This site is so fucking funny

Fake news, I debunked everything in the thread with my girlfriend's hair + ignored after that 15 years old autistic kid who kept spamming me with off topic after seeing that I didn't reply to him every fucking second of the day (that's why he decided to make new posts, he thought I'd come back to give him attention again if he thought I'd feel threatened), since before those thereads were even posted.

This is my own personal Insta:
View attachment 3008039

My Gf Insta:
View attachment 3008052

Here's him spamming me on the original thread:
View attachment 3008041

I don't care if some subhumans kids on this forum believe me or not. I don't have time to replay every post or comment or question any retard anime pfp less than a month account has about my life to prove that (that's why I didn't even write anything on threads posted by him, and I stopped paying any attention to him long before when he started spamming me with off topic)
Hahahahah whenever you are told to post a photo of you and your gf holding a paper with your username you vanish , a photo of an insta profile is easy to be faked .
By the way, the guy you are larping as is 20 not 25 , just telling you so you can larpmaxx better .
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Nt is what matters
I’m biased but I’d say America is best if you are non nt because of the culture and foids being more aggressive to approach etc. and culture makes it so cold approach etc is more socially acceptable.

I’d say the UK is the best country if you’re NT as you can be legit subhuman and slay.

But it’s the worst if you’re non nt
shut the fuck up, i’m 6”5 , mtn+ and i live in london and im khhv at 17, every girl i’ve ever wanted rejected me so please get a reality check
shut the fuck up, i’m 6”5 , mtn+ and i live in london and im khhv at 17, every girl i’ve ever wanted rejected me so please get a reality check
Brutal I got 185 likes in one day in London and found it was terra easy. London is like the easiest city to slay in in the UK due to the sheer amount of foids in such a dense over.

You are deffo not mtn
Brutal I got 185 likes in one day in London and found it was terra easy. London is like the easiest city to slay in in the UK due to the sheer amount of foids in such a dense over.

You are deffo not mtn
i am, i’ve been rated by many people, plus i got 42 like in a hour on tinder it doesn’t mean anything
The niggas on this site are just hilarious in general icl
Nah most slayers arent NT, most NT people LTR or makybe hookup every now and then. Its low inhib niggas that slay constatnly, you need a certain type of personality to want a life like that.
idk what world ur living in, but most slayers are NT and no being a little weird doesn't make u non nt
  • +1
Reactions: perpetuallytired and WishIwasChico
@vinn98 and myself could be a chad
You know what's up. But low trust? Cheers mate. Ist Krieg. Did we talk about black metal before?
Yes in a thread about Xasthur. But I looked at the pics I have saved of you and you definitely look machiavellian low trust with solid bone mass.

  • Love it
Reactions: infini
Yes in a thread about Xasthur. But I looked at the pics I have saved of you and you definitely look machiavellian low trust with solid bone mass.

Compared to that batch I'm in the top 50% I'm quite proud looking at those in comparison. I completely agree with the bone mog, everyone and I mean everyone on here underestimates how massive my skull and jawline are. I look high-class there, Brad Pitt Interview With The Vampire style but times have changed. JFL at the overall autistic photo saving fucking hell some users have no lives... Anyway, credit where credit's due this is me now:

Muh Subhuman.


Oh speaking of me as Machiavellian, send me photos of @WishIwasChico since he's that much of a high-inhib pussy to. Or you @the BULL.
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  • +1
Reactions: vinn98
Compared to that batch I'm in the top 50% I'm quite proud looking at those in comparison. I completely agree with the bone mog, everyone and I mean everyone on here underestimates how massive my skull and jawline are. I look high-class there, Brad Pitt Interview With The Vampire style but times have changed. JFL at the overall autistic photo saving fucking hell some users have no lives... Anyway, credit where credit's due this is me now:

Muh Subhuman.


Oh speaking of me as Machiavellian, send me photos of @WishIwasChico since he's that much of a pussy to.
I will add those new pics to my collection since they show your skull shape better, I need a catalogue of every PSL member for mog battles.
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Yes in a thread about Xasthur. But I looked at the pics I have saved of you and you definitely look machiavellian low trust with solid bone mass.

You just doxxed a bunch of people lmao
  • JFL
Reactions: Pollorex
I will add those new pics to my collection since they show your skull shape better, I need a catalogue of every PSL member for mog battles.
Do the rest I mentioned.

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