There is no hypergamy

Idk, I see a lot of attractive 15-20 year old girls in Sweden with ugly cuck boyfriends. I Think it's different in USA, Australia, Canada and England where guys are more masculine and Girls are uglier.

Women may be hypergamous by nature, but since modern Lifestyles and Chemicals lowering testosterone has made the modern male such a loser, they can't fulfill that hypergamy.

If there were tons of guys who looked like this, then maybe yes. But I honestly have never seen a guy IRL on this level, while there are tons of hot Young Girls.
View attachment 300911
there are guys like that and there all lining up for him while you're here talking about le no hypergamy just rope low iq mongrel
  • +1
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Why are ethnics posting here
there are guys like that and there all lining up for him while you're here talking about le no hypergamy just rope low iq mongrel
Post club pics of guys who look like that if they are so common.

Nah you can't silly ethnic
true, but the thing is nowadays most hookups are done through social media (snapchat/instagram dms etc.) and online dating (tinder etc)
on instagram and snapchat or w/e theyll only dm literal chads which are like <5% of the male population
when online dating, theyll only swipe on top 10% of attractive males, and then only meet up with/hookup with the best looking from their options
that brings it down to 99/1
and remember, its mostly normie tier men on tinder, thats not even taking into account EVERY man, just how many male subhumans/fuglies do you see in your school/workplace? do you think theyre on tinder?

keep in mind for long term relationships its the same, theyll only go for the most attractive in their social circle, if there isnt anyone attractive enough theyll fuck their dogs/go lesbian/stay single/online date
i agree but

me and @DoctorLooksmax have slayed from online dating

literally 1/4 slays came from online dating and all his came from online dating

and he is far from chad, same with me, so how do u explain that? Lol
  • +1
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i agree but

me and @DoctorLooksmax have slayed from online dating

literally 1/4 slays came from online dating and all his came from online dating

and he is far from chad, same with me, so how do u explain that? Lol
arent u chadlite
also arent your slays from yubo (not tinder), where the competition is less, and most girls on yubo are low class sluts with huge bodycounts
either way thats lifefuel for me
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Why are ethnics posting here

Post club pics of guys who look like that if they are so common.

Nah you can't silly ethnic

op right now so fucking high iq, hypergamy means women are chasing after the top 20% of men they are obviously rare because they are the top 20% you fucking brainlet, the average guy wont look like a supermodel, hypergamy just means woman are actively trying to get the top 20% of men but will date up to whatver they can usualy 1 psl or 2 psl above there overall rating
"cherrypicking" :soy:

The only thing the statistics show if you really look into that is that above average whites are preferred on online dating apps by women. How does that go against my argument? Surely since white men are preferred so much there'd at least be more than enough examples of them being with better looking women of the "inferior" races right? It's not like there aren't good looking Asians, or even some Mongrel Races like Mexicans, hell there are even some African women who mog some white dudes, and yet every single time there's a visual comparison battle why does the white guy always lose?

You really expect me to believe that there'd be no pictures of a white guy with a better looking woman he was fucking ethnic or white?


I don't give a shit if an Ethnic Female is interested in me, particularly some sub 3 ooknik one, the fact is the best white men can get nowadays on average is getting swarmed by ugly females, particularly ugly ethnic females. Wow dream come true, meanwhile the good looking white females will stick with the Ethnics and Jews.
ok bro currycells, ricecels, jewcels, blackcels do not exist because they are fucking stacys rn according to 20 pictures from you
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lol he isn´t achad obviously , but hes a definitely good looking. stop coping
lol he isn´t achad obviously , but hes a definitely good looking. stop coping
View attachment 300931
Compare that cuck with a slayer like this. If he's PSL5 then Tyler Maher must be PSL20. you guys are just coping, saying average guys are better-looking than they are to make yourself feel better.

arent u chadlite
also arent your slays from yubo (not tinder), where the competition is less, and most girls on yubo are low class sluts with huge bodycounts
either way thats lifefuel for me
I don’t know what my face rating is I get varied ratings

and nah it’s pretty much the same bro, if anything yubo has more competition because i’m competing against young status maxxed men rather than men of all ages like tinder
ok bro currycells, ricecels, jewcels, blackcels do not exist because they are fucking stacys rn according to 20 pictures from you
Inject IQ, this isn't what I said, altho I would unironically says Jews can't be Incel, but i'm not saying that about the other races, i'm just saying that if an Ethnic man manages to land a white female, he'll likely manage to get one who is better looking than he is, meanwhile if a white man manages to land a female at all, he'll be lucky if she's even looksmatched.
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Inject IQ, this isn't what I said, altho I would unironically says Jews can't be Incel, but i'm not saying that about the other races, i'm just saying that if an Ethnic man manages to land a white female, he'll likely manage to get one who is better looking than he is, meanwhile if a white man manages to land a female at all, he'll be lucky if she's even looksmatched.

if an ethnic man gets a white gf she probably has some fucked up standards that likes subhumans or some shit, and this is extremely rare, obviously a white guy will mog his jbw chink ethnic foid slut its because ethnic foids literally never look good, apart from blacks and latina and some aisan

i've never seen a curry or chink with a white girl apart from those photos lmao, and bbcs aren't really ethnics cos niche whtie cum sluts will fuck them


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Yeah I rarely see young men walking around with a girl they mog badly. Most men feel safe when they mog their girl by 0.5 to 1 PSL.
if an ethnic man gets a white gf she probably has some fucked up standards that likes subhumans or some shit, and this is extremely rare, obviously a white guy will mog his jbw chink ethnic foid slut its because ethnic foids literally never look good, apart from blacks and latina and some aisan

i've never seen a curry or chink with a white girl apart from those photos lmao, and bbcs aren't really ethnics cos niche whtie cum sluts will fuck them
It's not that she has fucked up standards, it's that women are attracted to status, and nobody has higher status in the west than Ethnics, and Animals, (In some cases they're synonymous). Even if I excluded blacks I could still find 10x as many examples of reverse hypergamy with EM+WF than I could find with WM+ANY FEMALE.
It's not that she has fucked up standards, it's that women are attracted to status, and nobody has higher status in the west than Ethnics, and Animals, (In some cases they're synonymous). Even if I excluded blacks I could still find 10x as many examples of reverse hypergamy with EM+WF than I could find with WM+ANY FEMALE.
how retarded do you have to be to think that a 5'2 bolding indian has status? Even if you find 500 examples thats less than 1 percent of the ethnic population those are just retarded outliers
how retarded do you have to be to think that a 5'2 bolding indian has status? Even if you find 500 examples thats less than 1 percent of the ethnic population those are just retarded outliers
and just lol at calling ethnics an animal when you're subhuman inkwell
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i agree but

me and @DoctorLooksmax have slayed from online dating

literally 1/4 slays came from online dating and all his came from online dating

and he is far from chad, same with me, so how do u explain that? Lol
Im not sure you can count S and E and online dating tbh given there were unique mitigating circumstances in those situations. There is no way id get girls that attractive just from messaging them on tinder. Also I think its slightly cope to say only 1% of men could get sex off tinder, like obviously it is hypergamous but thats just exaggerating it to extremes, Ive literally met two girls off tinder this week, one of them i messed up due to being high inhib but the other one i slayed. Both of these girls were normie tier looks wise, Id probably say high tier normie is around the min looks requirement for tinder so top 20-30% or so
Go out on the street and tell me how many guys who look like this do you see? Pretty much zero, there can be no hypergamy when handsome guys are so rare. 80/20 is cope because 1 in 5 guys are not goodlooking rofl
just because msot guys dont look like male models doesnt mean hypergamy doesnt exist. Theres quite a lot of intermediate between being a legit subhuman and a MM. You dont need to be a MM to slay but you do need to be good looking, IMO to consistently get normie tier or above girls about top 10% looks is the requirement
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  • +1
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I actually sort of agree with OP, actual gl guys are extremely rare. In my entire high school I only knew/saw 3-4 guys who were legit Chads. That's not even 5% of the population.
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hypergamy exists only in peak of civilization or in utter cave/jungle. inbetween it doesnt
hypergamy exists only in peak of civilization or in utter cave/jungle. inbetween it doesnt
It can only exist when there are a lot of attractive guys. Since guys in modern society look like cucks, there really aren't any hypergamy because there aren't enough legit good-looking guys to go around. So women are stuck with tons of PSL3-5 guys who act as beta providers and entertain them
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Hypergamy is based more on wealth than looks tbh

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