There’s no bigger trophy than an attractive woman

Thats what we call COPING, you fucking retard.

If your girlfriend mogs someone else's gf, then by proxy you mogged them.
If you look worse than him and you are still with a woman who looks better than his, it's prob the worst humiliation you can impose on other guy.
always the known 80 iq retards that reply to me like this
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Those men are the real chads, I have been saying this all along.

Those pretty boy cucks who date sub 5s who they mogg to the grave, got nothing on the real alphas.
Specially because unlike bitches, men are MORE than what meets the eye. Our worth goes way beyond looks, our worth is measure by how much money we have, how high is our IQ, the things we have build and the woman we are able to fuck.

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People call Vincent Cassel subhuman but he got himself a gigastacy that was extremely submissive to him (look at how she leans into him jfllll) and would even allow him to cheat.

Meanwhile so called chads you guys workship are out there being cucked by beckies. :lul:
MTN + Stacy are the ideal couple dynamic.
100% correct. Guys like that are real chads that marry and date stacy tier woman. Not subhumans like Nessman who look like chads but date subhumans. Your value as a man= how much your woman mogs you.
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always the known 80 iq retards that reply to me like this
Low IQ is ideal, less thoughts= less suffering

People like you have all the luck.
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100% correct. Guys like that are real chads that marry and date stacy tier woman. Not subhumans like Nessman who look like chads but date subhumans. Your value as a man= how much your woman mogs you.

The only "men" who disagree with us are the ones with feminine mindset.
They took the whole looksmaxxing thing too far, ofc that looks are still important if you are dude, but being obsessed with being the prettiest of them all is a bitch trait.

Btw have you made this thread before or am I going full schizo? I remember you making this same points, not sure if on a random thread or if you had created that one too.
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attractive women is a rare privilege which is only for the top people that tells to people that your better then them which will make them automaticlly respect you
The only "men" who disagree with us are the ones with feminine mindset.
They took the whole looksmaxxing thing too far, ofc that looks are still important if you are dude, but being obsessed with being the prettiest of them all is a bitch trait.

Btw have you made this thread before or am I going full schizo? I remember you making this same points, not sure if on a random thread or if you had created that one too.
I did make a thread on this before. Being overly concerned with your looks or obsessing over it beyond finding a partner is just a foid trait. Only women and Gays care about that shit because they are insecure and their looks is thr only thing they can show to the world while men are different.
100% correct. Guys like that are real chads that marry and date stacy tier woman. Not subhumans like Nessman who look like chads but date subhumans. Your value as a man= how much your woman mogs you.
your value as a man is not your value as a man (looks) :lul:

mirin redpill cope
Simping. Should I also worship her?
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@NoReedemingFeature @cromagnon @RICHCELDOM @raabla
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That's why there are so many ppl joining. We chase something in life.
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Title. There's no bigger trophy no bigger flex that you can have as a man than an attractive wife. People instantly respect you more because of your wife even if you are a normie or subhuman. Because that women with all t choices in the world has chosen you to be her life partner. She saw something in you so I must have a closer look and get to know you better is the kind of mentality People have. If you are white any stacylite+ woman is your trophy if it's an ethnic any MTB+ slim germanic woman can also be considered a trophy. People will be envious of you everywhere you go. They'll take seconds looks and admire your wife's beauty and be jealous. There's nothing that screams more alpha than being wirh a women that mogs ypu hard. It's like the ultimate display of dominance having a beautiful women submit. An attractive woman is a trophy that you can also take anywhere. This is actually tactic many businessmen also use. They get their beautiful trophy wife to come along with them to important buisness meetings because it indirectly signals that you are accomplished, successful and intelligent. This is why female beauty is so valuable. Brutal blackpill.

Bravo, sir. Couldn't have said it better myself. It's all about having a beautiful woman to look at every morning, to ferociously pork every night, to show off in all social settings to increase your status, and to reproduce with and have better looking kids and ascend your genetic lineage.

I remember reading one study about envy at some point and the type of man men envy the most(by a significant margin) wasn't the hot guy, or the rich guy, or the high IQ guy, or the famous guy, or the most competent guy, or the guy with the impeccable character and charisma. It was the guy who got attention from and dated beautiful women. Fucking brutal black pill. I mean it makes sense. Imagine this scenario. You see some 6'4, jacked, handsome, high IQ, charismatic, ballsy, famous billionaire. You instinctively think "Oh god, I wish I was that guy. Imagine the life he has!", then the next moment his MTB wife walks in and you go "Ok, nevermind.".

That's why I laugh at online "redpill alphas" when they mention betabuxxing and "genuine desire". They see some geriatric sub5 billionaire dating and reproducing multiple times with a supermodel(plus mr. billionaire is also fucking hot bimbo whores on the side by using his money) and they go "lmao she's only with him for his money" or "he couldn't get women without money". Meanwhile said redpill alpha, who is like a 6 at most, is porking 4s(whom they claim are 9s and 10s) after spending half his day hitting on them in the club or "rizzing" them on Tinder, has zero kids whatsover, and preaches "never marry" and "focus on your mission, women are just a side activity". These are the types of guys who call titans like Musk and Trump beyta losers, and male supermodels faggots. In reality, these redpill alphas are slum busters and dumpster divers, and are at the bottom of the mating hierarchy(barely above a sub3 deformed incel), and generally every other hierarchy as well. Extreme levels of delusion.
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100% correct. Guys like that are real chads that marry and date stacy tier woman. Not subhumans like Nessman who look like chads but date subhumans. Your value as a man= how much your woman mogs you.
Nessman married a Stacy
I don’t care much tbh. So some nigga got a used up hole. Big deal.
You can buy any escort with money and most women are just glorified prostitutes

Real trophy imo is creating something. Musicians, artists or innovating technology etc

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