This place is both a blessing and a curse.



Jun 1, 2024
I know a few people in real life that have gotten into the whole looksmaxxing thing and as far as I'm aware use this website and I've noticed them change, they've become physically more attractive yes but they are also miserable in real life now, but as many times as I'll ask them they'll tell me that it was worth it, and that they're happy they could improve their looks even at the cost of their own happiness since they're now full of new insecurities and constantly compare themselves to others.

It's effected me in a slightly different way, as depressing as a thing that the blackpill can be, I've honestly been happier ever since I got the honest ratings on this website, where people were genuinely pointing out issues I have and telling me what I needed to fix them, even if it was in a brutal and occasionally harsh manner. I think the main reason I feel like this is because I prefer honestly better, beforehand I was on subreddits asking people there about my looks and advice and I would rarely receive anything that was actually helpful, people would give me a 6 or 7 and say I looked normal and didn't need to work on anything, but I felt like I had always had that subconscious feeling in the back of my mind that it wasn't really true, and ever since coming on the site I've been happier, at least now I have an idea of what I need to do to improve my looks and finally be able to ascend.

This has all led me to the realization that blackpill isn't really for everyone as much as I see it being pushed on this site, it could wreck you or make you better and it's a total 50/50. I guess it just depends on if you rather a comforting lie or the brutal truth.
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Reactions: boss8055, mewingmaxxer, Gaia262 and 5 others
DNRD but im happy for u tho, or sorry that happend
I know a few people in real life that have gotten into the whole looksmaxxing thing and as far as I'm aware use this website and I've noticed them change, they've become physically more attractive yes but they are also miserable in real life now, but as many times as I'll ask them they'll tell me that it was worth it, and that they're happy they could improve their looks even at the cost of their own happiness since they're now full of new insecurities and constantly
Tell me u are lying bro.
How do you become more attractive through soft looksmaxxing?
No dude, I've seen them physically change.
Nigga im talking about the fact that normies claim to be "blackpilled" I think u are lying. Maybe just have body dysmorphia from gym shit but they are too dumb to actually process the truth
Nigga im talking about the fact that normies claim to be "blackpilled" I think u are lying. Maybe just have body dysmorphia from gym shit but they are too dumb to actually process the truth
What do you mean?
  • +1
Reactions: 1ofcyberjunk
This has all led me to the realization that blackpill isn't really for everyone as much as I see it being pushed on this site, it could wreck you or make you better and it's a total 50/50. I guess it just depends on if you rather a comforting lie or the brutal truth.

There's a russian saying: "The same hot water that hardens the egg, softens the potato"

Ironically enough, the only thing that actually got me to give a shit about losing weight and not be fat was the blackpill and how important bf% is for looking better. By any standard, the BP has improved my life, SMV aside, literally extending my lifespan by 20 years or so. Yet if you talk to any normie about the blackpill they will recoil like you are trying to feed them poison. Why? because I'm an egg and they are a potato. Conversely, I genuinely don't care about motivational IG reels or virtue signally pep talks, in fact it would make me resentful, yet a lot of normies like it and say it works well on them.

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