this is average noodlewhore side profile

It's obviously possible for their to be superiority or inferiority based on race. But I don't think there is here when comparing the average western foid to the average asian foid. Neither is particularly amazing.

Most of you want white women because of your ego - they're the hardest to get, so you feel like they're more valuable. It's the same fallacy as when some normies claim cleaners work really hard, so they should be paid much higher wages. But just as your salary isn't based off how hard you work, neither does the difficulty of obtaining a foid say anything about it's objective attractiveness.
it does not apply for me.
you gotta know that judging people's mindset based on your experience or expectation can be irrelevant for many case than you expect.
i actually feel they are more beautiful due to forward growth.
if you see actual average asian foids, they look flat as fuck. i mean, the panface is even a term.
edit- and i didnt even know that white foids were 'that' hard to get because ive never been to west, im really depressed that i can't get one after i figured out they hate asian guys. so your case doesn't apply to me at all.
I said average white men mog average asian guys, thats all i said. Never said white people mog asian people as a whole.
so you dont think average asian foids are getting mogged by white foids?
i respect it bro.
It's obviously possible for their to be superiority or inferiority based on race. But I don't think there is here when comparing the average western foid to the average asian foid. Neither is particularly amazing.

Most of you want white women because of your ego - they're the hardest to get, so you feel like they're more valuable. It's the same fallacy as when some normies claim cleaners work really hard, so they should be paid much higher wages. But just as your salary isn't based off how hard you work, neither does the difficulty of obtaining a foid say anything about it's objective attractiveness.
smash every pussy you can get is the only way for these mentalcel to actually ascend
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it does not apply for me.
you gotta know that judging people's mindset based on your experience or expectation can be irrelevant for many case than you expect.
i actually feel they are more beautiful due to forward growth.
if you see actual average asian foids, they look flat as fuck. i mean, the panface is even a term.
edit- and i didnt even know that white foids were 'that' hard to get because ive never been to west, im really depressed that i can't get one after i figured out they hate asian guys. so your case doesn't apply to me at all.

so you dont think average asian foids are getting mogged by white foids?
i respect it bro.
you really just need to lower your standards man, thats your problem
you really just need to lower your standards man, thats your problem
ikr. but i just can't settle for flat faced girls.
i know its not their fault so im not blaming them.
i just dont get attracted to them at all.
it obviously has something to do with my selfhate too.
like i love stereoscopic side profile so bad. even average white girls look goddess descended from sky.
ikr. but i just can't settle for flat faced girls.
i know its not their fault so im not blaming them.
i just dont get attracted to them at all.
it obviously has something to do with my selfhate too.
like i love stereoscopic side profile so bad. even average white girls look goddess descended from sky.
and i wanna fuck the girl in your avatar but that wont ever happen. Just gotta come to reality man, nobody in these forums are landing a top tier woman.
and i wanna fuck the girl in your avatar but that wont ever happen. Just gotta come to reality man, nobody in these forums are landing a top tier woman.
i dont think you consider average white woman as a top tier woman at all according to your past statements.
you mean compared to my face?if this is the case, if you think average white foids are garbage and they are top tier compared to me why are you suggesting me to continue the miserable life.
Of course i dont, top tier woman are top tier woman. Average are average, regarding what race it is. I never said average white girls are garbage lmao. Garbage is garbage. IM telling you to lower your standards cause you arent landing any stacies or beckys. Theres white men out there who cant even land any, what makes you think you will as an average asian? Your standards are way too high. MOneymaxx and get some surgeries then youll see a difference. @toolateforme
IM telling you to lower your standards cause you arent landing any stacies or beckys. Theres white men out there who cant even land any, what makes you think you will as an average asian?
ok you mean my standard is too high compared to my face and i can never get even average white girl.
why even bother beating around the bush?
you are keep talking as it is same as trying to get barbara palvin or some shit.
i don't think wanting average white girl is generally considered getting model tier top 1 percent girls.
what you are saying is just proving that you think i am subhuman worthless fuck.
just tell me to kill myself bro if that's what you wanna say.
ok you mean my standard is too high compared to my face and i can never get even average white girl.
why even bother beating around the bush?
you are keep talking as it is same as trying to get barbara palvin or some shit.
i don't think wanting average white girl is generally considered getting model tier top 1 percent girls.
what you are saying is just proving that you think i am subhuman worthless fuck.
just tell me to kill myself bro if that's what you wanna say.
Im saying you need to lower your standards and date an asian girl, youre not gonna have much luck with an average white girl, unless you moneymaxx and get surgeries. Its possible imo.
Im saying you need to lower your standards and date an asian girl, youre not gonna have much luck with an average white girl, unless you moneymaxx and get surgeries. Its possible imo.

i know i don't have chance i can literally know by watching mirror.
yeah if i wanna maintain my life i should lower my standard and surgerymaxx as possible.
but i would need to compensate a lot of things.
I will not have youth, even after all those surgeries, i am not sure i will look good or not. surgeries are so irrelevant unlike looksmaxxer's hope.
its really hard pill for me to swallow. its really hard to cope with it and accept the fate without killing myself.
i don't know if i will maintain my miserable life.
i know i don't have chance i can literally know by watching mirror.
yeah if i wanna maintain my life i should lower my standard and surgerymaxx as possible.
but i would need to compensate a lot of things.
I will not have youth, even after all those surgeries, i am not sure i will look good or not. surgeries are so irrelevant unlike looksmaxxer's hope.
its really hard pill for me to swallow. its really hard to cope with it and accept the fate without killing myself.
i don't know if i will maintain my miserable life.
honestly man youre on the wrong forums then, this is a looksmaxxing forum. Dont be beta and a bitch, do whatever it takes to ascend and you will ascend. Things will only get better and better for you each surgery you get. Careermax and moneymaxx at the same time. Youre still young, you have time. Plus 30 is the new 20 for men.
i know i don't have chance i can literally know by watching mirror.
yeah if i wanna maintain my life i should lower my standard and surgerymaxx as possible.
but i would need to compensate a lot of things.
I will not have youth, even after all those surgeries, i am not sure i will look good or not. surgeries are so irrelevant unlike looksmaxxer's hope.
its really hard pill for me to swallow. its really hard to cope with it and accept the fate without killing myself.
i don't know if i will maintain my miserable life.
Also get off instagram, stop worshipping these models living these good lives, traveling and shit. Focus on yourself.
honestly man youre on the wrong forums then, this is a looksmaxxing forum. Dont be beta and a bitch, do whatever it takes to ascend and you will ascend. Things will only get better and better for you each surgery you get. Careermax and moneymaxx at the same time. Youre still young, you have time. Plus 30 is the new 20 for men.

Also get off instagram, stop worshipping these models living these good lives, traveling and shit. Focus on yourself.
I'll think about it. death looked so tempting so far.
Roping is for beta fucks. Ascend and live a better life.
idk for that.
ugly people coping with money looked so worse to me.
but i agree about surgerymax.
still i can't get away with my asian pheno
idk for that.
ugly people coping with money looked so worse to me.
but i agree about surgerymax.
still i can't get away with my asian pheno
Just become the best version of yourself. Cant do much about your pheno but thats fine
cringe at gook fetishists
Just become the best version of yourself. Cant do much about your pheno but thats fine
why don't you suggest rope?
its pretty much fucked to be ugly gook. my best version will be still look awful.
why don't you suggest rope?
its pretty much fucked to be ugly gook. my best version will be still look awful.
Cause i saw your pics, youre average rn, after surgeries youll look better, you have potential. Yourr starting off as average not below average which is perfect for a looksmaxxer
Cause i saw your pics, youre average rn, after surgeries youll look better, you have potential. Yourr starting off as average not below average which is perfect for a looksmaxxer
yeah, average for asian guys who are the most subhuman species ever.
i might have hope if my maxilla is enhancable, but currently midface cannot be shortened, and i dont think it is possible to bring forward. ive talked to korean implant surgeon and he said its impossible to resemble forward growth. maybe jaw surgery? but it is my nasal airway where my midface is sunken so i dont know about this too.
my brow ridge is inexistent. it doesnt hood my eyelid because of my asian phenotype. this is impossible to fix too.
and i will be so old by the time even if i do all the surgeries.
I've attended three different universities in the UK, and I still have never seen all these white models that PSL claims I should be seeing. I've also rarely ever seen a girl who looks like a kpop star in the street - and I've lived in Thailand nearly 3 and a half years.

But here you all just post models and claim it proves some sort of point.

Tbf, UK women are notoriously known for being ugly across Europe. I wonder if your opinion would be the same in Western and Northern Europe. Heck, even Eastern Europe. Would you still feel like the average Thai (or asian in general) is equivalent to the average Ukrainian / Russian? I guess looking in the general population it can be hard to tell, as there's a lot of old and ugly people, but try to walk on a University campus with a ton of 20 year olds in both countries, who mogs who?

I don't think the average white girl in the west mogs the average asian girl.

Oh man, our opinions are so different lol, with me it's the other way around. I think the average white girl mogs the living shit out of the average asian girl. Like it isn't even close. An example of that is maybe Japan (I've never been there, but I've seen footage from there), they all have crooked / fucked up teeth and having a really bad looking face is not even that uncommon. Even to some degree having a deformed face isn't even uncommon. They're also really flat with no curves.

I'd agree the top white girls mog the top asians. But you aint getting a top girl of any race buddyboyo, and neither is anyone else here, so time to suck it up and fuck some average foid like most of the rest of the world has to.

Here our opinion is different again lol. I think top asians are competitive with top whites. As a matter of fact, the hottest girl I've ever seen was asian. But I think maybe our definition of top asians are vastly different. The skinny kpop models linked eariler in this thread aren't what I consider a top asian, in my opinion they get mogged to the moon and back by 7-8/10 whites.

This is an example of a top tier asian for me: (NSFW)

Also this girl:

The subreddit r/paag is a gold mine for these types of girls.

It's literally hard for me to come up with examples of whites that mog these two. Can't even think of a single white pornstar, except for maybe Violet Starr, she can't compete in terms of curves, but there's something about her face that I'm really attracted to.

You also have this girl that is british / colombian: Idk if she has a fake ass or not (if she does she obviously loses some points).

Shiori Tsukada (japanese pornstar) also mogs most white pornstars in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that in my opinion top asians are competitive with top whites, but being a top asian might be quite a bit rarer than being a top white. Top white maybe being 1 in 20, 1 in 50 or so, maybe even 1 in 100, while top asians are maybe 1 in 100 or 1 in 500 or some shit.

EDIT: Damn, the gif's are really huge, you should probably click on them for a better viewing experience.
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Tbf, UK women are notoriously known for being ugly across Europe. I wonder if your opinion would be the same in Western and Northern Europe. Heck, even Eastern Europe. Would you still feel like the average Thai (or asian in general) is equivalent to the average Ukrainian / Russian? I guess looking in the general population it can be hard to tell, as there's a lot of old and ugly people, but try to walk on a University campus with a ton of 20 year olds in both countries, who mogs who?

Oh man, our opinions are so different lol, with me it's the other way around. I think the average white girl mogs the living shit out of the average asian girl. Like it isn't even close. An example of that is maybe Japan (I've never been there, but I've seen footage from there), they all have crooked / fucked up teeth and having a really bad looking face is not even that uncommon. Even to some degree having a deformed face isn't even uncommon. They're also really flat with no curves.

Here our opinion is different again lol. I think top asians are competitive with top whites. As a matter of fact, the hottest girl I've ever seen was asian. But I think maybe our definition of top asians are vastly different. The skinny kpop models linked eariler in this thread aren't what I consider a top asian, in my opinion they get mogged to the moon and back by 7-8/10 whites.

This is an example of a top tier asian for me: (NSFW)

Also this girl:

The subreddit r/paag is a gold mine for these types of girls.

It's literally hard for me to come up with examples of whites that mog these two. Can't even think of a single white pornstar, except for maybe Violet Starr, she can't compete in terms of curves, but there's something about her face that I'm really attracted to.

You also have this girl that is british / colombian: Idk if she has a fake ass or not (if she does she obviously loses some points).

Shiori Tsukada (japanese pornstar) also mogs most white pornstars in my opinion. I guess what I'm trying to say is that in my opinion top asians are competitive with top whites, but being a top asian might be quite a bit rarer than being a top white. Top white maybe being 1 in 20, 1 in 50 or so, maybe even 1 in 100, while top asians are maybe 1 in 100 or 1 in 500 or some shit.

EDIT: Damn, the gif's are really huge, you should probably click on them for a better viewing experience.

i agree with your overall statement.
looking close to white as possible is considered beautiful in korea.
that's why hapas are being worshipped in asian country.
average asians have sunken maxilla which nose airway area is retruded even before eyeballs.
average asians have no nasal bridge and no forehead to protect the eye area which makes eyeballs protruding.(almost 99percent of population has eyeballs protruding which is rediculous) average asians have bimaxillary protrusion. there are so much flaws its not even funny people comparing average whites to average asian girls.


this is what they do. she was obviously trying to resemble white phenotype.
and yeah, left one looks subhuman as fuck.
because average asian phenotype is utter subhuman compared to average caucasian phenotype.
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Tbf, UK women are notoriously known for being ugly across Europe. I wonder if your opinion would be the same in Western and Northern Europe. Heck, even Eastern Europe. Would you still feel like the average Thai (or asian in general) is equivalent to the average Ukrainian / Russian? I guess looking in the general population it can be hard to tell, as there's a lot of old and ugly people, but try to walk on a University campus with a ton of 20 year olds in both countries, who mogs who?

'Even' Eastern Europe? Well Eastern Europe kicks the shit out of Western Europe (if you disagree, then I know it's 100% ego and valuing things that are harder to get, cos even normies acknowledge the fact that EE women >>> WE women) so yeah, obviously they'd be a class above.

No idea about how it'd be in Germany/France or whatever. Keep in mind a ton of foids in the west are fat nowadays, and that needs to be factored into the overall 'average look'.

Oh man, our opinions are so different lol, with me it's the other way around. I think the average white girl mogs the living shit out of the average asian girl. Like it isn't even close. An example of that is maybe Japan (I've never been there, but I've seen footage from there), they all have crooked / fucked up teeth and having a really bad looking face is not even that uncommon. Even to some degree having a deformed face isn't even uncommon. They're also really flat with no curves.

Having a really bad looking face isn't at all uncommon among UK girls either. I can only speak for where I've personally seen - but the UK is undeniably a white country, as is America with all the turbo mcfatfucks there, you don't just get to edit them out to boost the overall 'average'.
'Even' Eastern Europe? Well Eastern Europe kicks the shit out of Western Europe (if you disagree, then I know it's 100% ego and valuing things that are harder to get, cos even normies acknowledge the fact that EE women >>> WE women) so yeah, obviously they'd be a class above.

No idea about how it'd be in Germany/France or whatever. Keep in mind a ton of foids in the west are fat nowadays, and that needs to be factored into the overall 'average look'.

Having a really bad looking face isn't at all uncommon among UK girls either. I can only speak for where I've personally seen - but the UK is undeniably a white country, as is America with all the turbo mcfatfucks there, you don't just get to edit them out to boost the overall 'average'.
Fat girls and plastic surgerymaxxed girls should not be even counted.
And I dont know what you are talking about 'valuing they cant get'. In fact, psychologically opposite cases are dominant.
people usually value the ones they can get easily. Look at all those yellow fever cucks. People often devalue the ones they can not have subconsciously it happens always. It's even in the definition case of coping mechanism.
As I told you, your presume about other people's mind can be often irrelevant.
i dont understand how they get dick with that face.
In my 2 months of online dating, I have only received eagerness from two women
1) A Filipina
2) A Chinese woman
There you go :)
I'm not even going to count the white 58 year old BBW. Let's just pretend that never happened.

Asian women can get the white guys who are desperate.

I used to date a slim busty pretty brown girl I met off PSL. But I can't seem to attract a woman like that off online dating apps.
In my 2 months of online dating, I have only received eagerness from two women
1) A Filipina
2) A Chinese woman
There you go :)
I'm not even going to count the white 58 year old BBW. Let's just pretend that never happened.

Asian women can get the white guys who are desperate.

I used to date a slim busty pretty brown girl I met off PSL. But I can't seem to attract a woman like that off online dating apps.
Ik. Men dont pick girls. It was my mistake to say that I dont understand.
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Ik. Men dont pick girls. It was my mistake to say that I dont understand.
To quote YouTuber VVS, men don't choose women, MEN GET CHOSEN
I got chosen by a Filipina when she viewed my profile (IOI, though it's not a 100% guarantee IOI. In her case it was though). And then I messaged her.
My Chinese gf messaged me first.
My Punjabi ex-gf messaged me first.
Yogapants (my PSL ex) messaged me first.

See a pattern?
If you message a girl first (unless she gave you some sort of IOI like creeping your profile. And not all women who look at your profile are going to be eager for you. But it narrows things down for you), the odds that she is going to like you is very slim unless you're Chad or a Chadlite.
  • +1
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Fat girls and plastic surgerymaxxed girls should not be even counted.
And I dont know what you are talking about 'valuing they cant get'. In fact, psychologically opposite cases are dominant.
people usually value the ones they can get easily. Look at all those yellow fever cucks. People often devalue the ones they can not have subconsciously it happens always. It's even in the definition case of coping mechanism.
As I told you, your presume about other people's mind can be often irrelevant.

Of course they should all be counted if you're looking at the 'average' girl. If the average weight in country X is 20kg more than in country Y, that matters.

Also, remember: what you want is entirely irrelevant in any case. I want to drive a bugatti and have threesomes with prime Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, but it aint gonna happen.
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I wish I could get 1 match on a dating website....just 1.
Of course they should all be counted if you're looking at the 'average' girl. If the average weight in country X is 20kg more than in country Y, that matters.

Also, remember: what you want is entirely irrelevant in any case. I want to drive a bugatti and have threesomes with prime Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez, but it aint gonna happen.
i only talk about genetic quality like facial bones and phenotypes. If everything mattered I wouldve counted PS too.
The other guy might've been different from me though.
I wish I could get 1 match on a dating website....just 1.
i dont even try cuz girls will disgusted by me.
View attachment 92993
literally 99percent of noodle people's side profile looks like this.
maxilla is flat as a fucking pancake
mandible has grown downwards because her maxilla is pressed with pan so it got elongated downwards.

View attachment 92994

inb4 average white female 2019

its over for noodlewhores.
average white girls aren't much better than average asian girls
their front isn't much better :LOL:
i got repulsed to the idea of fucking noodlewhores because i realized females and males look very similar. everytime i see a noodlewhore i picture the face of an ugly gook male
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their front isn't much better :LOL:
i got repulsed to the idea of fucking noodlewhores because i realized females and males look very similar. everytime i see a noodlewhore i picture the face of an ugly gook male
Does this ugly gook repulse you?


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I don't get the hatred for noodlebitches tbh

I find all women attractive regardless of race.. There's even some Bollywood curry beauties that exist.

I love Asian girls. especially white-skinned Chinese girls with slim bodies, perky breasts and beautiful almond eyes
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Hes decent looking but i seen much better looking asian guys lol.
Asian guys imo never look good as masculine, because they don't have masculine facial features like western guys. That's why Korean pop idols are famous for their looks
One thing i wil say about Average Asians vs Average white girls

With white girls there's a good chance you're gonna get a nice pair of titties to suck and play with, and maybe a nice ass to view while your pounding the living crap out of her from behind.

Most East Asian girls are flat chested and flat assed.
Hence the slang term "panface"
Well you're both posting girls that are well above the average tbh.

Average white girl is something like this:

View attachment 93011

Average asian would be something like this

View attachment 93013

Bottom line is: there's no fucking magical country anywhere where the average girl is smoking hot and easy to lay. Average girls are rarely anything to write home about no matter where you are. They're fuckable, but not worth bragging about.

I think the white girl's hot and mogs the Asian. Better than average imo

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