Its not because they cant (I mean u ever heard of Egypt? ) its because they dont need to. They had medecine far before us, and made steel before us too
Are you faggots ever gonna stop fighting over bullshit in a thread that was sarcastic in the first place
  • +1
Reactions: Alexanderr
Well yeah those are the poorest, most war torn, under fed countries on earth. Any IQ higher than that would be shocking. They weren'always like that lmao they had advanced civilizations long before us. Idk maybe u one of those that think that they are genetically dumber lmao

1) they had the wheel
2) why the hell would a majorly nomad population build two stories building ?!?!?! Its not because they cant (I mean u ever heard of Egypt? ) its because they dont need to. They had medecine far before us, and made steel before us too
They didnt have the wheel until it was introduced by foreign influence and there is no evidence that there were any "advanced" civilizations in sub saharan africa.

If you look at south vs north korea which are genetically similar population groups the north koreans are relatively speaking severely underfed/undernourished/poor but their IQ is only a few points lower than south korea. You can also look at african populations in the west which are isolated from these negative environmental effects but which still express a similar level of IQ, violence, illiteracy, etc. The fact that intelligence is mostly genetic is well established.

Africa was slightly better before the Bantus spread across most of the sub saharan continent. North Africa was much more advanced but it was populated by a wide range of non sub saharan ethnic groups which were genetically highly distinct.

Egyptians were much closer genetically to the mediterranean groups at the time and arabs than they were to sub saharans. There is some evidence that late egypt had a short dynasty of darker skinned pharoahs but it was during a period of decline and collapse well after all of the civilizations technological and cultural feats.

"Why would nomads who travel a lot want to invent a wheel or design buildings that could be easily broken down and moved like yurts of the asian steppe nomads hur durr guess everyone who moves should just live in mud hovels and eat dirt cookies." :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
  • +1
Reactions: hebbewem
They didnt have the wheel until it was introduced by foreign influence and there is no evidence that there were any "advanced" civilizations in sub saharan africa.

If you look at south vs north korea which are genetically similar population groups the north koreans are relatively speaking severely underfed/undernourished/poor but their IQ is only a few points lower than south korea. You can also look at african populations in the west which are isolated from these negative environmental effects but which still express a similar level of IQ, violence, illiteracy, etc. The fact that intelligence is mostly genetic is well established.

Africa was slightly better before the Bantus spread across most of the sub saharan continent. North Africa was much more advanced but it was populated by a wide range of non sub saharan ethnic groups which were genetically highly distinct.

Egyptians were much closer genetically to the mediterranean groups at the time and arabs than they were to sub saharans. There is some evidence that late egypt had a short dynasty of darker skinned pharoahs but it was during a period of decline and collapse well after all of the civilizations technological and cultural feats.

"Why would nomads who travel a lot want to invent a wheel or design buildings that could be easily broken down and moved like yurts of the asian steppe nomads hur durr guess everyone who moves should just live in mud hovels and eat dirt cookies." :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
Lmao I literally have been to museums where object using wheels were displayed that dated before contact with the west. Also Egypt wasnt the only great civilization in africa. I am gonna link a video about this.
They didnt have the wheel until it was introduced by foreign influence and there is no evidence that there were any "advanced" civilizations in sub saharan africa.

If you look at south vs north korea which are genetically similar population groups the north koreans are relatively speaking severely underfed/undernourished/poor but their IQ is only a few points lower than south korea. You can also look at african populations in the west which are isolated from these negative environmental effects but which still express a similar level of IQ, violence, illiteracy, etc. The fact that intelligence is mostly genetic is well established.

Africa was slightly better before the Bantus spread across most of the sub saharan continent. North Africa was much more advanced but it was populated by a wide range of non sub saharan ethnic groups which were genetically highly distinct.

Egyptians were much closer genetically to the mediterranean groups at the time and arabs than they were to sub saharans. There is some evidence that late egypt had a short dynasty of darker skinned pharoahs but it was during a period of decline and collapse well after all of the civilizations technological and cultural feats.

"Why would nomads who travel a lot want to invent a wheel or design buildings that could be easily broken down and moved like yurts of the asian steppe nomads hur durr guess everyone who moves should just live in mud hovels and eat dirt cookies." :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

This video isnt very complete and misses some important point but still
They didnt have the wheel until it was introduced by foreign influence and there is no evidence that there were any "advanced" civilizations in sub saharan africa.

If you look at south vs north korea which are genetically similar population groups the north koreans are relatively speaking severely underfed/undernourished/poor but their IQ is only a few points lower than south korea. You can also look at african populations in the west which are isolated from these negative environmental effects but which still express a similar level of IQ, violence, illiteracy, etc. The fact that intelligence is mostly genetic is well established.

Africa was slightly better before the Bantus spread across most of the sub saharan continent. North Africa was much more advanced but it was populated by a wide range of non sub saharan ethnic groups which were genetically highly distinct.

Egyptians were much closer genetically to the mediterranean groups at the time and arabs than they were to sub saharans. There is some evidence that late egypt had a short dynasty of darker skinned pharoahs but it was during a period of decline and collapse well after all of the civilizations technological and cultural feats.

"Why would nomads who travel a lot want to invent a wheel or design buildings that could be easily broken down and moved like yurts of the asian steppe nomads hur durr guess everyone who moves should just live in mud hovels and eat dirt cookies." :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
Btw the IQ genetically thing was never even close to be commonly admitted by serious scientist
Yes, and 85% of the forum is involved.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 685
Yes, and 85% of the forum is involved.
Yes, and 85% of the forum is involved.
There is a white genocide happening on here
Lmao I literally have been to museums where object using wheels were displayed that dated before contact with the west. Also Egypt wasnt the only great civilization in africa. I am gonna link a video about this.

This video isnt very complete and misses some important point but still

Btw the IQ genetically thing was never even close to be commonly admitted by serious scientist

yeah ok chief U WUZ KANGZ lol :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill::bluepill:
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jfl @ being ethnik

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