This is 1 girls perspective on dick size...

A 16cm dick measured with a tape, not "bonepressed" (some people here have carved indentations in their bones so they can measure an inch longer), already will hurt girls,
tell me youre joking. i think youre talking about 17cm
  • JFL
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tell me youre joking. i think youre talking about 17cm
Maybe you never fucked a girl in your life and you are measuring your dick from your sacrum "bonepressed".
Maybe you never fucked a girl in your life and you are measuring your dick from your sacrum "bonepressed".
im a permavirgin (read username and title), i did research on dick sizes so i checked various subreddits as well for anecdotal evidence and usually the problems start at 17,75cm bonepressed or 16.5-16.75cm non-bp
  • JFL
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im a permavirgin (read username and title), i did research on dick sizes so i checked various subreddits as well for anecdotal evidence and usually the problems start at 17,75cm bonepressed or 16.5-16.75cm non-bp

10C38AFB 8A0A 4169 8125 53EB00450604

  • JFL
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im a permavirgin (read username and title), i did research on dick sizes so i checked various subreddits as well for anecdotal evidence and usually the problems start at 17,75cm bonepressed or 16.5-16.75cm non-bp
Well, 16 cm as i said (non BP), and surely smaller than that depending on the size of the woman. Don't worry too much about dick size, worry about getting close to women in the first place.
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Maybe you never fucked a girl in your life and you are measuring your dick from your sacrum "bonepressed".
Why r u mad at bp calculation it prevents body fat to affect calculation
Why r u mad at bp calculation it prevents body fat to affect calculation
Because nobody sees your bonepressed length when you are naked, they see the non BP lenght, with all the fat pads and the small dick. Get lean and stop coping.
Because nobody sees your bonepressed length when you are naked, they see the non BP lenght, with all the fat pads and the small dick. Get lean and stop coping.
Yeah you are right that wise but statistical wise bp better
What about the 3 sensation points inside their vagina? They don't need those aroused? I mean they can do without having those aroused? At the sacrifice of what you've said?
They get aroused through the brain, dont need physical to make them wet
  • Hmm...
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They get aroused through the brain, dont need physical to make them wet

Show me science which backs up they don't need ANY physical to make them go wet.
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Show me science which backs up they don't need ANY physical to make them go wet.
Women often complaint about getting wet in certain situations without any contact. They also get their panties stained from this issue.
JFl at the scientific studies.
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Show me science which backs up they don't need ANY physical to make them go wet.
Women get wet reading 'romance' novels like 50 shades of grey lmao
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The only girls that care about dicksize are black women, and 99.9% of them are pig ugly so it’s all good (aslong as it’s not micro)
The only girls that care about dicksize are black women, and 99.9% of them are pig ugly so it’s all good (aslong as it’s not micro)
Major cope
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im a permavirgin (read username and title), i did research on dick sizes so i checked various subreddits as well for anecdotal evidence and usually the problems start at 17,75cm bonepressed or 16.5-16.75cm non-bp
Seems legit
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It’s called virtue signalling, on r/tinder a guy said he was 5’3”, the girl said “perfect” and then unmatched him
  • JFL
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Anyone that frames pain as a bad thing during sex isn’t blackpilled or is a virgin lmao. I’ve made women extremely sore and those are the ones that love it the most JFL
Ya with ur hands (spanking hair pulling choking etc) not with ur dick
The only girls that care about dicksize are black women, and 99.9% of them are pig ugly so it’s all good (aslong as it’s not micro)

six million years of evolution and only black women car about dick size
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I would assume most girls feel this way? I'm average size and no girl has ever said anything bad about my size.

View attachment 835921
lmao most girls do NOT feel this way. A few girls might, but most girls definitely think dick sizes matter, by a lot. The few girls that don't tend to be ugly and weird, and know that their looks aren't good enough to land a chad (which is saying a lot, since foids are always on easy mode and chads can literally fuck anything).

These facts are indisputable: 1) Foids talk. 2). Foids have a hive mentality. They talk to their friends. Their friends talk to their friends, and their friends talk to their friends, etc. etc. etc.

If a foid been with a guy who gave her the best sex of her life, her friends will want a piece of it, and if that chad fucks her friends, then she will brag about it to her friends, even ask for dick pics from the chad, and then the pics and rumors spread like wildfire to everyone in that group.

What makes you think foids want to stand out from their friend group and isolate themselves because they think differently than the group? You don't even see that with physical appearances and clothes they wear. Have you wondered why foids typically tend to wear the same types of clothes? Wondered it's not one foid who has the blonde highlights, it's ALL of the foids in that friend group with the blonde highlights? It's not just one foid with the booty short jeans. It's ALL of the foids with the booty short jeans? If this wasn't the case, and trends weren't a thing, then fast fashion wouldn't sell and Kylie Jenner would just be a obscure spoiled little bitch trying to make ends meet on OnlyFans instead of selling cosmetics for billions and inspiring a fucking trend that blows foids' lips into gargantuan sizes way back when.

When foids tell you dick sizes don't matter, they're bullshitting you. Plain and simple. Don't buy into their bullshit. They all, at some point, wanted to get properly dicked down by a huge dick. Foids lie to make THEMSELVES feel better, not you. It's not about you. it's never about you, so stop thinking otherwise.
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i consistently tell women on tinder that im 5'6 and they claim it "doesnt matter", so im gonna put this one down as a fat lie
Absolutely a fat lie. Height matters to all foids.
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if you're chad then u can get away with even a 4 incher, brutal. Im sure if u were a normie and said this she would block u instantly

This is somewhat true, though the foid will probably be getting fucked by a tyrone or another chad on the side. Foids want to be dicked down. It's in their biological nature to be with the most well-rounded person in all aspects, and that includes sex. Anyone telling you otherwise is bullshitting.

And the reason foids will be with a 4 inch Chad boils down to 2 things: 1) clout, and 2) mirage. The clout because if the Chad has a large following, or looks like he could have a large following, foids can take IG pics with him and it will boost her reputation of being hot, because if she wasn't, how would have she been able to land a chad? Segue to mirage. When foids look at a chad, because of his chad looks, he LOOKS like he has a big dick. All Chads, especially the blonde haired, blue eyed white Chads, have this effect on foids. It's facts. There's a reason why Asian guys, even Changs, have a hard time dating. It's because of the fact that Asians have small dicks. Even if there's the rare Chang that doesn't, because all foids start out assuming he does, Changs have a harder time dating and hooking up than their white counterparts. It's just facts.
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Irl story:

Female friend hooked up with a guy with a supposed 8 inch dick. Guy wanted to hook up again apparently but she told him no, cause he was too big. She joked that if she was with a guy and he pulled out a huge dick she would just get up and leave. Dick copers on suicide watch.

Foids are great liars. 8 inches probably hurt her but she would not hesitate to fuck a 6 or 7 incher. If someone looks average she would be left disappointed.
Women have told you

1. That they value personality over looks
2. That your bio is important on dating apps
3. That women value relationships way more than sex
4. That height doesn't really matter
5. That they love men who are emotional
6. That they love men who are sweet and kind
7. That race doesn't matter

Yet, if you are on this site, and you know all of this is bullshit.

Now, a woman is telling you that dick size doesn't matter, that being truthful is all that counts - and you are going to just blindly believe her?

The fact that the FDS subreddit gives tips to women to seek guys with "big dick energy" should be enough to show you what she says is bs.

I know you and I agree but I'll respond to this so in case any foids lurking can see:
1). Absolute lies. If not we would see supermodels dating ugly short guys in droves and it would balance everything out. We obviously don't see that.
2). Bio gets you into the door but looks are the ones that unlock the doorknob. There's no point in having a great bio if you can't hit it out of the park in the looks department. Sorry.
3). Absolutely not true. Never was, actually. It's just that back in the old days, it was a liability for foids to have sex with everyone because of lack of plan B and condoms and shit like that, and if you got pregnant then you basically were wearing a scarlet letter for the rest of your life. Now that the world is changing, along with modern feminism, foids are encouraged to go out and hook up with all of the Chads and leave the ugly men in the dust.
4). JFL. Height absolutely matters. I don't need to really explain this one.
5). Sure, if the foid is also either a) more of an emotional wreck and wants men to stoop down to her level of emotional intelligence and stability, or b) a foid in her mid-30s used up from fucking Chads in her 20s and early 30s who just wants a betabux to exploit and emotionally abuse and take advantage of.
6). Sweet and kind to probably to pets like dogs. Being sweet and kind to foids is a huge turnoff. Biologically, foids always want a man who can provide, first and foremost. If he can't provide her emotionally, then she'll look for it somewhere else.
7). Lol. If race didn't matter then why are so many Asian men, the race that makes the most money and is the least likely to beat and abuse their spouses, single in America and Europe? Foids will constantly avoid this topic to not look racist, but give them an anonymous username on a platform and they will tell you the truth: physicques matter, and asian men simply don't have it.
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The only girls that give you this bluepill Martin Luther King noble speech shit are either ugly, fat or both and they know their place.

This needs to be pinned.
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Anyone that frames pain as a bad thing during sex isn’t blackpilled or is a virgin lmao. I’ve made women extremely sore and those are the ones that love it the most JFL


no homo
Last edited:
Absolutely a fat lie. Height matters to all foids.
Jfl half the girls literally have like “short kings swipe left” or whatever in their bios 😭😂. “Oh you’re 5’6, that’s cool”😫😫😭
Ya with ur hands (spanking hair pulling choking etc) not with ur dick
JFL if your primary sexual organ causes no pain to women. You become forgettable
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JFL if your primary sexual organ causes no pain to women. You become forgettable
Yes bro just fcuk her until she tears and bleeds theory
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I've had
with an average sized dick by using a bullet vibrator on a girls clit while fucking her. I think it's pretty easy to make a girl orgasm while fucking her (unless you're super small) if you use a clit vibrator at the same time because it hasn't failed me yet.

I've also had one girl call me her hero for making her cum so hard when I went down on her and one tell me I deserve a medal for eating pussy.

So eating pussy well is legit.

I only have 16 lays so take what I say with a grain of salt because that's not a huge sample size.

I'd spend my money on making my face better before I'd spend it on making my dick bigger. Female orgasm seems to be more tightly correlated to partner physical attractiveness than dick size.'s_masculinity_and_attractiveness_predict_their_female_partners'_reported_orgasm_frequency_and_timing
suicidefuel. you guys are such slayers
suicidefuel. you guys are such slayers
None of them stayed with me though, and ultimately that's what I want. In fact the one who called me her hero was my most recent ex who I worshipped and one day out of the blue she decided she needed to find herself or some shit. I just can't compete long term with all the other options women have.
  • So Sad
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Girls don't know what they want, you have to show them btw there's a youtuber called vicbucks and he was hosting a discussion with a girl and 2 guys, one was black and like 6'7 the other was asian was 5'7 and had like a 10 inch dick supposedly he sent a picture to vic bucks to confirm and she admits she would fuck the Asian dude in the end, btw she is 5'8 but I think he had clout on instagram or twitter aswell
Yes bro just fcuk her until she tears and bleeds theory
Pain and pleasure are closely linked with females
  • +1
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Girls don't know what they want, you have to show them btw there's a youtuber called vicbucks and he was hosting a discussion with a girl and 2 guys, one was black and like 6'7 the other was asian was 5'7 and had like a 10 inch dick supposedly he sent a picture to vic bucks to confirm and she admits she would fuck the Asian dude in the end, btw she is 5'8 but I think he had clout on instagram or twitter aswell
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It goes like this

some girls HATE big dicks, they’ve had a horrible experience in the past, they refuse to fuck big dicks. These girls are rare.

there’s girls who like big dicks but they don’t absolutely need a big dick. They consider it a bonus but it’s barely important at all. Think of it like a six pack, cherry on top but most girls aren’t exclusively into guys with six packs even though they all like six packs. This is THE most common type of girl. Chances are, every girl you know is this type of girl.

and then there’s size queens, these girls ONLY like big dicks. Lots of them refuse to have sex with men below a certain size. These girls are just as rare as the ones who hate big dicks.
That girl from England has only had sex with 1 person so I doubt she's a size queen and she's not a slut

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