There is no heightmaxxing methods



Mog or be forgotten
Jul 11, 2023



1) overdosing vitamin d+ k2
Please, don't do this. You won't grow from this, yoo would probab even stop your growth. After reading some studies and this forum, I have taken 20K UI of Vitamin D and 360 mg of Vutamin K2 every day. I didn't grow a lot (smth like 1-2 cm at 17 to 18), however now i have hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D
2) steroids
Didn't try this, however you can read here a lot of stories about guys that took MK-677 for several months and get no results.
3) stretches
This shit doesn't work
4) ankle weights.
Again, don't try this, you would harm yourself (i tried). This method might work (i m not sure), however the side effects are horrible. I'm 100% sure that you would get varicose. Think again, do you need 2 cm of height and get varicose veins and other pronlems for the rest of your life?
5) leg lengthening surgery
Costs a lot and you would recover for 1.5-2 years. Do you really need this if you're taller than 5'6?
6) Vitamine B6 to boost HGH
If you take the doses, that are written in guide on this forum, you would get allergy to it (I got, and i didn't have it before)

Again, there is absolutely no heightmaxxing methods. Eat a lot of protein and pray :)

Try to improve your face, skin and etc. But don't try heightmaxxing, you would just lose your time and money in best, or you would get a lot of health problems.

If you have questions, ask, maybe U would answer...
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4) ankle weights.
Again, don't try this, you would harm yourself (i tried). This method might work (i m not sure), however the side effects are horrible. I'm 100% sure that you would get varicose. Think again, do you need 2 cm of height and get varicose veins and other pronlems for the rest of your life?
how much weight did you use and for how long during 1 session?
LL is the no only way.
And height is the biggest cope ever created by tallcels.
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rare high iq post; most of heightmaxxing is satire, its becoming the new bonesmashing but less obvious to tell that it is
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LL is the no only way.
And height is the biggest cope ever created by tallcels.
LL + AL or you just look like Bryce Hall ; not to mention the obviously little baby hands you can't change
  • So Sad
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LL + AL or you just look like Bryce Hall ; not to mention the obviously little baby hands you can't change
What’s AL ?
Man i’m 6’1, i swear on god height is fucking cope.
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Noooo b-but the forum shaman told me if I take magic pills I will be a big boy!!!!
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What’s AL ?
Man i’m 6’1, i swear on god height is fucking cope.
Arm lengthening

Even after AL you have little hands that look very disproportioned; niggas on this thread forget tall niggas aren't just tall but they (on average) have proportioned limbs (large feet + hands, long spine, long legs, long arms, etc)
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Arm lengthening

Even after AL you have little hands that look very disproportioned; niggas on this thread forget tall niggas aren't just tall but they (on average) have proportioned limbs (large feet + hands, long spine, long legs, long arms, etc)
Yeah that’s why guys who went through LL are generally called “Long legs”
  • JFL
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100% right, please also stop coping with HGH. I am on fucking somatotropin for the past 3 ish months. I have not noticed any absurd height gains, I probably would've grown even without it since i'm in puberty and my plates are open. GH however can accelerate bone remodeling/forward craniofacial growth — my browridge grew a shit ton from this. But heightmaxxing is a meme, seriously. LL or lifts if past puberty. Stop coping with these shitty supplements. Also don't ever bother with pharma GH unless you're literally like 10 years old. It is super fucking expensive (GH therapy is costing my parents 30-35k a year from the doctor estimates). Get protein in and play a sport, not coping with supplements.
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Yeah that’s why guys who went through LL are generally called “Long legs”
That's right but long legs themselves create the illusion that you are taller than you actually are. For example, I'm 6'2 but my upper body is propotionally a lot longer than my lower body, which creates the illusion as if I'm shorter than 6'2. Having long legs could even be a good thing.
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Also excess insulin can give you prediabetic levels of blood sugar. So niggas who take HGH+ Berberine/metformin to inhibit the high amounts of blood sugar are the biggest fucking dumbasses. HGH spikes IGF-1 and berberine/metformin literally counteracts this by opening the AMPK pathways that inhibit IGF-1 production. Stop wasting your money.
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law of attraction
Why do people come on here and hate on heightmaxxing when all people are doing here is replicating things done in real studies that have proven to create results onto themselves? Its actual one of the few things on this website heavily backed up with proof and reason
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That's right but long legs themselves create the illusion that you are taller than you actually are. For example, I'm 6'2 but my upper body is propotionally a lot longer than my lower body, which creates the illusion as if I'm shorter than 6'2. Having long legs could even be a good thing.
we don't disagree; it's just if you get LL your arms and hands look tiny compared to your overall body, hence the "long legs"

also legs are meant to be longer than your spine, but if your spine is extremely short, LL will not give the illusion that you're tall; that illusion only exists if the ratio is proportioned (something like 3:1 or 5:2, where the bigger num = legs and shorter num = legs)
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Why do people come on here and hate on heightmaxxing when all people are doing here is replicating things done in real studies that have proven to create results onto themselves? Its actual one of the few things on this website heavily backed up with proof and reason
Nobody hate heightmazzing. It just doesn't work... There are a lot of posts here about using MK-677 and getting no results.
Muh proportions is only a problem if you’re lengthening more than 3 inches. Most people’s wingspan is already greater than their leg length, and there are studies that show men with proportionally slightly longer legs have more attractive bodies.
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1) overdosing vitamin d+ k2
Please, don't do this. You won't grow from this, yoo would probab even stop your growth. After reading some studies and this forum, I have taken 20K UI of Vitamin D and 360 mg of Vutamin K2 every day. I didn't grow a lot (smth like 1-2 cm at 17 to 18), however now i have hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D
2) steroids
Didn't try this, however you can read here a lot of stories about guys that took MK-677 for several months and get no results.
3) stretches
This shit doesn't work
4) ankle weights.
Again, don't try this, you would harm yourself (i tried). This method might work (i m not sure), however the side effects are horrible. I'm 100% sure that you would get varicose. Think again, do you need 2 cm of height and get varicose veins and other pronlems for the rest of your life?
5) leg lengthening surgery
Costs a lot and you would recover for 1.5-2 years. Do you really need this if you're taller than 5'6?
6) Vitamine B6 to boost HGH
If you take the doses, that are written in guide on this forum, you would get allergy to it (I got, and i didn't have it before)

Again, there is absolutely no heightmaxxing methods. Eat a lot of protein and pray :)

Try to improve your face, skin and etc. But don't try heightmaxxing, you would just lose your time and money in best, or you would get a lot of health problems.

If you have questions, ask, maybe U would answer...
Good Thread! Height is overhyped and propagated more important than it really is. Anything over like 5'10 and your good to go.
Focus on the things you can change and not on those who you can't.
Heigtmaxxing is cope and a lie from tall people to feel better about themselves
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Nobody hate heightmazzing. It just doesn't work... There are a lot of posts here about using MK-677 and getting no results.
And yet there are a lot of posts here where people use Mk677 and HGH and they get results. I'm absolutely sure that if you give a teen in early puberty the ideal stack, they could grow taller than if they didn't use it. The problem is the lack of scientific studies, after all we're just random people testing it on ourselves. On my stack I did gain a little height, its just that I don't know if I should attribute it to the drugs or if it was my body naturally growing, or maybe something else. If scientists actually devoted research to heightmaxxing, I'm sure they could find an ideal way for it to work. The problem is that society is too bluepilled and testing hormones would be inhumane anyway.

Heightmaxxing might be a massive cope and the risks definitely outweigh the benefits, but the fact is that being 5'7 and below sucks, and in my opinion its better to at least try to do something about it.
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Good thread
Ur right. Cope with thick soled shoes, lifts, height boosting sandles and sock lifts then max out your body, face and finances and work on your social abilities idk what else there is to do
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in early puberty
Yep, that's the problem. Because if you're in early puberty and you're not a dwarf parents won't let you take HGH and other. But when you're old enough to know that you're are short, it's too late to do something :(
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it’s all luck and access to money so Grats to anyone who gains over an inch and rofl if you got diabetes to those lucky few mfs
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Ikr half the best of the best threads are literal kids who know nothing
Nobody hate heightmazzing. It just doesn't work... There are a lot of posts here about using MK-677 and getting no results.
Yea, MK677, by far the weakest and worse way to height max if you are above 15 years old that is heavily talked against and only recommended by a small section of heightmaxxers if you can take high dosages of it while also being able to handle or reduce its side effects
Just use lifts or something
Who cares about barefoot height, only your family or gf (when too far in to leave because of height) will see it
  • Hmm...
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I wonder if you used HGH, or peptides like CJC-1295 or GHRP’s while taking AI’s for over nine months, you would’ve made this same thread?

There are too many threads on here with people growing from heightmaxxing for me to consider it cope
20K UI of Vitamin D and 360 mg of Vutamin K2 every day. I didn't grow a lot (smth like 1-2 cm at 17 to 18), however now i have hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D
How do you know you have hypervitominosis?

I've been taking 50K D3 and 180K2 per day for like 3 months now, kinda worried if Im messing something up that I can't feel/see
I wonder if you used HGH, or peptides like CJC-1295 or GHRP’s while taking AI’s for over nine months, you would’ve made this same thread?

There are too many threads on here with people growing from heightmaxxing for me to consider it cope
its over bro
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if you qualify for gh therapy it never began :feelsbadman:
No criteria here, plenty of jew like doctors willing to give you prescription grade drugs for enough money. I get tret and some other stuff as well from the clinic. South korea is very blackpilled.
  • Woah
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No criteria here, plenty of jew like doctors willing to give you prescription grade drugs for enough money. I get tret and some other stuff as well from the clinic. South korea is very blackpilled.
no way
how tall are you
No it is not a cope you retarded normie tiktokcel stop spreading bluepill here.
JFL increasing height with d3, k2 and mk677 only you don't know shit delete your account and kys.
no way
how tall are you
179.2 cm last time i measured a week ish ago, but I'm pretty sure I'm closer to 180-181 now tbh. Think i hit a growth spurt & I'm pretty much bordering my 6 foot friend.

Also i take glucosamine chondroitin every morning so maybe its just spinal decompression and i'm coping..
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179.2 cm last time i measured a week ish ago, but I'm pretty sure I'm closer to 180-181 now tbh. Think i hit a growth spurt & I'm pretty much bordering my 6 foot friend.

Also i take glucosamine chondroitin every morning so maybe its just spinal decompression and i'm coping..
Korea is an alternate universe.
Good shit, chang.
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1) overdosing vitamin d+ k2
Please, don't do this. You won't grow from this, yoo would probab even stop your growth. After reading some studies and this forum, I have taken 20K UI of Vitamin D and 360 mg of Vutamin K2 every day. I didn't grow a lot (smth like 1-2 cm at 17 to 18), however now i have hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D
2) steroids
Didn't try this, however you can read here a lot of stories about guys that took MK-677 for several months and get no results.
3) stretches
This shit doesn't work
4) ankle weights.
Again, don't try this, you would harm yourself (i tried). This method might work (i m not sure), however the side effects are horrible. I'm 100% sure that you would get varicose. Think again, do you need 2 cm of height and get varicose veins and other pronlems for the rest of your life?
5) leg lengthening surgery
Costs a lot and you would recover for 1.5-2 years. Do you really need this if you're taller than 5'6?
6) Vitamine B6 to boost HGH
If you take the doses, that are written in guide on this forum, you would get allergy to it (I got, and i didn't have it before)

Again, there is absolutely no heightmaxxing methods. Eat a lot of protein and pray :)

Try to improve your face, skin and etc. But don't try heightmaxxing, you would just lose your time and money in best, or you would get a lot of health problems.

If you have questions, ask, maybe U would answer...
exactly out of all the ways to looksmax, heightmaxxing is the hardest and most unpredictable
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Korea is an alternate universe.
Good shit, chang.
I'm not asian, but thank you! Also, another friend I have who IS korean was on GH in fucking middle school. Dude's like 6"1 almost now but horsefaced and has an overbite. If you do get on gh make sure to mew/chew please. mewing is not a meme if u compound it with stuff like hgh.. you will become a downgrown subhuman if you dont nosebreathe and raise hyoid up.
I wonder if you used HGH, or peptides like CJC-1295 or GHRP’s while taking AI’s for over nine months, you would’ve made this same thread?
I thought about aramatose inhibitors, however side effects isn't good for 17-18 years old man. You can deal with AI only if you're 14-15-16 years old max, cause after that you will fuck your test levels and will have other shot like no morning wood and etc. So again, thi shit works only for 14-15 boys, that are in the start/middle of puberty. Also I have read an article about AI alone and AI with HGH that are given, however it was given to 14 years old boys
I've been taking 50K D3 and 180K2 per day for like 3 months now, kinda worried if Im messing something up that I can't feel/see
I took a blood test. It was pretty cheap, around 25$, and normal range is 30-100, toxic range (hypervitaminosis) is >100. I got 150
Just use lifts or something
Who cares about barefoot height, only your family or gf (when too far in to leave because of height) will see it
I think constant lifts are bad for your posture and spine. But not sure about this
I took a blood test. It was pretty cheap, around 25$, and normal range is 30-100, toxic range (hypervitaminosis) is >100. I got 150
I doubt that anything that bad actually happens from too much Vitamin D

Are you in the sun a lot during the day by any chance? In a study Ive seen people be in the in the normal range on 50K
Are you in the sun a lot during the day by any chance?
Nah, I don't live in sunny place + before the blood test I don't go outside for more than 30 minutes, cause I was working on a project.
I doubt that anything that bad actually happens from too much Vitamin D
I took also another analysis after that and the only lymphocytes and calcium were under normal range

However I can't get weight. Not a fucking half of kg
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think constant lifts are bad for your posture and spine. But not sure about this
Amnesia has been using them for years and I don't think he has had any side effects
I mean you probably only need to wear them for a few hours a day and then when you're home or sitting its regular



1) overdosing vitamin d+ k2
Please, don't do this. You won't grow from this, yoo would probab even stop your growth. After reading some studies and this forum, I have taken 20K UI of Vitamin D and 360 mg of Vutamin K2 every day. I didn't grow a lot (smth like 1-2 cm at 17 to 18), however now i have hypervitaminosis of Vitamin D
2) steroids
Didn't try this, however you can read here a lot of stories about guys that took MK-677 for several months and get no results.
3) stretches
This shit doesn't work
4) ankle weights.
Again, don't try this, you would harm yourself (i tried). This method might work (i m not sure), however the side effects are horrible. I'm 100% sure that you would get varicose. Think again, do you need 2 cm of height and get varicose veins and other pronlems for the rest of your life?
5) leg lengthening surgery
Costs a lot and you would recover for 1.5-2 years. Do you really need this if you're taller than 5'6?
6) Vitamine B6 to boost HGH
If you take the doses, that are written in guide on this forum, you would get allergy to it (I got, and i didn't have it before)

Again, there is absolutely no heightmaxxing methods. Eat a lot of protein and pray :)

Try to improve your face, skin and etc. But don't try heightmaxxing, you would just lose your time and money in best, or you would get a lot of health problems.

If you have questions, ask, maybe U would answer...
Retard. Ai and Hgh
100% right, please also stop coping with HGH. I am on fucking somatotropin for the past 3 ish months. I have not noticed any absurd height gains, I probably would've grown even without it since i'm in puberty and my plates are open. GH however can accelerate bone remodeling/forward craniofacial growth — my browridge grew a shit ton from this. But heightmaxxing is a meme, seriously. LL or lifts if past puberty. Stop coping with these shitty supplements. Also don't ever bother with pharma GH unless you're literally like 10 years old. It is super fucking expensive (GH therapy is costing my parents 30-35k a year from the doctor estimates). Get protein in and play a sport, not coping with supplements.
Lol what a larp this is. Show a pic of ur protocol rn pussy 3 months is a fucking joke loser. And ur brow ridge didn’t grow shit ur just a bloated fucking monkey. Jfl if ur not on AI. Just kill yourself already seriously. Your brow ridge didn’t grow anything, your a larping faggot
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just finished my 2nd vial of gh since last month, 2 more on the way.
but heres the last 36 iu of Saizen Somatotropin.

Why the fuck would i larp on some obscure looksmaxxing forum about HGH? You're a poor faggot that can't deal with reality now that you know your last cope (HGH) will also not save you from your subhuman fate. I cba wasting my time taking pics of letrozole & whatever other pills i have but just know No AI or HGH will save you from your subhuman height genes.



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just finished my 2nd vial of gh since last month, 2 more on the way.
but heres the last 36 iu of Saizen Somatotropin.

Why the fuck would i larp on some obscure looksmaxxing forum about HGH? You're a poor faggot that can't deal with reality now that you know your last cope (HGH) will also not save you from your subhuman fate. I cba wasting my time taking pics of letrozole & whatever other pills i have but just know No AI or HGH will save you from your subhuman height genes.

You fucking retard your broke I’ll show u 8 grand in my bank at 16 u fucking broke idiot. I’ve already grown an inch and a half off this shit in 4 months. Your little 3 months on ur garbage ass quality HGH isn’t shit. Your brow ridge didn’t grow anything. You have sub human genes and ur still a fucking virgin. JFL. We can go band for band right now u broke fuck 8,890 sitting in my checking account right now
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