there is this stacy in my school



i look like my avi
Nov 3, 2023
i think she is unaware of how beautiful she is, probably around 6 6.5 psl and its sorta good thing that she doesnt realize her beauty beacuse it may makes things easier for me to get her, now the problem is how should i approach her, seems like she is asocial just like me considering she only has 60 ig followers, cold approaching is not even considered an option beacuse she is always with one friend who creeps me out for some reason, so what should i do, i cant believe im asking incel indians this shit
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There's this girl
Only in my dreams
Would she ever care?
Ever look at me

There's this boy
Hanging off the light
Couldn't take any more
Couldn't take it anymore

There's this girl
I hope she knows
How much she means to me
Even though...

She'll never feel
The way I do
It's unbearable
But it's true

I overthink
Every word you say
Radio silence
Every day

I overthink
Every word I see
I should've known
That you hated me

There's this girl
I hope she knows
How much she means to me
Even though...

She'll never feel
The way I do
It's unbearable

But it's true
  • Ugh..
  • Woah
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Reactions: Deleted member 55855, barettrealrx and lemonnz
she is probably getting gangbanged by chads ad tyrones rn while you post about how "asocial" she is
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Reactions: halloweed, Deleted member 44944, lemonnz and 3 others
she is probably getting gangbanged by chads ad tyrones rn while you post about how "asocial" she is
she is 16 nigger, i also live in white country
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Lol you'd be surprised who rails her
Live and learn I guess
  • Hmm...
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Wmynz that put up a nice girl act are the worst
sorry bro u were right, right now as im typing this she is talking to some 3 cucks all laughing and shit :confused:
sorry bro u were right, right now as im typing this she is talking to some 3 cucks all laughing and shit :confused:
Jerk off to the thought of them grouping on her at the same time
  • WTF
Reactions: shizuku11111
If you follow a lot of people, follow her, it'll be inconspicuous. If you don't, then you gotta wait for an IOI imo
Try to make the first contact an accident. Like dropping something or stepping on the back of her shoe. Or ask something class related.
Once u did that there's at least SOME contact. Then you ask for something in the class again. Just make it subtle so it doesnt come across obvious
If you follow a lot of people, follow her, it'll be inconspicuous. If you don't, then you gotta wait for an IOI imo
bro i follow 68 people and have 68 followers, i only follow people i know
Try to make the first contact an accident. Like dropping something or stepping on the back of her shoe. Or ask something class related.
Once u did that there's at least SOME contact. Then you ask for something in the class again. Just make it subtle so it doesnt come across obvious
she is year younger than me, i mean we are both 2007 but im 3rd year and she is 2nd so thats not possible
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bro i follow 68 people and have 68 followers, i only follow people i know
I follow like 50 people and have like 50 followers and I followed my oneitis and she followed me back, granted, she follows 1000 people but still, I find it hard to believe that this girl will ignore your follow if she knows you go to the same school as her. If she doesn't follow you back, just unfollow and block, no shame in it
zar nisi ti iz Srbije? btw imamo iste probleme i moja simpatija je introvert ali ima drugarice
Don’t know anything about that country.
it's the tallest nation in world on average so it's the hell for manlets and I feel like a manlet here as a 6'0 guy
bro i follow 68 people and have 68 followers, i only follow people i know

she is year younger than me, i mean we are both 2007 but im 3rd year and she is 2nd so thats not possible
ona ni ne zna ko si jel tako? nikada niste razgovarali?
I follow like 50 people and have like 50 followers and I followed my oneitis and she followed me back, granted, she follows 1000 people but still, I find it hard to believe that this girl will ignore your follow if she knows you go to the same school as her. If she doesn't follow you back, just unfollow and block, no shame in it
i actually requested to follow her before and was left on requested for long time, probably beacuse she has no clue who i am since i private profile and my profile doesnt match my irl aesthetic, this is her followers/following ratio
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zar nisi ti iz Srbije? btw imamo iste probleme i moja simpatija je introvert ali ima drugarice

it's the tallest nation in world on average so it's the hell for manlets and I feel like a manlet here as a 6'0 guy

ona ni ne zna ko si jel tako? nikada niste razgovarali?
pricam ovim debilima da sam iz crne gore :lul:

da, nema ideju ko sam
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i actually requested to follow her before and was left on requested for long time, probably beacuse she has no clue who i am since i private profile and my profile doesnt match my irl aesthetic, this is her followers/following ratio View attachment 2853574
if she knows your name, put your name in your profile. If she's only ever seen your face and doesn't know your name, then put your face as your pfp or in a post or something. She obviously has to know that you are one of her schoolmates in order for her to accept/follow back
All girls know their beauty so either shes ugly or shes humble
Give up
Montegrin women only want thugs as bfs
You as a non NT autistic org member will have a difficult time getting her
ako si makar HTN onda mozda i pokusaj da joj pridjes
high mtn, mozda low htn sam, mada fora je sto sam gasermaxxed a ona nije bas u tom fazonu
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Reactions: hopecel
Give up
Montegrin women only want thugs as bfs
You as a non NT autistic org member will have a difficult time getting her
what if I'm into alt girls bro? they aren't really into thugmaxxed gasers
high mtn, mozda low htn sam, mada fora je sto sam gasermaxxed a ona nije bas u tom fazonu
nema smisla da budes gaser ako si introvert i autist... ako imas social circle onda dobro

ako je ona alt / art ili nesto na taj fazon nemas sanse kod nje... ili se uklopi u to nesto ili odustani od nje
what if I'm into alt girls bro? they aren't really into thugmaxxed gasers

nema smisla da budes gaser ako si introvert i autist... ako imas social circle onda dobro

ako je ona alt / art ili nesto na taj fazon nemas sanse kod nje... ili se uklopi u to nesto ili odustani od nje
No such thing as alt montegrin women, they’re all primitive low iq caveman women that only want low inhib thugs as bfs
nema smisla da budes gaser ako si introvert i autist... ako imas social circle onda dobro

ako je ona alt / art ili nesto na taj fazon nemas sanse kod nje... ili se uklopi u to nesto ili odustani od nje
imam takav social circle jebiga, svi ce misliti da sam fag ako krenem u esteticarske rupe

nije alt / art, ni blizu, ali nije ni onako, basic
No such thing as alt montegrin women, they’re all primitive low iq caveman women that only want low inhib thugs as bfs
there are alt girls here and one of them is my crush bro
imam takav social circle jebiga, svi ce misliti da sam fag ako krenem u esteticarske rupe

nije alt / art, ni blizu, ali nije ni onako, basic
probaj i ti da budes basic a da i dalje imas to drustvo msm ne moras se oblaciti kao gaser trenerka airmax i to nego ono basic ali i dalje ne previse esteticno
probaj i ti da budes basic a da i dalje imas to drustvo msm ne moras se oblaciti kao gaser trenerka airmax i to nego ono basic ali i dalje ne previse esteticno
dzabe sve to kad i dalje nemam muda da joj pridjem :lul:
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dzabe sve to kad i dalje nemam muda da joj pridjem :lul:
nzm koliko dugo ti se svidja ali ja imam opsesiju koja traje godinu dana

sto prije otkacis to bolje msm nemas sta izgubiti ako te niko od njenih ne poznaje
this is so cheezy.

who are you harry styles?

are you in a boy band you fag?

absolute faggotry in this thread.
nzm koliko dugo ti se svidja ali ja imam opsesiju koja traje godinu dana

sto prije otkacis to bolje msm nemas sta izgubiti ako te niko od njenih ne poznaje
od oktobra mi je zapala za oko, ne bih rekao da imam opsesiju ali bas je lepa devojka, PRELEPA, kao sto sam i reko u threadu, devojka nije svesna toga, bilo bi mi zao da bar ne probam na neki nacin da je smuvam
od oktobra mi je zapala za oko, ne bih rekao da imam opsesiju ali bas je lepa devojka, PRELEPA, kao sto sam i reko u threadu, devojka nije svesna toga, bilo bi mi zao da bar ne probam na neki nacin da je smuvam
to sto je introvert ne znaci da nije svjesna koliko je lijepa

mozda jednostavno zeli da je neko voli i zbog licnosti a ne samo zbog izgleda?

inace ako mozes ikako pridji joj dok je sama jbg znam da je tesko prici dok je sa drugaricama tako je i meni bilo sa svakom ngl najbolje kad ste sami ako mozes to je najbolji nacin za prilazenje jos ako npr pusi ili ako ti pusis to vas moze spojiti spontano uglavnom bolje ti je pokusaj kao da se nista nece desiti nego sto stalno mislis o njoj
to sto je introvert ne znaci da nije svjesna koliko je lijepa

mozda jednostavno zeli da je neko voli i zbog licnosti a ne samo zbog izgleda?

inace ako mozes ikako pridji joj dok je sama jbg znam da je tesko prici dok je sa drugaricama tako je i meni bilo sa svakom ngl najbolje kad ste sami ako mozes to je najbolji nacin za prilazenje jos ako npr pusi ili ako ti pusis to vas moze spojiti spontano uglavnom bolje ti je pokusaj kao da se nista nece desiti nego sto stalno mislis o njoj
ni ja ni ona ne pusimo :lul:, bukvalno nemam nikakav moguci nacin da se spontano spojimo, cold approach je JEDINI nacin, a ako budem rejectovan cela skola ima da sazna i nece mi biti do zivota
  • Hmm...
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ni ja ni ona ne pusimo :lul:, bukvalno nemam nikakav moguci nacin da se spontano spojimo, cold approach je JEDINI nacin, a ako budem rejectovan cela skola ima da sazna i nece mi biti do zivota
pokusaj da joj pridjes poslije skole van kruga kojim se krecu ljudi koje znas

ne bi trebalo da ce ona svima razglasiti da si joj prisao... osim ako te neko ne vidi sa njom
pokusaj da joj pridjes poslije skole van kruga kojim se krecu ljudi koje znas

ne bi trebalo da ce ona svima razglasiti da si joj prisao... osim ako te neko ne vidi sa njom
verovatno cu i to probati, samo mi treba perfektan timing za to, ako je sudjeno bice :lul:
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ima li novosti? :feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:
ahahaha, nema nazalost bio sam popodne cele prosle nedelje a ona je u drugu smenu, i jedini nacin kad je vidim je kada sam u medjusmeni, sto je ove nedelje
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ahahaha, nema nazalost bio sam popodne cele prosle nedelje a ona je u drugu smenu, i jedini nacin kad je vidim je kada sam u medjusmeni, sto je ove nedelje
znam te muke i moja simpatija ima razlicit raspored
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