This achievable natty?



Asexual peaceful balkan monk
May 5, 2019
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Looks definitely natty right? Unless he used something for cutting so he doesn't lose the muscles
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Definitely with a strict diet.
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yeah he's natty too
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I have a friend who looks like 90% of this (body only). He has worked out inconsistent for 3 years so I would definitely say it’s possible, just lift + diet well
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you can even look better natty if you have insane muscle genetics, his body is nothing special tbh( still top 5% tho)
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is it achievable natty? yes. Is thom strijd natty? No, that guy was twig and had 0 dimophism since the age of 16. Nigga cant put that much muscle natty.
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is it achievable natty? yes. Is thom strijd natty? No, that guy was twig and had 0 dimophism since the age of 16. Nigga cant put that much muscle natty.
His muscles show 0 signs of roids tho
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you can even look better natty if you have insane muscle genetics, his body is nothing special tbh( still top 5% tho)
More like top 1%, almost all guys i see are either very skinny, skinny fat or bloated from bulking
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His muscles show 0 signs of roids tho
cuz he has shitty genetic response and inserts apart form chest. Muh everyone has to look like ronnie colemen to be on the juice muh no gyno so natty muh normal BMI so natty :soy::soy:
cuz he has shitty genetic response and inserts apart form chest. Muh everyone has to look like ronnie colemen to be on the juice muh no gyno so natty muh normal BMI so natty :soy::soy:
His inserts look very good tho? How can you have a bad response to roids tho?
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His inserts look very good tho?
good? apart from chest and abs they are kinda average. If I looked like that natty after 2 years of gymcelling I would be very disappointed.

How can you have a bad response to roids tho?
gut health, androgen receptors genetics, and a lot of other things
is it achievable natty? yes. Is thom strijd natty? No, that guy was twig and had 0 dimophism since the age of 16. Nigga cant put that much muscle natty.
Come on I see a lot of guys irl with same physique, he's natty...maybe just used hgh or clen
There is NOTHING that signals steroids
His inserts look very good tho? How can you have a bad response to roids tho?

He needs to cycle at least once if he is actually working on his legs. Avoid bulking his upper body too much but hit his legs hard.
good? apart from chest and abs they are kinda average. If I looked like that natty after 2 years of gymcelling I would be very disappointed.

gut health, androgen receptors genetics, and a lot of other things
Androgen receptors genetics? This sounds like bro science. When you get in the roid range of TRT, you completely surpass the genetic limits by receptors
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He needs to cycle at least once if he is actually working on his legs. Avoid bulking his upper body too much but hit his legs hard.
His legs look fine
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natural physique of an athlete of natural federation // physique with roids
his name is caio bottura. his diet / training was perfect. with about 3 years of training, you get Thom's body (if the 3 years are perfect)
His legs look fine

Too skinny imo. Don't have to match the upper body but they look silly skinny compared to his chest etc. It reminds me of a prisoner's build that just does push ups and the rest with no leg work.
Looks definitely natty right?
yeah, but he's not natty, that nigger parties 24/7 prolly gets 0 sleep, and he also was a fucking twig at age 15-16
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Androgen receptors genetics? This sounds like bro science.
bro science? you are legit retarded, keep believing your surface info. If everyone had the same response to roids guys like Arnold wouldnt have won the Olympia 7 times. Failed bb competing in man physique didnt make it into mass monsters not cuz of their poor genetics (most mens physique guys when they used to be natty mogged arnold natty no problem) or because they didnt crack up the dosgae but cuz their response to drugs was shit.

When you get in the roid range of TRT, you completely surpass the genetic limits by receptors
what does roid rage have to do with androgen receptors sensitivity? :feelsuhh:
1 and a half years you get that physique
in fact, your body is not at all impressive. he probably did push-ups before taking that photo / angle. photo of him without fraud:
yeah, but he's not natty, that nigger parties 24/7 prolly gets 0 sleep, and he also was a fucking twig at age 15-16
finally, someone smart


look at this dude. No dimorphism, no facial hair and probably low T with twig body.
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bro science? you are legit retarded, keep believing your surface info. If everyone had the same response to roids guys like Arnold wouldnt have won the Olympia 7 times. Failed bb competing in man physique didnt make it into mass monsters not cuz of their poor genetics (most mens physique guys when they used to be natty mogged arnold natty no problem) or because they didnt crack up the dosgae but cuz their response to drugs was shit.

what does roid rage have to do with androgen receptors sensitivity? :feelsuhh:
Nigga you dyslexic? I said range not rage

Humans are 99.98% similar genetically, outliers that respond very bad at roids should be super rare
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Nigga you dyslexic? I said range not rage

Humans are 99.98% similar genetically, outliers that respond very bad at roids should be super rare

yeah bro 99.9% similar :soy::soy:

Within only 9 months of training Dorian had already gained more muscle than most guys will gain through an entire lifetime of working out.


Kevin Levrone and Phil Heath are a couple more great examples.

Before taking bodybuilding seriously, they were just normal looking kids.

As soon as they started though, they blew up.

Phil Heath before and after
Kevin levrone before and after

but we have the same genetic response to drugs :soy::soy::soy:

They didn't gain 100 pounds of muscle off of 1 cycle obviously, however, genetically they most likely have a lower amount of Myostatin in the body naturally, thereby inhibiting their body from regulating how much muscle they can pack on.

Now, if average Joe with average Joe genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs

Why is this you ask?

Well, beyond the possibility of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than the average Joe, the most likely reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human and they have less Myostatin.

This is why if you injected absurd amounts of steroids into yourself every week you would never look like Jay Cutler, even if you were taking more drugs than he did.

Genetic response is HUGE in determining a bodybuilder’s development.

If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same.

There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics/genetic response to drugs.
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View attachment 1131316

yeah bro 99.9% similar :soy::soy:

Within only 9 months of training Dorian had already gained more muscle than most guys will gain through an entire lifetime of working out.

View attachment 1131318

Kevin Levrone and Phil Heath are a couple more great examples.

Before taking bodybuilding seriously, they were just normal looking kids.

As soon as they started though, they blew up.

Phil Heath before and after
Kevin levrone before and after

but we have the same genetic response to drugs :soy::soy::soy:

They didn't gain 100 pounds of muscle off of 1 cycle obviously, however, genetically they most likely have a lower amount of Myostatin in the body naturally, thereby inhibiting their body from regulating how much muscle they can pack on.

Now, if average Joe with average Joe genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs

Why is this you ask?

Well, beyond the possibility of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than the average Joe, the most likely reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human and they have less Myostatin.

This is why if you injected absurd amounts of steroids into yourself every week you would never look like Jay Cutler, even if you were taking more drugs than he did.

Genetic response is HUGE in determining a bodybuilder’s development.

If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same.

There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics/genetic response to drugs.
This is legit, MPMD was explaining this, brootal how few strands of DNA determine your sensitivity and responsiveness to drugs :feelswhy:
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View attachment 1131316

yeah bro 99.9% similar :soy::soy:

Within only 9 months of training Dorian had already gained more muscle than most guys will gain through an entire lifetime of working out.

View attachment 1131318

Kevin Levrone and Phil Heath are a couple more great examples.

Before taking bodybuilding seriously, they were just normal looking kids.

As soon as they started though, they blew up.

Phil Heath before and after
Kevin levrone before and after

but we have the same genetic response to drugs :soy::soy::soy:

They didn't gain 100 pounds of muscle off of 1 cycle obviously, however, genetically they most likely have a lower amount of Myostatin in the body naturally, thereby inhibiting their body from regulating how much muscle they can pack on.

Now, if average Joe with average Joe genetic response to anabolics took the exact same drugs, he probably wouldn’t even gain half as much muscle as the pro bodybuilder did who took those drugs

Why is this you ask?

Well, beyond the possibility of the pro bodybuilder training harder and eating better than the average Joe, the most likely reason is that the pro bodybuilder’s body simply responds far better to anabolics than the average human and they have less Myostatin.

This is why if you injected absurd amounts of steroids into yourself every week you would never look like Jay Cutler, even if you were taking more drugs than he did.

Genetic response is HUGE in determining a bodybuilder’s development.

If we took two guys, with the exact same diet and workout routine and gave them the exact same cycle, their gains would NOT be exactly the same.

There would be a difference, and that difference would be dictated by their genetics/genetic response to drugs.
Why do some people who train natty, bulk and then when they cut they say that they end up looking the same as before starting lifting, sounds suicidefuel inducing
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:what: If you even need to ask if that is achievable natty.....I have some bad news........

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