There won't be any collapse tbh



Jan 2, 2019
Political system is too corrupt to allow for any real change and the military or police state will crush any attempt at open revolt.

What will actually happen will be a South Africa situation, except whites won't actually loser their power and will continue to dominate the richer classes alongside maybe the occasional token minority. It will only be the working and middle class whites that will get fucked over. All the actually rich ones will be fine. None of them will be negatively effected by becoming minorities. In fact if the anti-white hate gets bad enough you can even expect hate speech laws to actually add anti-white hatred into the mix so that the hordes of brown people will leave them alone since at that point the divide and conquer PC strategy will have outlived its usefulness.

And before anybody screams "DA JOOOOOOOSE!" many RICH WHITES are being harmed by the jewish ploys? They aren't. Rich whites have no reason to care. Only the poorer ones and the middle class.

Mass immigration won't lead to collapse or destroy whites. It will just turn the west into an aristocracy dominated by whites and jews. If anything its actually minorities that are fucked long-term.
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cope. i will single handedly bring about the collapse of society through sheer willpower
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Modern men are too weak and feminized to start a revolution.
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Political system is too corrupt to allow for any real change and the military or police state will crush any attempt at open revolt.

What will actually happen will be a South Africa situation, except whites won't actually loser their power and will continue to dominate the richer classes alongside maybe the occasional token minority. It will only be the working and middle class whites that will get fucked over. All the actually rich ones will be fine. None of them will be negatively effected by becoming minorities. In fact if the anti-white hate gets bad enough you can even expect hate speech laws to actually add anti-white hatred into the mix so that the hordes of brown people will leave them alone since at that point the divide and conquer PC strategy will have outlived its usefulness.

And before anybody screams "DA JOOOOOOOSE!" many RICH WHITES are being harmed by the jewish ploys? They aren't. Rich whites have no reason to care. Only the poorer ones and the middle class.

Mass immigration won't lead to collapse or destroy whites. It will just turn the west into an aristocracy dominated by whites and jews. If anything its actually minorities that are fucked long-term.
As soon as CRISPR designer babies goes mainstream all ethnics will go practically extinct within 2-3 generations.
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  • So Sad
  • JFL
  • +1
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Thanks squidbro.
lol america is loaded to teeth with weaponry. If america descends into a full on race war the military/police than eat a dick unless they plan to nuke whole cities. You have to remember that these personnel have family who would likely pick a side too.
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i've long said that if there is a civil war it will be the Left who starts it, if the right were going to do it they would have done it by now
As soon as CRISPR designer babies goes mainstream all ethnics will go practically extinct within 2-3 generations.

Jfl only the rich will afford gene editing. If anything gene editing will make racial inequality 10x more worse. Ethnics will be a giant brown horde with sub-90 IQ and shit appearance while whites and maybe some Asians will be giga-chads with godlike looks and 160+ IQ.
  • +1
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Jfl only the rich will afford gene editing
Yeah, when it comes out and for a good while only the rich will have access to it.

But eventually, just like any other luxury commodity, with time it will become more and more affordable until it goes mainstream. Once that happens nobody will want a short brown recessed kid and virtually everyone will be gl whites.
Yeah, when it comes out and for a good while only the rich will have access to it.

But eventually, just like any other luxury commodity, with time it will become more and more affordable until it goes mainstream. Once that happens nobody will want a short brown recessed kid and virtually everyone will be gl whites.
Jfl if you think the elites will EVER allow anybody a chance to compete against them on a genetic level. The feudal era is coming back. Except this time it will be a thousand times worse because there will be literally zero freedom for 99% of humanity. Everything will be utter fucking garbage unless you are the elite. This is assuming they don't just kill us.
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Someone post his avi i'm on mobile
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There will, trust me
The jews got rid of their agricultural class more than a thousand years ago. The american wannabejews are doing the same, and the europeans following suit after WWII.
Guess they will all run to pissrael when things go south, if you want to live like a jew you got to run like a jew too.

Yeah, when it comes out and for a good while only the rich will have access to it.

But eventually, just like any other luxury commodity, with time it will become more and more affordable until it goes mainstream. Once that happens nobody will want a short brown recessed kid and virtually everyone will be gl whites.
Some tech can be replicated with minimal investment, seems cryspr is one of those. The balance of power between ruler and ruled is often mandated by tech availability, or so they say.
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  • +1
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Jews had 80 years to plan if things go to shit. Don’t worry
Jfl if you think the elites will EVER allow anybody a chance to compete against them on a genetic level. The feudal era is coming back. Except this time it will be a thousand times worse because there will be literally zero freedom for 99% of humanity. Everything will be utter fucking garbage unless you are the elite. This is assuming they don't just kill us.
Thankfully gene editing won’t happen in our lifetime
Jews had 80 years to plan if things go to shit. Don’t worry
Jfl at hating jews when Indians are 10x worse than them. Even the other minorities fucking hate them.
  • Hmm...
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